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Farmers Market for Clones in Clearlake..

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Active member
Have you tried to combat the root aphids with predator nematodes? Seems like those hunter-killers would be perfectly suited for this pest.

What about Spinosad? I read about good results with that stuff. I use it for caterpoillars at the beginning of Bloom. Dr Jacks Deadbug.


Active member
One grower on another site says that after trying everything including the predator nematodes (which helped but did not eradicate) he would throw everything else out the door and only use Spinosad which did the job.


Bro Spinosad does not stop root aphids. I promise. The only way to get rid of them is to throw every thing away, clean up, start over with new UNROOTED clones from a room that does not have winged root aphids


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
let's take this root aphid discussion over to one of the three root aphid threads going right now, mmmkay?
spinosad is much more effective against thrips and caterpillars than root aphids, btw. if spinosad did the job dude either had a very minor infestation, a different pest that looked similar, or both.


root aphids are a huge deal to be spreading around in cuts

Just FYI...(needs to be said, not meaning to clutter thread)

Theres no other choice than a pyrethrin based product for an infestation. Organically speaking. Bifenthrin is used as a soil drench also but is synthetic pyrethrin and NOT organic.


1.4% Pyrethrin - OMRI listed botanical pesticide derived from chrysanthemums

soil drench

I'd feed any cut that came in your shop that stuff, ya just cant be to careful

I hit every cut I bring home with it after learning my lesson the hard way. My last untreated cut from a club was blue dream from GKG.

thats part of farmin


Active member
Theres no other choice than a pyrethrin based product for an infestation. Organically speaking. Bifenthrin is used as a soil drench also but is synthetic pyrethrin and NOT organic.

While I am not doubting that Pyrethrin will work, I would not say that "there is no other choice"... the more I look, the more success I see with Spinosad. Being a biological control rather than a poison like Pyrethrin, its less likely that the target pest will develop a tolerance.

Pyrethrin "bombs" are beyond notorius for working the first time, but not the second... and they almost never work the third time.

If Pyrethrins have worked for you in the past I would seriously consider working them into a plan that rotates between as many viable controls as possible.

I know that the crew at GKG are taking this seriously and will be taking the measures required to stamp this out. I have not been able to find Spinosad in any form other than the Ready To Use spray bottles...found those at Sparetime in Willits. I just ordered concentrate from the interwebs...

The large sized concentrate of Captain Jack's Deadbug with Spiniosad is available at Sloat Garden centers in Cali.


every clone ive ever gotten from gkg has brought me and my patients nothing but the best quality plants. Vendors are not reliable but GKG is always on top of things!!!
I thought i saw some banana kush clones at gkg a while back? If anybody can find this strain i highly recomend it. Very very high thc content and nice stacked bract bud stucture. omg this is some really good medicine.

oh and you should all grab that purple nepal too, its very good also!

and 2 cents on the coral reef. everybody has gotten a nug or bag or plant of something and it just didnt really do it for them but then the guy down the street has the same strain and it turns out really really good. They dont look/smell/taste the same but the plants have the same name. Ive seen this a bunch. urkle and TW are good examples

Yes, but coral reef is not one you can associate with that statement. We have all seen weed that was great from someone else. We have also all seen weed that was dirt everywhere:tiphat:
Don't want to beat a dead horse, but let's not claim something is when it isn't. It's how that cut became The "coral reef" everyone was looking for. It wasn't. But it's still all love:cathug: It's why we have to test things out ourselves-half the fun right:artist:


spinosad is NOT an effective solution to soil based pests like ROOT aphids and fungus gnats

If you take the time to look at the product I recommend you'll notice its meant as a SOIL DRENCH and will KILL soil born pests without harming our plants. It isnt systemic.

I am mentioning this for all the suppliers of cuts. We all know that GKG does all the can to provide the best product they can.

Root aphids are TINY lil fawkers and maybe some of you ole timers are missin something (descriptive NOT derogatory ^ :laughing: !!!)

I would NEVER use a pyrethrin BOMB(airborne) for a root aphid problem, lol. Or for any other reason. I am only saying to use a pyrethrin soil drench if you have an INFESTATION and need to go nuclear as you can while being organic. Theres no pest tollerance issue in this case, this is new to them.

While I am not doubting that Pyrethrin will work, I would not say that "there is no other choice"... the more I look, the more success I see with Spinosad. Being a biological control rather than a poison like Pyrethrin, its less likely that the target pest will develop a tolerance.

Pyrethrin "bombs" are beyond notorius for working the first time, but not the second... and they almost never work the third time.

If Pyrethrins have worked for you in the past I would seriously consider working them into a plan that rotates between as many viable controls as possible.

I know that the crew at GKG are taking this seriously and will be taking the measures required to stamp this out. I have not been able to find Spinosad in any form other than the Ready To Use spray bottles...found those at Sparetime in Willits. I just ordered concentrate from the interwebs...

The large sized concentrate of Captain Jack's Deadbug with Spiniosad is available at Sloat Garden centers in Cali.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I have had another patient who reported a root aphid issue about the same time expert came in and got his plants. We eliminated the root aphid vendor a while before our move. I do hear this is a vicious problem this year with many clubs.
We operate in a farmers market format and we cant possibly check every plant that come in with the vendors (it can be 100s of plants in a day) but I will try to do an inspection on everything I can. We don't keep clones except on a day to day basis now. In a farmers market type situation quality control is the vendors responsibility but feedback is the most valuable tool we have in keeping or eliminating vendors.
I suggest anyone who comes to get clones inspect them from top to bottom with a good magnifier and I will try to do the same. We will provide a 40x lighted loop to check the clones with.

Humble.. the og seeds were originally from cali connection and they look like they are all popping!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Just to clarify things since we are reorganizing our farmers market so the vendors will now be on site to sell directly to you..
We will can guarantee our "in house" products that come directly from what we produce.. clones meds etc.
The vendor will have to guarantee their product which is a little difficult if they only vend a few times so we are really going to open the market up and allow you to get that guarantee from the vendor themselves by allowing our vendors to give you their contact info just in case..
and if you have doubts get that information.


Active member
spinosad is NOT an effective solution to soil based pests like ROOT aphids and fungus gnats

If you take the time to look at the product I recommend you'll notice its meant as a SOIL DRENCH and will KILL soil born pests without harming our plants. It isnt systemic.

I am mentioning this for all the suppliers of cuts. We all know that GKG does all the can to provide the best product they can.

Root aphids are TINY lil fawkers and maybe some of you ole timers are missin something (descriptive NOT derogatory ^ :laughing: !!!)

I would NEVER use a pyrethrin BOMB(airborne) for a root aphid problem, lol. Or for any other reason. I am only saying to use a pyrethrin soil drench if you have an INFESTATION and need to go nuclear as you can while being organic. Theres no pest tollerance issue in this case, this is new to them.

I've looked at the product. doesn't change the fact that pyrethrin based products lose their effectiveness after repetitive applications. I don't use bombs, either, except between rounds in a room... but that was not my point... The point is that pests grow immune to pyrethrin based products as evidencedby the bombs' ineffectiveness against pests after 1 or 2 applications. The weaker pests die off, leaving only the strongest and most robust to reproduce. Being "new to them" does not change the paradigm. If you kill 99.9% of a pest with any given substance, the remaining .1% will reproduce a new generation with immunities. Doesn't take a century to happen. It takes one generation, which in the insect kingdom can happen pretty fast.

I make no claims that Spinosad does the trick for this pest (it does work on kids' head lice, though... even though the bottle does not say so.) Just passing on info that I read to a grower in need.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
this will be the next outbreak of products in the hydro stores you will see that will claim to rid us of root aphids! of course its going to be all hype but they look for shit like this to sqeeze money from folks who are frantic to try anything.. There has to be a natural preventative or deterrant so lets all get to work on this one to come up with a safe effective solution. Its gotta be out there..
Mine are from Hope-Net in SF. I had to stop growing for 10 months due to my building going on the market. In December I picked up one single mother odyssey plant from HN, so that petty much narrows it down for me. But I don't blame them as it wasn't intentional.

So, they seem to be everywhere in the MMJ community. It's like a freaking plague.

Beware chlorinated nicotine in your meds. I have seen several 'caregivers' promoting the use of imidacloprid which is systemic. Something tells me neither the vendors nor the clubs will inform the consumers if it was used.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
We will provide a 40x lighted loop to check the clones with.

Humble.. the og seeds were originally from cali connection and they look like they are all popping!
I got one of those loops last time i was up and it's awesome! how come no one thought to stick an led on one till now is beyond me. worthwhile purchase for bud AND bug inspection.

don't you love it when the signs of new life break through?!?
good luck with the og seeds, rowdy!!!
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