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all praises are due to the Most High
sirgrassalot, it is hard to follow you, for example, on ocassions you speak of assur as fact, while on other ocassions speak of god as merely an imaginary concept.

let me ask, do you believe god created it all or do you think life is just an incredible accident of chance?

because i could understand if one believes life is just accidental and think the whole deal with genetic manipulation and assur and all else is real, so in this case such a view conditions the way one understands mythology and all other such writtings and the interpretation is then somehow validated in this secular view, for lack of a better term.

have you ever read the silmarillion by tolkien?



Domesticator of Cannabis
if anyone else is interested in space, check out some of hubble's pics.... its amazing to think what might be out their...
also, some cool pics on NASAs web site...

Here's my desktop image. It's Neptune's moon I believe.
No aliens spotted though.



What a cowinkadink eH. I wonder what the population was after a world wide flood & if a bottleneck occurred. Than once they dispersed over the earth & killed off their larger mammals on the new lands, I bet farming looked real good to them than. If you wanted to continue being a hunter gatherer you'd better watch your ass because Assur's boys have food to feed an army & time to make sophisticated weaponry to bash your heads in. Some continued to trade with the cities.

in your opinion what caused a world wide flood?
These flood tales are frequently linked by common elements including the warning of the coming flood. who was warning them?
the construction of a boat in advance, the storage of animals, the inclusion of family....The overwhelming consistency among flood legends found in distant parts of the globe indicates they were derived from the same origin, but oral transcription has changed the details through.


Domesticator of Cannabis
sirgrassalot, it is hard to follow you, for example, on ocassions you speak of assur as fact, while on other ocassions speak of god as merely an imaginary concept.

let me ask, do you believe god created it all or do you think life is just an incredible accident of chance?

because i could understand if one believes life is just accidental and think the whole deal with genetic manipulation and assur and all else is real, so in this case such a view conditions the way one understands mythology and all other such writtings and the interpretation in then somehow validated in this secular view, for lack of a better term.

have you ever read the silmarillion by tolkien?


Assur was a human, Egyptians defied him. They don't believe in imaginary gods. He was enlightened & wise he gave them Agriculture which is the bases for Any advanced civilization. This occurred after the ice age, he created the first civilization.

Paz this is the key, you don't have what we have without agriculture, it is the bases for ALL civilizations. I'd say that was enlightened & wise to create a civilized world after the chaotic flood. He took his collection of people out of savagery & ignorance. Assur stared Sumer so I'd say the Fertile Crescent area.


all praises are due to the Most High
Assur was a human, Egyptians defied him. They don't believe in imaginary gods. He was enlightened & wise he gave them agriculture which is the bases for Any advanced civilization. This occurred after the ice age, he created the first civilization.

ok, and where did assur come from? how did he become wise and enlightened? what does wise and enlightened mean in this case?


i also hope people realize that the chinese have the longest continuous system of writing and spiritual beliefs that predates egyptians by millenia.... they may even be the oldest civilization in the word.


Domesticator of Cannabis
in your opinion what caused a world wide flood?
These flood tales are frequently linked by common elements including the warning of the coming flood. who was warning them?
the construction of a boat in advance, the storage of animals, the inclusion of family....The overwhelming consistency among flood legends found in distant parts of the globe indicates they were derived from the same origin, but oral transcription has changed the details through.

The meteor cults during the ice age. I haven't read much about them. The skies were different than & extremely violent. Man must of thought what the hell did he do wrong for the God(s) to be destroying them & their world by the only way they new to explain it was, copulation. The meteors are gods impregnating mother earth where they originated, volcanoes spewing, fire, earthquakes, darkness etc. We must of come from one of those fireballs in the sky. One possibility is a meteor or comet hitting the earth maybe a strike right into ice.

Who had the technology to build that kind of a boat? You would need to find a civilization with those capabilities.

Isis has Asian in her but she was from east Africa.


The meteor cults during the ice age. I haven't read much about them. The skies were different than & extremely violent. Man must of thought what the hell did he do wrong for the God(s) to be destroying them & their world by the only way they new to explain it was, copulation. The meteors are gods impregnating mother earth where they originated, volcanoes spewing, fire, earthquakes, darkness etc. We must of come from one of those fireballs in the sky. One possibility is a meteor or comet hitting the earth maybe a strike right into ice.

Who had the technology to build that kind of a boat? You would need to find a civilization with those capabilities.

heres what the Assyrian believed:
The gods, led by Enlil, agreed to cleanse the earth of an overpopulated humanity, but Utnapishtim was warned by the god Ea in a dream. He and some craftsmen built a large boat (one acre in area, seven decks) in a week. He then loaded it with his family, the craftsmen, and "the seed of all living creatures." The waters of the abyss rose up, and it stormed for six days. Even the gods were frightened by the flood's fury. Upon seeing all the people killed, the gods repented and wept. The waters covered everything but the top of the mountain Nisur, where the boat landed. Seven days later, Utnapishtim released a dove, but it returned finding nowhere else to land. He next returned a sparrow, which also returned, and then a raven, which did not return. Thus he knew the waters had receded enough for the people to emerge. Utnapishtim made a sacrifice to the gods. He and his wife were given immortality and lived at the end of the earth.

Sharur destroyed Asag, demon of sickness and disease, by flooding his abode. In the process, "The primeval waters of Kur rose to the surface, and as a result of their violence no fresh waters could reach the fields and gardens."

why dont you believe them?


Domesticator of Cannabis

The phallic god, El, was a prehistorical patriarch of date unknown. His legend goes all the way back to the first civilizations following the meltdown of the Ice Age. He and his descendants conquered and bred widely long before there were any written records. His legend was handed down by word of mouth through many generations in the form of heroic stories and wise sayings. Before the dawn of Biblical religion, El was the ancestral father god of ancient Syrian, Canaanite and Hebrew nations. Biblical Yahweh/Jehovah didn�t appear in the world that HE allegedly created until 687- 642 BC. El was a generic name for God. El-elyon: the most high God, El-shaddi: the all sufficient God, El-olam: the everlasting God, El-echad: the One God, El- hanne�eman: the faithful God, El-tsaddik: the righteous God, El-emet: the God of truth or the reliable God, Immanu-El: God with us. El was the Biblical El-ohim, Adam's father. El was the father of the Canaanite god Ba'al. Ba'al is a much reviled god in the Bible, but Ba'al means son of El, and Ba'al was the father god of the Canaanites of Abraham�s time. El-issa (El + Isis) was a wife of Ba'al. El-issa, in Hebrew means the wife/female of El. Ba'al and Elissa were the gods of Israel up until 687- 642 BC.

That's one Bigfoot travelling to the four corners of the world.



The phallic god, El, was a prehistorical patriarch of date unknown. His legend goes all the way back to the first civilizations following the meltdown of the Ice Age. He and his descendants conquered and bred widely long before there were any written records. His legend was handed down by word of mouth through many generations in the form of heroic stories and wise sayings. Before the dawn of Biblical religion, El was the ancestral father god of ancient Syrian, Canaanite and Hebrew nations. Biblical Yahweh/Jehovah didn�t appear in the world that HE allegedly created until 687- 642 BC. El was a generic name for God. El-elyon: the most high God, El-shaddi: the all sufficient God, El-olam: the everlasting God, El-echad: the One God, El- hanne�eman: the faithful God, El-tsaddik: the righteous God, El-emet: the God of truth or the reliable God, Immanu-El: God with us. El was the Biblical El-ohim, Adam's father. El was the father of the Canaanite god Ba'al. Ba'al is a much reviled god in the Bible, but Ba'al means son of El, and Ba'al was the father god of the Canaanites of Abraham�s time. El-issa (El + Isis) was a wife of Ba'al. El-issa, in Hebrew means the wife/female of El. Ba'al and Elissa were the gods of Israel up until 687- 642 BC.

That's one Bigfoot travelling to the four corners of the world.

El-elyon....elien......alien......... where did EL come from? who gave him his knowledge? what does the word EL mean? im just wondering what you think..


Domesticator of Cannabis
Isis Royal

Isis Royal

El-elyon....elien......alien......... where did EL come from? who gave him his knowledge? what does the word EL mean? im just wondering what you think..

L means ancient. Gave him his knowledge? I suppose you could call him a genius. I learn it from a book LoL

Before his resurrection, Assur(El) was a great conqueror and procreator. After Isis resurrected him from the dead, he went about carrying the arts of civilization to the world. Assur's legendary travels after his resurrection were missionary tours of emissaries of Isis. The spread of grain based agriculture and other arts of civilization throughout the world went with the Genesis of Isis.

The name Is Ra El is a compound of Isis, the mother goddess + Ra, the sun god + El, the ancient father god of Canaan. He was a defied ancestor, a man. One of a kind back than.

Alien yes Extraterrestrial no.


L means ancient.

Before his resurrection, Assur(El) was a great conqueror and procreator. After Isis resurrected him from the dead.

you are speaking metaphorically, arnt you... or was EL a physical being on the planet? iyo

I always thought EL came from the Ugaritic language meaning might, strength or power..


Domesticator of Cannabis
you are speaking metaphorically, arnt you... or was EL a physical being on the planet? iyo

I always thought EL came from the Ugaritic language meaning might, strength or power..

El ~ Assur was a human.

The resurrection of Assur was a religious renaissance. Isis resurrected an ancient fragmented and defunct religion. Via her womb, she reinvigorated the royal bloodline of the deified ancestor, "El".

The original Isis was born a mutant genius by chance. The Genesis of her genius wasn't left to chance. Pagan midwives removed single-browed babies from the gene pool for at least a thousand years near the dawn of the historical era. The demand for child sacrifice caused a lot of problems in some cultures that wanted the Isis genius bloodline, with all of its advantages, without making the sacrifices. The words Genesis, genius, and genus, are all derived from genes-of-Isis. The Genesis of Isis' genius genes went everywhere.

In 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay of Nepal became the first people to climb Mount Everest.
MHillary was only 4000 or 5000 years too late. He wasn't aware that he was searching for footprints of the ancestors.

A plaster casting from an alleged Sasquatch footprint Stories of the Abominable Snowman, Big Foot in Oregon, and hairy Sasquatch in Saskatchewan, Canada, are all based on footprints. None of those creatures have ever been seen except for their footprints. The original Assur and his descendants were large and extremely hairy folk. They had tremendous beards and a lot of body hair. Those stories of Abominable Snowman, Big Foot, and Sasquatch are "footprints" of Assur left over from his legendary travels.

The pre-European culture of North America has not been so thoroughly obliterated in Canada as it has been in the United States. Canada abounds with legends of ancient travelers. Legends of Sasquatch, Long Moccasin, Tejon the golden warrior, Yellow Knife, and others are stories carried over from the genesis of Isis. Assur's footprints are visible in the names of people and geographical features. The Huron Indians are Heru-ones, Heru-sons. The Iroquois are Heru-qua, Heru-water. The Mississaqua River flows into Lake Huron. The name Mississagua says Mother-Isis-water. The Genesee River, Genes-of-Isis River, flows into Lake Ontario. The mound builders of the Ohio Valley built serpent shaped mounds. Assur's footprints are still visible all over North America in the names of people, places, streams, and mountains.

gotta be more then just us outthere were idiots if we think were the only life throughout the galaxy theres probly even intelligent life sumwer outther not sayig mor intellignt then us cuz we could very well be smartest out ther so far but....no one can say forsure until mybe one day well see it prob not tho lol


Domesticator of Cannabis
gotta be more then just us outthere were idiots if we think were the only life throughout the galaxy theres probly even intelligent life sumwer outther not sayig mor intellignt then us cuz we could very well be smartest out ther so far but....no one can say forsure until mybe one day well see it prob not tho lol

With all the galaxies in the universe you're probably right as we all are. I don't think there's one poster here that doesn't believe in the possibility of other life forms in the universe. We just haven't seen any in our galaxy.


ICMag Donor
2 good vidz!

2 good vidz!

I suggest looking into a basic, and growing understanding of dimensional physics. I'm delving into this myself. I want to not have to trust someone else's postulations. I believe that what is happening soon, and even right now, is that we are moving into a region of our galaxy where the usual 3d world of height, depth, and width, as well as the 4th dimension, time, will be accompanied by the 5th dimention or maybe more than just the 5th.

If you would like to know more about dimensions and time travel... watch this very, very cool video:

thats a good 1,,,

hay CC

this is a program that came on channel 4 in the uk ...you gota see this CC,,,i bet you didnt catch this 1 yet "with it being a channel 4 show":)......i think you will like it...


hay doc did you see this...?


the most effective way to close down the human mind and manipulate its sense of self is to program into it some form of dogma. a dogma will always vehemently defend itself from other information and repel any alternative opinion which contradicts its narrow solidified views. dogmas become a persons sense of security and means of retaining power, and humanity tends to cling to both until their knuckles turn white....
sirgrassalot, I'm sorry to say i think you are dogmatic in your religious/ spiritual beliefs... this thread has quickly become a thread of your dogmatic Assyrian/ Canaanite beliefs.... I'm sure if a christian was on here going on and on about Jesus being being all this and that, like you are with EL(whom i do believe in but an an ET form) more people would be calling them out..... good luck on your spiritual journey


Domesticator of Cannabis
sirgrassalot, I'm sorry to say i think you are dogmatic in your religious/ spiritual beliefs... this thread has quickly become a thread of your dogmatic Assyrian/ Canaanite beliefs.... I'm sure if a christian was on here going on and on about Jesus being being all this and that, like you are with EL(whom i do believe in but an an ET form) more people would be calling them out..... good luck on your spiritual journey

LMAO I have no religious beliefs & I'm on no spiritual journey. Don't ask if you don't want me to answer. If my answers rubbed you the wrong way, you'll have to suck it up. I'll trump your info if I have it anytime anywhere. You're not trying to tell me what to post, because that wouldn't fly. Try that while you're on the bar stool beside me where I'm able to adjust your attitude. I don't gaf what you post unless its personal. btw I saw your confusion pages ago from the get go, I had to chuckle.

I think we do have others here on a spiritual religious journey once I'm finished building their ships but I don't see you calling them out. I'm out to find the origin of life on earth. You have shown nothing to change my mind extraterrestrials have anything to do with it. I'm all ears though. Jesus is a minion of Isis. So think again, I'm Satan hahaha


Active member
Here's my desktop image. It's Neptune's moon I believe.
No aliens spotted though.


YOU aint spoted them yet. I have. :abduct: Have you seen theyr ships? I have. See what that dose? Thgat leaves me in a position where I have first hand information bout them. How can someone who says they aint seenem say they aint real just because they aint seenem? That just leaves you "aint seenem yet".:abduct: I seenem and I know what they wer. I seen the kind the govt IS afraid of. The "Unscedualed" ones. The ones that come like a thief in the night.:abduct: Your buyin into it Grassalott. Your believin ONE of the stories "they" want you to believe. :abduct: The ones your talkin bout are demons and when the Lord comes back for His chozen ones, your demons are gonna send theyr shitty lame ass triangle ships up from the ground. The devils gonna say that hes protectin the citizens from an evil alien attack. hel say its an evil alien attakin when in reality its God come to take His chozen. The devils prolly gonna fool some folks like you then when he says that it wasnt God rapturin His chozen, it was death rays and all the people that wer raptured wer killed.:abduct: Thats what youl see if Im rite. Thats what Im lookin for. If I see an "alien attak" but its not an alien attac, its just the govt callin the rapture an alien attak Il know the time here. I think when God comes back the devils prolly gonna tryan make somekinda lame ass show of streangth but it dont mater, this world is all in vain. Who stays with ther devil will inherit death. Those who chose God will have everlasting life.


Domesticator of Cannabis
YOU aint spoted them yet. I have. :abduct: Have you seen theyr ships? I have. See what that dose? Thgat leaves me in a position where I have first hand information bout them.

What happened they pass you by. Yes I've fallen for the completely natural answer to advanced life on earth. That would mean you've fallen for the completely imaginary story. Describe the extraterrestrials you've seen?

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