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Domesticator of Cannabis
Well this is turning into a very interesting discussion. Thanks for the K+ peoples.

Some good info added. I think Washington is in a pose that vaguely resembles that Baphomet. I don't think it's important, I only look for humans to be the ones involved no evidence points to anything supernatural.

I see Pagan symbols all over the goat man. The Venus orbit which is the five point star used by Pagans, also the Twin Serpents on the Caduceus on his lap without the hawk wings but he has wings. I've also seen him with a cross on his chest it was the upright cross + not the Egyptian cross. x = crossed out dead, take him off the list put an x by his name fold his arms in a cross & bury him. Some people pray that their ex were dead.

I see both X and +

X and x are formed by Assur's crook & flail.
Upper case has a different meaning.
Everything is symbolic to them.
We use the cross for burials to this day.

The crook and flail identify Assur as the founding father of the early pastoral and agrarian civilizations. The shepherd's crook identifies him as the deified ancestor of those who were herders of sheep. The grain flail identifies him as the ancestral deity of farmers. Assur was the model for Biblical Adam, the father of Cain and Abel.

The Georgia Guidestones
Some solid messages on the stones. We are overpopulated & anyone is allowed to give birth. The church says its OK & the state backs it. This is not the way to elevate mankind. Look at what we're getting out of the gene pool lately. We breed our animals to become the best they can be just like Isis did with homo sapiens.


North American


the Sumerians were excellent record keepers... they had over 400 characters in their alphabet ..they said the anunnaki, (the ones who came from heaven to earth, those of royal blood) created the adamu and nin-ti, or (adam and eve in genesis) in the Gan-Eden (Eden) modern day Iraq....they say ninhursag creating us in glass tubes.... to do the work so they created us to be slaves, plow the fields,to mine the gold...

here's one of the oldest symbols we know of.... look familiar

is it really that incredible to think the Annunaki could have genetically engineered us from the hominids on our planet....their are 223 genes in our genome that dont show up anywhere in our predecessors....
consider how many lives start out in a test tube today.... how many of our foods are genetically engineered today.....

is their any doubt that even today's leaders of the word look at us as a working herd class, here to do the day to day tasks for them?
is their any doubt they are obsessed with gold?
they care very little about us... they will work us to death...

isn't it strange that basically all of our presidents and royal families are completely inbred and share a common bloodline that all traces back to Vlad Dracula of Wallache...... "Dracul" is derived from a secret fraternal order of knights called the Order of the Dragon.....
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Domesticator of Cannabis
the Sumerians were excellent record keepers... they had over 400 characters in their alphabet ..they said the anunnaki, (the ones who came from heaven to earth, those of royal blood) created the adamu and nin-ti, or (adam and eve in genesis) in the Gan-Eden (Eden) modern day Iraq....they say ninhursag creating us in glass tubes.... to do the work so they created us to be slaves, plow the fields,to mine the gold...
here's one of the oldest symbols we know of.... look familiar

is it really that incredible to think the Annunaki could have genetically engineered us from the hominids on our planet....their are 223 genes in our genome that dont show up anywhere in our predecessors....
consider how many lives start out in a test tube today.... how many of our foods are genetically engineered today.....

is their any doubt that even today's leaders of the word look at us as a working herd class, here to do the day to day tasks for them?
is their any doubt they are obsessed with gold?
they care very little about us... they will work us to death...

isn't it strange that basically all of our presidents and royal families are completely inbred and share a common bloodline that all traces back to Vlad Dracula of Wallache...... "Dracul" is derived from a secret fraternal order of knights called the Order of the Dragon.....

They made stamps for impression printing. Probably by observing birds footprints in the hardened banks of the river.

Twin Serpents = Twice Wise
No doubt we're all slaves. Do you know a better way to keep it together??
Lots of secret dragon societies. I don't dig the reptilian conspiracy theories.

When Assur's descendants became sun worshippers, their sun-god needed a name. A soaring hawk floats silently above the earth. The sun was also a silent high soaring deity. The sun-god got its name from the hawk-god. The name of Re, the sun-god is derived from Ur, the hawk-god's name. Re is Ur said backward. UrRe is the name of the winged sun disk without serpents.

Assur and his descendants founded a far-flung empire of related kingdoms. Those original agrarian descendants of Assur were the original UrRe-ans. Their name UrReans defines them as followers of the hawk-god and sun-god religion.

SUMER ~ Ur is just south of Assur

The biblical tale of the Tower of Babel is a mixture of ideas compounded from stories of an ancient tower, the physical presence of the Ziggurat at Ur, and anti-Babylonian sentiments.

Uraeus, the sunwing with serpents, got its name from Ur, the hawk-god, plus Re, the sun-god, with Isis, the serpent goddess added to it.

That ancient UrRean empire rose, prospered, and fell before the birth of Isis. The disintegration and fall of Assur's ancient empire was the death and dismemberment of Assur. Isis resurrected that ancient empire. The Genesis of Isis installed her bloodline into the ruling families of those ancient UrRean kingdoms. The Genesis of Isis reinvigorated the bloodline of Assur, and reunited the ancient empire. That was the resurrection of Assur. With the Genesis of Isis, the new ruling families of those ancient kingdoms now had two eyebrows instead of one. A period of peace and prosperity followed the Genesis of Isis. There was a "Golden Age."

Winged sun disk without serpents With the Genesis of Isis and the spread of her bloodline in the royal families, the old UrRean "sunwing" had the sacred asps of Isis added to it.

With the hiss of the asp added to its name, the UrRe became the Uraeus.
The hiss of the asp and the whirr of hawk's wings, hiss + ur and ur + hiss, are natural sounds that have become structural parts of our language and culture. The name of Assur is composed of hiss + ur, the hiss of the asp and the whirr of hawk's wings. The names Osiris, Sirius, Caesar, Czar, Aesir, Cyrus, Syria, Assyria, and many others are, derivatives of the name Assur. The words sire, sir, sure, assure, seer, vi-zier, and ad-vi-sor are also derivatives of the name Assur. Hence all of those names and words (along with many others) are derived from the hiss of the asp and the whirr of hawk's wings


The name Irish is derived from the name of Assur. The name Irish is a form of Assur(Ashur) said backwards. Irish said backwards is Ish-Ur. The vowels are slightly different and the order of sounds is different, but the names Assur and Irish(Ish-Ur) are both derived from the dragon sound, the hiss of the asp and the whirr of hawk's wings. Their name says that the Irish were children of Isis and Heru.

The name Ireland is a form of UrRe-land. The name Eire(ere)(aire) is another UrRe-an name for Ireland. The names Erin(Eireann), Iran and Biblical Aaron are derived from Ur-an, meaning they were sons of Ur the hawk god.

Ireland was one of the UrRean nations of the Pagan ancestral empire of the Isis bloodline. Pre-Celtic Irish kings were of the same family of "divine" kings as were the Pharaohs of Egypt and the Ashurs of Mesopotamia. The later Celtic kings were also sons of Isis and Heru before they arrived in Ireland (c. 500 BC).


ICMag Donor
IM JEWISH,,,,AND THIS IS FROM A "NEW" JEWISH POINT OF VIEW,,,,,,get ready for this head banger:)

this is the TORAH

Bereishith (In the beginning...) (Genesis)
Shemoth (The names...) (Exodus)
Vayiqra (And He called...) (Leviticus)
Bamidbar (In the wilderness...) (Numbers)
Devarim (The words...) (Deuteronomy)

i had to read all this at school....we had jewish (JS) lessons...........emagine how i felt at reading Genesis as a kid and in the first few lines explains how gods came down and impregnated the daughters of man ,creating giants!......WHAT THE FUK!!!

when we came back into the land of israel, after the exodus from egypt.........we found giants ruleing the land.....WHAT THE FUC!!!!!............the first group of jews to go into the land of israel "to-check-it-out-first" brought back Giant Fruit for the camp to eat ,,,,,,,,




The TORAH DISCRIBES NEVI'IM AFTER Genesis as(The Prophets)

Yehoshua (Joshua)
Shoftim (Judges)
Shmuel (I &II Samuel)
Melakhim (I & II Kings)
Yeshayah (Isaiah)
Yirmyah (Jeremiah)
Yechezqel (Ezekiel)
The Twelve (treated as one book)
Hoshea (Hosea)
Yoel (Joel)
Ovadyah (Obadiah)
Yonah (Jonah)
Mikhah (Micah)
Chavaqquq (Habbakkuk)
Tzefanyah (Zephaniah)
Zekharyah (Zechariah)

after standing outside the class for half a term reading chumash


the source of life links us all.....Newton is wrong, the only thing that is relative is the source!

Einstein explains the space and time here ,,, its so simple, a child can see how OUR time is everthing

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Money is energy. They harvest our energy with money. Like a sheep on a ranch, you can live in a nice field, and never leave. You can have a great view of the mountains, but never go there. You can smell the food in the house, but never taste it... And... in return for all these wonderful services, you must give up your fur and dignity to the rancher. Embarrasingly naked, feeling raped and helpless, it's the best we are offered by our ranchers.

Moral of the story... dye yourself as black as possible. ;)


IM JEWISH,,,,AND THIS IS FROM A "NEW" JEWISH POINT OF VIEW,,,,,,get ready for this head banger:)

this is the TORAH

Bereishith (In the beginning...) (Genesis)
Shemoth (The names...) (Exodus)
Vayiqra (And He called...) (Leviticus)
Bamidbar (In the wilderness...) (Numbers)
Devarim (The words...) (Deuteronomy)

i had to read all this at school....we had jewish (JS) lessons...........emagine how i felt at reading Genesis as a kid and in the first few lines explains how gods came down and impregnated the daughters of man ,creating giants!......WHAT THE FUK!!!

when we came back into the land of israel, after the exodus from egypt.........we found giants ruleing the land.....WHAT THE FUC!!!!!............the first group of jews to go into the land of israel "to-check-it-out-first" brought back Giant Fruit for the camp to eat ,,,,,,,,




The TORAH DISCRIBES NEVI'IM AFTER Genesis as(The Prophets)

Yehoshua (Joshua)
Shoftim (Judges)
Shmuel (I &II Samuel)
Melakhim (I & II Kings)
Yeshayah (Isaiah)
Yirmyah (Jeremiah)
Yechezqel (Ezekiel)
The Twelve (treated as one book)
Hoshea (Hosea)
Yoel (Joel)
Ovadyah (Obadiah)
Yonah (Jonah)
Mikhah (Micah)
Chavaqquq (Habbakkuk)
Tzefanyah (Zephaniah)
Zekharyah (Zechariah)

after standing outside the class for half a term reading chumash


the source of life links us all.....Newton is wrong, the only thing that is relative is the source!

Einstein explains the space and time here ,,, its so simple, a child can see how OUR time is everthing

all those storys are real and are taken from sumerian texts!
the Nephilim (giants) were very real!
look into it with an open mind!


Domesticator of Cannabis
Assur and his descendants conquered and bred widely establishing the first kingdoms.

Assur and his descendants conquered and bred widely establishing the first kingdoms.

IM JEWISH,,,,AND THIS IS FROM A "NEW" JEWISH POINT OF VIEW,,,,,,get ready for this head banger:)

All input is welcome.

Isis didn't resurrect the corpse of a man who had been murdered and chopped into pieces. The resurrection of Assur was a religious renaissance. Isis resurrected an ancient fragmented and defunct religion. Via her womb, she reinvigorated the royal bloodline of a deified ancestor. That ancestor was the ancient ancestral patriarch "god" El. By one path or another, El was the ancestral father god of numerous civilizations. Our word royal(real) is composed of Ra, the sun god plus El, the legendary founder of the first civilizations. The name Israel means Isis Royal, the royal line of Isis. The name Israel is a compound of Isis, the mother goddess + Ra, the sun god + El, the ancient father god.

The ancestral father god, El, was a prehistorical patriarch of date unknown. His legend goes all the way back to the first civilizations following the meltdown of the Ice Age. He and his descendants conquered and bred widely long before there were any written records. His legend was handed down by word of mouth through many generations in the form of heroic stories and wise sayings. Before Biblical Yahweh, El was the ancestral father god of ancient Syrian, Canaanite and Hebrew nations. El was a generic name for God. El-elyon: the most high God, El-shaddi: the all sufficient God, El-olam: the everlasting God, El-echad: the One God, El- hanne�eman: the faithful God, El-tsaddik: the righteous God, El-emet: the God of truth or the reliable God, Immanu-El: God with us. El was the Biblical El-ohim, Adam's father. El was the father of the Canaanite god Ba'al. Ba'al is a much reviled god in the Bible, but Ba'al means son of El, and Ba'al was the father god of the Canaanites of Abraham�s time. El-issa (El + Isis) was a wife of Ba'al. El-issa, in Hebrew means the wife/female of El. Ba'al and Elissa were the gods of Israel up until about 600BCE.

n Egyptian imagery, kings bashing the skulls of captives were common motifs from the First Dynasty to the last. The Cerne Giant is clearly a related work of art.
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and when daughters
were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they
took them wives of all which they chose. . . There were giants in the earth in those days; and also
after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children unto
them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Gen. 6: 1-4.

Those "mighty men which were of old" were Assur's descendants establishing the first kingdoms on earth. The Cerne Giant portrays very vividly the bashing and breeding that went into establishing the first kingdoms.

You're going to be bashed & raped.


do you believe the Isis bloodline is from extraterrestial origins?

also, where did you hear that the word Israel means... isis+ra+el?
iv never heard that before...
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Domesticator of Cannabis
do you believe the Isis bloodline is from extraterrestial origins?

Not at the moment. I try to look for earthly answers.

Pagans of the Isis bloodline took an active role in their own evolution. They used selective breeding and selective midwifery to accomplish their "evolutionary" goal of elevating humankind further above the beasts. Pagan culture promoted the breeding of certain desireable genetic traits. Pagan midwives were trained to recognize certain desirable and undesirable genetic traits in newborn babies. They removed undesirable traits from the bloodline.


Because there's no such thing, they're imaginary. Post them if you got em'

your posting Egyptian mythology because their is no such thing as ETs..... that doesn't even make sense....

EDIT: What I discuss is for people who have open minds. It is not for the sceptics and those programmed by the ruling elite, as they will probably never be able to see through the programming.
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Active member
ICMag Donor
Sirgrassalot, please start a ancient mythology thread, it will be fing great, im loving your knowledge.

T.baggins, i think there is a connection between them, what better way to have the world unite under a world government than a foreign threat to all nations,a light show in the sky.


Domesticator of Cannabis
your posting Egyptian mythology because their is no such thing as ETs..... that doesn't even make sense....

EDIT: What I discuss is for people who have open minds. It is not for the sceptics and those programmed by the ruling elite, as they will probably never be able to see through the programming.

That's too bad you can't make sense of it. I don't follow your conspiracy & reptilian theories. The shiny side out to deflect frequencies, dull side out for cooking so the heat is not deflected away from the food. My feet are firmly planted on the ground. The Egyptians have the entire package is why I've chosen them to unmask our origins. My findings are the suppression & obfuscation of the Pagan religion which explains our past in a fashion believable to myself. No imaginary deities or aliens need apply.

The spread of the genes was done the old fashion way by intercourse & selective midwifery. It started within the royal families & grew to the entire population of the world. You couldn't do that today. As you now know we are all Homo sapien sapiens today. Homo sapiens were wise humans before the mutant genes came to be passed. Man already knew how to farm & breed his domesticated animals. So aliens would not need to engineer man to be a more proficient labour force. Making him twice wise would be elevating mankind. We're today the result of that. If you're not smart enough to leave a slave job, quit complaining that's your lot in life.

You don't need aliens to pass the genes of Isis. Now keep an open mind, would yeah. If you're saying you could never prove to us that have weighed the evidence shown here, coming to the conclusion aliens are imaginary & have never visited earth or even this galaxy, you're probably right. The all seeing eye = seeing is believing/knowing, I've not seen any aliens around. I tend to call it using common sense. Why anyone need look further than man himself is baffling. What alien in his right mind would mess with a giant hard on.

mrbiggs I'm not much of a thread starter, I'll keep posting as I do. This fits here they're posting the same things I'm just showing them the other side. They're getting defensive, I wonder why?? I'm going to stop answering personal Q here though. It matters not what I believe, some folks think aliens are our origins. So it would be the same information as posted here, Sumerians - The all seeing eye - Twin Serpents etc. These were also posted by other members - I don't GAF what they believe I appreciate their input. Did I miss the part about needing to be a believer before posting or just a member of the board.
some people say they arent extraterrestials at all, just beings capable of traveling between dimensions.. what we would call "angels" or "demons", scary shit.


Domesticator of Cannabis
C is formed from the ear, the gap is where Assur sits = Council - Circle, the Committee. C + Assur = Ceaser,

Assur, Budda, Jesus, Isis all enlightened human beings fur sure.

Noah's Ark

Assur was the first king of the first kingdom on earth. Assur's arc "C" was a ship of state. It was an arch as in monarch.


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