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Esme Coco DTW Automated 12 Plant grow


Hi people new to this forum going to do a full grow diary here with start to finish results.

Going to be growing in Coco 70/30 perlite with a dripper system with automated run off DTW

Space is 2m x 1.75m with 4 600-watt lights 1,300m3/hr fan running full speed DIY humidify and temperature controller for my oil rad with 12 plants in 16L fabric pots

Now I’m just waiting for the seeds to crack in the paper towel once that has happened, I will get you up to date pictures of the method I use to get my plants going.

Plan is to veg 5 / 6 weeks from seed max this will hopefully give me some big bushy plants.

Pictures to follow tomorrow



There was now powerful water supply in this place that i can connect my hose to so i got a self cutting tap easy to use, literally just screw on to the pipe and it will cut a hole this will do saves me time messing with tap adapters.



Used this grow room for a flood and drain we was flooding the whole floor hence why there is a lot of salt on the pond liner, this pond liner cost me £14.99 and it real leak proof hard to cut as-well. I don't need to worry about the salt on the pond liner now we are using the stands as you can see, 12 stand 4 row of 3.

I will clean up the sides if I have time this wont effect the grow but it will make it look cleaner.


Here are the stands I'm using.





Well-known member
Looks interesting.
Screwfix sell a 1200 dpm that's about 4x4m, should you ever need a cheaper source of thick plastic sheet.

Keep your eye on that self cutting tap. I know a plumber that claims to spend most of his weekend fixing them. They are crap and not taking the paint off doesn't help. Some gets sent down the pipe that was punctured in, and whats under compression isn't structurally sound. It won't stand for any knocks and bangs, like a clean connection would.

Where your carbon has it's hooks being pulled sideways in the wood, straddling the fixing hole, is a weak point. Wood dries out over time, and there is a chance of splitting.

I used to do a 2x 1.8 room, under 4x600. I could never decide if 16 plants was right, or if 9 might of done it. 12 was an obvious contender. Certainly in your room. Hopefully you can see a couple of Kg out of it. How are you getting out the run-off? Condense pump?


Looks interesting.
Screwfix sell a 1200 dpm that's about 4x4m, should you ever need a cheaper source of thick plastic sheet.

Keep your eye on that self cutting tap. I know a plumber that claims to spend most of his weekend fixing them. They are crap and not taking the paint off doesn't help. Some gets sent down the pipe that was punctured in, and whats under compression isn't structurally sound. It won't stand for any knocks and bangs, like a clean connection would.

Where your carbon has it's hooks being pulled sideways in the wood, straddling the fixing hole, is a weak point. Wood dries out over time, and there is a chance of splitting.

I used to do a 2x 1.8 room, under 4x600. I could never decide if 16 plants was right, or if 9 might of done it. 12 was an obvious contender. Certainly in your room. Hopefully you can see a couple of Kg out of it. How are you getting out the run-off? Condense pump?

Did think this with the self cutting tap might swap it out for a t push fit stuff from screw fix, Will be using the Condense pump from screw fix in a small box to deal with the run off.

For the carbon filter do you do you think i should put the eye hook more inline rather than at an angle?


Here are some pictures of a grow I pulled out off this room a few weeks ago, My own mapito flood and drain the floor.

Last time i did 15 plants without any LST traning, hence why i think 12 in this room will be good.







That grow was Seedstockers amnesia haze, 4.5 weeks veg from seed. Never seen amnesia buds that big in any of my rooms like that before all over the room. Heat problems to ha ha.

This grow will be seedstockers critical xxl should be good.


Looks interesting.
Screwfix sell a 1200 dpm that's about 4x4m, should you ever need a cheaper source of thick plastic sheet.

Keep your eye on that self cutting tap. I know a plumber that claims to spend most of his weekend fixing them. They are crap and not taking the paint off doesn't help. Some gets sent down the pipe that was punctured in, and whats under compression isn't structurally sound. It won't stand for any knocks and bangs, like a clean connection would.

Where your carbon has it's hooks being pulled sideways in the wood, straddling the fixing hole, is a weak point. Wood dries out over time, and there is a chance of splitting.

I used to do a 2x 1.8 room, under 4x600. I could never decide if 16 plants was right, or if 9 might of done it. 12 was an obvious contender. Certainly in your room. Hopefully you can see a couple of Kg out of it. How are you getting out the run-off? Condense pump?

Conlift 1 LS is the one i'm going to use.


So guys these seeds have been in the paper towel for around 3 days if that put 25 seeds in there and 1-2 have not popped and I’ve broken one by putting the paper towel back down on them when I was check pressed down and snapped one.

10L of water, 0.3ML/L of Roots ex & 1 Drop per 4 litres of water Suprevit then PH water down from 7.2 to 5.7 any range form 5.5/5.8 will do.

Then added the jiffy pellets into the bucket let them soak till they are full then wring out to damp and then put them in a propagator, then I will chuck a black bag over the top so the tap root can still keep on growing and leave for 24 hours.

I get these plants under a 600watt right away [FONT=&quot]��[/FONT]


Well-known member
Did think this with the self cutting tap might swap it out for a t push fit stuff from screw fix, Will be using the Condense pump from screw fix in a small box to deal with the run off.

For the carbon filter do you do you think i should put the eye hook more inline rather than at an angle?

I miss sodium grown buds. Some impressive one's there to. I bet you are close to the 2kg.

Moving the hooks would be a good idea, as it's easy to get to them right now. It's a combination of the twisting and proximity to the batons fixing that concerns. Certainly moving them a few inch would be better.

Once it's roped up. Use a bit of partially stretched elastic to aid the rope. 4mm bungie but no bigger. Then add another. And another. By the 4th partially stretched bungie, the 4 together, will start to lift the carbon, letting the rope go slack. It's done at that.
Next it's the fan. Asda sell dress making elastic for a couple of quid. You get a few meters. The bungie is just to thick to get it partially stretched with the fans weight. It must be in partial extension to work. Then you can just poke at it and it will bounce about. Making it almost impossible to transmit noise/vibration to the building structure.

The pump is a monster. You might have to use 11 plants to fit it in lol. Over 4kg! that is twice the weight of a typical one. Have a look on eBay, you will get one for £40.


I miss sodium grown buds. Some impressive one's there to. I bet you are close to the 2kg.

Moving the hooks would be a good idea, as it's easy to get to them right now. It's a combination of the twisting and proximity to the batons fixing that concerns. Certainly moving them a few inch would be better.

Once it's roped up. Use a bit of partially stretched elastic to aid the rope. 4mm bungie but no bigger. Then add another. And another. By the 4th partially stretched bungie, the 4 together, will start to lift the carbon, letting the rope go slack. It's done at that.
Next it's the fan. Asda sell dress making elastic for a couple of quid. You get a few meters. The bungie is just to thick to get it partially stretched with the fans weight. It must be in partial extension to work. Then you can just poke at it and it will bounce about. Making it almost impossible to transmit noise/vibration to the building structure.

The pump is a monster. You might have to use 11 plants to fit it in lol. Over 4kg! that is twice the weight of a typical one. Have a look on eBay, you will get one for £40.

Mate can you send me a picture of the stuff from ASDA as I can't seem to find it, The grow room is about 2.4m x 2m, with active growing sace of 2m x 1.75m,

I've got the pump here i bought it from screw fix handy they have them in stock just in case i have enough room for the pump as i have a tank in the room to, I will get some pictures of the room once I'm back at the location.


Here are some photo's of what i done after i let the jiffy pellets soak these will be left in the dark for 24 hours now, VPD is nealry in check got it at 23C/75rh i don't really use VPD but as the heat will be coming in the summer i'm taking a look at it makes sense and i've seen room run in 30c plus and pull crazy.








Here is the Mycro stuff i use you can't go wrong from this comapny and i swear by this stuff even in DWC i've seen that Bactorr cure root rot in a whole system better than H202 and that.

MycorrMax I swapped from great white shark it's a lot cheaper 300G was £14 and then the rest feed the MycorrMax





Well-known member
There was now powerful water supply in this place that i can connect my hose to so i got a self cutting tap easy to use, literally just screw on to the pipe and it will cut a hole this will do saves me time messing with tap adapters.

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Thanks for that mate. My friend has been trying to get the hose at hers onto the taps to water the plants she has in the garden an to hose down the drive, but the hose wouldn't fit the taps...she even went and brought all sorts of adaptors but still no luck...il defo get her one of these and fix it up for her. Nice one mate...and good luck with your grow


Thanks for that mate. My friend has been trying to get the hose at hers onto the taps to water the plants she has in the garden an to hose down the drive, but the hose wouldn't fit the taps...she even went and brought all sorts of adaptors but still no luck...il defo get her one of these and fix it up for her. Nice one mate...and good luck with your grow

No problem mate, It is easy and leak free. Got this from wicks £4.5 something cheap was thinking about adding one to the hot tap line as-well.

Having this up stairs will save me a lot of time as the pressure on the shower is not good and take about 30mins + to fill 200L tank sometimes I'm in a rush ha ha


Informaiton about the electric supply in this room.

*I'm not an electrican *

This room is on a 32AMP ring circut this is more than enugh to run the lights and the fans and pumps, we don't use any other electric in the house once the lights are on as the fridge, tumble dryer, dishwasher and washing machine is on this same ring so matey boy if he uses them it will be when the lights are off.

I do plan installing an automatic fire extinguisher at some point next week, safety is my main concern don't want a fire or a death on my mind.

In a house like this I would normally put a 100AMP consumer unit board in but it's safe to run this room on the ring.

Cost of 3 months is around £600-750