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Elemental True OG, Back to the Congo, Flower Bomb Kush


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I think you can see signs of what I think nearly everyone has said about over fertilization in the first photo and the only photo taken outside. See how the upper leaves are deep blue green. This strain didn't seem to mind the extremely high ec's. The buds are beautiful and loaded with resin. I'm pretty excited to try this one.


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Swazi Gold

Swazi Gold

The tall plants in the back of the group shot are the Swazi Gold. I haven't measured them but they are well over 60in./152cm tall. It's a good thing I only allowed them to get about 12in./30cm tall in veg. If I'd allowed them to get 24-30 inches tall like I normally would have done in veg., I think these would have been 7 plus feet tall. Normally I'd put a big sativa in a 10 gallon pot instead of the 3 gallon pots these girls are in.


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A few things I've learned from this experimental grow. Considering that this is an experiment I wouldn't consider some of the things that didn't go well as mistakes but lessons learned.
If I were to do this again I would use about 1/3rd of the fertilizer I used here. I'd veg. to around a 20 inch height before switching to flower.
In some of the photos you can see some burnt leaves but close up examination shows signs of over fertilization on many leaves. Not enough to cause real damage because all of the buds look great. You know though that the over fertilization is causing these strains to under perform.
One more shot of the whole room and a shot of the Elemental True OG top bud looking good.


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Harvested the Flowerbomb Kush yesterday which was day 54 of flower. I posted a few pics. of her about a week ago and she looked almost exactly the same.
This thread is not going to be helpful to anyone looking to see how these strains grow out. The veg. cycle was so short that none of these grew out normally. They all have huge internode spacing with little to no side branching. A couple of buds at each node and a larger top bud. The yields are going to be extremely low, probably less than 10 grams a plant. The Bangi haze x Bubblegum Cross from Golden Tree have the largest buds and will probably produce more and some of the others may surprise but yields and the actual normal growth patterns are well below par.
This was an experiment to see if I could veg. a short time period using small pots and using inexpensive, easy to use fertilizers. The failure of this experiment was the very short veg. time. I think the yield and growth structure would have been much better had I vegged them at least 3 weeks longer. I think the small pot would have been fine and the fertilizer, at a much lesser amount, is also not a problem.
I also wanted to try a bunch of different strains not only to have a wide variety of strains to smoke but to see if I wanted to invest in some of these strains in the future to grow out normally. So the smoke reports will tell all. As it stands right now, if I average 10 grams a plant, the total yield will be a respectful 250 grams. Had I vegged longer maybe a yield of 400 grams or more.
Another thing I would do if I were to do this again is to have fewer plants in my space. I ended up with 25 plants and even with the small pots, that is too many for my space. If I would have vegged these longer and the plants would have been bigger, then there would not have been enough space. They are in about a 4 foot by 4 foot space and things are tight, tight, tight. I have a bunch of plants on up turned pots, some on 3 upturned pots. I have to move a bunch of them to get to others in order to water some in the back of the space. It's easy to brush up against other pots that weren't moved and then you can have a domino effect of plants falling into other plants and knocking them over as well. So the corrections would be, #2 pots instead of #1, longer veg. time, one third the amount of fertilizer and half the number of plants.
I believe the quality of the buds are going to be fine. Nice resin production and beautiful healthy looking buds. So guys wanting to try sea of green on a tight budget, watch your fertilizer dosage, veg. properly and be realistic on the number of plants in your space. If you do that I believe you can get good yields, try several strains and do it on a tight budget. It cost me less than $7 to fertilize over 30 plants and I used way too much fertilizer! I could easily gotten by with 1/3rd the amount of fertilizer which means I could have fertilized this whole crop for a little over $2.


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As you can see yields are goin to be small but the resin production is good. I feel I'm going to get a good idea of what this strain has to offer quality wise with the smoke, so I will be able to determine if it's worth growing out larger plants.
I also want to say that I highlighted in my previous post some of the downfalls with this grow and possibly painted too negative of a picture. This has been a fun grow and I learned a lot, I think I could grow in exactly the same small pots, with less fertilizer, longer veg. and fewer plants and do much better.
So if you want to use really small pots you can and still get good results. I would probably go up one size for the pots next time. I do plan to grow a few plants in the same #1 pots with less fertilizer and a longer veg. in the future in order to try to nail down this method and maximize the results. Hell the longest time I had to spend moving the plants around for watering was maybe 10 minutes, so it's not like this is a laborious, pain in the ass method. You just have to be careful and take a little extra time, on some watering days. Most days maybe 5 minutes to water. What else can you do as a hobby where you spend so little time and have this much fun?
I'm going to end up with nearly 10 ozs. of dope of a wide variety of strains for very little money and very little time and effort. Can't beat it.:woohoo:



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GHS Flowerbomb Kush Smoke Report

GHS Flowerbomb Kush Smoke Report

I dried some buds in my dehydrator at the lowest setting, 95 degrees, until they were dry enough to smoke. This is probably the most politically incorrect growing thread on this site. Small pots, supposedly bad fertilizers, dehydrating buds.
The Flower Bomb Kush is a real winner and I'm going to be investing in more seeds because I could smoke FBK on a regular basis. The high comes on quickly, it doesn't rush to the head with an almost overwhelming head high that can be uncomfortable for the first 20 minutes or so until it starts to level out. No, it's a pulsating body high that goes deep, it's a rock solid stone with a comfortable head and a nice amount of potency. It's a very comforting, solid and deep stone.
You'll love it and want to smoke more of it. You know it's good when you get that overall narcotic effect and you feel like you are medicated at a perfect level. The right medicine, at the right dose and the effect you've been looking for. Highly Recommended!:biggrin:


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Barney's Farm Cookies Kush

Barney's Farm Cookies Kush

I took a bud from the Barney's Farm Cookies Kush maybe about 3 or 4 days early but still fine to pick now. I didn't harvest the whole plant but this bud looked so nice, was ripe enough to pick and most importantly, I couldn't wait any longer to try it.
Took the photos outside, a couple on my rosemary plant and the another's taken on a rock.


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Super Market Parking Lot Treasure

Super Market Parking Lot Treasure

I've wanted Ducati Monster for quite awhile.
I don't know enough about the Volvo brand to identify the model and year but it's a beautiful design.



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Back to the Congo Smoke Report

Back to the Congo Smoke Report

I almost hate to do smoke reports because I'm pretty sensitive to how much it can realistically affect a breeders and resellers bottom line. I also don't want to mislead or misguide fellow growers on a strain because I know how important it is to make the right decision on what you are going to put in your grow space. I admit though, that being a grower, I do have a bias towards growers so I'm going to be more protective of growers. Disclaimer over.
Now I can give you my stone cold lock of a recommendation. The Richard Williams Back to the Congo is the easiest recommendation I'll ever make. This is the same strain that the great ACE Seeds released as a limited edition over a year ago. It's a cross with Tom Hill's famous Deep Chunk.
I would describe it as Down Down Down to the Congo. This is the tall, single cola and for me, a very quick finishing 48 days, Congolese pheno. The sensation, which starts very quickly, are waves of deep healing, pain relieving comfort and stone that goes from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and front to back. It feels like you are getting pulled down to the ground and you feel a deeper connection to the earth.:groupwave: I know that sounds hyperbolic but that's the best way to describe the feeling the Congo gives me. I love it!
I have a shorter Congo in the room that's at day 59 and I'm thinking it's got 10 days to go. I'm hoping this is the Deep Chunk pheno which is supposed to be a killer Indica and if it has a stronger stone than the taller pheno then it must be subterranean.:dance013:


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
I almost hate to do smoke reports because I'm pretty sensitive to how much it can realistically affect a breeders and resellers bottom line. I also don't want to mislead or misguide fellow growers on a strain because I know how important it is to make the right decision on what you are going to put in your grow space. I admit though, that being a grower, I do have a bias towards growers so I'm going to be more protective of growers. Disclaimer over.
Now I can give you my stone cold lock of a recommendation. The Richard Williams Back to the Congo is the easiest recommendation I'll ever make. This is the same strain that the great ACE Seeds released as a limited edition over a year ago. It's a cross with Tom Hill's famous Deep Chunk.
I would describe it as Down Down Down to the Congo. This is the tall, single cola and for me, a very quick finishing 48 days, Congolese pheno. The sensation, which starts very quickly, are waves of deep healing, pain relieving comfort and stone that goes from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and front to back. It feels like you are getting pulled down to the ground and you feel a deeper connection to the earth.:groupwave: I know that sounds hyperbolic but that's the best way to describe the feeling the Congo gives me. I love it!
I have a shorter Congo in the room that's at day 59 and I'm thinking it's got 10 days to go. I'm hoping this is the Deep Chunk pheno which is supposed to be a killer Indica and if it has a stronger stone than the taller pheno then it must be subterranean.:dance013:

Sounds great I got some ready now i gotta get in flower...what kinda smells did yours put out


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stoney917 they haven't put out much odor just a mild herbal smell. With the smoke I'm getting burnt rubber, hot asphalt and tar. I know that doesn't sound very appealing but for some reason it is. It is a very earthy high and you get this unity with nature vibe. I really do love it.
Good luck with your grow and I know you'll love it too.


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The real odor champ is the Bubblegum/Bangi Haze cross that has made the room smell like sweet candy since week 3 of flower. It permeates and dominates the room in a very good way.


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Quote from actor James Garner from his biography on Marijuana

Quote from actor James Garner from his biography on Marijuana

I started smoking marijuana in my late teens. I drank to get drunk but ultimately didn’t like the effect. Not so with grass. Grass is smooth. It had the opposite effect from alcohol: it made me more tolerant and forgiving. …

“I smoked marijuana for 50 years. I don’t know where I’d be without it. It opened my mind to a lot of things, and now it’s active ingredient, THC, relaxes me and eases my arthritis pain. I’ve concluded that marijuana should be legal and alcohol should be illegal. But, good luck with that.”

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