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Elemental True OG, Back to the Congo, Flower Bomb Kush


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I started to get some purple on the stems of 4 plants. All of these plants used the same soil. I had an old bag of potting soil called Super Soil that used to be sold at Home Depot for years. Scott bought them out a couple of years ago and it appears it was phased out because I no longer see it. This bag had enough soil in it for the final 4 pots. It was several years old and was not looking too good but I had run out of peat moss after making several batches of my homemade soil and I wasn't going to buy another bail of peat moss for 4 #1 pots.
I put some Bloom and Gardner Organic fertilizer in them because I had also run out of Osmocote. The soil had broken down over the years, was really heavy and I should have cut it with some Pearlite but I chose not to.
I don't think this soil drains well, it doesn't have enough lightness to let the roots breath and I think the fertilizer is either not able to provide enough nutrients because of the soil or I didn't put enough in the pot or it's just not adequate. Don't know for sure but the stems are purplish and I'm seeing necrosis in some of the leaves. I've fed these with a higher dose of Miracle Grow Tomato fertilizer and hopefully they will respond well. All the plants the got Osmocote are great.


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I did what I should have done with that Supersoil BEFORE I put any other nutrients in the pot and before I transplanted and that is a test of the runoff for ec and ph. I just did that test and the ec was 3.2 and the ph 5.1. Yikes! No wonder the leaves were dying.
I made a rookie mistake of seeing a problem and thinking they were under fed when exactly the opposite was the case. It wasn't that the organic nutrients weren't adequate it was that they probably weren't needed at all in the first place. I assumed, you know what that means, that because the Supersoil was old that the nutrients in the soil would be degraded or used up. Wrong!
So I did a flush with three gallons of water in the little 3 quart pot, it took forever. I'm going to go down in an hour and do a runoff test and I'll report the results. So no problem with the organic nutrients, just my dumb ass not doing what I should done in the beginning and for assuming. I think assuming is rooted in laziness to be honest but we all have our moments. Live and learn.


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After the flush I had a ph of 5.9 and an ec of .7. I can live with those numbers for awhile. I'll do the same for other pots that have that soil. I have a photo of my Killer Grape, after removing the tomato cage, that I'm growing outside.


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I took some ec readings on some of the pots that had Osmocote only added to determine if the nutrients were running out. Much to my surprise I got some extremely high readings. It appears that all of the nutrient pellets have opened and they weren't when I tested them a couple of weeks ago and got ec readings of around 2. After calibrating my meter, I got ec readings from three pots of 4.9, 4.8 and 5.1. It's clear I added too many pellets in each pot, 3/4 to 1 tablespoon. One teaspoon would have probably been plenty.
What's really surprising is that the plants don't seem to mind the high ec's at all. A few of the plants in the old Supersoil had problems but all of the others look great. They may eventually start looking burnt but at 28 days of flower it's all good.
I'll post some photos at around 40 days.


looking good. Can't see any signs of overfertilisation too. Next update, can you make a special on the Back to the congo? How are they smelling?


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Hi Ronni. I'll give you several shots of the Back to the Congo in about a week to ten days. At 4 weeks of flower they are all budding all over but they need a little more time before they look mature enough to be interesting photos; so they are coming trust me.
Here are some current group shots:


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In this shot the back row has the two tall Swazi's on the left and the Back to the Congo is the plant to the right of the Swazi. It has the most mature buds of any of them at this point but I'm guessing it has 5 or 6 weeks left before harvest.


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Damn it the football games start at 10 am on the west coast of the usa where I live. That means I have to start drinkin' early. I hate when that happens.:mad:


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Smoking some Blue Dream Auto from Humbolt Seeds that I grew from a freebie. I don't think you would be disappointed if you grew this. I didn't have any problems with it and I didn't grow it like you are supposed to grow autos. I put it in a room that was on 12/12 after it had started to flower on 18/6 for about 5 days. It probably didn't yield like it normally would and it probably didn't finish as quickly as it normally would but I got about 20 grams estimate as a dry yield and the quality is high.
It's got a nice upbeat, social, positive high. It makes you feel good and it's a nice pain killer too. Highly recommended.



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Super Lemon Haze Review

Super Lemon Haze Review

Smoking some Green House Seeds Super Lemon Haze. The SLH is the reason I decided to grow some of Green House Seeds other strains.
The smell when ground or even the smell in the jar is dank. A rich herbal and sour fruit smell. It's a rich oily, spicy feel in your mouth when smoked. I smoke through Zig Zag 100's cigarette filter tubes so I'm probably losing some flavors but it could also be that the filter is filtering out some of the unpleasant flavors of tar and is allowing me to taste the plant better. Either way the flavor is really fine.
The high shines even above those highlights. It's Dr. Feelgood all the way around. Smoke some and listen to Earthless-Rhythms From A Cosmic Sky (2007) ( Full Album) or their From the Ages album on You Tube. If you love Psychedelic Rock and love Hendrix quality guitar playing, you'll love being high on SLH while listening to these albums. The SLH allows you to block out all the shit going on in your head and focus on the music; and it helps with focus to write at the same time making both experiences more enjoyable. If this sounds like your thing, get some seeds.
I grew two plants and if I would have been looking for a keeper it would have been the one whose buds were airy and were constructed of a bunch of small balls. I'll post a pick of one of the few buds I have left. It didn't yield much on this one but I grew it in a Big Mama Rockwool block using Dyna Gro nutrients and that could have affected the yield, it sure as hell didn't affect the quality. Maybe got an ounce but the quality is so extraordinary that the low yield can be easily forgiven. Point being that I grew 2 plants one producing kind of raggedy looking buds but yielded much better, one low yielder and got a keeper plant by only growing two plants. I'm not going to review the higher yielder #2 right now because I compared one bud from that plant to one bud from the lower yielding plant and much preferred the bud from the low yielder, liked the looks much more and preferred it's high to the higher yielder. It wasn't really fair to judge one against the other based on the results from one bud but I loved #1 so much that I've been smoking it ever since. I've smoked a few buds from the high yielder since and they seem to be getting better as time passes. Both are excellent to be honest but #1 is already in my hall of fame of great bud.
Other's experiences may differ but I can only report on my experience and based on my experience the SLH should be at or near the top of a growers list to try, at least once. I think you a have a real good shot at finding a winner. :biggrin:


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This is a little bit better photo of the hash. I got this from, I'm guessing because I didn't weigh it, maybe 6-8 grams of popcorn and trim I've had in a sealed freezer bag wrapped in freezer paper for about a year. Great intense, long lasting buzz but not overwhelming. Smoked with some SLH in a joint.


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Finally got a good photo with accurate color. I was using the flash before and it was creating a shadow making a dark greenish hue. This blond color is more accurate.


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Definitely I'd recommend Greenhouse Seeds SLH but I haven't grown their SSH. Based on the quality I got from their SLH I wouldn't be afraid to say that you should give their SSH a try. Good luck.


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Harvest Back to the Congo Day 49 flower

Harvest Back to the Congo Day 49 flower

Sorry for such a long delay in updating but the sea of green grow method I'm using makes getting good photos very difficult. About a week to 10 days ago I spent about an hour and a half breaking down the room, knocking over plants that were stacked on several up turned spare pots that were used to get an even canopy, took a shit load of photos, broke a large branch on one plant while trying to put the room back together and most of the photos did not turn out well.
I'm going to post ten photos of the Back to the Congo tall plant,54 inches/137cm tall. I hope no one thinks any of the strains in this grow are going to be a true representation of what these strains can do. They are grown in pots that hold 3 quarts or about 2.5 liters of soil. Now if they would have been grown with hydroponics in these pots, I believe they would been much larger but still not even coming close to their potential.
The feeding was way over done. With ec's hovering around 5 they were grossly over fertilized; although the majority showed little signs of over fertilization but some, probably about 7 plants, needed emergency flushing while showing obvious signs of over fertilization. This was an experiment, much to the dismay of some breeders I'm sure and I apologize upfront to them for not showing the true capabilities of their genetics. The yields on these plants are going to be extremely low and honestly with such a ridiculously short veg. time and very small pots, that should surprise no one.
After taking the high ec readings I really was astonished that so many of the plants showed very little negative affects. The Back to the Congo that I harvested yesterday at day 49, I know that seems very early to me too, showed no signs of over fertilization at all. Speaking of the short flower time, the other shorter Congo plants looks like it is going to go at least 60-65 days which is more what you'd expect. The Congo I'm showing in the 10 photos that follow actually looked done at about day 42 but I let it go another week to see if there would be any change in color or resin production and when none was forthcoming, I cut her down.


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Back to the Congo

Back to the Congo

The Back to the Congo's will get a real showing next round when I grow 5 of them in large pots with my usual methods.
Here are 4 more photos of the harvested Congo. I thought I downloaded 10 Congo photos but I guess one didn't load.


Looks good! I'm excited for you to experience the quality of the BTTC smoke. Keep on posting and growing that amazing plant!

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