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all praises are due to the Most High
"personally I cannot make my mind up about exactly what the whole phenomenon is about, but I certainly cannot just dismiss it and call it silly either."

Yeah, but let's not jump to conclusions either.

when we have scientific proof of discovered extraterrestrial organisms, and water in liquid states; as the proof of such that we already have; there is no jumping to conclusions when speaking of extraterrestrial life.

in fact, when we ourselves have already been out-side of the earth, this not only proved that the phenomenon is quite a real possibility, but we ourselves became the aliens from the perspective of other planets and organisms that are not earth-bound.



when we have scientific proof of discovered extraterrestrial organisms, and water in liquid states; as the proof of such that we already have; there is no jumping to conclusions when speaking of extraterrestrial life.

in fact, when we ourselves have already been out-side of the earth, this not only proved that the phenomenon is quite a real possibility, but we ourselves became the aliens from the perspective of other planets and organisms that are not earth-bound.


Are you talking about ALH84001 from Antarctica? It's not exactly proof. It's still very debatable. All agree that convincing evidence would contain proof that the fossils had cell walls, that the cells had been divided, and that chemicals more closely related to living organisms as we know them be found.

And your argument that us going to the moon (outside of earth anyways) proves interstellar travel, is not a solid case. At the speeds we travel, you would die before reaching Alpha Centauri. What if we travel close to the speed of light? Do you know how much energy it would take to accelerate a spaceship close to the speed of light? A lot. As you get closer to the speed of light, your mass goes up which means you need even more energy to accelerate.

I don't understand your analogy either. We are already aliens from the perspective of lifeforms not from this world. We don't have to travel into space to become aliens. You just have to be from another planet. It's not like we have visited any other lifeforms. I'm not sure what you're getting at here. And what if we did visit them? Wouldn't we call them aliens still? Even though they haven't visited us?


all praises are due to the Most High
Are you talking about ALH84001 from Antarctica? It's not exactly proof. It's still very debatable. All agree that convincing evidence would contain proof that the fossils had cell walls, that the cells had been divided, and that chemicals more closely related to living organisms as we know them be found.

And your argument that us going to the moon (outside of earth anyways) proves interstellar travel, is not a solid case. At the speeds we travel, you would die before reaching Alpha Centauri. What if we travel close to the speed of light? Do you know how much energy it would take to accelerate a spaceship close to the speed of light? A lot. As you get closer to the speed of light, your mass goes up which means you need even more energy to accelerate.

I don't understand your analogy either. We are already aliens from the perspective of lifeforms not from this world. We don't have to travel into space to become aliens. You just have to be from another planet. It's not like we have visited any other lifeforms. I'm not sure what you're getting at here. And what if we did visit them? Wouldn't we call them aliens still? Even though they haven't visited us?

there is nothing still very debatable about organisms found in outer-space, not on earth btw...

man has found living organisms in mars already, I thought you were up-to date regarding these issues, this is old news: http://www.spacedaily.com/news/life-03zj.html

as for the rest of your post, not sure what to make of it?
if you cannot understand that we are aliens in mars picking up living organisms, and then see how intelligent-life elsewhere is such a real possibility, then there is not much to be said.



Well-known member
how about the testimonies that there are 57 kinds of documented ETs species that have visited Earth

Find some testimonies of people who have found proof it's all wrong, this is my challenge to you.

Respectfully CC, but have you even spent any time reasearching your own sources? The people that are making these claims?

You post testimonies of people that have not one shred of tangible evidence to support their unbelievable claims, and then you pass it on as if it's undisputed reality.

No offense, however, you seem to consider any information presented from other sources, other than your own, as false yet, you put your own personal beliefs in the likes of a Sgt.Clifford Stone, who has no evidence, other than his word, to support his fantastic claims.

Ret. Sgt. Clifford Stone was the first person that claimed there to be 57 different documented species of Aliens.

As you requested, I watched the Disclosure Project, and Clifford Stone was the only witness to have claimed actual contact with Aliens. He only spoke for 4 minutes on the Disclosure Project, therefore, I took it upon myself to learn more about him.

The following are fragments of an interview with Clifford Stone:


Q: So, you were the first person to document Aliens, 57 different species, is that correct?

CS: Uh, yeah, thats right. This guy was always there, we didn't know his name. I always just called him the Colonel, and we would always laugh, and affectionately call them "Heinz 57" ha, ha. And we all played certain parts in that. But the whole situation is we look for the similarites. When we look for those similarities, and we begin to realize just how much we have in common, and eventually we come to the point of one thought. That they are us. Because everything in the universe in interconnected. All species are interconnected. You become spiritually enlightened by going through this life, even those that we say are insane, on the other-side are not insane.

Q: When did you see your first Alien. Were you in fear?

SS: Immediatley for the first time, when I was very young and calling children. I got to see how they really look, and this one particular Alien, I always knew as "Korona"....I was told, I'm "Korona", and thats with a "K". And you know I'm telling the truth because at the time I didn't even know how to spell "Korona".

Q:Calling children, what do you mean calling children? What age did you start working with Aliens in this capacity?

SS: When I was young, I played with children that other people couldn't see. They even helped me with my homework. Now, no-one eles could see them, and I didn't understand that at the time. And the invisable people would tell me, "they can't see us because they haven't been selected". Uh, but, professionally it was probably about the age of 19 or 20.

Q: OK. So, do you know what planet Korona is from?

SS: Uh, Uh, I dont know the name. But it's about 100 light-years away from here.

Q: And how do you know that?

SS: Well, when they come to visit, in real-time, from the time they leave, and there's a little nice thing about that, from the time they leave their home planet which is a star system about 100 light-years away from planet earth, in real-time travel, it's 1 hour and 45 minutes from the time they leave and the time they arrive here.

Q: And what kind of species is Korona?

SS: Well, do you want the truth or a good story? Well, people would like me to say he's a "Gray". But he isn't, he's "Green", and I mean like "Pastel Green".

Q: Do you think the Aliens have given you modified DNA or special powers?

SS: Yeah, but you try not to use those special powers just because you can. I know things that are going to happen before they happen. Let's just say they can even communicate with the other-side. Since the death of my son they took me to visit him one time.

Please, try to help me understand, why I or anyone eles should believe a word of what Clifford Stone says?

I'm having a difficult time understanding why anyone would entertain the idea that this man is credible? It's obvious he is suffering from some type of mental defects.

Korona? LOL!

Whats with Stone's statement "You know I'm telling the truth because at the time I didn't even know how to spell KORONA"

Is that all the evidence one needs to believe his outlandish claims, the fact he couldn't spell "Korona"? LOL!

Barnie Madoff couldn't be a fraud either because he can't spell "Ponzie" Scheme.


Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Have you seen the thousands of other people's stories similar to this one? You have a lot more work to do, trouble. You're starting to get the picture, and you have to admit, it's so strange that it starts to tickle your "what if" bone. Keep looking, do yourself the favor. Imagine showing your great grandfather, at the age of 20, an iphone. He'd call it impossible. How about a Ferrari or an F16 jet fighter, or any of these once impossible technologies. "Impossible" has a tendency to become fact in short order.

Keep digging, hopefully, soon, you'll feel like I do: hopeful, amazed, grateful, like we're on the verge of something massively important to the human race. An answer!


Well-known member
Have you seen the thousands of other people's stories similar to this one?

CC, Your missing the entire point. It doen't matter how many people claim that there are 57 different species of Aliens. They got thier information from an uncredible source to begin with, which makes them as uncredible as the orginal source.

Steven Greer says there are 57 species of Aliens because Clifford Stone said so, and Clifford Stone says there are Alien's living under Mt.Blanca in Colorado because Steven Greer had a vision. It goes on and on, and none of it's true.

Theses people are simply using one anothers false claims in an attempt to add crediblity to their own false cliams.

It's obvious to anyone, that these people are feeding off of each others delusional visions in thier own personal war with reality. To fulfill their own selfish agenda, personal gain, attention, ect. ect.

Keep digging, hopefully, soon, you'll feel like I do: hopeful, amazed, grateful, like we're on the verge of something massively important to the human race. An answer!

What answer are you searching for?

I'm not looking for any answers, only evidence that Aliens exist and have visited earth, however, I'm finding there is none to be found.

I'm already hopeful, greatful, and have a truely wonderful life, and I'm certainly not looking for Aliens to make me happy,fulfilled, and satisfied.

Personally, I'm finding much of this Alien nonsense to be nothing more than some kind of new-age organized religion. It's all really starting to turn me off. A new-age religion based on false prophets, no evidence, and fairy tales.


Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor

Fuck religion, why must we choose a side? I just want the truth. Plain and simple, No sides like in religion.

Thank you for taking the time, BUT YOU GOT NO BACKUP SOURCES OR LINKS.

You seem to concentrate only on lies. I would take Edgar Mitchell's word over yours ANY DAY.



there is nothing still very debatable about organisms found in outer-space, not on earth btw...

man has found living organisms in mars already, I thought you were up-to date regarding these issues, this is old news: http://www.spacedaily.com/news/life-03zj.html

as for the rest of your post, not sure what to make of it?
if you cannot understand that we are aliens in mars picking up living organisms, and then see how intelligent-life elsewhere is such a real possibility, then there is not much to be said.


This is a very bad style of debate you've taken up. Spirochaeta americana comes from California (Mono Lake). That is a long way from Mars. Either you lied on purpose or you didn't even read your own link.

Don't expect another reply from me.


all praises are due to the Most High
This is a very bad style of debate you've taken up. Spirochaeta americana comes from California (Mono Lake). That is a long way from Mars. Either you lied on purpose or you didn't even read your own link.

Don't expect another reply from me.

you are right, my mistake man.

when I first posted the link, I googled it up from memory, thought when I first read the news it actually said the organisms came from mars, not from a mars-like environment. once again, excuse me.



all praises are due to the Most High
I'm already hopeful, greatful, and have a truely wonderful life, and I'm certainly not looking for Aliens to make me happy,fulfilled, and satisfied.

not looking for aliens to make us happy is a great expressed point; whether there are aliens or not, each one of us is ultimately responsible for the qualities of our lives...


Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
I'm not some sad, lonely person looking for a reason to live. :) I have as great a life as I could possibly ask for, seriously. I am busy, have a full and happy family life, etc... But if there's a greater truth to weave into my life, I'll keep an eye open for it.


all praises are due to the Most High
CC, it is the balance indeed, if one has a good life, and one finds there are aliens out there already communicating with people on earth, that could only enrich one's already good life, unless the aliens were here to feed on our brains hehehe...

it is just natural curiosity to wonder, specially when one makes the habit of looking up the sky at night.

one of the best films documenting our curiosity about life out there is the famous old documentary called Chariots of the Gods, excellent photography of ruins all over the world, great narrator and tripped-out tunes. well-worth watching in dvd quality... this is where it was first photographed/filmed the Astronaut of Palenque, while it was still forbidden to do so. pretty cool.



Domesticator of Cannabis
I held back on the Mars Phoenix knowledge. I have had lots of free time to check out this shit over the years I mean anyone with the Time - Life book. I've always dug the mysteries of life.

We're twice wise now this may of never happened in mans natural evolution without the genes of Isis. Don't forget that otherwise we probably wouldn't be floating around in space today.

My analogy of microbes found in similar settings.

The fertile crescent had 56 Large seed wild grasses, they domesticated 32 of them. Barley and Emmer wheat were the two earliest important crops of the Fertile Crescent, they rank 3rd and 13th in seed size out of the 56.
Nowhere else can you find this many wild grasses in one area, take a similar land in the world, Chile = 2, California = 1, South Africa = 1, Southwestern Australia = 0

So even with the correct climate the odds can be stacked against it. Mars has no intelligent life as we know it with thumbs or a trunk to build a craft.

No Alien man has set foot on Mars. If Martians Et al wanted to take a clear photo of the Phoenix they'd have no problems as proof of an unmanned alien craft from Earth see craft logo markings. As of now we've not integrated the cloaking systems & laser weaponry yet. I think we should have it installed immediately. That's the first thing those sneaky bastards would do if they travelled here. We wouldn't want to blow anyones mind with our flying ships.

I think we'll eventually find life on Mars.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
There are 200,000,000,000 to 400,000,000,000 stars in our galaxy alone. There are an estimated 240,000,000,000 galaxies in our visible universe, and there may be countless universes as well. If there is life on earth, and life on Mars, in this tiniest of places in the cosmos, imagine the REST of the billions and billions of habitable planets in the universe.

And that begs the question... why would an alien civilization want so badly to prove ANYTHING to the life forms on some random planet in the Milky Way Galaxy (ours)? People say, "they should show themselves to prove it to humankind once and for all." But I ask... why would they (as a group) even be slightly motivated to go through the effort? To the universe, our planet is as significant as a drop of water in the ocean. I have no problem - based on mathematics alone - in believing that we are one of an infinite number of places in the cosmos teeming with life.


Domesticator of Cannabis
And that begs the question... why would an alien civilization want so badly to prove ANYTHING to the life forms on some random planet in the Milky Way Galaxy (ours)? People say, "they should show themselves to prove it to humankind once and for all." But I ask... why would they (as a group) even be slightly motivated to go through the effort? To the universe, our planet is as significant as a drop of water in the ocean. I have no problem - based on mathematics alone - in believing that we are one of an infinite number of places in the cosmos teeming with life.
Job 1 & we've neglected the cloaking devices. Is this the first thing you'd think of for space travel? You wouldn't want to scare a lesser being now would you. That can be awfully frightening seeing something you don't understand. We humans twice wise are begging for ET contact. We send out probes & time capsules etc. You seem to think they need anonymity except to the few elites that have somewhat of a priestly contract with 57 of them.


all praises are due to the Most High
hermano arctic, good day :)

sirgrassalot, you know you are all about the "sapiens sapiens" twice-wise lore, and the whole egyptian thang as well as isis. moreover, you are very anti-extraterrestrial in your way of argumentation...

so I cannot help but wonder how much about the egyptian literature have you really read? like things we have now that have survived from Alexandria? there are many references that you seem to be missing... how about the three-times wise? that is a bone for a dog... and a dog-cookie would be their belief of who inhabits planets and stars, and why the sun is not only a symbolical god but even has a divine personality etc...



There are 200,000,000,000 to 400,000,000,000 stars in our galaxy alone. There are an estimated 240,000,000,000 galaxies in our visible universe, and there may be countless universes as well. If there is life on earth, and life on Mars, in this tiniest of places in the cosmos, imagine the REST of the billions and billions of habitable planets in the universe.

And that begs the question... why would an alien civilization want so badly to prove ANYTHING to the life forms on some random planet in the Milky Way Galaxy (ours)? People say, "they should show themselves to prove it to humankind once and for all." But I ask... why would they (as a group) even be slightly motivated to go through the effort? To the universe, our planet is as significant as a drop of water in the ocean. I have no problem - based on mathematics alone - in believing that we are one of an infinite number of places in the cosmos teeming with life.

And the distances are astronomical (literally). And why do you think there is life on Mars? If there is, it's nothing beyond a single celled organism who can't build spaceships (extremophiles).

There very well may be planets out there that contain intelligent life. That still doesn't prove faster than light travel. There are so many hurdles to this "visited by aliens" hypothesis that you can't overcome. Star trek was just a TV show. Do you think that aliens just roam around the universe looking for life? That is the most difficult way to contact other life. Most likely it would be done in the style of 2001: A Space Odyssey, by sending out "robots" that don't need special life support functions and can survive 100,000,000 million years in space.

Check this link: It explains what I'm talking much better than I. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHbnM_42mQE

I looked at your UFO videos, you should look at this one. It takes less than 8 minutes.


Domesticator of Cannabis
hermano arctic, good day :)

sirgrassalot, you know you are all about the "sapiens sapiens" twice-wise lore, and the whole egyptian thang as well as isis. moreover, you are very anti-extraterrestrial in your way of argumentation...

so I cannot help but wonder how much about the egyptian literature have you really read? like things we have now that have survived from Alexandria? there are many references that you seem to be missing... how about the three-times wise? that is a bone for a dog... and a dog-cookie would be their belief of who inhabits planets and stars, and why the sun is not only a symbolical god but even has a divine personality etc...


No bull shit here Paz like life on mars. We are homo sapien sapiens ~ That's twice wise, would you like to make an argument against that? You know better? Homo SS arrived with the genes of Isis our Genesis.