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norcal fires


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
everyone still doing okay? havent seen any threads stating folks lost homes or crops. thats a good sign. still sending karma your way......


Try not to inhale that smoke,, I had to be outside for a few hours the other day and the smoke didnt just smell like "wood" smoke; i could swear i smelled toxic plastic in the smoke (i've been around many a'fire to know). plus this smoke hurts my eyes and upper lungs.. I live in an area where we get a few fires a year and this smoke is NASTY...!... be safe and keep yourself inside if your in this smoke path.



Hey Sub...I remember when you were in the thick of it with the SD stuff. This is not a good start to the 'fire season' up here in fact could be awful. Winter was OK but never got the precipitation late winter/spring. I'm pretty far inland and the smoke is bad. Every morning I wake up and it's like the place is covered in fog. It doesn't rain in Nor Cal in the summer...just thunderstorms with lightning starting fires and a few drops of rain so no relief for the situation really until later this year. It's gonna be a TOUGH fire season which could very well last until November.

I dunno man...things don't normally kick in like this until late summer. A buddy is dropping a line into the creek in back with a high volume pump just in case and don't think he's being paranoid.

Just posted and this showed up...
Try not to inhale that smoke
Dude...there's nothing you can really do except lock yourself inside and run some serious filtration/purification equipment. If you shut yourself inside and seal off things the air will go 'bad' within 24 hours. I hear what you're saying but not too many options for people.

A difference between So and Nor Cal is up here space as far as you can see for the most part. Lots of burning can go on with very few people directly affected. Some have even played the conspiracy angle...they said the storm on the coast that basically started all this was the strangest thing they've ever seen...especially for this time of year.
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Registered Med User
Damn... I just looked up a map of cali fires, the hole norcal is burnin down! my prayers to all that live in the areas.
The Governator said we shouldnt be sellin fireworks this year, why the hell did they go on sale? Already know some more fires gonna spark......
yup real dry where im at, waiting for the tourists to come light up the wilderness with fireworks! I for once agree with the governator, it is way to dry to be firing of fireworks.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
California smoke in Oregon

California smoke in Oregon

The jet stream shifted a few days back, and now we have smoke blowing into southern Oregon from NorCal fires. The sunsets are firey orange/red, the sky is yellow, and the hills are hazy.



I only light off my illegal bottle rockets for New years, when everything is cold and wet, it would be suicide to do it now.

I hope the fires don't burn up too much of NorCal, especially my beloved Shasta/Trinity area.......


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
looking at the news this morning-cant believe whats still going on up there!! hope everyone is still well. makes me wanna pull my red card and yellow shirt back out and head north! good luck all keep on keepin your heads down.

Guest 18340

I know the feeling, being that i'm in florida we have some fucked up fires too. Good luck to all the growers in Cali, fire is no joke...


Active member
Damn Get Mo! Excelent pics. Looks like my front yard! Everythings real smokey alla time now. The sun looks like a giant red hot glob of burnin hydrogen! Crazy. You can look rite at it too. You can look at the giant red hot glob of hydrogen directly without even squinten. and The light that it shines threw the windows is all red too. I hope this passes without too much more damage. God Bless us all.


Where I am @ is burning. Sucks, air quality is horrible, hurts to breathe sometimes.

A lot of my friends are out however, fighting.


ithruxix said:
Where I am @ is burning. Sucks, air quality is horrible, hurts to breathe sometimes.

A lot of my friends are out however, fighting.

tell me about it. It is crazy where i live and it has only gotten worse.

On a good note, my neighbors are all elderly people and they hate me with a passion because i am outspoken and highly political and moral as a human being in the ways i have known what is truth. oh yeah, back to the good note: hahaha, they left their houses because they are choking but i can breath just fine, so for that, I can play my electric guitar LOUD and PROUD without the secret police militia beating down my door and telling me,"your music is too loud"..

heh.... :violin:


Active member
Yea Man! It really is fukkt up with this fire shitt allready. Its a bit better today but its still real real smokey out. Still, my wife breaths better here than in Philly. Philly was the worst. The air in Philly aint this good on a good day. Aint that fukkt up? Philly air is so bad that even on a good air quality day there , the air aint as good as California air thats on fire. When we got here our new doctor told us that my wife dont have to use her oxygen machine anymore! Its in the closet! She needed it alla time in Philly. She needed to wear a tank when we went out. Here she dont need her machine or her tank. Hardly even uses her emergency inhailer either! I love Cali. Im thinkin bout mabey usin her oxygen machine in place of my airpump for my bubblers! Hey, one good thing bout Philly tho.. With all the cars on fire an all the screamin and gunshots, No one really cared much bout my LOUD guitar playin! The rowhomes on either side of me were both vacant too!


finally got the last round of concow ash off my girls
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Active member
Damn. It just got seriously smokey here in the 95329 aria. It started yesterday nite and its still all smoky round here this mornin.


Active member
Hey Howdy Subrob! It cleared up a bit but I can still taste the smoke. Im not shure but I think they mite have it under controle now. The smoke shure cleared up alot anyhow. I think I saw on the news that theirs a fire goin on the other side of Coulterville. I hope everybodys ok over there too.

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