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Dutch coffee shops with the best hash.


British_Bulldog said:
You sir, have come to the right place for hash info, lol

First of all, the best hash isn't usually available over the counter and you have to know people.

Second, Amsterdam is a rip off and usually low quality, although some good hash can be found if you look hard enough and have a big enough wallet.

Rather than that, and having travelled around most of the Netherlands looking for the best hash, the only place I've found I can recommend going to is The Wall Coffeeshop in Eindhoven, which sells very high grade Moroccan hash at a very good price.

Here's a pic of some of their "Cristal Royal" I purchased recently at the very reasonable price of €10 a gram!


If you're staying in the Dam, the price of a return ticket from Amsterdam to Eindhoven is €29.30, but worth every cent when you can stock up on this awesome quality, and their weed is much better than Amsterdam too.

Here's a link to their website menu: http://members.chello.nl/c.thewall1/start.html

And the address is Marconillan 23c, a short walk north of the train station.


Hi British_bulldog,

Thanks for the information and its true its hard to find some good place with high grade hash, do they also have paki-afghan maroc there?


ilife said:
Yes the staff is really nice and friendly. This is one of the nicest Coffeshops in all of Holland in the Summertime. There is a very big outdoor patio. They often have Reggae concerts there also.


Hi Ilife,

Will take visit there next time, hope they also got paki-maroc hashish.


British_Bulldog said:
Hi Mr. Haze - #12 does indeed sound awesome :)

In the last 10 years I don't think I've seen any good Leb in NL - some mouldy pieces back in the late 90's, but nothing fresh and good.

Hi Antonio - I think hash is still being made in the Bekaa Valley, but we're just not seeing it available.

Hi Papulz - it's fine to think logically, try to argue it and not agree, but until you've actually smoked farmer quality straight from the farm, compared with high quality import in NL, you will never know.

I used to think like you, but since smoking the two, my opinion has changed. In fact, the Cristal Royal Moroccan hash I smoked recently from the The Wall coffeeshop in Eindhoven was better than the Moroccan farm hash straight from the farmer, and that was the farmer's highest personal grade.

I know it might be hard to believe, but it's true, and like that program on US TV, it was certainly a Mythbuster for me, lol

You're off-base about the quality issues too - under a microscope, a fine Moroccan is extremely clean, the same as dry-sift at home, but the plant materials the Moroccans use are often better than what's grown at home, not just genetically, but the light spectrum they're grown under (sun vs. indoor), the altitude, the soil, etc.

You can talk about higher quality production methods at home, but I've been there and done that - made super high grade dry-sift and bubble at home, and some of the Moroccan I've had has been better than my best, and I have used a variety of top quality plants, some elite clones.


I will give you rite!


British_Bulldog said:
ilife - thanks again for the info, sounds great in summer too :)

bon - thanks for the price info, 12 euros is reasonable I think

Capt. Crip - you've definately got the right idea there. To give you an idea of travelling times, the Netherlands is relatively small, and it doesn't take long to get around. For example, it's approx 1h20min from Amsterdam to either Eindhoven or Tilburg, and only costs around 14 euros each way.

gramsci.antonio - I'm not sure I agree about the quality in big cities in Italy - I live near you, and even local people who know people really struggle to get quality hash, and then it's like 30 euros a gram in Milan, for example.

Around where I live, the local Italians smoke terrible quality Moroccan for 10 euros a gram, and that's 'normal' for them.

Maybe you're just very hooked up and you don't realise it, lol

About the types of hash, it's certainly easier to find good Moroccan in the Netherlands than black. I've had some good black from the Bluebird too in the past, but it's not exactly my favourite coffeeshop, due to their attitude which isn't overfriendly (tourist coffeeshop), and the overcrowded nature of the shop - the hash hasn't always been good either, lol

But Mr Haze, shame on you teasing us again with those mouthwatering goodies, lol

Some outstanding quality there :)


Hi British_Bulldog,

There is plenty good moroccan hashish in italia, you just have to go the the rite people!


Rsh, dude...what's up with spamming this fine thread with multi posting/qouting?

Loving the pictures and tips dudes, please keep'em coming!


Which is the most powerful bubble hash in any coffeeshop in/out of town that's being sold to the public at the moment?


Well-known member
Where can i find good Paki-maroc hash in amsterdam?
the dampkring has the rifman hash, mostly af- paki, try the laila. capt. crip liked that one


rsh said:
Hi British_Bulldog,

There is plenty good moroccan hashish in italia, you just have to go the the rite people!

Well this must extremely rare to find, as I've got connections in Milan, and have found it impossible to find top quality Moroccan....the best I've had is mid-grade.

If you know any better, then you must be in the inner-circle.



British_Bulldog said:
Well this must extremely rare to find, as I've got connections in Milan, and have found it impossible to find top quality Moroccan....the best I've had is mid-grade.

If you know any better, then you must be in the inner-circle.


Hi British_Bulldog,

Where in italia are you from? and its true all this is matter of having good connections and networking here in Europa, have some moroccan friends over there in italia and theire business is running good :)


Mr haze420,

Thanks for the infomation, next time i'm in amsterdam i will visit dampkring and check theire qualities


Green Mujaheed
temple ball are a mix of charas and opium

That's stoner legend, there's no opium in Nepalese Temple Ball. WHat makes this stuff special is that it is actually good quality hand-rubbed charas which have been let to age for a little while, then which have been repressed by hand and worked into a ball. This shape is important because it exposes less surface than any other shape, and plays a role in protecting the charas against decaying (the shiny dark oxidized skin acting as an hermetic shield, preventing moisture and air to penetrate the piece and spoil the stuff).

Where can i get some good Mazar hash?

In Mazar e Sharif, or if you can't go there, then in Peshawar. I've smoked a few times some nice Afghan in NL, but having overindulged on the real deal in Pakistan, I know that however it was called, i've never came accross good Mazar e Sharif in NL. The good one would sell for 15 to 20 euros per gram in A'dam, when it cost 50cts a gram, retail, in Peshawar, Tourist price ! Better buy yourself a ticket and fly !

Irie !
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These different hashish is NOT from A'dam... but I thought I post them anyways. :joint:

First some marrocan hashish

Then some more marrocan (dark brown and bright pollen) + some charas

More indian charas from Bharshani, Parvati Valley.

Hope you enjoy.... I know I do!!! :rasta:


I don't like it when you get some hash in the shape of bullets as you know it's been shaped like that so it can be shitted out easily. had some in spain, very nice and strong but i got a throat infection either from that or just some bug that was going around could have been coincidence wiyth the heavy binge drinking and cigarette smoking. not worth thinking about though lol.
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all the pictures of charas is snapped in india... so i can asure you it hasn't been in anybodies ass...!! but i most say some of the best hash i smoked in my life had been in somebodies ass... and i never got sick or some BS... proper packing is the key to succes in that matter!!!

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