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Dutch coffee shops with the best hash.


Active member
maybe i just went in a period where there was a drought... because i checked the hash 3 or 4 times and then no more bcuz i wasn't impressed... i'll check again...

I found weed to be very good, almost everywhere. In utrecht the best are Vipshop, anderson and sarasani. But also them didn't impress me with the quality of hash.

anyhow the best deal i found in all the netherlands is White Widow @ anderson. For 5 euro/gram you get some of the best weed floating around: Tasty, good looking and STRONG. It took me 2 months of almost daily visit to anderson before taste it. Then i understood that quality isn't in the price.

Also the Bio Bud @ Anderson are very good and with a really fruity taste for just 6 euro/gram, but they don't have it very often. It depends on the period.

In the vipshop i like the cakes, and the WW is very good for a good price, but i don't go there very often because i don't like the shop owner. He looks a bit shady.

Anderson was GREAT, although not cheap, but they closed it :(


Hi Mr. Haze, I've seen that video and enjoyed it, thanks

Hi Antonio - I don't know if you'll find good hash below 7 euro a gram, but as I say, that's the price of the Hija-Hija at The Wall in Eindhoven, and well worth a try I think.

Thanks for the tips on the weed in Utrecht.

For me, the best thing about Utrecht is the quality of the girls there, lol

About Andersom and Sarasani, I think you mean Sarasani was closed recently, not Andersom.

And these comments from coffeeshop.freeuk put me off Andersom:

Andersom, Vismarkt 23, Utrecht

"Aaron from UK. Sent 14 Aug 2007.
This place is terrible. It has about 2 types of weed and 2 of hash, the quality isn't very good. The staff always seem very moody and unfriendly. The downstairs is nice to chill in but it's not worth it at all. Avoid! "

Csenorchurls from USA. Visited Jan 26-31. Sent 1 Feb 2006.
"The dealer tried to rip off the fairly toasted customer in front of us. Fortunately the customer wasn't stoned enough to fall for the old 'change for a 20 euro instead of the 50 euro note' trick that some dishonest dealers like to pull. When it came our turn it was service with a snarl, we bought some Nepal hash (which turned out to be crap) and when we asked to buy a lighter he rolled his eyes and threw one at me. Not a place we will be returning to even though we liked the layout of the place."


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Active member
British_Bulldog said:
Hi Mr. Haze, I've seen that video and enjoyed it, thanks

Hi Antonio - I don't know if you'll find good hash below 7 euro a gram, but as I say, that's the price of the Hija-Hija at The Wall in Eindhoven, and well worth a try I think.

Thanks for the tips on the weed in Utrecht.

For me, the best thing about Utrecht is the quality of the girls there, lol

About Andersom and Sarasani, I think you mean Sarasani was closed recently, not Andersom.

And these comments from coffeeshop.freeuk put me off Andersom:


Hi, yeah i meant Sarasani :D:D:D lol i'm too stoned :D:D:D:D

About the comment on anderson: i was used to went there smoking a joint every day after university.

I mean, from the university to my home, on the oudergracht, there were the best coffee in Utrecht. And i always went there with my mates, to smoke a joint, drink a tea and for a little game of chess.

Yes they are somehow rude, but i found many netherlands to be rude and sad. Especially clerks in coffee shops... Maybe it's the weather...

And about the pussy: Are you speaking about whores?

Because i find dutch girls to be very picky... Maybe it's because i'm a nigger for their standards... I don't think i'm ugly but in 9 months i scored two girls and none of them were dutch...

In a'dam it's way better, maybe bcuz they are more international...

Anyhow about the weed, my hint is: do as if you were in england. Go to clubs, do some eavesdropping... take a look around and find a pusher...

the best weed isn't in the coffee shops. The dutch keep it for themselves...

Once i bought some Haze for 12 euro/gram from a dutch guy... it was definetly the best weed ever... the main difference between that and coffee shop weed is that the guy cured it for a long time, coffee are a bit more commercial...
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lover of all things hashlike
buddy... im not trying to be right here, but simply your putting words in my mouth.

its all good if individual tastes and opinions on which 'effects' are better is what this is boiling down to, because personally im hooked on the flavor represented in the finest domestic bubbles and sieves ive seen, and the brain scorching sensation of a hybrid plant's hash.
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Hi Papulz,

I'm sorry you don't get good Moroccan in CA, you should come over here and have a smoke with us man, you'd surely change your opinion, lol

I hear everything you're saying, but I've seen the light regarding the super high quality grades of Moroccan available in the Netherlands, and they're often better than homemade hash.

I've outlined the factors involved, but essentially the quality is very high indeed.

Take for example the Moroccan 'eggs' Mr. Haze has, and has posted pics of - they are superb, and didn't have some 'long, ardous journey all the way from Morocco', they sat inside someone's stomach for a few hours plane ride.

I've been offered to work on a Moroccan hash farm in the past, and had to decline for personal reasons, but if I'd gone, I doubt I would have found some kind of holy grail of secret hash that all the farmers hoard and protect with their lives, kind of thing.

More than likely I've smoked better Moroccan in the Europe, with the way the imports are.

You say: "i still believe that domestic produce, especially that which i find in CA is infinitely better material than the vast majority of imports"......well I've smoked some of CA's best homemade hash, smuggled straight from CA to Amsterdam, and it wasn't as good as the Moroccan in NL.

Come over to Europe and experience the difference! lol


Active member
yeah i think the same.

Moroccan, lebanese, Indian or afghan hash are WAY better than bubble-hash or oil.

Maybe not stronger, but the flavor compound enrich so much the experience to make it a whole different thing.

I haven't found in netherlands any ice-hash wich was tasty. The best ones has just a slight flavor.

But i've heard that now in CA you find very very good stuff...

Anyhow for british bulldog: i've tasted a lot of different moroccan, indian an afghan hashes. And i found indian to be WAY better than moroccan.

Although in a'dam i haven't been able to find some PRIMO charas...
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Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Damn fellas,,,
I've been missing out....
Mr.Haze,That ratio you speak of must yeild some amazing product!!!
I've been rereading Hashish over the last couple of nights concentrating on the Moroccan section....
Not sure if you guys have it but the DVD that Gypsy made of the Hash making process in Morocco was killer to say the least!!!!
He was packing the 100g packets to be pressed.....It looked crazy seeing Gypsy squatted down filling bags with the regular help....He also did an opening article in the 1st International Cannagraphic magazine...Long article covering most everything on his trip...
The DVD is killer though....
And yes it will bubble at a close open flame just as it should...
I really love dry sieve!!!It's all I make at home(still have not purchased any icewater bubblebags)and I wouldn't have it any other way......
The first light shaking is always a killer golden light pile and will turn to sticky bubblegum by simply placing the trichs in the palm and setting your thumb lightly atop the pile,,,no pressing of your thumb is needed as the little warmth will instantly turn it to putty.....
Although this hash is wonderful and extremely potent it just doesn't contain those exotic odors and flavors of the North African,Middle Eastern and Asian
Polms and Charas.....
I understand that the best quality hashes only show up sporadically in the NL but the fact that they show up makes it truly one of the special places to live and I really envy you guys that are lucky enough to do so....
If it was possible my wife and I would move tomorrow but the fact that getting a green card to work is difficult makes it next to impossible to do so at present...
Oh well you never know what the future holds and thats a fact....

Take care and keep the pics and conversation going............

Take care..................................CC


Hi Antonio,

The girls I was referring to were the university girls in Utrecht, not the whores.

I understand you like Indian black hash better than Moroccan, but for me it's personal taste and depends on the time of day and your mood too. Moroccan is more of an up high, so more suited to the day, and for me, black at night .... it's great to have the choice.

I also like a good Afhgan black hash at night to relax, but unfortunately neither good Indian nor good Afghan is generally available, whereas excellent Moroccan is easier to find, and is fresher.

And yes, I prefer the taste and flavour of a good import over an ice-hash, which does not have good flavour.

Before, I didn't rate Moroccan as highly as I do now, but having sourced some of the best available, my mind has now been changed.

Hi Capt. Crip - yes that's a good video, but you get the feeling that Gypsy was very much a tourist just watching, and his comments seemed to me like it all seemed like a lot of hard work. Maybe it's his accent, but the comments/voiceover came across to me like it was a 'strange and ott' experience.

I personally like hard work and as I say was offered work on a hash farm, but it wouldn't have been a holiday, lol, they wanted me to work hard and play hard....all day long, lol

I'm sure it would've been exhausting, but that I would've also enjoyed every minute of it. There were factors meaning it didn't work out, which was unfortunate, but the reasons were sufficient enough to stop me doing it.

If anyone here has actually worked on a Moroccan hash farm, I'd be very interested to hear their comments regarding quality, work load, atmosphere, etc.

Btw: all the good Moroccan here bubbles up nicely ;)

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Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Yea bro I agree with ya....
Man I'm sure you would have enjoyed the farming if you could have pulled it off...Of course the works hard(all farming is)but the rewards would have been over the top...Talk about getting to try some of the first sieve!!!!
Wow! That would have been a special experience...
I too would enjoy any comments from anyone who has worked Hashplant farming..
Although I know Gypsy's trip had to have been a little sketchy I would have sure enjoyed getting to see something like that....Had to of been a really cool experience...


lover of all things hashlike
never said moroccan wasnt great my man, its not like i didnt import any straight from nl myself either.. it simply didnt compare and thats where i leave that.


Hi Capt. Crip,

Yeah it would have been great, but it wasn't to be - maybe in the future though.

Hi Papulz,

I hear where you're coming from, you obviously are very knowledgable and have a nice gallery here.

I don't know if you've tried the top grades of Moroccan, but if you have and prefer your own dry-sift then fair play to you man.

You're obviously making extremely high quality hash, chosen from exactly the strains you like.

That's fantastic, and I tip my hat to you, and it would be an honour to meet you someday.

My point was that some of the Moroccan is very high grade, and better than some of my own homemade hash, and the homemade hash of others, including a very good friend of mine from Cali. That to me is testiment that the Moroccans are able to produce and export the top grades, and so has increased my level of respect for them.

I didn't even used to like Moroccan that much until I was blown away with the top stuff, as I thought although it tasted nice, it didn't have the potency to do the job properly, but I've been proved wrong.

Have a good day,

Peace, out


lover of all things hashlike
a note to gramsci, your right to say most any dry derived product will better represent the bouquet of the original material,

however it really does depend on what strains you use at times because as you note, it is possible to find water extracted hashes that are nearly as flavorful as their dry counters. some flavors are more easily lost than others, and some are concentrated even more... Not only that but the flavors extracted by each methodology will be different as well, and for this reason i generally do both a dry and wet run on my material. just as a small testimonial, ive had many different kinds of bubblehashes that perfectly encapsulated the taste of the farm from whence it came. particularly, trainwreck, jedi, romulan, powerplant, snowcap, calio, rhino, and any of the mixed batches could be described as a deluge of gorgeous ganja flavor.

for me, even if i lose some of the taste, id still rather use bubble bags because of their simplicity, efficiency, and ability to turn out an extremely large quantity of high quality with less work/time spent.(speaking in comparison towards the high end dry product) sometimes i like to take nice dry sift and do a simple cold water purification with jars "sadu sam's secret" methodology.

this method ends up showing me any extraneous plant fiber that is still present in the sift, be it pulverized leaves or whatever. at this point in my life... i need to smoke as little as possible so i seek the highest quality, to do a favor for my lungs.

homemade doesn't equal quality is something worth noting. skill and expertise, combined with quality material and methodology is what produces the highest echelon.


Thanks for the pic lookmethis

How many actually bubbled though, that's the question ;)

It made me laugh when I recently asked someone knowledgable, when in an A'dam coffeeshop if all their hash in their stash box bubbled....to which someone else said "of course if f*cking does!", lol, in a playful but also also 'of course' kind of way (not rude per se)

That's got to be a good test of whether hash is worth smoking or not - for example, the fabled Katsu waterhash is a big let down - hardly bubbles, if at all, and the high isn't particularly good.

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on my last outing last march i got amazing hash froim abraxas royal crme de maroc that buble fully as a flame approched...

the only other resin i had that goo was waterworks fro the irate price of 50 euro but this was tasty full melt neder bubble not lacking in flavor at all...

im always searching for the good import

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
How about adulterants in hash..I'm guessing the lightly pressed polms are rarely tampered with but you here stories about sheeps fat and other sh*t in some hashes and I'm sure that sh*t would cause a cheap piece to bubble...
Luckily most of us make plenty at home and can generally tell a good piece from a poor piece..
I'd be pissed to lay down my money on some crap full of crap :)
That crappy soapbar in england is produced somewhere out there??Why does this crap not show up in other countries?
How often do you guys run into hash in the dam that looks decent but is actually sh*t???

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
And if the quality of import hash isnt up there, I make oil of it. :smile:

I have found some really good moroccan hash from Abraxas every now and then...


lover of all things hashlike
wax is added as an adulterant/contaminant to help the piece both bind together, bubble, and hold a flame.

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