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Dry Ice Hash FTW!!


I didnt notice much of a difference.... It did speed up the process, but considering all you have to do with the tumbler is turn it on, speed wasnt an issue for me.


Idk about everybody else, but in the week after stumbling upon this method. I have come to find myself surrounded by more golden goodness than ever before.

Bubbleman - This stuff ain't no cold water hash, agreed. However it is its own thang, and having never had the blessing of tasting quality import hashish, I can only assume this must be a fair reproduction of it.

And has anybody started to press this stuff yet?
I have been playing with some hand pressing, putting in my shoe, one of those clay extruders, having a buddy run it over a few times....I want a press, trying to decide between an ape 2 ton or 12 ton shop press.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Take the trichs and place them into a compressed square or rectangular shape in cellophane like the same thick plastic wrap that is on cancer stick boxes or many other items like CD's and such. It's the shiny thick plastic that nothing really sticks too, and parchment paper works too if you have a roll in the kitchen. Wrap it up and heat it gently with a blow dryer on low heat and hammer it into a compressed block with a rubber mallet or something similiar then you can take it out in one piece and knead it a bit into a ball or fold it over itself a few times and continue to compress it with some gentle heat and the mallet until you get it to the desired shape and consistency. This makes for some really nice dense blonde pressed hash that burns wonderfully and stays together nicely. If you find it getting dry or crumbly some gentle heat and repressing will get it right back to where you originally had it and it's easy to get a feel for it after a few times it's simple. :)

You can also just warm the trichs in your hand if you have alot of it and rub them together gently and work it into some nice hand rubbed hash that has a consistency like a piece of grainy clay and is soft and pliable at first and will harden and darken once it dries out somewhat and is exposed to the air & oxygen which changes the color a bit darker as it oxidizes the outside layer so it has that nice creamy lighter tan color inside compared to the darker outside layer when you break it open. Hope someone finds this helpful out there in trich pile land! :biggrin: :smoke out: :good:


Active member
I had really good results by leaving the 'sift' in a ziplok for a couple days. This seemed to revive it with a little more moisture. After a couple days, I started pushing the product into the corner of the bag and mulling it around until it started turning into a solid. I then took it out of the bag and started rolling it in my hands like rolling a ball of clay. I will take pictures of a couple of them and post them soon. They look like little marbles with an interesting grain to them. I just gave a 3 gram chunk to a friend of mine and his jaw dropped. I have to get some more dry ice and process this pile of fresher, higher quality chop and see what the difference is. I love this stuff!

mgk :tiphat:


I was able to knead and mold my last batch by hand, it's nice and malleable and smokes wonderfully. I couldn't do that with my first batch though, and I assume that it just had too plant matter in it from going overboard on the shaking. I still enjoyed smoking that batch, though :joint:

I'm going to try to incorporate some of Chamba's advice on my next run in a few weeks and see if I can get a purer sift with a multi-step process. I imagine I'll end up with a better product and still come out ahead of the water processing method in terms of time and effort.

I know that this method isn't considered to be the epitome of fine hash making techniques, but I have to admit that I am well pleased with it.


I scoped a few batches with the Radio Shack magnifier, and even the greener ones were still mostly trichs. In the sandy colored ones green plant matter was few and far between.

Guess my point was- even if there's a little green in there is still gonna be good hash- it might not melt, but it's still nearly pure kif.
And that's good enough for me!

For pressing, I got the Makin clay press, but for small amounts foil works well too- you can press a foil package between 2 warmed pots or pans...


well guys, i did a run last night night and it is a great, easy and fast, way to get some quality kief. however,,,,,, i ran a 73 and 120 and the 120 is about the the biggest i'll ever go again as it seems to just lets through to many impurities. the 73 is FIRE, and the 120 isnt bad either. i pressed the both using my og hash heads (not with us anymore, rip mc) old school method of wrapping, heating, and pressing. wrapped and folded in suran wrap and then paper ( i used meat packing paper with wax on one side), wetted a bit, and then in the oven @ 350 for 7-8 mins. after that i rolled them with a wine bottle for about2-3 mins each. pressed very nice with a nice finished chocolate color and a great taste. i would put it up there with some really good bubble hash, but not some of the best bubble i've ran. it def reminds me of some of the imports i use to see in nyc 12-15 years ago. all in all, its a great easy and fast method. thanks for all the info here guys. i'll take a pic of the pressed stuff tonight so you guys can see the finished product. oh ya, almost forgot the #'s (bubble has me a little slow today). started with about 150 grams or so and ended up with 30 grams of kief, but about 7-8 grams were very green form the run with the 160 so id say about 22 grms or so of fine golden kief (the material was all od clippings and some popcorn, but nothing special. i like to run better product for personal, but i did this for a couple bros).
I thought I'd chime in to this awesome thread, I was introduced first hand to dry ice hash as my jaw was mid-drop after tasting it last weekend. I feel like I tasted it more than smoked it, so...delicious! The guy who gave it to me makes it. I then got invited to a class in seattle to make it with him and all the students make their batch. The guy claims to get a 30% return. I think the numbers someone mentioned earlier here was like 50% more end product (20g vs 10g) than bho or something, but how much of that percentage of extra return is actually impurity...Meh...The thing is, the debatable stuff doesn't matter to me, it will be perfect for what I need it for. It is just being added to oils for topical meds. I'm guessing any plant matter will not make it through my fine mesh strainer. If it makes it through its small enough not to matter in my case.

Because I do so many edible items, I'm wondering if the CO2 byproduct is safe to consume in a medible. I read that bottlers use a drop, er...chunk of dry ice in sodas when they put the cap on... but does that mean its something that a serious med patient can consume? Don't know for sure at the moment... my gut tells me its totally safe though.

So, I'm taking the class at a "cannabis college" collective for $20. Bring what you want to process and the guy will do it with you right there - show up with you and your material - the dryer the better he says btw - and crank it out real quick. Its as easy as it sounds apparently. I'm sure he'll touch on some of the concerns discussed here, and I will be sure to stop back here and share his set up or whatever gear he mentions to use/buy.
More pics would be great as this new technique is being born and refined... literally! :) ~mgd


I then got invited to a class in seattle to make it with him and all the students make their batch. The guy claims to get a 30% return.

lol, they have hash classes in Seattle....amazing! where I live you get 3 months in "rehabilitation" (aka jail..if there are bars on the window and you can't leave, it's a jail) just for having a hint of THC in your urine, get caught with a handful of hash , they'd automatically accuse you of dealing and you could get you up to ten years in the crow-bar hotel (that actually sounds good because initially the prosecutor aims for the death sentence and a promotion)

as for 30% return.....lol, that's one way to fill a class I guess...if you shake the crap out of your material, the end result will weigh more, (but do you really want to make commercial Moroccan?) but most of the 30% yield is broken up plant matter and the stalks that support the THC containing resin heads, use a magnifying glass to see what I mean......

and the broken record keeps spinning....

when is someone here gonna aim for absolute purity with dry ice dry sifting.......smoking 30% return is like banging a drunk fat girl with bad breath....smoking 7% return from the same material is like making love to Miss World ..all night


Seattle sounds like a great place, taking a class in hashmaking?
Wow.. I wish it was like that in my country!

Please update us on how it was!


and the broken record keeps spinning....

when is someone here gonna aim for absolute purity with dry ice dry sifting.......smoking 30% return is like banging a drunk fat girl with bad breath....smoking 7% return from the same material is like making love to Miss World ..all night

Maybe cause to lots of people it truly doesn't matter, no matter how many times you want to spin your broken record.

Like the poster above you- topicals and edibles- who cares if there is a few % more plant material in there...?


pressed pics

pressed pics

here are a few pics of the dry pressed and a couple pucks of pressed bubble. the flat pieces are 73 and the 120. after getting the chance to try them all, i'm going to say the 73 and from both the dry and bubble are very close to each other.


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who cares if there is a few % more plant material in there...?

well, obviously you don't!

even it amounts to 200% extra of useless bulk ...keep banging that fat drunk girl zymos...Hello Tosis! cough, cough

but on the other hand......the fact is that everyone is different and has different tastes and aims..good for them. ..but please don't knock me for calling "getthephuckouttahere" on so-called 30% yields, cos that ain't gonna happen.


Maybe cause to lots of people it truly doesn't matter, no matter how many times you want to spin your broken record.

Like the poster above you- topicals and edibles- who cares if there is a few % more plant material in there...?

i'm actually very surprised people dont care. if your getting more overall wieght but with no extra psychoactive benefits, is it really worth it? one of my bros wanted me to just put everything all togethre including the green 160 we got. i would not do it, but did try to press the 160 for him (hardly pressed, and was falling apart). for people using it for edibles and topicals i could see using it try try to pull whatever is left in it out, but if your smoking it, i just think a cleaner product would be more enjoyable. but to each his own, and i'm not hating on you zymos, just stating some of us do really care about the quality.
.but please don't knock me for calling "getthephuckouttahere" on so-called 30% yields, cos that ain't gonna happen. Its just a claim and it doesn't look to be too far off from what I'm seeing here, especially by/for my purposes and standards which are, by the way, quite high. This is a different media for me than you, I'm not smoking it (all). I don't contest that there are different highs for different grades. But all of it mixed together is what I get when I smash 1/2 lb. of nug up to bits with a potato masher in a pot of warm oil and run it through a fine mesh. Hope that's not too graphic for ya. Primo Meds brah - no matter what little extra plant matter gets a chance to deliver. I guess I can not fully benefit from your educational allegory, and I'm sorry you know banging a drunk girl with bad breath so well Mr. Chamba. I guess I shouldn't assume you are a guy ;) Perhaps someone's bad lay is another person's fuck of the year? One man gathers what another man spills? I'll come sweep your floor Chamba ;) nice to meet you.

i'm actually very surprised people dont care. if your getting more overall weight but with no extra psychoactive benefits, is it really worth it

There's only an element of surprise there cause you're not getting what some of us use it for. Depends of the purpose/use. Plus I'm sure if you had nothing to smoke and ran across some spare 3rd run dry ice hash, things would be looking up... way up. I would call that beneficial.

I know you guys are in a different "grade" literally with your quality extractions. Right on... Utilizing extractions in topicals is a different ball of wax/hash. ~mgd


i'm actually very surprised people dont care. if your getting more overall weight but with no extra psychoactive benefits, is it really worth it
There's only an element of surprise there cause you're not getting what some of us use it for. Depends of the purpose/use. Plus I'm sure if you had nothing to smoke and ran across some spare 3rd run dry ice hash, things would be looking up... way up. I would call that beneficial.

I know you guys are in a different "grade" literally with your quality extractions. Right on... Utilizing extractions in topicals is a different ball of wax/hash. ~mgd

mgd, i actually wouldnt smoke the 3rd run and gave the slab my buddy tried to give to me right back to him. if i dont have any good smoke, i just simply dont smoke. been blazing for over 20 years now and for myself personally, i just dont like subpar product. we all have different likes and dislikes and i dont think any 1 of us is right, we just all have different opinions and uses for what we're making. i do understand what you guys use the greener runs for with edibles and topicals and my point was as far as smoking the hash.
Aww, nice of you to take the time to share that mrheadie. I'm impressed at your discipline, I'd be hittin that shit yo ;) So... you guys throw away after your 2nd run? I'll be coming around collecting all the extra now please... lol ~mgd


Hey MrsGD I gotz extra layin around :D :D

Ive done dry ice hash 5 different times in the last year. My average return is in fact right around 30%. 14 oz of buds made 3+oz of sift last run. The last of that, probably 5% was lower quality.

The the first sifts are blond. Light, light sand blonde. The last Shake had some green tint in it.

Ive made oil, bubble, dry sift and dry ice sift in the last few months and honestly, this is all I'm making with my trim now. Ive pressed it and also made oil out of some of the lower grade as well.

Mornin Smiley~ For reals!? thanks you just made my day ;) I've got some real nice TB that you would be proud of that I can bring by. Mahalo!!! mgd


ya, the look on my boys face was that of wtf are you doing. then when he saw the final pressed product of the 160, he agreed with me. i did think about keeping it for a batch of cannabutter, but i still have enough of fresh trim for the butter, so i just tossed it.
as far as discipline goes, i actually like stopping every now and again to let my tolerance down and remind some of my friends and family that it is in no way addiciting and i'm the same person weather i smoke or not (although smoking has made me a better overall person, at this point in my life i'm good with or without), just a little less tolerable of ignorance and bs.