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Doing IT outside, Geurilla style 2010


daggerinmyback said:
Are they like this kinda stuff?

http ://bcseeds.com/p57/Euphoria-Unlimited/product_info.html
I also bought thumper, blueberry, and white widow, AK47, Romulan Cotton Candy, Jack frost, and like 12 other strains from there and I'm always looking for more fun ones

lol I bought a total of 60,000$ USD in seeds and the one I linked to, no lie has 40 colas poppin out ready to make me a clone master and its been sitting in a grow spot of mine indoors with a few CFL's around it in Veg (15/9) since seed popped up on May 11 this year (21" tall and 12" diameter) bushy as shit too and yeah I bought 90% of my stuff there cause I cant figure out how to order from Reservoir seed and didnt trust many other places... I can always find money lol

hmm feeders.... POISON time!! lol j/k PETA would raid me for that one before any cop

looking good...

lol wow that's one expensive seed company. not sure how many people would want to risk such a huge amount on 10 seeds. not that they might not be worth it, just that i would think you can find similar phenos in normal beans.

hehe you could set up a screen near the feeders in winter and eat deer all winter lol. but in this area i'd advise using a cross bow to keep things quite.

wouldnt pay that for seeds full stop no matter how super dooper it is .... sounds like GM weed lol

gm weed? grown by me? lol. lets hope they don't get their dirty paws into gene manipulating the cannabis plant.

GM>? whats that... so far the plant is amazing looking and has only been up since May 11 when the seed shell popped off and its starting to shoot now, I'll let you know how it is though I have a "Flower Child of the 60's" for a tester lol

and for dry soil problems found stuff called Soil Moist it seems to do the job and not cause any extra salt deposits I used it before for some of my other plants before but it was called something different my plants loved it and it let me not worry about the dry season here so much but initial watering was a biatch. 1 pound of it costs about 12$ test a spoon of it in a bucket to see its absorption rate/quantity with some nice water... I know it does help with soil but not sure if its able to be used on its own without causing nutrient deficiency out the ass

sounds like you got a nice plant coming from those 140 dollar each seeds. but after paying that much it damn well better be an amazing plant lol.

i don't think it will get so dry that watering will become unbearable. at this point the earth is in the holes and the plants are in there and the soil is very wet from all the rain recently. so i'm not planning to add any soil moist or similar product.

Oh btw if I make beans with a nice baby I'll be way easier on pockets when I decide the male is worth a fuck ... got one male in 20 babies lol take super care of em with my pansy ass CFL op lmao... but of course studying on here Im gonna stress it to the max in a room alone and see if it screws up or mutates or stays nice... make quality meds not $$$ lol

EDIT bought n tested product from ace hardware www.soilmoist.com comes with a 4cc scoop in it and three scoops easily has held 1.5 cups of water turning like jelley... im gonna try cloning in a small dark 1.5" pot with some root tone powder and this use room temp water tho if you use cold it keeps the cold.. lol

you should definitely make seeds with those genetics, you don't want to have to buy them again so crossing them for seeds will insure you have them for future projects.

thanks for the input guys, i'll try get updates from spot 1 and 2 today.

peace out


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
Dried blood will keep all animals away. Just fill some socks and hang them from nearby trees or get handfuls and cover your perimeter.


aaaaah nice! great outdoor spot! id be camping up there most of the summer! :D i bet that stream got some nice trout in it :D :D

ill bring the camping chair and a fridge full of beer :D hehe peace mate!
Dried blood will keep all animals away. Just fill some socks and hang them from nearby trees or get handfuls and cover your perimeter.

Make sure it aint yours... or you'll pass out and wake up to the coyotes eating you lmao jk..

and yeah genetically modified for sure but only for the better and I know some of the stories sound off the wall and like lies but so far its been proven good and my last grow had BC strains I've never gotten a mutant or a hermie(drag queen whatever) lol but I have grown other places too and been hunting gonzo #1 which is apparently dead... but yeah I threw three of the massive producers out this past 2 weeks and thumper shows its light sensitivity and that could explain the heavy producing with sunlight cause under 4 CFL 26 watts (2x 2700k and 2x 6500k) (added 2700k about a week ago since seedling stage was over) and I threw an LED 14 watt quad spectrum under them for fun... some colas are splitting where it should be one reaching for the sky its making one up and one down and they hit 11" in two weeks of seedling growth (15/9) withough nasty stringy stretching but nice formed nodes... crazy shit but I'll toss awesome beans out and know how to get em places trading bean for bean later on I just wanna have a nice collection of strains and I also plan on giving back to patients who cant afford things ... (I live where its not legal by any means and can make 5000 for low grade dank a pound and 7500 for stuff like blueberry and 8500 for white widow and more exotics like the Euphoria Unlimited going for 10-11500 a pound if cured and clipped properly (after OCD growing duh) crazy huh.. a nice zip of stuff(widow and Ice) here can go for 500-600$ stuff like sweet tooth has been going for around 400 and those prices were bulk buy quotes ...

but yeah if I can live a nice life and someone cant afford something like a clone in cali or colorado or wherever clones and beans are gonna be flyin out soon, after all one thing I have learned from the two people who taught me a lot about growing things is its not about just making a ton of $$$ because you can you should also give back not cause you have to to balance out everything you get when someone needs it for meds but because you should want to when you have everything you need and it comes at the price of watering some plants.

and I look at it like I can kinda turn the market on edge (at least on these strains) and make it to where I made the huge buy in and took the gamble and everyone can benefit, hell I have played more than 5-6000$ in a hand of black jack many of times and I can do that because of plants... pretty ass backwards but oh well... why not risk it on gettin beans of this type out to people for like 100USD for 5 of em lol after I get a few breeders out itll be the hookup to any who ordered first as long as I can verify addy is same and itll be like email "check your mail for a present" when it gets there a nice yay! cause you bought em in first run ... I look at it as a business anyways the blue chip initial investors (maybe I could make half my $$ on those pricey beans back) always get a nice return and I know theres more people out there that like this stuff afraid of big bro but eventually you realize youre living in terror when the excuse for them to monitor everything sent or recieved was to "do away with terrorism"... kinda fuct up now the senate here is proposing a bill to let the US pres. shut off the internet or parts thereof whenever he chooses or feels it as a threat... stupid shit man..

good luck in your outdoors and I hope the news today was GREAT!!!

PS sorry to thread jack.... really am

rocket high

Active member
hi daggerinmyback yep those guy's at BC should be writing book's their talent is wasted lol

that's good your helping people who need it ..:) if only more peep's would do the same the world would be a different place ... keep it up man
hi daggerinmyback yep those guy's at BC should be writing book's their talent is wasted lol

that's good your helping people who need it ..:) if only more peep's would do the same the world would be a different place ... keep it up man

I know man, its sad thats how it needs to be and people seem scared of the idea...

are these plant ok? gettin big I hope:bump:


Active member
gaiusmarius , you have found yourself a guerrila growers dream area with your site , you are taking the right precations with the ticks and doing all you can to beat the deer & slugs , you deserve to reap some rewards & i hope you do .
This is not critisism? just advice , do not visit the areas too often as you will start to form easily seen paths , especially with the rangers around .

Stay green & safe & enjoy the experience .


Dried blood will keep all animals away. Just fill some socks and hang them from nearby trees or get handfuls and cover your perimeter.

making enclosures is a lot of work, so i might try some other repellents and tricks. dried blood eh?

aaaaah nice! great outdoor spot! id be camping up there most of the summer! :D i bet that stream got some nice trout in it :D :D

ill bring the camping chair and a fridge full of beer :D hehe peace mate!

sounds like a plan, not sure how long we could get away with camping in this area though. as i say its a type of natural reserve. you see folks set up tents for a day of picnics etc, but they are all gone by night. but yes it's a beautiful area to have so near by. i don't leave any rubbish out there, not even a spliff end.

daggerinmyback said:
Originally Posted by Aeroguerilla View Post
Dried blood will keep all animals away. Just fill some socks and hang them from nearby trees or get handfuls and cover your perimeter.

Make sure it aint yours... or you'll pass out and wake up to the coyotes eating you lmao jk..

lol maybe i'll walk around each plant and bleed a bit. :laughing:

hey rocket high, whats up man.

I know man, its sad thats how it needs to be and people seem scared of the idea...

are these plant ok? gettin big I hope:bump:

the plants are doing ok, ill be posting some pics up after this post.

gaiusmarius , you have found yourself a guerrila growers dream area with your site , you are taking the right precations with the ticks and doing all you can to beat the deer & slugs , you deserve to reap some rewards & i hope you do .
This is not critisism? just advice , do not visit the areas too often as you will start to form easily seen paths , especially with the rangers around .

Stay green & safe & enjoy the experience .

Hi MJBadger, welcome to my little grow adventure.

i think i have the slugs and deer under control for now, i did add some snail pellets around each plant.

i have noticed myself how my foot prints are sometimes a dead give away that some one passed, specially during the rainy phase recently. i do my best to push the earth back over any sliding marks and try to take different ways up each time. specially near the path i do my best not to make a track. but this is a really good point. last thing i want is a path for folks to wonder where it leads lol.

pics on the way to spots 1 and 2

anyone know what those fern type plants are called?

time to wash my tools and fill my stashed water bottles.

thing is some kind of animal found my stashed water bottles and destroyed them all, one had the lid chewed up, and the other 2 had holes in the bottom. was able to make use of only one of them by plugging the one that only had 1 small hole with a stick.


"anyone know what those fern type plants are called?


These are equisetum(horsetails are the common name) very ancient plant, not a fern.

Ahhh ich vermisse die Apfelschorle, lecker.

thanks for that, it seems they showed up in the last few days, or i wasn't paying much attention i guess lol.

you are not the only one missing the juice lol, seems some animals were trying to get at the water residue inside the bottles.

ok time for some pics, spot 1 and 2

pics of the snail damaged one with 2 bites missing out of the stem, was expecting to see her sie soon after the snail attack, but she still seems fine


next up at spot 1, the forest soil plants, these were my main reason for today's visit, they are outgrowing their cage


Last edited:


pics from spot 2

pics from spot 2

Spot 2

this spot seems to be better in terms of sun shine, next year i hope to put more of my plants here, this valley is big enough for 20 plants if i wanted to. and it's only accessible if you are prepared to climb the surrounding very steep hills and slopes, which are covered in shrubs with thorns and knee high patches of grass between thickets of young trees.

getting there is really hard though, after all the work making my cages in spot 1 i was not in the mood for spot 2, but i had to know how things are going.


as yo can see some thing got to my improvised cage and took some bites out of the girls fan leaves. as i had run out of wire making my first 2 cages, so couldn't do much except to adjust the wire distances a bit. also added snail pellets and a bit of npk powder fert.

will need to visit spot 1 again to make a cage for the snail attacked girl, as she is getting to the size where she will be in danger of the deer.

rocket high

Active member
that's good that the one with the snail bites has recovered (weed is hardy stuff) :)

what kind of animal's do you,s guys have that can puncture plastic bottles ..sounds scary lol
i got one of they camping bottle bag things it hold's 10l and has a tap , i got pissed off carrying a 3 litre bottle twice to the stream every time they need water it's helped a lot

get them cages made lol

your plant's all look good otherwise ;)


that's good that the one with the snail bites has recovered (weed is hardy stuff) :)

what kind of animal's do you,s guys have that can puncture plastic bottles ..sounds scary lol
i got one of they camping bottle bag things it hold's 10l and has a tap , i got pissed off carrying a 3 litre bottle twice to the stream every time they need water it's helped a lot

get them cages made lol

your plant's all look good otherwise ;)

yeah it looks healthy now, i just wonder if it will ever carry a decent amount of weight, i'm trying to think of ways to help it. maybe add a stake for over all support, but even some tape around the wounds might help, or some thing like a splint at the bites, a tooth pick cast lol.

you know i was wondering myself what the hell would chew it's way through the lid of a pet bottle and how did it make holes in the bottom. they were just stashed in some bushes behind a tree right on the track. must have been a rat i guess although i haven't seen any so far. i only see frogs at certain times of the day. and a dead mole too once on the way to spot 3.

the first 2 plants that out grew their chicken wire cages have now got bigger cages. one of them needs a few more layers of wire, as i ran out, but the plant has a good 50 cm to grow before it's in danger again. at least that's my hope, i did my best to anchor the posts well, but they could be knocked over if a buck goes nuts on them. so i might look for some dried blood to spread around the parameter of my spots for additional discouragement.

it seems i meant it a bit well with my first cage lol, it ended up 2 meters high approx. i doubt the plant will end up that high. hm i wonder if installing a electric fence around my plants would be difficult lol. go and get one of those set ups for farmers fields. you'd need a battery at every spot, but i bet it would work a treat, you could probably turn it off after a month or so as the deer will learn not to go near it. mind you very expensive i bet and a bit conspicuous. :laughing:


Active member
. hm i wonder if installing a electric fence around my plants would be difficult lol. go and get one of those set ups for farmers fields. you'd need a battery at every spot, but i bet it would work a treat, you could probably turn it off after a month or so as the deer will learn not to go near it. mind you very expensive i bet and a bit conspicuous.

CLAYMORE MINE will work out cheaper & easier to hide . LOL

Stay green .

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I found this on the net I thought it had lots of great info.

I found this on the net I thought it had lots of great info.

Guerrilla Gardening For Outdoor Marijuana Growing

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Guerrilla farming[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]refers to farming away from your own property, or in a remote location of your property where people seldom roam around. It is possible to find locations that for one reason or another are not easily accessible or are privately owned. Try to grow off your property, on adjacent property, so that if your plot is found, it will not be traceable back to you. If it's not on your property, nobody has witnessed you there, and there is no physical evidence of your presence (footprints, fingerprints, trails, hair, etc.), then it is virtually impossible to prosecute you for it, even if the cops think they know who it belongs to. Never admit to growing, to anyone.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Your best defence is that you're just passing thru the area, and noticed something you decided to take a look at, or carry a fishing pole or binoculars and claim fishing or bird watching. Never tell anyone but a partner where the plants are located. Do not bring visitors to see them, unless it is harvest time, and the plants will be pulled the same or following day. Make sure your plants are out of sight. Take a different route to get to them if they are not in a secure part of your property, and cover the trail to make it look as if there is no trail. Make cut backs in the trail, so that people on the main trail will tend to miss the cut-back to the grow area.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Don't park on the main road, always find a place to park that will not arouse suspicion by people that pass on the road. Have a safe house in the area if you are not planting close to home. Always have a good reason for being in the area and have the necessary items to make your claim believable. Briar and poison oak patches are perfect if you can cut through it. Poison Oak must be washed away before an allergic reaction takes place. Teknu is a special soap solution that will deactivate poison oak before it has time to create a reaction. Apply Teknu immediately after contact and take a shower 30 mins. later.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Try to plant under trees, next to bushes and keep only a few plants in any one spot. Train or top the plants to grow sideways, or do something to prevent the classic christmas tree look of most plants left to grow untrained. Tying the top down to the ground will make the plants branches grow up toward the sun, and increase yield, given a long enough growing season. Plants can be grown under trees if the sun comes in at an angle and lights the area for several hours every day.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Plants should get at least 5 hours of direct sun every day, and 5 more hours of indirect light. Use shoes that you can dispose of later and cover your foot prints. Use surgical gloves and leave no fingerprints on pots and other items that might ID you to the fuzz...in case your plot is discovered by passers by. Put up a fence, or the chipmonks, squirles and deer will nibble on your babies until there is nothing left. Green wire mesh and nylon chicken fencing net work great and can be wrapped around trees to create a strong barrier.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Always check it and repair every visit you make to the garden. A barrier of fishing line, one at 18" and another at 3' will keep most deer away from your crop. Gopher Granola is available for areas such as the N. CA mountains, where wood rats and gophers will eat your crop if given any opportunity to do so. The best fence in the world will not keep rats away from your plants! Do not use soap to keep dear away, it will attract rats! (The fat in the soap is edible for them.) Put the poison grain in a feeder than only small rodents can enter, so that birds and deer can't eat it. Set out poison early, before actual planting. The rats must eat the grain for several days before it will have any effect on them.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Ultimately, you may find it's easier to grow in a greenhouse shed in your own backyard rather than try to keep the rats from eating your outdoor plot. When growing away from the house, in the wild, water is the biggest determining factor, after security. The amount you can grow is directly proportional to the water available. If you must pack-in water, carry it in a backpack in case your seen in-route to your garden; you will appear to be merely a hiker, not a grower.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Transporting vegatative starts to the growing area is a most tricky aspect of growing outdoors. Usually, you will want to start plant indoors, or outside in your garden, then transport them to the grow site once they are firmly established. It may be desirable to first detect and separate males from females so that no effort of transporting/transplanting/watering males is incurred. One suggestion is to use 3" rockwool cubes to start seedlings in, then put 20 of them in a litter pan, cover it with another pan, and transport this to the grow site. The cubes can be planted directly into soil. If spotted inroute to the grow area, burying a dead cat may be a good excuse for being in the area.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Few people would demand to see the rotting corpse! One outdoor grower we know has given up on marijuana seeds. He has several strains he likes to clone, so he starts 200 clones in his closet, then transports them outdoors in boxes to the grow site. No males, no differentiation, no weeding, no germinating seeds, no genetic uncertainties, no crops grown for seed, no transporting/transplanting/watering plants your just going to pull up later, no pollination nightmares, no wasted effort![/FONT]​
coming along nicely, I wanna go visit to hike through the wild stuff looks like fun. only national park close to me suitable for growing I was kicked out of for "endangering myself and others" we rock climbed a canyon with no gear and the rangers saw us, said we were out of designated areas and such...

I'm glad its getting under control though

good job


Active member
Make sure it aint yours... or you'll pass out and wake up to the coyotes eating you lmao jk..

and yeah genetically modified for sure but only for the better and I know some of the stories sound off the wall and like lies but so far its been proven good and my last grow had BC strains I've never gotten a mutant or a hermie(drag queen whatever) lol but I have grown other places too and been hunting gonzo #1 which is apparently dead... but yeah I threw three of the massive producers out this past 2 weeks and thumper shows its light sensitivity and that could explain the heavy producing with sunlight cause under 4 CFL 26 watts (2x 2700k and 2x 6500k) (added 2700k about a week ago since seedling stage was over) and I threw an LED 14 watt quad spectrum under them for fun... some colas are splitting where it should be one reaching for the sky its making one up and one down and they hit 11" in two weeks of seedling growth (15/9) withough nasty stringy stretching but nice formed nodes... crazy shit but I'll toss awesome beans out and know how to get em places trading bean for bean later on I just wanna have a nice collection of strains and I also plan on giving back to patients who cant afford things ... (I live where its not legal by any means and can make 5000 for low grade dank a pound and 7500 for stuff like blueberry and 8500 for white widow and more exotics like the Euphoria Unlimited going for 10-11500 a pound if cured and clipped properly (after OCD growing duh) crazy huh.. a nice zip of stuff(widow and Ice) here can go for 500-600$ stuff like sweet tooth has been going for around 400 and those prices were bulk buy quotes ...

but yeah if I can live a nice life and someone cant afford something like a clone in cali or colorado or wherever clones and beans are gonna be flyin out soon, after all one thing I have learned from the two people who taught me a lot about growing things is its not about just making a ton of $$$ because you can you should also give back not cause you have to to balance out everything you get when someone needs it for meds but because you should want to when you have everything you need and it comes at the price of watering some plants.

and I look at it like I can kinda turn the market on edge (at least on these strains) and make it to where I made the huge buy in and took the gamble and everyone can benefit, hell I have played more than 5-6000$ in a hand of black jack many of times and I can do that because of plants... pretty ass backwards but oh well... why not risk it on gettin beans of this type out to people for like 100USD for 5 of em lol after I get a few breeders out itll be the hookup to any who ordered first as long as I can verify addy is same and itll be like email "check your mail for a present" when it gets there a nice yay! cause you bought em in first run ... I look at it as a business anyways the blue chip initial investors (maybe I could make half my $$ on those pricey beans back) always get a nice return and I know theres more people out there that like this stuff afraid of big bro but eventually you realize youre living in terror when the excuse for them to monitor everything sent or recieved was to "do away with terrorism"... kinda fuct up now the senate here is proposing a bill to let the US pres. shut off the internet or parts thereof whenever he chooses or feels it as a threat... stupid shit man..

good luck in your outdoors and I hope the news today was GREAT!!!

PS sorry to thread jack.... really am

damn where are you at? 5k for low grade and 75 for blueberry? thats crazy sounds like not in the US. i know in Japan you can break down pounds for like 20 grand...but the yakuzas gonna wanna peice of that.


CLAYMORE MINE will work out cheaper & easier to hide . LOL

Stay green .

nah man, i don't want to arrive to find bits of deer scattered around. but even more importantly, i don't want my stoned ass stepping on one accidentally :laughing:

those electric fences for sheep and cows can't be that expensive though, farmers use miles of the stuff and it gives a gentle pulse of electricity every 5 seconds or so, just enough to make animals back away. trouble is that stuff i bright orange nowadays.

Guerrilla Gardening For Outdoor Marijuana Growing

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Guerrilla farming[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]refers to farming away from your own property, or in a remote location of your property where people seldom roam around. It is possible to find locations that for one reason or another are not easily accessible or are privately owned. Try to grow off your property, on adjacent property, so that if your plot is found, it will not be traceable back to you. If it's not on your property, nobody has witnessed you there, and there is no physical evidence of your presence (footprints, fingerprints, trails, hair, etc.), then it is virtually impossible to prosecute you for it, even if the cops think they know who it belongs to. Never admit to growing, to anyone.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Your best defence is that you're just passing thru the area, and noticed something you decided to take a look at, or carry a fishing pole or binoculars and claim fishing or bird watching. Never tell anyone but a partner where the plants are located. Do not bring visitors to see them, unless it is harvest time, and the plants will be pulled the same or following day. Make sure your plants are out of sight. Take a different route to get to them if they are not in a secure part of your property, and cover the trail to make it look as if there is no trail. Make cut backs in the trail, so that people on the main trail will tend to miss the cut-back to the grow area.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Don't park on the main road, always find a place to park that will not arouse suspicion by people that pass on the road. Have a safe house in the area if you are not planting close to home. Always have a good reason for being in the area and have the necessary items to make your claim believable. Briar and poison oak patches are perfect if you can cut through it. Poison Oak must be washed away before an allergic reaction takes place. Teknu is a special soap solution that will deactivate poison oak before it has time to create a reaction. Apply Teknu immediately after contact and take a shower 30 mins. later.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Try to plant under trees, next to bushes and keep only a few plants in any one spot. Train or top the plants to grow sideways, or do something to prevent the classic christmas tree look of most plants left to grow untrained. Tying the top down to the ground will make the plants branches grow up toward the sun, and increase yield, given a long enough growing season. Plants can be grown under trees if the sun comes in at an angle and lights the area for several hours every day.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Plants should get at least 5 hours of direct sun every day, and 5 more hours of indirect light. Use shoes that you can dispose of later and cover your foot prints. Use surgical gloves and leave no fingerprints on pots and other items that might ID you to the fuzz...in case your plot is discovered by passers by. Put up a fence, or the chipmonks, squirles and deer will nibble on your babies until there is nothing left. Green wire mesh and nylon chicken fencing net work great and can be wrapped around trees to create a strong barrier.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Always check it and repair every visit you make to the garden. A barrier of fishing line, one at 18" and another at 3' will keep most deer away from your crop. Gopher Granola is available for areas such as the N. CA mountains, where wood rats and gophers will eat your crop if given any opportunity to do so. The best fence in the world will not keep rats away from your plants! Do not use soap to keep dear away, it will attract rats! (The fat in the soap is edible for them.) Put the poison grain in a feeder than only small rodents can enter, so that birds and deer can't eat it. Set out poison early, before actual planting. The rats must eat the grain for several days before it will have any effect on them.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Ultimately, you may find it's easier to grow in a greenhouse shed in your own backyard rather than try to keep the rats from eating your outdoor plot. When growing away from the house, in the wild, water is the biggest determining factor, after security. The amount you can grow is directly proportional to the water available. If you must pack-in water, carry it in a backpack in case your seen in-route to your garden; you will appear to be merely a hiker, not a grower.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Transporting vegatative starts to the growing area is a most tricky aspect of growing outdoors. Usually, you will want to start plant indoors, or outside in your garden, then transport them to the grow site once they are firmly established. It may be desirable to first detect and separate males from females so that no effort of transporting/transplanting/watering males is incurred. One suggestion is to use 3" rockwool cubes to start seedlings in, then put 20 of them in a litter pan, cover it with another pan, and transport this to the grow site. The cubes can be planted directly into soil. If spotted inroute to the grow area, burying a dead cat may be a good excuse for being in the area.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Few people would demand to see the rotting corpse! One outdoor grower we know has given up on marijuana seeds. He has several strains he likes to clone, so he starts 200 clones in his closet, then transports them outdoors in boxes to the grow site. No males, no differentiation, no weeding, no germinating seeds, no genetic uncertainties, no crops grown for seed, no transporting/transplanting/watering plants your just going to pull up later, no pollination nightmares, no wasted effort![/FONT]​

thanks headband, nice read. i think it's posted up in one of the stickies too. great info though.

coming along nicely, I wanna go visit to hike through the wild stuff looks like fun. only national park close to me suitable for growing I was kicked out of for "endangering myself and others" we rock climbed a canyon with no gear and the rangers saw us, said we were out of designated areas and such...

I'm glad its getting under control though

good job

damn that would piss me off, how can they kick you out of public land for enjoying it in your own way. shit man, what is the world coming to when you can't even get away from the nanny state in the wilds.

so far i haven't seen one ranger. i saw a wood cutter driving a tractor along the track to clear the shrubs encroaching on the track back. but he was just a forest worker, he has no power to ask me anything. they do have a forester, who is in charge of the health of the nature reserve. but as it's supposed to be natural, they do very little. only sick trees will get cut and then they leave them laying there to rot, specially when they are off the tracks. but if they think you are poaching he will have the cops there quick. otherwise i have a feeling i could talk my way out of pretty much any situation. the atmosphere is friendly and relaxed, people that wouldn't spare each other a glaze in town are smiling and greeting each other when they cross paths in the woods.

damn where are you at? 5k for low grade and 75 for blueberry? thats crazy sounds like not in the US. i know in Japan you can break down pounds for like 20 grand...but the yakuzas gonna wanna peice of that.

yo man, prices can vary so much it can make your head spin some times. then there is the difference between retail and whole sale etc. prices here retail went up like 50% in the last years while whole sale only jumped 15% to 20%, it's all about supply and demand,

peace out