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Doing IT outside, Geurilla style 2010

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Sorry Gaiu I didn't see it and I have been seeing lots posts

Sorry Gaiu I didn't see it and I have been seeing lots posts

Here in BC there are so many places but so many cops too lol lol and now a dayz they are using camers really small ones lol.. So be on the look out for that on the trees.. Our bigger threat I would assume is our weather we can get the bud almost to harvest and then it will start to rain just about everytime LOL LOL LOL.. And of course animals lol lol..planting thyme,garlic,mint,basil scattered around your indica will help with powdery mould and you can plant stavias as a decoy for pests in your garden aswell this is another trick.good luck peace out Headband707:dance013:


Hi Gm, looks like you are getting to grips with the hiking, climbing and outdo' growin bro :) All sounds like a great adventure! These plants don't seem to be branching out at all are you expecting them to produce one giant cola?


fantastic outdoor man!!!

thanks, but it's early days to talk of fantastic grow lol. i'm certainly learning though and that's always good. welcome to the show.

Here in BC there are so many places but so many cops too lol lol and now a dayz they are using camers really small ones lol.. So be on the look out for that on the trees.. Our bigger threat I would assume is our weather we can get the bud almost to harvest and then it will start to rain just about everytime LOL LOL LOL.. And of course animals lol lol..planting thyme,garlic,mint,basil scattered around your indica will help with powdery mould and you can plant stavias as a decoy for pests in your garden aswell this is another trick.good luck peace out Headband707:dance013:

over here this kind of outdoor growing isn't really very well known. only very occasionally have i read about some hunter stumbling on some plants, in which case they just cut them down if there is no obvious culprit on hand. so far i haven't read of anyone getting busted for guerrilla growing here, let alone putting cameras in trees. not yet anyway, hope they don't start that kind of thing. on the other hand i was thinking of setting up my own game camera to keep an eye on the spot. that way you find out if some one finds the plants. mind you that's way over kill for my few plants i suppose. a bit like the electric fence lol.

yes maybe for next season i will plant some pest reducing plants, maybe even scatter a few seeds i have around that are probably never gonna rippen in time for this climate. that way the deer can munch on their leaves leaving my buds alone. we will see.

Hi Gm, looks like you are getting to grips with the hiking, climbing and outdo' growin bro :) All sounds like a great adventure! These plants don't seem to be branching out at all are you expecting them to produce one giant cola?

it is getting slightly easier to climb up to my spots 1 and 2, what is harder is not making a track. i still arrive up there breathing hard though :)

indeed these supposed pure indicas are not branching at all, even the one i topped about 5 days ago has hardly started making new growth at the nodes. i guess they don't get as much sun as they really need, while the forest soil also can't be helping them much. they only got their first real dose of ferts 2 days ago when i finally top dressed them with npk fert. the plants which have good soil seem to be much bushier, specially in spot 2 where they also have more light hours.

so yes, they might well end up making 1 top cola with a few scrawny buds growing down the stem. it will also depend on the weather, the last few days have finally been like real summer, hot sun blasting down. in fact i'm worrying about spot 3, as the new earth in those holes never got rained on properly and i only had about a lt per plant for them on planting day. will probably go water them today or maybe tomorrow night, also want to open up their canopy a bit :)

in the end this is Switz not Cali and my plants got a late start, so there will probably not be any big trees come harvest. but again, what i'm learning by actually doing it is priceless for doing it better next time. at the same time i'm having fun and getting my ass out doors more then ever i normally would.

great to have you all along for advise and feed back


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
the new spot has each plant surrounded with slug pellets. what do you mean about make homes for them? thanks for looking in man.

Hi GM,

Sorry for the delay, been busy wrestling with the local versions of slugs & snails here....

I meant by "make homes for them" leaving around some suitable bits and pieces in wet areas so the lazy gits make a new home there before heading out to trash your plants, checking under the seed tray or nearby rocks when you return often reveals the culprits....

Best of luck with your outdoor project GM :)


Active member
those electric fences for sheep and cows can't be that expensive though, farmers use miles of the stuff and it gives a gentle pulse of electricity every 5 seconds or so, just enough to make animals back away. trouble is that stuff i bright orange nowadays.

Make your own using a wire wrapped around green para cord . Gentle pulse ??????? some years ago myself & a friend were out Rabbiting & we had to cross this field in a river valley , the grass was soaking wet with dew & a fairly heavy mist hung in the air . We got to this electric cattle fence & me mate just pushed it down and swung his leg up & over .
"Is it switched on " i asks , "No i dont think so " i push it down & swings me leg up & over . Now i`m a shortarse & me legs are pretty short to so i gots this bright orange cord tight up i me crotch with my hand pushing on the cord when ZAPP , i kid you not it threw me at least 5ft & i`m laid on the ground when me mate says "Fuck me your lips have gone blue" .
Took me a while to get up & later on we followed this cable back to a small barn , bastard farmer had only upped the cable & pluged it into a 110V socket , no wonder me nuts tingled for a while . LOL

so there will probably not be any big trees come harvest. but again, what i'm learning by actually doing it is priceless for doing it better next time. at the same time i'm having fun and getting my ass out doors more then ever i normally would.

Thats what it`s all about & don`t forget to smell the roses along the way .

Stay green .


Those plants look great. I use plastic netting that is painted camo. Your bright green is slightly noticeable to me.

I grow in a spot that is heavily populated by deer, rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks.
Over the years I have developed a process that seems to result now in 100% reduction of loss to animals except by the occasional "dig up" by a dog, bear or wolf perhaps.

I employ a "depth of defense" approach to pest management as follows:

Physical: (seasonal, repair/extend weekly)
- fishing line at 3' and 1' above the ground. Never level as dew will sit on it a make it visible. I use 40lb test and multiple layers.
- Lots of deadfalls across my path, or part of it, to guide animals and people off the trail.
- I use 18" sections of 12" sono-tubes camo'd as my soil container. I loosen up the ground underneath, drop the bag of soil into the tube. The tube then has 4' of plastic mesh fencing around it which I keep closed with a stake until the plant is 2' tall.

Chemical: (weekly)
- I do not use manure, fish or any natural or tasty ferts beyond worm casings. I just get dug up by dogs or wolves if I do that. However, I am planning on burying some fish under the sono-tubes after harvest for the next year.
- Slug bait both around and in the sono-tube.
- Moth balls (lots as they are cheap) all about the grow area and more right about the base of the sono-tube.
- Irish Spring soap. I still think it works well. Both around the base of the sono-tube and in cloth bags tacked to trees in the area. I think that helps to spread the man-scent.
- My own concoction of water, garlic, Tabasco and cigarette butts (I don't smoke) and liquid soap that I leave in 2L pop bottles for a week or so in the sun. This is spread down the side of the sono-tubes and nearby trees with a rag and ringed about the sono-tubes.
- Dog fur. I plan to try some predator pee when I find some.
- Pee ;-)

The deer I feel are stopped by the fishing line. I usually find 1 strand broken per year and tracks. The trick with deer is to interrupt their patterns and paths which I have done with the fishing line.

I used to have horrendous losses from mainly rabbits and squirrels. No more. I feel the smaller animals are stopped by the mesh and chemicals. Frequent re-application especially after rains seems to be the trick.
damn where are you at? 5k for low grade and 75 for blueberry? thats crazy sounds like not in the US. i know in Japan you can break down pounds for like 20 grand...but the yakuzas gonna wanna peice of that.

lol oklahoma man shits nuts here all over I know people gettin 750-800 off a bow of BS mexican brick thats shitty quality, and mids here going for 2500 a bow depending, thats why I'd rather learn the gardening side, I dont believe in supporting the stupidest war ever, and yeah all day I can pull 5k+ depending on strain its insane and those are bow prices not brokedown prices you can piece out shit at 500-550-600 a zip here depending on quality and 1/8's can go for 65-75 easy man

lmao I'll always avoind wires when I see em now, Ive peed on a hot wire but it wasnt near a 110v lol good to know youre alive man

and damn at least youre learning a lot from this round.

rocket high

Active member
lmao ...funny
Make your own using a wire wrapped around green para cord . Gentle pulse ??????? some years ago myself & a friend were out Rabbiting & we had to cross this field in a river valley , the grass was soaking wet with dew & a fairly heavy mist hung in the air . We got to this electric cattle fence & me mate just pushed it down and swung his leg up & over .
"Is it switched on " i asks , "No i dont think so " i push it down & swings me leg up & over . Now i`m a shortarse & me legs are pretty short to so i gots this bright orange cord tight up i me crotch with my hand pushing on the cord when ZAPP , i kid you not it threw me at least 5ft & i`m laid on the ground when me mate says "Fuck me your lips have gone blue" .
Took me a while to get up & later on we followed this cable back to a small barn , bastard farmer had only upped the cable & pluged it into a 110V socket , no wonder me nuts tingled for a while . LOL

It happened to me too when i was a teenager ..we dared each other to grab the fence ..and like a fool i done it and burnt a line across my hand ... it was really sore...lol
I might put a electric fence up next year for added security ..it'll cost about £150 all in so not that bad but if some one traces the line to the battery and booster it's alot of money to lose... because their bound to steal it or disable it ..
I noticed around your plants in the forest there is a treasure that you have not taken advantage of. All them dead leaves and the soil right on top under all those dead leaves would make awesome compost for next years spring season. You could be bringing some of that back with you or you could start a compost pile out there (away from your plants)


Hi GM,

Sorry for the delay, been busy wrestling with the local versions of slugs & snails here....

I meant by "make homes for them" leaving around some suitable bits and pieces in wet areas so the lazy gits make a new home there before heading out to trash your plants, checking under the seed tray or nearby rocks when you return often reveals the culprits....

Best of luck with your outdoor project GM :)

talking of snails, it seems those little critters actually like the snail pellets, they seemed to eat most of them that we left at spot 3. the weird thing is i only found 1 dead snail, the shell of a dead snail anyway. seems that area has a lot of snails and slugs so i'll have to go put more pellets down. went there to give them some water today as they have had 3 days of sun and no real dose of rain yet. so i prepared the bottles with some bio rhizotonic that i have laying around. should be a nice treat for the plants.

Make your own using a wire wrapped around green para cord . Gentle pulse ??????? some years ago myself & a friend were out Rabbiting & we had to cross this field in a river valley , the grass was soaking wet with dew & a fairly heavy mist hung in the air . We got to this electric cattle fence & me mate just pushed it down and swung his leg up & over .
"Is it switched on " i asks , "No i dont think so " i push it down & swings me leg up & over . Now i`m a shortarse & me legs are pretty short to so i gots this bright orange cord tight up i me crotch with my hand pushing on the cord when ZAPP , i kid you not it threw me at least 5ft & i`m laid on the ground when me mate says "Fuck me your lips have gone blue" .
Took me a while to get up & later on we followed this cable back to a small barn , bastard farmer had only upped the cable & pluged it into a 110V socket , no wonder me nuts tingled for a while . LOL

Thats what it`s all about & don`t forget to smell the roses along the way .

Stay green .

ouch, i think here the farmers have to use a transformer to lower the voltage to non lethal levels. as a kid i remember the local farmer repairing breaks, bear handed. your farmer was damn reckless using the juice directly at 110v from the plug.

been reading more and more about fishing line being used, my green wire should work just as well no? wouldn't want anyone to hurt them selves on nylon string stretched around the place. even if no one should be there, if they do find it, i don't want them to think i booby trapped it.

Those plants look great. I use plastic netting that is painted camo. Your bright green is slightly noticeable to me.

I grow in a spot that is heavily populated by deer, rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks.
Over the years I have developed a process that seems to result now in 100% reduction of loss to animals except by the occasional "dig up" by a dog, bear or wolf perhaps.

I employ a "depth of defense" approach to pest management as follows:

Physical: (seasonal, repair/extend weekly)
- fishing line at 3' and 1' above the ground. Never level as dew will sit on it a make it visible. I use 40lb test and multiple layers.
- Lots of deadfalls across my path, or part of it, to guide animals and people off the trail.
- Like I say, I use 18" sections of 12" sono-tubes camo'd as my soil container. I loosen up the ground underneath, drop the bag of soil into the tube. The tube then has 4' of plastic mesh fencing around it which I keep closed with a stake until the plant is 2' tall.

Chemical: (weekly)
- I do not use manure, fish or any natural or tasty ferts beyond worm casings. I just get dug up by dogs or wolves if I do that. However, I am planning on burying some fish under the sono-tubes after harvest for the next year.
- Slug bait both around and in the sono-tube.
- Moth balls (lots as they are cheap) all about the grow area and more right about the base of the sono-tube.
- Irish Spring soap. I still think it works well. Both around the base of the sono-tube and in cloth bags tacked to trees in the area. I think that helps to spread the man-scent.
- My own concoction of water, garlic, Tabasco and cigarette butts (I don't smoke) and liquid soap that I leave in 2L pop bottles for a week or so in the sun. This is spread down the side of the sono-tubes and nearby trees with a rag and ringed about the sono-tubes.
- Dog fur. I plan to try some predator pee when I find some.
- Pee ;-)

The deer I feel are stopped by the fishing line. I usually find 1 strand broken per year and tracks. The trick with deer is to interrupt their patterns and paths which I have done with the fishing line.

I used to have horrendous losses from mainly rabbits and squirrels. No more. I feel the smaller animals are stopped by the mesh and chemicals. Frequent re-application especially after rains seems to be the trick.

great post, very informative thanks. the deer info is very useful for me. i will be getting some fishing line asap. i have heard that soap can attract rats, so i hesitate using it.

i love the sounded of those tubes you are talking about, sounds really convenient and will blend in superbly. although i think by the time people can see the cage, they will also be able to see the plant. specially where i am, there is no one in the air looking for plants. still would love to see some pics of the tubes.

lol oklahoma man shits nuts here all over I know people gettin 750-800 off a bow of BS mexican brick thats shitty quality, and mids here going for 2500 a bow depending, thats why I'd rather learn the gardening side, I dont believe in supporting the stupidest war ever, and yeah all day I can pull 5k+ depending on strain its insane and those are bow prices not brokedown prices you can piece out shit at 500-550-600 a zip here depending on quality and 1/8's can go for 65-75 easy man

lmao I'll always avoind wires when I see em now, Ive peed on a hot wire but it wasnt near a 110v lol good to know youre alive man

and damn at least youre learning a lot from this round.

yeah i'm learning all the lessons i can, including that spots should have as much sun as possible, for as long as possible. not always easy in a forest.

lmao ...funny

It happened to me too when i was a teenager ..we dared each other to grab the fence ..and like a fool i done it and burnt a line across my hand ... it was really sore...lol
I might put a electric fence up next year for added security ..it'll cost about £150 all in so not that bad but if some one traces the line to the battery and booster it's alot of money to lose... because their bound to steal it or disable it ..

didn't we all, at least once, on holiday or so, get acquainted with some farmers electric fence? i know i sure did. more then once :)

cool, you looked it up. 150 quid doesn't sound too bad, specially as it should be full proof for dear and such, even humans if you surround the battery with the electric fencing. have it so you can turn it off with a remote for when you need to get inside. with a bit of imagination you could make it quite painful for anyone to get inside.

I noticed around your plants in the forest there is a treasure that you have not taken advantage of. All them dead leaves and the soil right on top under all those dead leaves would make awesome compost for next years spring season. You could be bringing some of that back with you or you could start a compost pile out there (away from your plants)

you know i noticed that stuff myself, there is like a layer of really nice rich soil under the layer of leaves, but it's only a thin layer. but yes, sounds like a good idea, how far from the plants should it be. any thing to save myself from transporting more weight is a good thing. i plan to treat the soil with some lime too, to be able to use more of the indigenous soil next time. so what exactly do i do, just collect the layer under the leaves and pile it up? or pile the leaves up with it? then it needs to be a certain size i think to develop enough energy to do it's thing? this should be ready to mix in with the soil next spring right?
gaiusmarius said:
TexasMonster said:
I noticed around your plants in the forest there is a treasure that you have not taken advantage of. All them dead leaves and the soil right on top under all those dead leaves would make awesome compost for next years spring season. You could be bringing some of that back with you or you could start a compost pile out there (away from your plants)
you know i noticed that stuff myself, there is like a layer of really nice rich soil under the layer of leaves, but it's only a thin layer. but yes, sounds like a good idea, how far from the plants should it be. any thing to save myself from transporting more weight is a good thing. i plan to treat the soil with some lime too, to be able to use more of the indigenous soil next time. so what exactly do i do, just collect the layer under the leaves and pile it up? or pile the leaves up with it? then it needs to be a certain size i think to develop enough energy to do it's thing? this should be ready to mix in with the soil next spring right?

I would move it away from your area just enough that your grow area cant be seen from it. Cause its gonna look unnatural for a pile out there composting. Needs sun too. Also, sometimes animals like to come play in compost piles. This is the first guerrilla journal I've followed really. I wish you didnt have to fence them off like that. If seen, thats gonna draw attention. A person not in the know could stand right next to a MJ plant and maybe not recognize it for MJ out in the wild, but a person would realize its grass a lot quicker if he is curious about the little fence cage in the first place. There is nothing you guys can spray or anything that wont keep critters away?


Active member
A lot of good info showing up on this thread . I`m against slug pellets when i found a couple of dead hedgehogs in my grounds so went totally organic & just use beer traps , i empty them daily coz theres always drowned little & fat bastards in there YIPPEE . Beer brewing is so simple & cheap you can make 25ltr anywhere at home & take a bottle out whenever you need it .

I`m sure it`s BackCountry that uses chicken wire for his anti deer cages around his plants & all he doe`s is chuck it in a fire for a little while & it discolours & knocks off the shine & vertually undetectable once the plants start to grow .

dagger . When we were fishing once we heard this almighty scream coz a mate of ours had peed on a cattle wire , funny thing was the following day while having another pee he got bit on the bell end by a mosquito & it came up the size of an apple & he walked like he`d shat himself for a week .

so what exactly do i do, just collect the layer under the leaves and pile it up? or pile the leaves up with it? then it needs to be a certain size i think to develop enough energy to do it's thing? this should be ready to mix in with the soil next spring right?
if you just pile some up say a good area but not too high 300mm or so or better still find a hollow or dip to fill in , you want the leaves as leafmould is 1 of the finest composts going it won`t show too much & pin it down with some green plastic bean/pea netting to stop it blowing away . By next spring it will have rotted right down & be fairly light so easy to carry a bagfull to your planting holes .

Stay green .


Active member
lol oklahoma man shits nuts here all over I know people gettin 750-800 off a bow of BS mexican brick thats shitty quality, and mids here going for 2500 a bow depending, thats why I'd rather learn the gardening side, I dont believe in supporting the stupidest war ever, and yeah all day I can pull 5k+ depending on strain its insane and those are bow prices not brokedown prices you can piece out shit at 500-550-600 a zip here depending on quality and 1/8's can go for 65-75 easy man

lmao I'll always avoind wires when I see em now, Ive peed on a hot wire but it wasnt near a 110v lol good to know youre alive man

and damn at least youre learning a lot from this round.

yeah weed still sells for 65 an 8th at some clubs here in oaksterdam, but the bow price is in the mid 3s.

on the street 40 an 8th is usually the most you can get. my younger homies doing the breakdown thing are having a way harder time than i had during my heyday.


Active member
you guys are really lucky to still have relatively virgin lands to do guerilla on...here in california its super crowded and the rippers and cartel are always around teh corner. almost makes me wanna move to another state and give it a try

rocket high

Active member
hi Yes4Prop215
you should just move state and do your thing ... you wont be dissapointed unless you get caught of course.. be careful and you wont ;)

headband 707

Plant whisperer
you guys are really lucky to still have relatively virgin lands to do guerilla on...here in california its super crowded and the rippers and cartel are always around teh corner. almost makes me wanna move to another state and give it a try

You can always come on up to the frozen North lol lol where the bud is sweet and the ppl say eh... :dance013:Headband707
headband 707 said:
Yes4Prop215 said:
you guys are really lucky to still have relatively virgin lands to do guerilla on...here in california its super crowded and the rippers and cartel are always around teh corner. almost makes me wanna move to another state and give it a try
You can always come on up to the frozen North lol lol where the bud is sweet and the ppl say eh... Headband707

Or, you could move out to the country in the Great State of Texas. I bought these 5 acres, with a big four bedroom house and a warehouse bigger than the four bedroom house, and a beautiful duck pond and the property is fenced in with a 6 foot cyclone fence. $125,000. Thats right. Try to buy that in Kalifornia. Also, we dont have a state income tax coming out of our checks and our state is running on a surplus. We have all the same problems that yall have out there in Kalifornia but we just vote differently out here.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Or, you could move out to the country in the Great State of Texas. I bought these 5 acres, with a big four bedroom house and a warehouse bigger than the four bedroom house, and a beautiful duck pond and the property is fenced in with a 6 foot cyclone fence. $125,000. Thats right. Try to buy that in Kalifornia. Also, we dont have a state income tax coming out of our checks and our state is running on a surplus. We have all the same problems that yall have out there in Kalifornia but we just vote differently out here.

I do always have fun around the good ole boy I must admit bro definately good folk LOL LOL peace out Headband707:tiphat:

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