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More Dispensary Raids - Owner's Dog Killed


gets some
Yeah, I'm kinda suprised that most people think most dispensaries are operating legally under state law.

If you read AG Jerry Brown's quidelines it becomes quickly apparant that it's actually pretty difficult to comply with all his quidelines so I'm kinda suprised that most people think that just because someone opens up shop that they are following every guideline.

IMO most dispensaries are NOT following the guidelines so raids like this don't suprise me at all.

Actually suprises me that there aren't more raids like this.

I think it's just a lack of resources which is hella ironic considering the budgets these a-hole agencies get.

Blah blah more excuses. So the reason it's ok to the Feds to raid MMJ shops is because so few follow the law? Mighty biiiig brush you're painting with there.

Obama: "I will direct the DEA to not raid any MMJ shop complying with the law." (mumbling: but since none of them do, that makes my promise much easier to make)

Blue Dot

So in other words, the DEA will continue to raid dispensaries even if it's a solely a state issue. That Obama sure knew how to craft his words to cover his ass on practically every possible MMJ raid scenario. Raided by DEA? They weren't following state law. Raided by DEA? Taxes. Always some excuse for the Feds to stick their nose into it. And always a way for Obama's defenders to excuse another broken promise or more empty rhetoric. Goes to show how little the spirit of the words mean and how much the semantics of the words mean.

Blah blah more excuses. So the reason it's ok to the Feds to raid MMJ shops is because so few follow the law? Mighty biiiig brush you're painting with there.

Obama: "I will direct the DEA to not raid any MMJ shop complying with the law." (mumbling: but since none of them do, that makes my promise much easier to make)


I don't have a problem with the feds raiding a business if they aren't following the law.

If my local supermarket, barber or whatever was not paying taxes or not following safety quidelines then I wouldn't have a problem with them being busted, wether it be by the feds or the state.

just because it's a dispensary doesn't make any difference to me.

i think jerry Brown's guidelines are reasonable and if someone chooses not to follow them then I have no problem if they are busted.

I mean philosophically I have a problem but that would entail completely legalizing MJ, not just for medical use, and overturing the controlled substances act.

UNTIL that time I don't think it's unreasonable for dispensaries to follow Jerrys guidelines.

I mean every single legit business must follow all kinds of laws and guidelines so why should dispensaries be exempt?


Freedom Fighter
The Law has enough Loopholes to convict almost anyone....but most are getting off-- Really...compare how many get Raided...to "Arrests" made--
They say one thing, but do whatever they want--:fsu:


gets some

I don't have a problem with the feds raiding a business if they aren't following the law.

Yeah, I'm kinda suprised that most people think most dispensaries are operating legally under state law.

You basically stated that MMJ shops by and large aren't following the law so any raids are a-ok with you. Got some stats, evidence, links, ANYTHING to back that up? If not, sounds like you're just making more excuses and making up "information" to back it up.

Blue Dot

You basically stated that MMJ shops by and large aren't following the law so any raids are a-ok with you. Got some stats, evidence, links, ANYTHING to back that up? If not, sounds like you're just making more excuses and making up "information" to back it up.

You're correct in the sense that most of my evidence is just assumptions based on my first hand experiences in me going to various dispensaries in LA and San Diego. Maybe up north it's completely different or maybe it's way worse and run by people like Richard Lee, who knows lol.

Some of my evidence is also news stories and the figures they report. If the figures are true, and yes the reporting can be debatable, then it backs up some of my claims.

I'm just saying that after reading Jerry's guidelines and then going into some of these dispensaries that there's just no way they are following the no profit part of the guidelines.

Let me put it another way. If I feel that someone is ripping me off then I don't mind if they get busted.

I don't think free enterprise or capitalism extends all the way to ripping someone off. There should be caps on capitalism.

I mean $90 1/8th is ripping someone off and yes I have seen those prices. Just because the prices are a "little" lower now doesn't mean there wasn't wholesale ripping off going on earlier in the game.

I mean if a car repair shop rips me off I would love for the feds to swoop in and bust 'em.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Yeah, I'm kinda suprised that most people think most dispensaries are operating legally under state law.

If you read AG Jerry Brown's quidelines it becomes quickly apparant that it's actually pretty difficult to comply with all his quidelines so I'm kinda suprised that most people think that just because someone opens up shop that they are following every guideline.

IMO most dispensaries are NOT following the guidelines so raids like this don't suprise me at all.

Actually suprises me that there aren't more raids like this.

I think it's just a lack of resources which is hella ironic considering the budgets these a-hole agencies get.
Hey Blue Dot, I've read your posts for a long time, and they are always negative in regards to all dispensaries. You make a point of bashing "most " dispensaries. I think you have an agenda.

The Law has enough Loopholes to convict almost anyone....but most are getting off-- Really...compare how many get Raided...to "Arrests" made--
They say one thing, but do whatever they want--
Exactly, some Coops or dispensaries or collectives (Whatever you want to call them) use the vague legislation to skimp on the way they operate, however, I'd say that at least 50% or more pay taxes and issue receipts and do everything they can to operate like a clinic. The fault is not of the club owners, but of the way the law is written. Just like law enforcement bend the rules, some clubs do to, sure. What I am tired of, is posters like Blue Dot trying to lump everyone into one "majority" and making it seem like dispensaries are all out to scam the State, the patient, and not operate legitimately. When I talk to club owners I visit, most have a legitimate desire to operate legally and be able to survive indefinetily. You obviously have not been to the majority of dispensaries, so when you say the things the way you "I'm surprised they haven't raided more.." just sounds lame man..you are very negative and don't seem to offer solutions, just try to point out how others are wrong because Jerry Brown (creep) said so...

I am Governor Jerry Brown
My aura smiles
And never frowns
Soon I will be president...

Carter Power will soon go away
I will be Fuhrer one day
I will command all of you
Your kids will meditate in school
Your kids will meditate in school!

California Uber Alles
California Uber Alles
Uber Alles California
Uber Alles California

Zen fascists will control you
100% natural
You will jog for the master race
And always wear the happy face

Close your eyes, can't happen here
Big Bro' on white horse is near
The hippies won't come back you say
Mellow out or you will pay
Mellow out or you will pay!

Now it is 1984
Knock-knock at your front door
It's the suede/denim secret police
They have come for your uncool niece

Come quietly to the camp
You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
Don't you worry, it's only a shower
For your clothes here's a pretty flower.

DIE on organic poison gas
Serpent's egg's already hatched
You will croak, you little clown
When you mess with President Brown
When you mess with President Brown

Just wait until 2010 when he runs for Governor again!

Amstel Light


I don't have a problem with the feds raiding a business if they aren't following the law.

If my local supermarket, barber or whatever was not paying taxes or not following safety quidelines then I wouldn't have a problem with them being busted, wether it be by the feds or the state.

just because it's a dispensary doesn't make any difference to me.


yea the only diff is if those operations are in violation they are not treated like rapist, murders and methlabs WTF!!!!!....

i would think with all the money generated there would be an association or some governing body that would over see everyone of these operations. does not seem organized at all, and the greedy is making the good look bad..if said org. could preform a pre-opening check list then you would stop this shit:2cents:


I own a business which is regulated by a industry-specific state agency, and which conducts unannounced onsite inspections. Do they arrive en masse with drawn weapons and smash in my storefront and seize everything of value and destroy everything else? No. They are professional and polite, my customers do not even know they are there, and violations (if any) are dispatched with a reasonably large fine. Why not do the same with dispensaries?

Blue Dot

I own a business which is regulated by a industry-specific state agency, and which conducts unannounced onsite inspections. Do they arrive en masse with drawn weapons and smash in my storefront and seize everything of value and destroy everything else? No. They are professional and polite, my customers do not even know they are there, and violations (if any) are dispatched with a reasonably large fine. Why not do the same with dispensaries?

Now there's something I can agree with.

After thinking about it (ie hangover lol) I agree that my stance was a bit heavy handed and that just because a business breaks the law that they shouldn't be subjected to the third degree of law enforcement. I apologise for that.

Like was said above, I guess I just wish there was some regulatory agency that oversaw the dispensaries (much like the FDA oversees pharmacies although that is a whole nother subject).

Blue Dot

Because that would make too much sense.

LOL, there is this person I bounce MMJ ideas off of and they keep replying with "no, that would make too much sense, no that's too rational, that's too logical, etc" and everytime I look at them like my dog looks at me, with that "huh?" look on their face.

Is it really that simple and really that screwed up?


I stumbled onto the organica site back in june in a vain attemt to have a friend get his recommend trying to find a certain dr.the odor of mj was present when I walked into their lobby to ask for some directions.they were helpful and pleasant and coincidentally the employee had the same dr.I was seeking an appt with.
after reading an l.a.times articel concerning the incident it is alleged that organica had 200 plants on premises,held raves at location,and sold 1-4 lbs of mj to an unlicensed person.the other location I don't know anything about.
as far as blue dots commentary is concerned thats the impish power fantasy that we have when we enable others.like someones pointing a gun at your head to buy anything.the sword cuts both ways blue since you refuse to grow for yourself you render yourself impotent to effect anything positive from a production value standpoint. so your muted in your ability to critique anyones efforts mirroring your own lack of accomplishment and sheeple mentality.

h^2 O

is this the same thread?.....like the dog didn't die? Or is this different and the dog really did die? They shoot dogs because they're pussies, so if you're ever attacked by a police dog BITE IT and do your best to kill it. Hey you were being attacked by a vicious dog and in the heat of the moment you snapped its neck. I love animals but I hate k9 shepards. It truly shows how obedient and loyal but STUPID dogs can be - like they're programmable even for the wrong purposes Like pitbulls fighting for instance. I don't know

Amstel Light

YEA THEY just gotta shoot something, pussies is right... dont attack the k-9 not theyre fault who owns and trains them..plus its assault on an officer if you do. no need to even have a k-9 attak you, dont run from pigs just have a lawyer ready..the dog killing must stop ! what they cant taze them or mace them? just sooo fuqin gay....


Canna Coco grower
Please note the FBI and the IRS attending these raids..

THANK YOU SO MUCH BIG "O"... I love what you say... but reality is always different now aint it..... prez....

please all see my tagline... however its a little late to set your vote straight...

keep believin what they say.... just ignore what they do... till its YOU CAUGHT UP IN THEIR SHIT..

Oh and for all you SELF RIGHTOUS POSTERS...i.e.. well I think thats fine if their breaking the law blah blah blah...


So.. yeah.. yeah... evil and awful cause the DEA says so.. and we don't raid medical marijuana states anymore cause Obama says so...

Take another bong hit..


Please note the FBI and the IRS attending these raids..

THANK YOU SO MUCH BIG "O"... I love what you say... but reality is always different now aint it..... prez....

please all see my tagline... however its a little late to set your vote straight...

keep believin what they say.... just ignore what they do... till its YOU CAUGHT UP IN THEIR SHIT..

Oh and for all you SELF RIGHTOUS POSTERS...i.e.. well I think thats fine if their breaking the law blah blah blah...


So.. yeah.. yeah... evil and awful cause the DEA says so.. and we don't raid medical marijuana states anymore cause Obama says so...

Take another bong hit..

don't take another bonghit it's effecting your reading comprehension alleged
means it's represented or supposed to be true,but is not yet proven.I doubt anyone here except maybe blue dot truely wishes any ill will,or jail time to anyone engaging themselves in non-violent fashion, most people here view all drug crimes as victimless crimes,inasmuch as the the evidence of a failed drug war,and the inability to controll others.
now you have a bonghit run along and stop preaching to the choir.

washed up

I am Governor Jerry Brown
My aura smiles
And never frowns
Soon I will be president...

Carter Power will soon go away
I will be Fuhrer one day
I will command all of you
Your kids will meditate in school
Your kids will meditate in school!

California Uber Alles
California Uber Alles
Uber Alles California
Uber Alles California

Zen fascists will control you
100% natural
You will jog for the master race
And always wear the happy face

Close your eyes, can't happen here
Big Bro' on white horse is near
The hippies won't come back you say
Mellow out or you will pay
Mellow out or you will pay!

Now it is 1984
Knock-knock at your front door
It's the suede/denim secret police
They have come for your uncool niece

Come quietly to the camp
You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
Don't you worry, it's only a shower
For your clothes here's a pretty flower.

DIE on organic poison gas
Serpent's egg's already hatched
You will croak, you little clown
When you mess with President Brown
When you mess with President Brown
