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Doing IT outside, Geurilla style 2010

rocket high

Active member
it looks very strange indeed i dont see any slime like you would expect from a slug or snail it's a total mystery to me ... i would get some slug pellets down just incase ;)

but the rest look real good to me ... :)


the saddest part of the day happened when i checked on the sloping hights girls and lo and behold the one growing in the luxury earth has been attacked by some to me un known pest. anyone know what pest causes this?

could it be a mouse?


looking good brother :)


My geuss would be slugs, do you have any slug protection down? When they slither onto the leaves you can see a weird clear mucusy but almost weblike dried slime left behind.

i have no slug protection down as of yet, you are probably right on the money, as the stem looked very slimy same with the wound. i just assumed slugs and snails eat the leaves not the stems. but there were a few rainy days so slugs are very possible. will circle each plant with slug pellets, got some today that are not lethal to warm blooded animals.

the old stinky mothballs help with a lot but predator pee (say you have a chicken coup and dont want other predators around or some BS) plant some mint(double mint spearmint) and it keeps pests away... Ive been prepping an area with that lately... theres a nice book for pests and nutrient problems called "marijuana garden saver" by J. C. Stitch edited by the great Ed Rosenthal, "deer find the odors of garlic, Capsacin (chemical in peppers), and rotten eggs." it also goes on to say "anything that carries a humans scent, worn clothing hair or human urine also a dogs scat or urine, as well as scented bar soap hung in a net bag around the plants" Id strap one to a tree and use dawn with bleach on tree trunks for about 25 feet around plants sprayed on at about half water and half dawn (its animal safe but the bleach repels em and so does the scent) Ive used that one only lost 3 of 25 plants that year ... but good luck

and nice documentation

side note I have also grabbed a small sack full of taco bell fire sauce and sprayed it mived half and half around my sites before too and all I had to buy was the 1 liter bottle of water with the clickable "sport style" drinking lid to squirt what I hadnt drank on my way there mixed with the FREE packets lol it was a once a week application but it helped just not on the plant...

i think i will just stick to making my cages bigger as needed. i want to be able to relax, not worry the whole time that one or another home remedy will let me down. specially as i have so few plants and started so late. ideally i want to make a batch of seeds this year so i can really go for it next year. paying 75 euros for 10 beans is no fun when half get eaten etc.

i went and got some taller fencing amongst some other things for the new spot me and a buddy prepared today. we got 4 nice holes dug and 3 bags of earth out there, pluss the new fencing and a 10 buck spade we got. tomorrow the plants will go in, each one surrounded with the new fencing which has even smaller holes then my chicken fencing. so even if it was a mouse that bit my stem, spot 3 should be safe, specially as i will also surround them with slug pellets. forgot my camera today, but will get some pics tomorrow of the third spot. maybe i'll make it to all 3 of them to put out the snail pellets. also got some full NPK dry fert to top dress my 2 forest soil ladies.

it looks very strange indeed i dont see any slime like you would expect from a slug or snail it's a total mystery to me ... i would get some slug pellets down just incase ;)

but the rest look real good to me ... :)

some pics show the slime better then others. when i discovered it, the wounds were definitely shiny with slime. i thought at first it was the plants juices. i wonder if she is still standing.


could it be a mouse?

if it was a mouse i will have to get some of my new fencing around all of the plants. which means going to buy more i wager lol. the roll we picked up today didn't look very big. it's better quality fencing then i was planning to buy too lol. oh well with any luck we can use it again and again.

today's update

i'm really pleased about the 3rd spot i found with my mate today. we were able to get the car relatively close on a forest track with no trafic, we risked quite a high fine going up that road, but neither one of us wanted to walk with bags of earth on our shoulder into the forest from the parking lol. so we just did it real quick and got the car back to the legal road fast. luckily with the football everyone is well distracted and not a soul saw us anywhere near our new spot. tomorrow we will go early in the morning and plant our babies. shouldn't even take us very long as we did all the hard work today. i just have to make sure to bring my camera tomorrow :)

does anyone think i should bandage the plant with those bites taken out of the stem if she still lives? maybe some painters tape around the wounds? if she is even still standing lol, could be totally eaten by now, specially if it's a mouse. i know how much animals like the taste of that plant. i have to watch my cats like a hawk around plants, they love munching the fan leaves. that's why the plants i planted recently all have bitten off fan leaves. my veg space need a door instead of a curtain lol.

thanks for the feedback folks, updates tomorrow with any luck.



5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
shiny + slime = snail / slug imo, get some slug pellets down, search the area for the sods, even leave a few nice "homes" for them nearby you can round them up in.
true Ive got some that cost me 1400 USD$$ for ten but they definately show theyre worth it ... well I'll make some nice viable beans and flood the black market lol

and the thing I quoted from the book seems my best options here where theres more deer in some grow spots than people in the nearest town... other option is a good rifle and jerky machine... ;)

good luck with #3 I hope they produce trees

rocket high

Active member
daggerinmyback you paid 1400 USD for seeds!!!!!!!! ...i have some seeds for sale ...want to buy some lol:biglaugh:


shiny + slime = snail / slug imo, get some slug pellets down, search the area for the sods, even leave a few nice "homes" for them nearby you can round them up in.

the new spot has each plant surrounded with slug pellets. what do you mean about make homes for them? thanks for looking in man.

true Ive got some that cost me 1400 USD$$ for ten but they definately show theyre worth it ... well I'll make some nice viable beans and flood the black market lol

and the thing I quoted from the book seems my best options here where theres more deer in some grow spots than people in the nearest town... other option is a good rifle and jerky machine... ;)

good luck with #3 I hope they produce trees

wow those must be some special seeds. did you buy them at auction that they were so expensive? i have heard of really expensive seeds before years ago, some guy was saying he'd payed 100dm back in those days, each. i thought he was bull shitting me.

if i took a rifle in to these woods and started offing deer, i'd have the local forester and then a swat team on my ass pretty damn quick lol. they have deer feeders set up here to keep them alive in winter lol. this area is a nature reserve.

daggerinmyback you paid 1400 USD for seeds!!!!!!!! ...i have some seeds for sale ...want to buy some lol:biglaugh:

hows your wick set up coming along mate?

checking in, i will be with you the whole way gaius bro

great to have you along for the ride esbe, lets see if we can't make it to some forest bud this season.

Spot 3

so spot 3 is now planted too, we were a bit rushed so i didn't take as many pics as i normally do. turns out our holes are 30 lt each. used universal earth, 3 bags in 4 holes.








as you can see the fencing is very small holed, not even a mouse should get in now. we staked them down with bamboo and wire. the earth has some of the regenerative stuff mixed in. so now we need some hard core summer weather for the next 4 months.


Doing what we do because we are who we are
I love popping into this thread makes me feel like i am part of the team out there with you cause you got so many picture up dates :) I'm liking the new fencing with the smaller holes :)
and a 3rd spot nice work.. I wouldn't be going more than 3 spots cause it can get pretty hectic trying to maintain them all.. in the end either need to take on more ppl or give a little less attention to one of the spots which is heart breaking after all the hard work you already put in ;) looking good mate

rocket high

Active member
I love popping into this thread makes me feel like i am part of the team out there with you cause you got so many picture up dates

same here my friend ...good work :)

did that square wire cost any more than the chicken wire? im going to get some of that stuff for next year if it's cheap enuff ;)


Active member
The slugs have been rampant this season.

I usually just spray with sevin to keep them off but its been raining alot. And they like to come out when its wet.


I love popping into this thread makes me feel like i am part of the team out there with you cause you got so many picture up dates :) I'm liking the new fencing with the smaller holes :)
and a 3rd spot nice work.. I wouldn't be going more than 3 spots cause it can get pretty hectic trying to maintain them all.. in the end either need to take on more ppl or give a little less attention to one of the spots which is heart breaking after all the hard work you already put in ;) looking good mate

i am honored to have you guys on this trip with me, whether it takes us to harvest pics or not, it should be a fun ride.

to be honest out door to me seems amazingly easy once you have the big jobs done. for the rest it's just a matter of visiting to water if there is no rain for a week or more and adding some powdered ferts once a month. the other thing will be expanding the cages as needed, but i think i can keep up with 3 or even 4 spots. yes a 4th spot is planned, even if they only make small plants this year at least we will have our eggs divided up a bit. sloping hights and spot 2 are mine. so my mate wants us to have a second spot where he has a share too. problem is he's going to the fusion festival in Germany, so will be gone for the next 5 days, which means another 5 days of veg time lost lol.

same here my friend ...good work :)

did that square wire cost any more than the chicken wire? im going to get some of that stuff for next year if it's cheap enuff ;)

dude that shit was expensive, i paid the equivalent of just under 40 euros for those 4 cages with a small 1 and a half foot stripe left over. i hope we find some thing cheaper at an farm suppliers or some such. i was hopping we'd find a big roll for that price lol. but at least it's damn good and 1 meter tall, might be enough for plants going out so late, i hope it won't be, but i'm trying not to get my hopes up high :laughing:



The slugs have been rampant this season.

I usually just spray with sevin to keep them off but its been raining alot. And they like to come out when its wet.

oops so sorry, didn't see your post. you must have snuck it in while i was replying :)

good of you to join the fun. yeah it's been very rainy this season so far, although yesterday was better and today is better again. the news is also talking about a wave of good weather expected.

but for now i will rely on snail pellets spread around the plants in a circle. strangely enough despite the long rainy periods, that plant is my first snail loss despite me not having done anything to protect against them. i'm thinking even a decent sized slug will will have a hard time getting in to the plants in spot 3, the holes in that fence are so small.

sorry for the long rambling reply, just hitting some of my sd x cj pheno 3 and it has me in a chatty mood :joint:

daggerinmyback you paid 1400 USD for seeds!!!!!!!! ...i have some seeds for sale ...want to buy some lol:biglaugh:

Are they like this kinda stuff?


I also bought thumper, blueberry, and white widow, AK47, Romulan Cotton Candy, Jack frost, and like 12 other strains from there and I'm always looking for more fun ones

lol I bought a total of 60,000$ USD in seeds and the one I linked to, no lie has 40 colas poppin out ready to make me a clone master and its been sitting in a grow spot of mine indoors with a few CFL's around it in Veg (15/9) since seed popped up on May 11 this year (21" tall and 12" diameter) bushy as shit too and yeah I bought 90% of my stuff there cause I cant figure out how to order from Reservoir seed and didnt trust many other places... I can always find money lol

hmm feeders.... POISON time!! lol j/k PETA would raid me for that one before any cop

looking good...
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wouldnt pay that for seeds full stop no matter how super dooper it is .... sounds like GM weed lol

GM>? whats that... so far the plant is amazing looking and has only been up since May 11 when the seed shell popped off and its starting to shoot now, I'll let you know how it is though I have a "Flower Child of the 60's" for a tester lol

and for dry soil problems found stuff called Soil Moist it seems to do the job and not cause any extra salt deposits I used it before for some of my other plants before but it was called something different my plants loved it and it let me not worry about the dry season here so much but initial watering was a biatch. 1 pound of it costs about 12$ test a spoon of it in a bucket to see its absorption rate/quantity with some nice water... I know it does help with soil but not sure if its able to be used on its own without causing nutrient deficiency out the ass
Oh btw if I make beans with a nice baby I'll be way easier on pockets when I decide the male is worth a fuck ... got one male in 20 babies lol take super care of em with my pansy ass CFL op lmao... but of course studying on here Im gonna stress it to the max in a room alone and see if it screws up or mutates or stays nice... make quality meds not $$$ lol

EDIT bought n tested product from ace hardware www.soilmoist.com comes with a 4cc scoop in it and three scoops easily has held 1.5 cups of water turning like jelley... im gonna try cloning in a small dark 1.5" pot with some root tone powder and this use room temp water tho if you use cold it keeps the cold.. lol
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