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I need friends!!!


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy


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Mud Man

Sumthink Stinks
you gotta friend in me - i too get lonely on this site.. if only i had a thousand friends, but right now i would give up friends for one toke on a frigging doobie that had some vaigue taste of something beautiful... SOUTH LONDON SCHWAG SMOKERS CLUB official member..

this site is like looking at porn sites - the only difference is you CAN one day get to taste them, and i will one day soon!

peace to all LONERS and STONERS with BONERS


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

hey tamio, you're a bit new here to be adding to the friends list w/o
checking on some of your posts in the Den & elsewhere first, brb.

christ on a cross tamio wtf's up? you're some kinda wing nut, so yeah
go ahead and accept my friend offer if you like, you're cool w/me.......



ICMag Donor

hey tamio, you're a bit new here to be adding to the friends list w/o
checking on some of your posts in the Den & elsewhere first, brb.

christ on a cross tamio wtf's up? you're some kinda wing nut,
so yeah
go ahead and accept my friend offer if you like, you're cool w/me.......

lol S4L ...have you met tam!?!?! hehehehe


My little pony.. my little pony
Well I must not be a very nice person; "cuz I got no friends". I mean I'm not complaining about the friends I have...I love them very much and they are very dear to me... I even know them in real world life for over two decades.... but I need MORE IC friends! It's just too sad when I open "MY IC" and I and only have two friends.... guess I need to chat more, maybe send some flowers, free movie passes, throw a bbq, party at my pad...something!!!
SOOoooo if anyone feels sorry for me after reading this please message me and be my friend damn it!!

Have you thought about getting a lower back tattoo?


A wise man told me.....

A wise man told me.....

I told a new grower the other day a sad tale about friends, I'll share it in case it hits home with anyone here:

The longer you're in this game, the fewer non-grower friends you will have. Every non grower (NG for short) is another friend that you have to clean up for, hide your things, and tell lies to. Over time you'll get more and more tired of doing this, especially if you have lots of NG friends. Some of them you will be very close with, and will share your secret. They will initially be awed by this new fact, but will quickly realize that they, too must lie and hide your secret, and the burden on them will grow. Most of the time, they will fade away, usually within a couple months.

Yet another reason not to tell people for sure, but take it from a guy who has been down that road, and now 90% of my friends are growers. Several of them are guys I only know on ICmag (Resin lung and ol greyskull to name a couple) but of course, I don't have to hide much from them, just personal details because I try to treat every thread like a cop is reading it, because they probably are!

Just my $.02

:yeahthats Thank you and I agree!




"Friends" are over rated.

True friends are priceless.

I agree completely! I just simply had to have MORE ICmag friends right now! :laughing: I didn't feel like waiting! So I put it out there to the universe and those that came are those that came.... life is so simple like that sometimes!!! Isn't it great?


Sometimes ya just gotta listen to Wisdom!!:yeahthats
You seem to be a personal friend of Mrs B...that is good enough for me--
Welcome to the Mag--:respect::headbange

LOL.... nawww hadn't considered a back tattoo....hmmm? Ya never know what might help though so I will think about that.... LOL :1help:


hey tamio, you're a bit new here to be adding to the friends list w/o
checking on some of your posts in the Den & elsewhere first, brb.

christ on a cross tamio wtf's up? you're some kinda wing nut, so yeah
go ahead and accept my friend offer if you like, you're cool w/me.......

LOL :dueling:
I really only started the thread as a joke.... just to see the response...but umm no i'm not "nuts" persey.... stoned on a regular basis so my humur might be a bit jaded but I'm harmless....
(Ya gotta love the friends that I got though don't cha?)


Thanks for having my back Mrs B!!! Thank Gawd you know me so well as to know my weird ass sense of humor! LOL

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