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Bird and Bull go back to work.



^^ nice pic

How do you mean "fleshy"? Thick leaves?

One of my TWs is like that... just "wilts" it's top/tops over at the slightest hint of anything it doesn't like!

Ditto on the weather. Been getting a little sun here at last :)

I am using Flesh as the opposite of wood.. Is there a better term?
Where I am used to a plants stem being ridged and woody this one falls over when I am moving it around to get past it to reach behind it or when I watered a lot to take cuts it "wilted" from the weight of the water.

Oh it recovers but it's fleshy mostly.. This one is the most fleshy plant I have had. Had a Sativa/Indica cross once that was fleshy at first but stiffened up a bit and was one smooth smoker( like air ). This one is still on the fleshy side so I hope that smooth smoke is it's best quality.

Good to read on that sun.. Weather is like emotion.. Sucks to be stuck in the same mood all the time even if it's Sun.. Got to have a little Rain IMO..


The Return of the King

The Return of the King

I've pondered this from the start.. To seed to not to seed that was the Question..

The answer is to Seed!

I hope to work with some clones next.. That should make for nice photos.. This is awkward.

Couldn't ask for healthier plants.. The variety is truly scrumptious as well.

There is one male in the Bubba x OG kush's that I will use.. The fleshy plant may be male it's starting to look that way but the big leaf B x OG is a girl!
The Center rear is my Stud; smaller leaves and lighter green..

I may have to collect pollen as I understand the Doctors take about two weeks to switch.. The Bubba x OG took 4 days to show.. Now my eyes are bad but this looks to be male to me..

Then the Ladies in the House are a Tall White Rhino female, a Short White Rhino female, A Sativa Dom "The Doctor", an Indica Dom "The Doctor" and last but not least a big leaf Bubba x OG.
The mutant may be a boy. Not going to be a daddy this time but soon..

Sorry folks pro-bud shots have to wait.. I'll do what I can to entertain here but it is just too huge of a situation.. Oh well live and learn.. I know how to turn the dial now on all of them.. Got notes?

So hey Neongreen, Jaykush, CC and friends does that look like a boy to you? my eyes are so poor.. It's a bit early but it looks male to me..

I hope I'm right..

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^^ nice pic

How do you mean "fleshy"? Thick leaves?

One of my TWs is like that... just "wilts" it's top/tops over at the slightest hint of anything it doesn't like!

Ditto on the weather. Been getting a little sun here at last :)

Would you say that wilting ( fleshy ) is smoother smoke?

You may be waiting to flower that one so I thought to ask if you want to watch that.. It's something i am wondering.



hes a he.

yeah.. Looks like it to me too..

Well then it will be an extended season to growing a medical supply.. It's amazing the luck I have had on Pheno types.

That one I call "Stud Muffin" seems to favor the OG from what I can tell in photos ( I have never seen OG ) and the female ( I call Girl friend ) is a larger dark leaf that seems to favor the Bubba ( I assume) I welcome corrections as I'm piecing the clues together.
Mutant is small leaf but dark and fleshy. So I would like to see how that one goes but that's a wild card from what I know about Kush's

Add to that the chances of the two Pheno types of "The Doctor" happening from only two seeds and that leaves the two White Rhino which I understand have two types for height of short and tall which I have one of each and you can see that the gods of Cannabis seem to be suggesting that I need to clone and seed..
Still a ways off for the colloidal silver on funds..

LOL I'm sleepy so thanks Jaykush..

I'm learning so much this season; happy to share the story here..



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey jack - nice to see what you got going on here. would love to work with a soil bed myself but my modular setup wouldnt really work with it. tough working wityh new genetics when the growth rate and stretch are unknown but what i love is having new types of weed to try on a regular basis.

look forward to seeing you flip them



hey this is the day eh..

The flip is in..

Please note that I am going to satisfy these ladies and let them get impregnate with seed.. So no hormonal stressing in this garden this time.. Just satisfaction under my suns.. Love and the future goodness in My organic soil!

I can't see the White Rhino on the Left rear and the Right rear and I actually counted on the stability of Green House's White Rhino for my blind spots; ( can't help it in my location ).. What I didn't know was what I would get, the Tall Pheno and the Short Pheno in only Two seeds.. :woohoo:
I mean I can't bitch one bit on the Genetic diversity in the pheno's I have.
the only "out" case is one of the Bubba x OG as it's "Special" and male.. Gonna be saved but saved for another daze..

"Stud Muffin" is the chosen one to bred these ladies.. Tall and stout but on the OG side of medium leaf ( I welcome correction on these Kush's cuz I just don't know )

Here is a couple of pictures.. Please note the lights have 7 more inches up but I had to make a judgment call on seed or bud and I called SEED!

I also underestimated the benefit of a cover crop of alfalfa... Whoa Nitrogen in a sensitive and long lasting sense.. Keep it real folks on the cover crop of alfalfa .. Wait for nitrogen probs...

Suggestions and such WELCOME! I learn I live...

My soil floor and the Plant tops.. I know it's an OverGrow.. Pun intended..



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
7 inches left and you havent flipped them yet?? - i would have a plan b ready or perhaps try and lst them a bit more now whlist you can. some of my strains stretch much more than that.

also i was wondering if you've ever had rodent/critter/rancid issues with using foodstuffs as fertilizer/microherd food?



7 inches left and you haven't flipped them yet?? - i would have a plan b ready or perhaps try and lst them a bit more now whlist you can. some of my strains stretch much more than that.

also i was wondering if you've ever had rodent/critter/rancid issues with using foodstuffs as fertilizer/microherd food?


No issues.. Had fungus, gnats and some critters from the worm castings I bought. Mostly minor pests. No Powdery Mildew or spider mites ( knock on wood ) yet. Then again... Had a mouse once back in soil box one, first season, that the cats had brought in. But that was a short stay since it was stupid enough to let me see it chewed some plastic sheeting and I was able to catch it easy. Man that was 9 years ago..
Most everything is applied sensibly. Also the air filtration is excellent. Air filtering is a must in closed spaces for our health. Guanos and other dust is bad but worse if you are stuck in it. Always wear a mask when handling powders.

What I have found in this soil is the biology makes use of micronized materials rather quickly.
The experience isn't instant but it's obvious over three days time.. The materials fade into the other composted stuff pretty much by five days and I will see the plants start to benefit since Cannabis has roots near the soil surface from what i have seen as well as deeper.

It is very interesting to watch the natural system. I have much more to learn I am sure.

Well it's no problem on the height actually because I am seeding these and no need for a beauty pageant. The Kush has already shown Sex and I have chosen one of the Males ( there were two ) to be the pollen donor.

I hope this is still interesting to read this thread.. I do love writing. Maybe later on I can do some proper Bud shots with clones? We will see..

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Active member
Looking good Jack, but I agree with Verdant. It's going to get quite tight in there when start to flower! :D


Looking good Jack, but I agree with Verdant. It's going to get quite tight in there when start to flower! :D

Hey Guys Don't look for majik this time.. Wait for the clones..

Gonna get some seeds and do what I have to here..

Tight isn't exactly right.. Full tall canopy is a better statement.

These were grown on a 14 hour day so the stretch is really minimum.

The hard cases are the two "The Doctors" they grow and grow and grow. So whatever i have to do to keep it seeding, it will be done.

So that was really quick from seed to 4 feet tall huh... LOL Organic soil you gotta love it.. The one month to two weeks later LOL!

I think I can cut back on the amounts in the Micronization mix.

The only update is mutant is getting pulled and I am exactly at 6 plants for my California medical grow..

I'd like to keep it on the positive.. ;)



August 15th

August 15th

Not much to say really.. Initial growth on the two Bubba x OG's has been trimmed back along with the two "The Doctors" and the good news is the White Rhino's can now get full sun.

So begins some LST and managing things..

The News is, I love how the buds form on the one Female Bubba x OG.. reminds me of mulberry. I don't see much for the others but I'm not looking tonight too close..

The Goal now is to get good flower formation and seeding on all plants.

Nothing fed but I watered and the excess trim was chopped up and laid down as green manure.

I do see some gnats today so I hope there is some food for the nematodes I put in there.. I placed them center in the midst of the green manure and in a mix of peat and coir I bought to try..

Once I feel the nematodes have had a chance I will feed something.. I don't know what yet. I'll think about it.

Lets see what the flowers bring.. Seems like a long time to go.. But it wasn't all that long ago that these were trying to free themselves from their shells.. They grow so fast..



Those blocks are great for sure. I'm looking at peat and coir mixes now for better block structure. I would like to improve my mix. Light but solid is what i want so more fiber would be good as in coir..

We will see.. Oh hey 20north look at the posts in this thread to a link about the origin of soil blocks..

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Recycling the plant material back into the soil

Recycling the plant material back into the soil

I went ahead and cut up all the excess trim and have worked it into the soil.

I trust this will add a natural recycling of nutrients.

Also I have seen only one Adult gnat and it was happy to get out of the box.. Imagine that.. I wonder if it's a bit scary for them now... ;)

The flowering update is that the two Bubba x OG still are doing well flowering.. Not so ready, the Male has been pulled over closer to the Female and out of the light so to slow growth and delay pollen development and release.

I'm disappointed with the White Rhino as I don't see any sex yet.. But with the Male Bubba x OG pulled forward they have the back row to themselves now.. Hopefully that will encourage them to grow some more..
The next in the sexually showing is the Indica Dom "The Doctor" I can see the starting signs of some pistils. The Sativa Dom is further away from the light so that will delay it some.

So the Two White Rhino and the one Sativa Dom need to get going.

The nice thing is I was correct in how I trimmed these guys.. I see that I have their maturing rates in balance for the conditions.

Ah.. that feels better.. My goal now is seeds.. I think it will be alright..

I don't have new bud shots and I will post them so I am sharing information on these strains.

This is "Girl Friend" the female Bubba x OG .. Remember this is a trimmed plant and so these photos are more about information then a proper representation of the best this plant can do.

Here is a picture of the recycled plant material.

In organic soil materials are constantly consumed by the biologicals..

I leave for a little bit and come back to find you, Jack, playing plant pimp and trying to get your fine virginal girls all knocked up. Have you no decency, Jack? lol At least whisper sweet nothings to them before you do the deed. Or promise to smoke them in a clean glass pipe. Something. SIGH! Jack! Jack! Jack! What are we going to do with you? I know...smoke the hash you make. lol Still doing well I see.


Vetus! Nice to read you!

I trust all is right with you know who.. Is she happy? Cool!
Oh they are green and like Kermit they are happy I'm sure..
Never met such smelly plants pre-flower in my life! Only two in there are actually growing flowers I can really see with these eyes.
The Right Rear White Rhino looks to be flowering so it may be called three but it's sister left rear isn't yet..
The Indica Dom "the Doctor" looked to be getting ready to flower but her half Sister Sativa Dom isn't even close.
So 10 days am I impatient? I grew my cross out for 6 years and I knew them so well.. By 10 days I had a field of light green buds all focused on the light.

So one step at a time.. I sure have mature stalk so what to do in the time allowed? I'll Tell ya Vetus I would be a lot meaner on the trim next time and sooner.
Who knew but, they would have done well to be layered early.. neongreen has the right idea with these from seed if I can practice that in miniature with both the Kush and the Doctor.

So friends I want to see these flower well and then I'll worry about me.

Oh hey a side note.. I found that pack of "widow warrior" I had misplaced.. LOL it was in the scanner of all places.. Have a chuckle because I was looking for that for a month before I gave up. Go to Europe forget things I guess..

Vetus.. again Good to read ya.

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I am having coffee as I'm unable to sleep because I napped yesterday afternoon and I was looking at the garden so peaceful in the cool fresh air and thought to update the condition of the leaf trim cut up and added back into the soil.
Some have wondered what adding rice flour or coffee is like and if it is bad well I would have you look at the soil and you can see already the trim is being consumed. It will return in time to the very plants the trim was cut from.
If materials are added to a healthy soil in moderation they will incorporate into the soil through microbial actions.

Also here is a shot of our Garden spirits Bird and Bull at work..



I just watched lights out and we know how plants burst aroma at lights out? Cherries!!! That's so nice!
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