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doctor called me an addict



I just saw a new psychiatrist (which I do frequently) and besides being bipolar they also diagnosed me with cannabis dependence. Yes they said specifically cannabis dependence, yet no other drug issues. I really hope this doesn't fuck up my next medical marijuana evaluation...

curious did he prescribe you medicine for your bipolar disorder?

I have been diagnosed bipolatr since my preteens and have spent my whole life dealing with severe bipolar symptoms and the medical communtiy that treats it

I was doing well sustaining on pot and low doses of prozac

when i had to replace my pot I became so imbalanaced that i needed zyprexa depakote and xanax to keep me from have attacks and it started to destroy my body

some time both depakote and zypreka were engaged in lawsuits for causing liver damage ect

the side effects were more powerful than the benefits

I abandoned modern medicine and smoke pot to maintian my equilibrium

its one of the few drugs that doesnt hurt or hamper your bodies abiltiy to naturally heal to recover from certain psychiatric disorders

benzopenes destroy the same liver enzyme that helps break down stress hormone and naturally releive anxiety. So when a person who is getting anxiety due to stress hormone not being processed by the liver enzymes takes benzopenes to kill anxiety they are killing the bodies natural defense system agianst anxiety

but if you look at medical studies youll see some other interseting figures?

did you know more than half of onclogists wouldnt take the same treatement they recommend for paitients ?

most ppl get what insurance provides and never try to understand the workings of modern medicine

much like a computer once you get a glimpse of the inside and understand whats going on its not so mysterious

the medical industry is fraught with unethical, inexperienced and inept practioners

and then you have big pharma, big tabaccos big brother


"I abandoned modern medicine and smoke pot to maintian my equilibrium" ureapwhatyousow, I totally hear you!


Let's consult the DSM-IV!

DSM-IV said:
304.30 Cannabis Dependence

Also refer to the text and criteria for Substance Dependence (see p. 176). Individuals with Cannabis Dependence have compulsive use and do not generally develop physiological dependence, although tolerance to most of the effects of cannabis has been reported in individuals who use cannabis chronically. There have also been some reports of withdrawal symptoms, but they have not yet been reliably shown to be clinically significant. Individuals with Cannabis Dependence may use very potent cannabis throughout the day over a period of months or years, and they may spend several hours a day acquiring and using the substance. This often interferes with family, school, work, or recreational activities. Individuals with Cannabis Dependence may also persist in their use despite knowledge of physical problems (e.g., chronic cough related to smoking) or psychological problems (e.g., excessive sedation resulting from repeated use of high doses).
This is what the APA considers a weed addict to be. Considering this is the leading authority in America with regard to substance abuse, they have admitted that withdrawal is so mild and unobservable as to be insignificant despite your doctor's claims, and that this description sounds nothing like you, I would say it's time for a new doctor.


N707, hello man,

one sure cannot generalize and say all doctors are bad and the only thing that they do is prescribe drugs; but lets face it, a major part of their training consists in treating symptoms with synthetic drugs; specially when the same can be done with better and less dangerous options, for example: Cannabis. yes, you guessed it :)

Doctors are supposed to educate themselves and learn, not be some mis-informed, misguided zombies with poor education. If a doctors is worth his/her salt, studying and inquiring and experimenting constantly is what it is all about, it is a moving science, if they are still stuck on the lies of the past, well, sincerly, f%^k them.


I agree somewhat, but alot of the stuff I hear from folks (especially on the net) is way exaggerated, especially when refering to life problems, no offense to anyone in specific...I appologise if that offends you.

The bottom line in my mind and amognst certain others is this;
If you want to get a recomendation for MJ then you go throught the proper channels.....period. The majority of medical professionals will not recomend it as it is still highly questionable in many ways in the medical field at large. Im not saying that is right but you gotta level with reality.
Whining that your doc won't give you a recomendation is pretty weak imo, again sorry if thats harsh but it is how I feel. If you want it, or need it then go through the correct channels, they are not hard to find and are relativley cheap. People spend more on pieces regularly or fast food in a month than the cost of a visit to a proper doc who is knowledgable of the field and experiences in it.
The politics involved from the perspective of a doctor in reccomending a controversial drug, herb, pill, whatever the case may be is risky for them.
Considering how easy it is to get a recomendation I donot see why there are still so many that are having a hard time with it. Even if you had to travel it is still worth it.
It's easier to get a recomendation in many states than it is to get unemployment or even a drivers liscense....I see very little room for complaint there.


I agree somewhat, but alot of the stuff I hear from folks (especially on the net) is way exaggerated, especially when refering to life problems, no offense to anyone in specific...I appologise if that offends you.

The bottom line in my mind and amognst certain others is this;
If you want to get a recomendation for MJ then you go throught the proper channels.....period. The majority of medical professionals will not recomend it as it is still highly questionable in many ways in the medical field at large. Im not saying that is right but you gotta level with reality.
Whining that your doc won't give you a recomendation is pretty weak imo, again sorry if thats harsh but it is how I feel. If you want it, or need it then go through the correct channels, they are not hard to find and are relativley cheap. People spend more on pieces regularly or fast food in a month than the cost of a visit to a proper doc who is knowledgable of the field and experiences in it.
The politics involved from the perspective of a doctor in reccomending a controversial drug, herb, pill, whatever the case may be is risky for them.
Considering how easy it is to get a recomendation I donot see why there are still so many that are having a hard time with it. Even if you had to travel it is still worth it.
It's easier to get a recomendation in many states than it is to get unemployment or even a drivers liscense....I see very little room for complaint there.

unfortunately canada does not have the networks of doctors that america has, the canadian version of norml is nothing like the american version. in my province less than 100 people have been prescribed. so its not like an ammount of money will allow me better access to professionals.

i went for some blood and urine tests today. arthritis runs in both sides of my families, albeit different types. the physiotherapist im seeing for my TMJ asked me if i had rheumatoid arthritis, so thats being tested for too.

i kinda hope i get diagnosed just so i know what i have, the uncertainty is killing me.


unfortunately canada does not have the networks of doctors that america has, the canadian version of norml is nothing like the american version. in my province less than 100 people have been prescribed. so its not like an ammount of money will allow me better access to professionals.

i went for some blood and urine tests today. arthritis runs in both sides of my families, albeit different types. the physiotherapist im seeing for my TMJ asked me if i had rheumatoid arthritis, so thats being tested for too.

i kinda hope i get diagnosed just so i know what i have, the uncertainty is killing me.

By prescribed do you mean like an actually written perscription from a primary physician..? Over here its more like you goto a doc known to have "special" methodologies and he writes a recomendation, after which you can use to interact with caregivers. Its very grey still due to the differences of opinion between the Feds and state ( im sure you realised that).
Sucks about the arthritis bro, it runs really heavy on my moms side and of course, I happen to be more on ther side...lol
I have to admit I have never looked into ca's political stances on MJ.
From my personal experience and others round here, if people in the states tried to get MMJ from thier primary physician they would most likley get the cold shoulder regaurdless of thier condition unless they were in a really bad way. Might not be the same eveywhere but here it is still pretty damn taboo for a doc to give a recomendation unless he/she is already known for such. There's a good number that will, but generally are not the type to be a primary physician.
Just my exp.'s...


thanks for the advice. once this ridiculous tooth and jaw stuff is over with i will definitely be going doctor shopping. someone else also mentioned to look into "eastern" or "western" doctors, who im guessing are from somewhere else in the world. i do know of one doctor who seems as though he might have lived in the middle east as a child and is quite nice. i think he will be the first one i try, once i figure out what i have of course!

thanks all for you words and thoughts of encouragement and support, its well appreciated. peace and pot.


Active member
i think that i am addicted to cannabis, i have been smoking literally every day since i was 13 or 14, it was an everyday thing after high school almost everyday, i would steal my lunch, then throw the lunch money my mom gave me on some blunts with the homies.

now, some 10 years later, i still smoke every single day. if i do not smoke during the afternoon, i get really anxious and hyper, i am stressed out, violent, i have a feeling in my chest where i NEEEED to smoke something. i was addicted to cigs for a few years but i managed to quit that cold turkey with no problems, but i really really think i will never be able to quit smoking the reaf. i need it everyday. its 1220 in the afternoon and i havent smoked yet, but i cannnot wait until that bubba kush hits my lungs, and the feelings of calmness euphoria and satisfaction come back into my body and mind.

if i dont smoke all day it gets pretty bad, i definately feel weird, like my life is in fast foward, i need to slow it down with cannabis so that i can more easily calculate my actions in life.


Active member
somehow though, through my ten year pot smoking career, i have managed to graduate both high school and college, hold down a bunch of jobs, and live a nice life, so even though i am physically addicted i do not think it is interfering with my life that much.


let me ask you friend, how are your teeth?

i was in a similar situation a few years ago, couldnt control aggression or i did by clenching my teeth. only within the last two years, when i started to get jaw pains did i consider it could have been my teeth. considering i hadnt been to the dentist for 8 or so years it seemed obvious. since then ive had 4 of my wisdom teeth removed, one which was compacted which i still need to have the jaw filed down. ive had a bunch of cavities filled, 5 i think, and i recently had a root canal, which has led me to the situation im in now. one of the 4 canals is calcified half way down and my dentist couldnt clear it so i have to go to a specialist in april. my dad told me when i was a kid about him having to get a root canal and other dentist stuff and he tried i suppose to use it to get me to brush my teeth but it just mad me terrified of the dentist. so long story short, im finding it not just a relief but an enjoyment to have oral/dental surgery. i feel so much better after every operation.

i dont get as frustrated as i once did, and overall im happier and dont have to self medicate as frequently. so if you havent had had your teeth looked at you should.

peace everyone.

ps. my doctor thinks i might have some sort of glaucoma because im quite photosensitive, and at times photophilic. so hopefully that goes well, test isnt for 3 weeks tho.


Active member
yea i have pretty bad light sensitivity sometimes, i have to wear sunglasses while driving almost everyday or i literally cannot see a thing.


My worst fear of going to a doctor is that he or she might think am an addict and try to put me in rehab center. I bet a lot of people suffering from those symptoms are not from withdraws, which of course a lot of doctors are going think that, but the truth is, if they don't know they should just stfu. Pardon for my language but it gets me angry when some people that are really sick cant get an MMJ Card because of doctors thinking it might be from withdraws total Bullshit.

I suffer from this symptoms everyday but how can i make my doctor believe its true?


Eating Disorders
Sleeping Disorders

My only concern if I go to the doctor is that he or she going try getting me into a rehab center. What should I do?


TMJ is one of those things most people don't understand, but for those who suffer from the effects of it, they know how actually painful and bothersome it is. For the longest time I always wondered if something was wrong with the way my jaw worked but later I learned about TMJ.
Some people are starting to buy into this 'its more potent now, so it's addictive now'

It is addictive in the same way that anything can be addictive, you can be addicted to playing chess. But you can't get addicted to it the same way you can coffee or cigarettes, I don't care how potent it is.

Anyway, good luck finding a new doctor, and I hope you feel better.


Fuck that bitch. I am a pain patient and our state doesn't do the pot thing but I have a wonderful Pain Dr. See if you can find yourself a Pain Specialist I was hit in the temple while welding we were making the frame for the Ford Expedition. It broke my welding helmet and the nerve that gives you TMJ pain is called the Trijeminal nerve. I have to take morphine 3 times a day and over 40 perocets a day I'm sorry you didn't get the script. Do you live in a state where you can have that luxury?? Wish I did. But we must face the facts we are controlled drug addicts. If the cut me off I would have seizures and probably have a heart attack!! I am 52 and not overweight. The weed does work some wonderful tricks. I really like GrowDoc for my TMJ pain the other day I had taken 150 mgs of morphine and 2 percocets and my head was killing me for hours after taking that. I went out and cut some buds from a Angeldust plant put them in a dehydrator for 2 hours and whammo My headache was gone, my wifes shoulder didn't hurt, and my 27 year old son was frozen in the computer chair. It wasn't couch lock it was severe chair lock and he loved it. We laughed our asses off!! Just find a new Dr. It is our right as human beings to live a pain free life. Where do you live???


My sister is a dental hygienist and before I go get my teeth cleaned she has the Dentist call me in a script for about 6 number 10 Valiums. Take one before the procedure, after, and again if you still hurt. Let the dentist you have TMJ and they get nervous as hell because just giving you a shot can give you lockjaw for 6 weeks. I know it happened to me. I just went to my sis after not going for about 3 years and I am 52. All of a sudden no more insurance. Now I owe my mouth $1,085 to get it back in shape. I like the dentist. Reminds me of a polite Hunter S Thompson. Goodnight everyone


i think that next to your eyes its the best investment you can make. to get my last calcified canal cleared its going to cost 1000-1200$. im fine with that because ill be able to declare it on my taxes next year, but the relief i am sure to gain will be well worth every penny.

unfortunately my doctor only prescribed me demoral, which is pretty weak stuff IMO. oh well.

peace and love

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