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doctor called me an addict


i just got back from my doctors office and she confirmed my worst fears; shes unwilling sanction my use of cannabis.

i wrote out a list of my symptoms when on a low dose of cannabis 0.0-0.5g, a moderate dose at 0.9-1.5g and an adequate dosage of 2.0-3.0g and all she could think of to recommend is for me to see and addictions specialist. she said she thinks my symptoms are from withdrawal and now is unwilling to address them. she also literally said i was addicted to cannabis.

i just don't know anymore boys and girls. i've never faced someone in that position who is completely unwilling to help or even consider cannabis as a positive.

i feel completely depressed, disenfranchised and abandoned by anyone who could help.

time to smoke a bowl and find a new doctor it seems.

cause your going to wonder, i have by her own admission TMJ syndrome and Bruxism, but i also am in a tonne of pain in my jaw. also i feel i have some sort of muscular problem, when i smoke lesser amounts or no cannabis my muscles get very tight and seem to cease up. the tendons and ligaments seem to tighten also, especially the ones going from my hands to my shoulders and from my feet to my hips as well as my back becomes incredibly tight.

when i smoke enough cannabis i am able to do yoga, static stretching, pilates and hit the gym really hard, i want to be a fighter so i really push myself, but when i dont consume enough cannabis im like a skeleton in a straight jacket.

peace to all

There are very few primary physicians that will give any type of recomendation for cannibus. There are certain avenues to take on the matter....:joint:


Wowza! I have a Psychology degree and this is the first I've heard of that! In other words, dont believe his BULLSHIT!!:fsu:

i never said i believed it, i just said that the doc said it. in fact in response to the doc's BS claims i showed him storm crow's list however it seems he hasn't read up on the schizo studies.


the thing is, they are trained medical professionals trained to give you drugs to make you feel better. they don't know what actually makes you feel better. i am very fond of smoking pot, and it has really been there to help me with my bodily issues. tell your doc to stick her a pen up her ass and get a new doc.

the thing is, if that is what you really think that is what medical proffessionals are "trained" for you probably need a psych, not a primary physician.
Doctors are there to help diagnoss an issue and treat it accordingly...which may or may not include the use of any perscription drugs. I've actually read in the Doctor's for Dummies book that they are not there to say... "hey looks like you should cover up the symptoms by smoking some chron instead of treating the issue". JK.....but seriously,
regaurdless of what your doctors opinions are or his ethics, you should be researching ways to figure out exatcly what you have reather than using anything (not just dank) to subdue the symptoms.
At the end of the day the doctor is a regular guy like you and me (unless your a chick....= P)....and contrary to popular belief you donot have to be emotionally intelligent to be a practicing physician, just dedicated and school savvy. Which sucks because Ive watched M.D.'s make retarded but necessary decisions on a daily bassis @ my ol 9-5.
If you donot like the care your recieving you have every right as a patient to switch physicians if your with a PPO, HMO, whatever. Even if your on medical or medicare. I smell fish though...so whay is it anyways.....


all praises are due to the Most High
for all of those who have trouble sleeping when not smoking herb, you can always help your body balance out by taking some valerian root (in pill form preferably) at night before going to sleep. just take it for the first few days of not being able to sleep when you stop toking, and things will be fine. in a matter of days, you will need neither valerian nor cannabis to get a good night of sleep.

peace and good health


Wowza! I have a Psychology degree and this is the first I've heard of that! In other words, dont believe his BULLSHIT!


I'd place the part of the blame on our federal government that refuses to allow any research into MMJ. Docs prescribe meds that have been run through government blessed trials and while I think many of these trials are heavily influnced by big pharma- our feds refuse to allow any research because they know exactly what will be found w/ respect to MMJ.

My advise to the OP- if you are in a medical state in the US- check the NORML website for a MMJ friendly doc that has the guts to recommend something that works for many people.

I've personally seen the side effects of someone coming down off "Legal" antidepression drugs. For her to say you are an addict is unprofessional but I wouldn't waste any breath trying to educate her. GP docs have their place for certain health issues and pescribing certain meds but there are other docs that will recommend MMJ. You just need to find them.


Smokes, lets go
check www.safeaccessnow.org for a list of compassionate doctors....

also check out norml.org but im sure you've already been there

if your not in a medical state i think for your health's sake if possible you should try to move, a recommendation from a doctor in a non medical state is pointless anyway... talking to your doctor about it would only give you a personal opinion not a written recommendation which is what you need.
First of all, this is cut and pasted from the article you linked.....

The researchers said they couldn't prove that marijuana use itself increases the risk of psychosis, a category of several disorders with schizophrenia being the most commonly known.

The scientists found a more disturbing outlook for "heavy users" of pot, those who used it daily or weekly: Their risk for psychosis jumped to a range of 50 percent to 200 percent.

Just reading these 2 statements from this article say it all...... I mean, I have a 200 percent chance of psychosis?

Second of all, would you go to a psychologist and have him give you open heart surgery? Or would you go to a cardiac surgeon who was properly trained in that particular field?

Third, the article contains no references or significant statistics, so to me, it could have (and probably was) written by someone who has an agenda of their own..... Propaganda anyone?

I need to go now, my bunny is running around backwards and trying to hump the garbage can since I gave him some of my trimmings..... Or wait, was that me? The voices in my head say I need to go, so :wave:


Sneak attack critical
Thing about doctors is:

They are trained to prescribe synthetic drugs.
They are given samples of the newest candy Big Pharma releases and are told to distribute them for free.

As a sufferer of anxiety/depression, I was prescribed Paxil, which exacerbated my anxiety, then Prozac, which had no discernible effects whatsoever.

The only thing that helps me keep my head in check is the herb.

I've heard bud compared to manufactured pharmaceuticals in the following manner:
Pharms are engineered to have a singular focus, like a pistol, while bud has a wide range of focus, like a shotgun.

It's no wonder the ONDCP propaganda-izes as much as it does. If bud were legalized, a large majority of pharmaceuticals would be rendered moot.

Like I give a fuck...I grow my own meds. They can shove their pills (and their negative side effects, and their kickbacks) up their ass.




"Bravo unabashedly recommends marijuana, saying that it will not only improve your jujitsu game, but also your life."



"Today, Bravo is a commentator for the UFC, with plans on competing only once more before retiring from the tournament circuit for good."

From UFC:
Over the past year in the state of California, the punishments have been a three-month suspension and $500 fine for any fighter who tests positive for marijuana; or a six-month suspension and $1,000 fine for any fighter who tests positive for any banned substance other than marijuana (or a combination of marijuana and other banned substances). These punishments escalate for repeat offenders.


Well-known member
If pot dealers hooked up doctors the way that drug salesmen do, then they might not talk as much shit.


Patient Grower
As a person that wasted a number of years of his life with stints as a crack smoker then as an alcoholic, quitting both and suffering the withdrawal symptoms, all I can say is that if you people call the mild 'discomfort' one experiences from not ingesting cannabis 'withdrawal symptoms' you're fucking out of your minds. I recall sitting on my couch, withdrawing from alcohol. Furnace set at 82 degrees, I'm shivering my ass off. There are people in my bushes spying on me. I puke when I eat. My brain felt like silly putty. I was sure my death was imminent. Just a small drink would fix it all. At that point in my life that's the only reason I wanted a drink, was to stop the pain. Because I had long since stopped enjoying alcohol at all. Actually I had long since started to hate alcohol.

OK, so does anyone really want to compare their 'I think I had a mild headache, and I had very vivid dreams!' to the above? is the only reason you want to ingest is to kill the pain? do you hate cannabis, but still need it? Man I have worse withdrawal symptoms when I'm on a business trip away from my wife. Does that mean I'm a 'sex addict'? Actually, if you go down to the 12 step SA meeting you'll find a 'sex addict' is the person who's willing to betray their partner in order to get sex while on the business trip, not the person who suffers through the desire. It's not just about having some kind of discomfort when you can't do something you like doing. It's more about what you are willing to sacrifice and/or fuck up to avoid that discomfort.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
As a person that wasted a number of years of his life with stints as a crack smoker then as an alcoholic, quitting both and suffering the withdrawal symptoms, all I can say is that if you people call the mild 'discomfort' one experiences from not ingesting cannabis 'withdrawal symptoms' you're fucking out of your minds. I recall sitting on my couch, withdrawing from alcohol. Furnace set at 82 degrees, I'm shivering my ass off. There are people in my bushes spying on me. I puke when I eat. My brain felt like silly putty. I was sure my death was imminent. Just a small drink would fix it all. At that point in my life that's the only reason I wanted a drink, was to stop the pain. Because I had long since stopped enjoying alcohol at all. Actually I had long since started to hate alcohol.

OK, so does anyone really want to compare their 'I think I had a mild headache, and I had very vivid dreams!' to the above? is the only reason you want to ingest is to kill the pain? do you hate cannabis, but still need it? Man I have worse withdrawal symptoms when I'm on a business trip away from my wife. Does that mean I'm a 'sex addict'? Actually, if you go down to the 12 step SA meeting you'll find a 'sex addict' is the person who's willing to betray their partner in order to get sex while on the business trip, not the person who suffers through the desire. It's not just about having some kind of discomfort when you can't do something you like doing. It's more about what you are willing to sacrifice and/or fuck up to avoid that discomfort.

Well said, well said. I've had the joy of experiencing withdrawal from methadone (prescribed to treat chronic pain) and boy was it unpleasant. And I was taking a rather small dose compared to some out there.


Active member
Sickening to think she called you an addict, simply because you choose not to take the drugs she sells.

I've had a psychiatrist pretty much do the same. First she misdiagnosed me as Bipolar I, then after I asked for a different medication she said she could not treat me. Love the legal drug dealers. Love em.


The Voice of Reason
Cannabis as a muscle relaxer has well documented and has a long long history...
Drop that quack and find a real doctor... Cannabis has no physical addiction and thus no physical withdrawal symptoms, Your quack must believe more in political propaganda than in documented scientific evidence... The only withdrawal symptoms which are associated with not consuming cannabis are completely psychosomatic and comparable statistically to placebo effect...

Storm Crow

Active member
First off, get a new doctor.

Then print up, not just the URLs and titles, but the whole dang text of all the relevant studies! Should make a nice pile. Then plop it on her desk and tell her when she has read them, you look forward to having an informed conversation with her about them and will then reconsider returning to her practice. If she refuses to look at the studies- remind her the earth is not flat and the date is 2009, not 1950.

How can she hope to open your mind, if hers is shut so tight?



Patient Grower
Dude, get a grip on reality. No one compared the symptoms of MJ 'withdrawl' with those of alcohol or even crack. That's all in your head.
People are saying that they have symptoms, no one said they will end the world...

Hmm, since I have a different opinion than yours it means I'm out of touch with reality? Umm...that's silly. Almost as silly as redefining the word addiction to include cannabis aficionados, or calling minor discomforts 'symptoms', and that's pretty damn silly. But hey, anyone can be an addict nowadays! There's a 12 step program for everything! That must make it true!

Hey, there's a guy over in the toker's den claiming physical withdrawals 6 weeks after quitting. Even funnier, people are taking him seriously. It's bullshit, and it's sad that people that should know better give this nonsense the time of day.

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