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doctor called me an addict


The article link was posted NOT to show what I agree with but the study but this article is often used as an argument for not using MMJ if you have mental disorders.

With a little digging around, anyone could find the exact study that tries to link MMJ w/ schizophrenia or other mental disorders.

I completely disagree w/ the results of said research but was suprised that someone with a phyc degree had never heard of this study- it is often cited by medical professionals as to why people with mental disorders should not also smoke.

I agree livelink is not the best place to get information.


You don't think any pro fighters smoke herb?
You sound like my mom. Kick the habit?

Pro fighters smoke herb all the time.
They also get fined and suspended for it.
You should listen to your momma, or she might kick you out of the house.


My accupuncturist is the only real doctor I know, he's a certified physician in China but over here he decided not to do certification so he can practice herbology.
I went to see a doc about gastritis, he gave me pills, no help.
My accupuncturist recommended ginger, 3 large chunks in hot water after any meal, worked like a charm, he though MJ was fine for pain but recommended orally to prevent lung damage.
The law in the US and Canada states that herbs are not medicine and cannot be prescribed as such, it's like their fucking mantra or something.
The lobbyists have changed the medical practice to it's core and regulations have taken the place of an objective opinion.
MJ is not all good, there are side effects to the lungs,testicular cancer has been linked to chronic use from a young age (linked not proven as a such), so everything has a proper balance and holistic herbal medicines have a HUGE place in our health.
Modern medicine practices curing the symtoms and not prevention, marijuana can be considered preventative medicine IMO.
Those who experience twitching, pains, anxiety from quiting weed need to consider that these symptoms will persist and are actually being subdued by the use of MJ and not the result of using then quiting the herb.
I've been clean from MJ for 3weeks+ and after 3 days my appetite, sleep, mood was fine, my back and hips are not, I'm in alot of pain.
I typically use .5-1 g a day 2g on a bad day when my back is really bad, I'd be poping 20+ Tylenols a day if not for herb. Making good quality hash goes even further in maintaining health with little side effects, after seing alcoholics, over eaters and hard drug addicts talk smack about pot I feel that truth is subjective and we are the only ones that are meant to judge what is right for ourselves.
5 weeks to go and I will be Tylenol free, that's how I see it, any guilt you feel is social problem and not a medical one, unlearn what other have told you is wrong and re-learn what is right for you.

i agree, im very tempted to do the same thing to prove to my doctor that i still have these symptoms. its funny how i cant use 4 pills of ibuprofen to end the pain but antidepressants some how will end the pain. i dont think i should get prescribed an antidepressant for chronic short term pain.


I mean, I have some beach front property I can sell you.... Or wait, did you know there is a website that says Obama is a Muslim! If it's on the internets it must be true, huha!

i thought i owned the exclusive right to sell beach front property in the northern hemisphere :mad: that dude better gimme my cash back


Sneak attack critical
N707, hello man,

one sure cannot generalize and say all doctors are bad and the only thing that they do is prescribe drugs; but lets face it, a major part of their training consists in treating symptoms with synthetic drugs; specially when the same can be done with better and less dangerous options, for example: Cannabis. yes, you guessed it :)

Doctors are supposed to educate themselves and learn, not be some mis-informed, misguided zombies with poor education. If a doctors is worth his/her salt, studying and inquiring and experimenting constantly is what it is all about, it is a moving science, if they are still stuck on the lies of the past, well, sincerly, f%^k them.


Couldn't have said it better myself.

N707 said:
There are corrupted M.D.'s, but to say that is what they are trained to do is a giant pile of horseshit.
I hope you are joking. If not, you need a serious reality check...

The doctor that prescribed me Paxil didn't even send me to a therapist before making a judgement. He basically wrote me a prescription based on my description of my feelings with no further inquires on my very first visit.

I look back on that situation and cringe...
Couldn't have said it better myself.

I hope you are joking. If not, you need a serious reality check...

The doctor that prescribed me Paxil didn't even send me to a therapist before making a judgement. He basically wrote me a prescription based on my description of my feelings with no further inquires on my very first visit.

I look back on that situation and cringe...

Exactly..... Medical doctors are not Psychiatrists or Psychologists, so why are they stepping into a realm in which they have no training? It's sad to think about how many people (children especially) who have been given anti-depressants or Ritalin (or other ADD or ADHD drugs) when it was NOT needed. GP doctors over prescribing these drugs in the 90's-today have caused problems for many people, and because of this practice suicides of teens increased because the doctors didn't have full knowledge on this subject.... I wouldn't drop my pants at my psychologist to have them check my balls for cancer, just like I wouldn't go to a doctor and ask him if he can help me with my emotional problems......So please, like the OP said, people need to think critically!


Couldn't have said it better myself.

I hope you are joking. If not, you need a serious reality check...

The doctor that prescribed me Paxil didn't even send me to a therapist before making a judgement. He basically wrote me a prescription based on my description of my feelings with no further inquires on my very first visit.

I look back on that situation and cringe...

that is very much how i feel looking back on my past experiences with her.


Pro fighters smoke herb all the time.
They also get fined and suspended for it.
You should listen to your momma, or she might kick you out of the house.
Why are you on a weed site? So you can convince everybody to quit smoking herb? You should listen to my mom, she says "eat a dick bitch".


Just Call me Urkle!!
I toked my first dube back in the 60's, and since that time I have known heroin addicts, coke addicts, alcoholics, meth addicts, crack addicts...the one person I have never met is someone who is truly addicted to cannabis. Having taken morphine daily for the better part of a decade and experiencing first hand what withdrawal symptoms

Yea I feel so bad for you buddy I agree with Gobwats I've been addicted to opiates for a good 7 years and I am now in Methadone treatment and can also attest that doesn't sound like addict symptoms to me. You actually sound like you have Rematoid Arthritus (excuse spellingcuz it's not right) cuz those are the same symptoms my moms friend has. But she refuses to try pot to relieve the pain!!!! I hope you get your meds legal buddy my God,Buddah or whoever you believe in be with you..:joint:


Why are you on a weed site? So you can convince everybody to quit smoking herb? You should listen to my mom, she says "eat a dick bitch".

That is so cute when you try to be witty.:laughing:
It is kind of mean that your mom calls you a bitch, but she probably knows best.
Smoke up!


Slap-A-Ho tribe
This is exactly why I have never mentioned cannabis to any of my Dr.s. One may surprise me but most are very close minded and I won't take the chance. Just hope your Dr. has not made a note in your records that she thinks you're an addict.

Storm Crow

Active member
Children! Play nice!

Children! Play nice!

Calling each other names :nanana: because you disagree on something is not allowed- not even in 1st grade! :noway: Surely, we can conduct ourselves as adults! I believe we are all supposed to be over 18- let's act like it!

If you want to impress your audience and make them agree with you, you need to state your case with a balance of logic and emotion.

And would you guys please remember we ARE on the same side.

Granny :joint:


Exactly..... Medical doctors are not Psychiatrists or Psychologists, so why are they stepping into a realm in which they have no training? It's sad to think about how many people (children especially) who have been given anti-depressants or Ritalin (or other ADD or ADHD drugs) when it was NOT needed. GP doctors over prescribing these drugs in the 90's-today have caused problems for many people, and because of this practice suicides of teens increased because the doctors didn't have full knowledge on this subject.... I wouldn't drop my pants at my psychologist to have them check my balls for cancer, just like I wouldn't go to a doctor and ask him if he can help me with my emotional problems......So please, like the OP said, people need to think critically!

Psychiatrists are medical doctors though, they go through four years of med school the same as a cardiologist.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Some people can have several lifetime's of knowledge and wisdom handed to them, but they're still dumb asses...


Active member
I just saw a new psychiatrist (which I do frequently) and besides being bipolar they also diagnosed me with cannabis dependence. Yes they said specifically cannabis dependence, yet no other drug issues. I really hope this doesn't fuck up my next medical marijuana evaluation...

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