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Do you believe in the paranormal ???

Do you believe in the paranormal ???

  • yes

    Votes: 26 51.0%
  • no

    Votes: 25 49.0%

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  • Poll closed .

Sativa Dragon

Active member
I am cofused what you mean by New age? I did not observe any references to culture or mystisim, actually the film debunks mystisim at one point, and makes no mention of alterantive veiws on western culture. It has everything to do with the convergence of science and religion as it applies to the history behind the battle between science and religion many centuries ago, it would seem the Vatican is takeing notice to this phenomenon as well. As it would seem, there is a new realisation comeing to pass the both religion and science both agree. New age is more mysticism than anything.




In that DVD I mentioned they touch on the Quantum law of entaglement, which in lamens terms means we are all connected, if you are generally in tune with people or the person you love, it is possible according to the law of entanglement that you are indeed connected on a very different level, one that us humans have never been educated on in order to percieve it as a part of our reality.


It only happens with people I'm close to or have been spending a lot of physical time with. Proximity makes a difference.

I forgot to mention I have had one very clear out-of-body experience. That's considered paranormal, yes? It was during a dental surgery, tooth extraction. Teeth, to be honest.


Active member
Well that university still has that million dollar reward for anyone that can show something paranormal.I think this has been going on over 10 years.If there were anybody that was genuine,you'd think they'd had collected by now


Kiss My Ring
who knows what's behind door #3?
death is as much a part of life as birth.
i remember nothing before this life and most likely will remember nothing after death...

to think that our existence ends at death is ignorant; to think the two planes intersect at some point where our mortal perceptions are able to distinguish is wishful at best.

not saying one couldn't find and cross over that intersection...but in my mind, it is a one way only...yas gotta make yer bones while yer here.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
It only happens with people I'm close to or have been spending a lot of physical time with. Proximity makes a difference.

I forgot to mention I have had one very clear out-of-body experience. That's considered paranormal, yes? It was during a dental surgery, tooth extraction. Teeth, to be honest.

Quantum entanglment occurs when photons and electrons, interact physically with larger molecules and then become separated; the interaction is such that once entangled, one object cannot be fully described without considering the other. In other words, they are viewed as a whole and not as singular.


This link helps to explain,

Sea Maiden, I have experienced the same thing but with only the ones I love, like thinking about my mother then she calls. That kind of thing. Finishing peoples sentences. Thinking about what to have for dinner and asking what someone wants and they suggest what you have been thinking about. Its all about putting your intentions out there honestly, and dreaming about your successes, seeing them come to fruitition some how makes it more reality.



Yes, I do believe in 'paranormal.' I've only had one really remarkable occurrence that could be called 'ghost,' but have had more instances where I utter what someone else is thinking, or occasionally vice versa, than I can count.

Very interesting and spooky too lol

Dragon I will check that out when I get a chance. Even though I did recommend checking out the show ghost adventures, I myself believe that it's in the best interest of the media to make us believe that none of this stuff exists and that it's our minds playing tricks on with us. Just like the ufo sightings if they surpress our minds to believe things that could exit don't then we might as well become robots and not humans. But regardless everyones opinons are respected here good stuff guys :)


Staypuff, outside of the below/above discussion, I am open to the idea that it's just our brains playing tricks on us. But, the thinking or saying what someone else is thinking or saying, that thing...? That is not my brain playing tricks on me, because it's using two people.
Quantum entanglment occurs when photons and electrons, interact physically with larger molecules and then become separated; the interaction is such that once entangled, one object cannot be fully described without considering the other. In other words, they are viewed as a whole and not as singular.

I should warn you that my son, who grasps these concepts easily, refers to me as a Newtonian, meaning I can comprehend gravity and levers and that's about it. But, this feels rather stringy to me. Will read!

I actually have a sister who is very into all sorts of paranormal events and works to quantify them as she sees and experiences. I cannot speak to the real science in what she's doing, or the lack thereof, but she is enthusiastic and who knows..? Just because it can't be explained by science doesn't mean it can't exist. Maybe the explanation is waiting for science to catch up.
Sea Maiden, I have experienced the same thing but with only the ones I love, like thinking about my mother then she calls. That kind of thing. Finishing peoples sentences. Thinking about what to have for dinner and asking what someone wants and they suggest what you have been thinking about. Its all about putting your intentions out there honestly, and dreaming about your successes, seeing them come to fruitition some how makes it more reality.

Yes! Or, someone saying exactly what I'm thinking, or I'll say what they think. The thing you talk about with your mom happens with me and my mother, but she's usually pretty busy so it's infrequent. We'll both get a feeling. But with my husband? I don't see how it can happen to us daily, yet he denies the existence of the paranormal.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
who knows what's behind door #3?
death is as much a part of life as birth.
i remember nothing before this life and most likely will remember nothing after death...

to think that our existence ends at death is ignorant; to think the two planes intersect at some point where our mortal perceptions are able to distinguish is wishful at best.

not saying one couldn't find and cross over that intersection...but in my mind, it is a one way only...yas gotta make yer bones while yer here.

Trich, your perspective leans more towards the classical mechanics, its only one way we are like machines. Machines Live and Die get buried what we do affects our world like we plant crops we harvest we eat, we go to school we learn we get a career make money pay bills ...

Quantum mechanics is far different it is considered a evolution on the perspective of things. Quantum Mechanics points to or suggests that our lives arn't like a clockwork machine but more like a living thing, a highly organized interconnected organism type thing which extends through space and time. In that kind of environment the way we think and behave has a much greater impact on not only ourselves but on the rest of the world, than it would from a classical mechanics perspective. Which distilled all down means what I think affects the world.


Sativa Dragon

Active member
No! And ghost reality shows? Or paranormal shows???? Seriously.

your entitled to your opinion, however to suggest in the same breath that someone else is wrong because they do not subscribe to the same beliefs as you is rather draconian.

I am not sure which society for which you belong but the world is getting smaller and we all have to respect eachothers space.

And using the word "Seriously" is an enhancement to a dialogue that is said when the audience is in disbelief at the authenticity of an argument, event that took place etc... The speaker would then re-establishes the argument as being Serious which would therefore add extra emphasis to how "real" or "true" the speaker's statement actually is.

The way you said it as if we all felt the same way is completely ridiculous, you are on your own on this one. You are one small bird chirping in a small lonely corner of the earth with a large false sense of entitlement.

So as it was said go Troll elsewhere lest you prove your foolishness once again.

Judging by ur sig seems like u don't believe in much anyway so stop trolling lol

Answering a Poll isn't trolling. Should only paranormal supporters chime in? That would be an odd poll then now wouldn't. And yes because I don't have an imaginary friend in the sky I don't believe in anything. LMAO!
your entitled to your opinion, however to suggest in the same breath that someone else is wrong because they do not subscribe to the same beliefs as you is rather draconian.

I am not sure which society for which you belong but the world is getting smaller and we all have to respect eachothers space.

And using the word "Seriously" is an enhancement to a dialogue that is said when the audience is in disbelief at the authenticity of an argument, event that took place etc... The speaker would then re-establishes the argument as being Serious which would therefore add extra emphasis to how "real" or "true" the speaker's statement actually is.

The way you said it as if we all felt the same way is completely ridiculous, you are on your own on this one. You are one small bird chirping in a small lonely corner of the earth with a large false sense of entitlement.

So as it was said go Troll elsewhere lest you prove your foolishness once again.


I'm sorry you're right what was I thinking reality shows about ghosts have so much validity. I think everyone should believe what they want to. If you believe in the paranormal that's fine but I have to draw the line when it comes to those ridiculous phony built for entertainment and money making purposes "reality shows". Start a Bigfoot thread next! I promise not to come in it though. Lol


Active member
I'm sorry you're right what was I thinking reality shows about ghosts have so much validity. I think everyone should believe what they want to. If you believe in the paranormal that's fine but I have to draw the line when it comes to those ridiculous phony built for entertainment and money making purposes "reality shows". Start a Bigfoot thread next! I promise not to come in it though. Lol

Bear in mind this is a Richard Dawkins aficionado. That means genes, social darwinism and, lets be honest the 'ipso facto' prophet of capitalism and all it stands for. If you read his books you notice he never squares up to Philosophers who go beyond the Platonian, Aristotolian view of human nature. ie it's fixed, you are what you are. Its all in the genes. Thats naive and if you read proper Philosophers like Heidegger of course you get a much more wider and dynamic view of existence. Dawkins is narrow minded and simplistic. He encourages the demonisation of religion because if you think outside the capitalist box you must of course be crazy. I dont believe in ghosts but there is more to reality than Dawkins....:laughing:


Active member
"the paranormal"

THE BALL OF HASH. Why say "the" if the hash you are talking about does not exist.

I do believe, consciousness IS sort of paranormal. Mechanics of the situation say we are machines, yet thinking ones aware of themselves.ace

Also, the way matter forms....fermions and bosons...etc. It seems arbitrary that life form. Just like a star and it's planets and flowing water and the rust on the surface....so are humans! A prolonged chemical reaction.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
If you put it like, do you believe in ghosts and you leave ghosts as what our collective consciousness thinks of as ghostly then I would say no. Rather what I believe is that each of us creates our own reality and if in that reality you believe in ghosts then yes, ghosts exist, for you in your reality. Take the guy who says he saw something big and apelike but not an ape and therefore believes he saw bigfoot. For him no matter what you tell him, he's going to believe big foot exists and if for him it exists then yes most definately he'll believeand swear it exists. Now whether it exists for you and me is a different matter because we haven't experienced it. Some people are such that all they need to become convinced is to hear the story from someone else in a very convincing manner to see the sincerity of their belief in their face as they tell about it. Others would have to have their own personal experiences and as long as there is something else more logical in their experiences to explain it then that's what they'll believe.

Paranormal experiences are too common and happen with too many people to be completely dismissed. It seems very unlikely that so many would experience such a thing in such a similar way to say it's all imagination. It may turn out it's not a ghost but that there is a good explaination we don't know yet. Then again it may turn out that it's a ghost. Whatever it is, clearly it's outside what we think is normal and so we call it paranormal. At one time we used to believe gods controlled the movement of the sun and the changes in the seasons and back then if you told anyone what we know now they'd look at you like you were the lunatic.

Another good story that kind of fits with this sort of thing is the salem witch trials. Back at the time people were so covinced other people were witches that they actually burned or drowned them. Looking back on it now it all seems kid of silly but to them it was very real, even to the point of them believing they witnessed things. Now we can't be 100% certain this happened but based on what we know now and records of things kept back at the time it's very possible that one of the main food sources of the community a rye crop, might have been infected with the ergot fungus which was later what LSD was synthesized from but even in it's natural form can cause hallucinations. Since human nature is to derive a large part of our reality from what we see then it no longer seems so odd that a group of people say the saw others cavorting with devils or conjuring up magic energies and therefore those people were witches, they might have been tripping balls at the time. It all boils down to reality is all what you believe it is. What we need to learn though is that just because we believe something to be real doesn't mean it will automatically be real for everyone else.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Bear in mind this is a Richard Dawkins aficionado. That means genes, social darwinism and, lets be honest the 'ipso facto' prophet of capitalism and all it stands for. If you read his books you notice he never squares up to Philosophers who go beyond the Platonian, Aristotolian view of human nature. ie it's fixed, you are what you are. Its all in the genes. Thats naive and if you read proper Philosophers like Heidegger of course you get a much more wider and dynamic view of existence. Dawkins is narrow minded and simplistic. He encourages the demonisation of religion because if you think outside the capitalist box you must of course be crazy. I dont believe in ghosts but there is more to reality than Dawkins....:laughing:

I've read several of Dawkin's books (more than once) and you are wrong about him. social Darwinism is concept that is addressed in his books and has been shown to be based on a serious misapprehension of what the theory of evolution is all about. Dawkins would tell you the same himself, if you actually read his books.

Dawkins is NOT a capitalist shill.

Dawkins is an atheist in the same sense most scientists are.

For instance, this poll asks whether the respondents BELIEVE in the paranormal.

If your answer is "it's possible. Maybe!" then you *DO NOT* believe in it.

Similar to the religious question "does god exist?"

If your answer is anything other than "yes" then you are an atheist.

An atheist is one who has not been convinced by claims that god exists.

An atheist *IS NOT* one who BELIEVES god does NOT exist. (yes. There's a very important difference between the two that can be rather subtle for those who tend to view the world as black and white.)

Agnosticism is a statement about KNOWLEDGE.

Atheism is a statement about BELIEF.

If you don't know whether or not God exists... you are agnostic. you don't KNOW.

If you don't know whether god exists you probably don't BELIEVE in god, either. And that makes you an atheist.

You don't need to PROVE something wrong to lack belief. If you ask me what you have in your pocket I can name many, many things that are not in your pocket, even if I don't know what actually *IS* in your pocket. (For instance, I know that you don't have the taste of blue in your pocket. I know you don't have a thermonuclear warhead in your pocket. I know you don't have the planet Saturn in your pocket. You don't have the memory of my grandmother in your pocket, etc.)

I consider myself an agnostic atheist. I do not BELIEVE in anything supernatural, because I have no KNOWLEDGE of anything supernatural.

I have no reason at all to believe that anything "paranormal" (literally "beyond normal") exists.

I'd be happy to consider your evidence, if you have any, though.

Those who bring up comparison to X-rays (because you can't see them) should study up on the subject. We *CAN* see and measure the EFFECTS of X-rays.

If supernatural entities/items/etc. are capable of being PERCEIVED, then they can be measured, tested and experimented with.
If they can't be measured/tested/perceived, how do you tell the difference between NON-EXISTENT ghosts and NON-DETECTABLE ghosts?

(It sounds kinda like the difference between imaginary money and invisible, undetectable spiritual money. If you can't see it, touch it or acquire it.... you can't spend it.)
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Bear in mind this is a Richard Dawkins aficionado. That means genes, social darwinism and, lets be honest the 'ipso facto' prophet of capitalism and all it stands for. If you read his books you notice he never squares up to Philosophers who go beyond the Platonian, Aristotolian view of human nature. ie it's fixed, you are what you are. Its all in the genes. Thats naive and if you read proper Philosophers like Heidegger of course you get a much more wider and dynamic view of existence. Dawkins is narrow minded and simplistic. He encourages the demonisation of religion because if you think outside the capitalist box you must of course be crazy. I dont believe in ghosts but there is more to reality than Dawkins....:laughing:

What the hell are you talking about??? If you read Dawkins books and came to these conclusions I'd like to know how. Sounds like you read a bunch of anti Dawkins propaganda cuz none of the above makes any sense. By the way I enjoyed some of his books but I'm not married to them. However I am clear headed enough to know that the books I've read don't relate to the crap you just spewed.