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20k Watts, Im Back.......

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Been made for what? Being right yet again? Responding to more demands, attacks, and accusations from you people? Again, I'm only responding.

From the very beginning I said that KB will have issues with bud rot if he doesn't add air circulation, and suggested it especially considering strain. He adamantly and strongly denied it, refused, stomped his feet down, and said it'd never happen.

It happened.

Now what, I'm the asshole?

In threads with toohighmf, krunchbubble, and Lazyman, you just can't win because ignorance and blindness levels are way too high. Although these days I like toohighmf, at least he seems to get it and eventually admit it when wrong.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
From the very beginning I said that KB will have issues with bud rot if he doesn't add air circulation, and suggested it especially considering strain. He adamantly and strongly denied it, stomped his feet down, and said it'd never happen.

It happened.

Now what, I'm the asshole?

hold on, i never said i would not get bud rot......

i know i will, i always do with gdp, its notorious with this strain.....


Know why I never get any bud rot, with both GDP and PK? Because I have a lot of air movement.

Know why I have so much air movement? 'Cuz I got a little bud rot when I had less movement.

Adapt. Overcome.

I remember once suggesting to Lazyman that he should add more air circulation in his room. He replied with some harsh, brash, high-pedestal remark, something along the lines of "I have plenty of fans, like 6-8 of them! What, you want me to do something silly like you, and add more? No, I WON'T do what you suggest!" (This is for a 16-lighter.) I can't recall all the exact details, but it was a very adamant, very "foot-down" statement with hostility towards me.

Guess what happened...?


Bro ....Said this above that you best adjust yer doseage cuz you`re out there right now.......

I mean WTF........Why attack someone that`s only tryinta do better........

Krunch made things better for a third party.....Respect in my book......Neg rep from you`s a slap in the face I never thought I`d get........May you live in interesting times......




I didn't come out starting with "attacks", only helpful suggestions. I'm always told I'm the wrong one, that my suggestions are useless and worthless, that I'm the one that's confused, that I'm the one that needs to show proof even though I've been consistently proving everything I've said for 4 years straight.

Slap in the face? Go back to the previous page or two and see who first delivered it. Hint: it wasn't me. Another hint: click the post that's linked to the negative rep. Fortunately for me, I'm not here for reputation bars or fame. I have probably more than 20 usernames here.

If you want to attack me and try to discredit me, fine, I'm a big boy and I can handle it and know how to defend myself. But don't go crying uncle and claiming foul play when I respond. Oh, don't want me to respond? Don't come attacking me with zero to back it.


Active member
I dunno you linked us to a thread where you talk about your method but don't say what it is or explain it just say how great it is and then something about how the salamander style is going to be even better.... So wait... what are your "styles" and how do you get the most purp?


I described it a few pages ago. But apparently I'm wrong, I've never grown any purples, and don't know how to get it done, and it's all a bunch of bullshit that doesn't work.

I would have explained it in my thread, but no one asked.


Active member
I described it a few pages ago. But apparently I'm wrong, I've never grown any purples, and don't know how to get it done, and it's all a bunch of bullshit that doesn't work.

I would have explained it in my thread, but no one asked.

A few pages ago in this thread?


This ends now......You win.....Did you forget that this is Krunch`s thread ?.......

Act accordingly.......DHF.....


Yet again, I'm only responding to demands.

I never came in here in a negative tone to start, only you (general you) turn it that way by oh-so-easily labeling everyone who disagrees with you as a "hater", making accusations, demanding proof, etc, etc, etc. I'm not trying to throw out some far-fetched ideas of being a 45-foot-tall human being, I'm only giving you real-world information that's actually true, you just don't want to accept it because it's not the same as what you currently know about it and are used to.

I know this is KB's thread, but does that mean I'm not allowed to post in it? Sure, stay as ignorant as you want. I share facts that will get you actual results, not shovel down misinformation that will hurt you at the end.


Active member
Why do you always get so worked up when people don't take your advice???

No need to keep going on and on about why YOU are ALWAYS right and how everyone should listen to YOU... and when asked why you usually start with the flaming and shit flinging...you just need to chill out bro.

no wonder why you've been banned like 15 times.....

Not a single piece of information in that thread describing how crazy monkey or domestic salamander style increases purpling...

sorry krunch I won't flood your thread with any more of this bullshit...


Active member
I better get my questions in before the ban hammer starts falling on all the good growers. Hey kb, with all you experience in growing in coco. What style do you see as the best for the popular medical strains? i.e skywalker og. I was always under the impression that vertical is very strain selective. On a coco drip, what do you think is better smaller pots higher plant number (9-16) or bigger pots(3-5gal)?


I don't get worked up because people don't take my advice, I get worked up when people call me an idiot for providing that suggestion, and still being called an idiot when them not following my suggestion backfires on them and they get the exact result I said they would get.

Let me put it into perspective, just a wild fictional example.

Me: You should get an oil change regularly if you want your engine to last.

Them: NO! I've never done an oil change in my life and my car still runs!

[Car engine breaks down due to low & dirty oil.]

Them: My engine broke down, the mechanic says it's apparently due to me not getting an oil change. Damn.

Me: Didn't I say that would happen?

Them: Screw you! You were wrong! Prove to me you know anything about cars!! HAHA I bet you were never a mechanic before! My entire line of ancestors were mechanics! What do YOU know? PROVE it to me that you know anything about cars!

Me: [Shows ASA certificate.]


I mean, really, that's exactly how it goes down every single time.

Bob Smith

Damn dude, you really are obnoxious.

Start your own thread about how much smarter you are than the growers who actually use one screen name and post their grows, and if any of us care we'll make sure to check it out.

Sound like a plan?


Active member
damn monkeysee calm down...your getting all worked up over some internet haters? if your method really works who cares if they dont listen....stop getting so offended over the internet...ITS THE INTERNET!!!!


just don't molest my colas..
monkeysee, how many times have you been banned so far this year? seems like once every 3-4 months or so, right?


Why do I care... because this is more than just a hobby, but a passion of mine? Because I like to see good information passed down, so people don't repeat the same old mistakes over and over again? Because even though I'm a greedy cash cropper, I still feel a brotherhood amongst growers and want to see all in the industry do well? Because I wished that I had some actual, factual information when I was coming up, rather than make-believe hoodoo of misinformation and bullshit that's commonly passed around as good information that this industry is so well known for?

Because I care. I don't let the form or method of communication (i.e., Internet) to stop me from caring.


just don't molest my colas..
yeah, which is why you keep getting banned for talking shit to well known respected members of the community you love so much.


Active member


its okay man. i will make sure to add a shitload of air circulation to my room.
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