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I've smoked O's pre-99 Blueberry Sativa cut - and it is a great plant - but I'd have to say, I personally, think the Digi is a better representation of the blueberry terpene profile and it does retain the thai influenced high - that anti-anxiety, stress relief, go spin in a field of flowers and ponder the meaning of life type of effect that I just simply LOVE. It gets the mind right for sure. Carolina Blue possessed a very similar effect with the anti-anxiety and stress relief, but her best attribute was she could become VERY trippy and literally made the floor feel as if it was moving under your feet when smoked heavily, as she had no ceiling to her - you just kept climbing. The two paired together resulted in plants that would get you just remarkably high - with no limit to how GREAT you could feel. With the right pheno, the more you smoke of CB x DB, the more 3rd eye the effect becomes and just really puts you in touch with your being and the world around you in the most positive of ways - it can really help with depression and get you out of mental slumps like no other.

I guess im looking for O's pre-99 bluberry sativa then. The blueberry i remember back in the late 90's had no muffin smell at all... pure blueberrys. It was a happy/spiritual and non trippy. Im looking to get clarity and fight depression (my life is slump after slump)... not loose my mind. Im a big blueberry fan and always have at least one form of blueberry in the garden. Searching for that perma grin.. warm feeling.. hugs all around b.b. cut. I smoked some blue dream last summer that came close to the blueberry i remember.... excelent cut found it one time/one bag ... never found it since and have had plenty of blue dream.

Trust me i already tried clicking on the o.p. seedbank link repeatedly... cant wait.

I heard dj short lost his original male.. more reason to share the love to make sure its never lost. A cut that no longer exists is worth zero dollars... although it may be priceless in books or circles.

Edit: by non trippy i mean my legs didnt feel like they were moving... no butt wobble.. trainride effect going on. I like powerful weed like that (headband gives me that feeling like im ridding on the train)... but i want my blueberry... in one word... kind.


Active member
Captinahab that is the same cut of blueberry I am searching for. Had No muffin smell straight blueberry dank. It tasted just like blueberry and smelled just like blueberry. When I was growing it back in the day it use to make me hungry smelling the bud growing because it had such a intoxicating blueberry smell to the point it didn't smell like weed at all. You could also taste the blueberry taste all the way till the end of the joint. The high was truly unique as was the smell hands down my favorite strain of all time.

There are cuts that still float around NYC someone has it locked down.

I can tell you this I am growing djs blueberry it smells nothing like the old cut. If you wanna search through seeds to find a nice blueberry cut I would say your best bet would be Dutch passions. They still have the original parents that DJ used to create the blueberry.

I have a blueberry sativa that I found out of only 4 regular beans I popped from Dutch passion and I am hoping she is the one. I'll know in the next couple of weeks once her smells start developing more. But she smells awfully familiar at this stage in flower as my old cut did. She is also so very frosty and has bigger buds then my indica dom plants flowered at the same time. Stay tuned because if she is the "One" I am gonna make sure to whore the hell out of this cut.


Captinahab that is the same cut of blueberry I am searching for. Had No muffin smell straight blueberry dank. It tasted just like blueberry and smelled just like blueberry. When I was growing it back in the day it use to make me hungry smelling the bud growing because it had such a intoxicating blueberry smell to the point it didn't smell like weed at all. You could also taste the blueberry taste all the way till the end of the joint. The high was truly unique as was the smell hands down my favorite strain of all time.

There are cuts that still float around NYC someone has it locked down.

I can tell you this I am growing djs blueberry it smells nothing like the old cut. If you wanna search through seeds to find a nice blueberry cut I would say your best bet would be Dutch passions. They still have the original parents that DJ used to create the blueberry.

I have a blueberry sativa that I found out of only 4 regular beans I popped from Dutch passion and I am hoping she is the one. I'll know in the next couple of weeks once her smells start developing more. But she smells awfully familiar at this stage in flower as my old cut did. She is also so very frosty and has bigger buds then my indica dom plants flowered at the same time. Stay tuned because if she is the "One" I am gonna make sure to whore the hell out of this cut.

Thanks for the tip. Gonna pick up a handful of dutch passion ten packs for starters while i wait for this thread to come to seed. Man if i had that old blueberry... id grow nothing but.


ICMag Donor
...Dutch passions. They still have the original parents that DJ used to create the blueberry.

Do you have a citation for this?

Personally, I'd be snagging up VerdantGreen BlueDigiBerry F2's right now. Built on his DP blueberry sativa female and my Digi bx1 male.

I'm about ready to give them another go...

And #3 (smaller, slower, but reeks of blueberry muffins)


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Active member
To be honest do I think they are the original lines yes and no. The original lines that dj worked were probably more stable. That is why I said in order to find a good legit keeper out of Dutch passions lines you need to pop a couple of packs and that is from reports of growers that actually grew a few packs and found the keepers they were looking for.

I suspect Dutch passions line is some F generation and that's why you have to run so many to find that keeper pheno. Where in the old dj lines you would find that keeper in 1 pack of seeds.

Now do I think Dutch passion still holds DJs work ofcourse I do because I don't believe they could create there own line of blueberry.

Yes Verdents is another option to go so this way people can support seedbay. Totally forgot about his cross of what he did well the joint op with you and him.

Personally I would of rather ran your digi line by itself not crossed and F2'd.

Plus Verdent found his Dutch passion blueberry out of 1 fem seed was it that he popped?
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ICMag Donor
It only takes one seed...lol...if it's a good plant...it's a good plant.

One of the best plants I've ever found came out of only 5 seeds...(ChemSis x NL) - and it walked all over known / established "elites"...

There will be pure Digi work released at some point - but not until it is consistent and meets the standards of Chili_B. He has to say it is worthy enough. I'd never want to belittle or weaken the reputation the Digi has simply to put it in a few gardens - after all, if it isn't an accurate representation, it isn't REALLY Digi then...

When you said that DP still had the original parents - I was thinking you meant DJ's parent stock, ie the male and female.

However, I thought it was well known they only worked with his seed stock to create their offerings...

I'm really curious to see what Cooper1 can make happen with his project, coming off the Carolina Blue / Digi combo, personally. Carolina Blue contains about 6 generations of DJ family line blueberry in her...everything from Blueberry Sativa that Breeder Steve used to the first generation of Grape Krush.

There should be a lot of DJ influenced offspring especially given the pre-99 sativa being introduced into the mix - and hopefully, some of them will present themselves with the enhancement of the Digi terpene profile.

Only time will tell... :joint:



Do you have a citation for this?

Personally, I'd be snagging up VerdantGreen BlueDigiBerry F2's right now. Built on his DP blueberry sativa female and my Digi bx1 male.


Like i said i always have blue berry goin, so i will pick up dutch just to play with (and to stash some just in case). I looked up verdant green on seedbay. Its under "vgs blue digi berry f2" for $54.99 .. but wont let me view it or click buy it now unless i sign up. Kinda sketched out about giving out my personal info to forum related sources. This f2 will have the double serrated blade?

Im not a breeder. Im a pollen chucker at best. So im guessing that an f2 only being crossed back once could pull either trait 50/50 giving me a better shot of finding the one i want? Aka a more pure digi bx1 or dp sativa female?

Ive only had 2 hermies in the last 20 years (one bud had one flower and gave 4 seeds 3 years ago... and before that i forced hermi back in 96 just to have seeds to grow till i could find more).... so stability shouldnt be an issue


Active member
I'm am not 100% on this and don't wanna talk for dank frank because he knows what was done better than I do but I believe verdants line is a F2 which means you will see more variation of the line.


ICMag Donor
In an F1 you would have a better chance of finding a 50/50 representation.

In an F2, every single bit of parental material that was ever present in the line of both the father and the mother recombines in some form or another. An F2 represents and incross of the same family line, an Ix. In an F2, the variation is far greater. There will be some representations in various combinations of ANY line that was EVER used in the hybrid, all the way back to great, great, great, etc, grandparents. F2's present the opportunity to unlock / isolate latent gene traits that would never have surfaced in the F1. Many of your true freaks and extreme standout examples are found within F2 lines.

F1 lines are great for growers looking to take advantage of more uniformity and hybrid vigor...F2 lines are great for finding truly unqiue / "sport" phenos or traits that have otherwise been lost.

Yes, some of the phenos F2's have displayed the double serrations while other phenos have not. The trait will exist in the seedline because it was present in the parental line. How frequently it surfaces, I can not say for certain.

Seedbay is perfectly safe. I've used their services for YEARS and have always received what I ordered.



ICMag Donor
When you register, just use a temporary email address - one not tied to any of your real life activities...and have purchases sent to a "safe addy", ie one not connected to any form of growing / cannabis related activity. My safe addy is several hundred miles away from me - and I visit from time to time to collect my treasures. ;)



I'm am not 100% on this and don't wanna talk for dank frank because he knows what was done better than I do but I believe verdants line is a F2 which means you will see more variation of the line.

Yeah i looked up dj shorts 1999 article on the making of blueberry and he says the same thing about f2's.. different flower times, different height... basicaly plenty to choose from.


ICMag Donor
Just google: quantitative genetics, f2 genetic variation - and look at scholarly articles on the subject...



Active member
I would really love to try a bud or a cut of O's pre2k to see if she is anything like the old blue girl I remember.

I think once more med states or recreation states pop up all those old gems that were hoarded will start popping up.

I think it's funny someone contacted me a couple of weeks ago and asked me if I wanted to trade a cut of the forum for his "pre2k" cut. I asked him what his cut smelled like and he said he can't remember exactly. I was like wtf?? I am sorry but if you have that old blue girl that won the cup around that time u are not ever gonna forget what she smells like.

So my thought on the situation is he got passed a fake cut or paid for a fake cut.

Either way it will be nice to see what cooper comes out with. Hopefully he can lock in that awesome blueberry smell and taste. Either way I will still be searching and trying to work towards the same goals to find/maybe get lucky in creating my own blueberry fingers crossed.


ICMag Donor
What was the name of the event / cup and what year was it? I'll get to the bottom of it and ask the source...



Well-known member
Keep working those digiberries DF! Quite the precious bit of blue material, and thanks for your work.


Active member
Dutch passion blueberry sativa.

Dutch passion blueberry sativa.

Here is a shot of my Dutch passion blueberry sativa early flower and she is bringing on the frost. She has so many different smells coming on today she kinda smells like fruity pebbles. Other days she smells more skunky can't wait to see what the next couple of weeks bring in the smell department. Fingers are crossed!!!