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Question about flowering


New member
My plants have been flowering for about 4 weeks now and i just found today about 4-6 seeds in one spot on my one plant it has lots of nice buds on it but i found these seeds and was kind of worried about a hermie or it even being a male but it has nice big buds starting on it and they are only at one spot on the plant. any help would be great i hate to remove it if i dont have to but i also do not want to lose my whole crop.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Since the only way seed can exist is if there are seed then there is a male or a hermie.

You found seeds. What's the question?


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
just remove the male ......or hermie.....if its a hermaphrodite you can always try and remove the banana's...but then you will need 2 monitor the plant very closely otherwise you will have more and more seeds....


New member
so then i guess it would just be best to remove this plant all togeher i will get some pics up here and show u guys i just hate to lose this plant cause the rest of it looks like good buds.


New member
pictures up

pictures up

here are some pics hope they help
here is the whole plant

this is my crop i dont want to lose the whole thing so iam guessing i probaly should just remove the seed plant?

iam not to good at positioning these pics here so hope it all makes sense and looks ok. Any thoughts on what i should do would be great.


Active member
Im just a newb but you got nuts on the plant with your finger by it . An that last pic looks great , Get those nuts out of there they about to pop . I wouldn have fans blowing in there either . Keep a close eye on the rest of them . Peace


New member
yea i know they r there iam trying to find out if i should remove the whole plant or not i have removed all the seeds from the plant there were 5 all in one area so i dont know what i should do.


Active member
Remove whole plant , Why risk crop . I know u said your 4 weeks in , Is that an 8 or 10 week strain ?
Yeah..those are not seeds they are male flowers that are getting loaded with pollen and are soon to burst open. If there are only a VERY FEW pollen sacks and if you can get them and keep watching and catch every single one before it opens...you can keep that hermaphrodite but it's a dangerous gamble.

it's relatively early so removing the whole plant wont be TOO bad. The others will fill out in it's place.

If you can, maybe put the hermie outside? You WILL get some smokeable bud off it. Free weed...even with a few seeds is never a bad thing in my book. who knows..maybe you'll even be able to stay ahead of the naners. BUT...don't forget, you'll have to throw a garbage can or something over it outside to give it 12/12 this time of year.

Good Luck.


Still Learning
Check for light leaks! Lights on plug strips and the like, in the growing area; are timers operating as they should be. I, personally, do not know how anyone can check plants for nanners and be confidant they they 'may' have gotten them all. When defoliating, I some time will miss a GIANT fan leaf for days, so how to spot every nanner that might be behind the stem seems, to me, not reliable. Pull that hermi and inspect the rest closely.

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