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DEA Scoffs Obama: Raids California Dispensary


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Man i would still be tired from the late nite ball and getting up early the next morning. Lets not forget this dude is human and has to sleep sometime. Lets give it at least the first 100 days and see where we have gone from here. I do think expecting him to pay attention to MJ so soon is pretty selfish. I mean theres lots of people out there losing their houses from the ripoffs that we just got out of office. Lets give the guy a chance. I mean Bush was given an extra 4 years to screw it up lets give this guy more then 4 days to fix it .
obama dont care about americans people at all , look what he did in the first place...

he take care of overseas mongoloids aka the talibans in Guantanamo...who give a sh78 about these terrorists ?

instead of stopping the war against americans , he freed terrorist and he is more concern about afghanistan and pakistan hence the first military strike under obama admin

yes this is obama...and obama is fake

Wow, calm down dude. Lets take a minute and think about the situation in this country. If Obama didn't make the goodwill gesture by shutting down Gitmo, every American soldier captured would be tortured. Put it this way, If we didn't invade Iraq the way we did our moral standing in the world would still be intact. The same goes for the treatment of the prisoners that were in Gitmo.

I am not a religious fanatic, but I do believe in this "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Basically respect others if you want them to respect you. So Obama wasn't helping terrorists, he was looking out for our men.:joint:
He's somebodys puppet just like everyone else. Do you people really think he rose to the top this fast by himself? It's the puppet master that needs to be found and lobbied. You can count on everyone to break promises. A campain is totally different than running shit. It's amazing this many people can be fooled.

Damn, major respect on my end for you Kaotic. You have said exactly what I feel.

200+ years of Old white men of a common "connection" via masonry, skull & bones, etc etc. and all of a sudden after a "run " on the country by an old presidents son, we have this "Hope" and "Change" coming out of left field.

I remember there being a lot of discussions on how new Obama was. Now Bush's Dad had spent decades in CIA and other roles within Gov. before making it to presidency and this black man *(I'm not racist, but you can damn well guarantee they are)* comes out of nowhere and sits on the wave of optimism into the office.

This entire presidency has been an episode of Bizarro world or The twilight zone, id be expecting much much worse things in the future than better. Get prepared.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
If Obama didn't make the goodwill gesture by shutting down Gitmo, every American soldier captured would be tortured. Put it this way, If we didn't invade Iraq the way we did our moral standing in the world would still be intact. The same goes for the treatment of the prisoners that were in Gitmo.

1. They will torture us anyways as has been their culture.
2. Where are the GITMO prisoners going to go? Do your research and find out what happens when they are released.
3. If they are put in custody of the federal penal system whichever prison they are contained in will become a major terrorist target, along with all surrounding areas.
4.As for moral standing in the world we have been hated for a long time. Have you looked at what they consider "morally right"? Stoning people, opressing people, treating their women as animals and such.
5.They slowly chop off your head, we use sleep deprivation and waterboarding. What do you consider torture.
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mr noodles

look of what is going out of Guantanamo already ...

Ex-Guantanamo detainee becomes No. 2 for al-Qaeda in Yemen

obama want to please the anti us crowd (which is not american by the way) and the media ...

he should put interest of us citizens first and it should be is # 1 priority . not some fucking mongoloids terrorists who want to destroy every part of our culture . i refuse to stand for that shit .

oh and why is nobody talking about the us strike in pakistan yesterday ? a strike in a country such pakistan was ok'ed by the prez himself .

i want to believe but now its all wishfull thinking .


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
This new order by B.O to shut down GITMO makes me think we will have a lot more terrorists shot on site. I guess that's better right?


Active member
Obama is President - get over it. Pillaring the man won't accomplish anything; trying to persuade him might. Legalizing MJ isn't the kind of thing that is politically possible within the first few days of a new presidency. As far as the DEA is concerned, the most immediate thing we can hope for is that Obama will quietly direct the DEA away from raiding MMJ enterprises.

If you really think about the current situation in this country, the time is perfect for taking the heat off of the MJ community vis-a-vis his promise to go through the budget item by item and because of the drug violence in Mexico. It would be infinitely easier, from a political standpoint, to redirect the DEA to more pressing problems than MJ than it would be to take direct action at this time. If we are going to see any progress in this arena, I would look for it in the budget cutting process.

There's one other aspect that seems to be ignored here. Obama got elected for two reasons - the love affair the media had with him and the black vote. For many years now there has been a huge discrepancy between federal sentencing guidelines for powder cocaine (white man's drug) and crack cocaine (black man's drug). As a result of this a really high percentage of the young black men in this country are in prison for a very long time. Obama is beholden to black voters. If enough pressure is brought for him to right the wrongs created by the racist disparity in the sentencing guidelines, this would be another avenue to use for major reforms in drug policy regarding MJ.

BTW - I voted for Ron Paul - I just think that we now have to try to make the best we can with the guy that got elected.



He's been in office for 4 days, 4. What do you expect him to do, change laws that have been in effect for 2 hundred years over night? That's not going to happen, maybe try being patient and actually petitioning or writing letters or having sit ins and demonstrations.
He doesn't have to get any laws changed.

This nations problem with the DEA is that they refuse to do their job.

The DEA controls the rescheduling process for the FDA. They are the gate keepers. For years they have refused to allow the rescheduling process.

As long as they block the change, they get to keep their jobs.

All Obama has to do is order them to start the process. To do the job that the law leaves in their hands.

The DEA is required to obey his order.

Did you see the words "vote" or "congress" in all of that? No. None of that is required.

He can fix it in five seconds with very little effort.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Man some of you are straight freaking racists clowns!! Mongoloid first of all refers to the race of peoples who trace their ancestry back to the East Asian part of the world - not really known for your terrorists homelands! You bunch of white sheeters would know that if you weren't listening to Rush Limbaugh and 700 Club all the time!!! As a country that has been the biggest abuser of human rights historically, we have an obligation to our own people who have voted in laws making torture of any kind illegal on foreign soldiers. Not just Mongoloids!! All soldiers! How can we ask to not have own troops tortured and when we not only do it but post the pics up on Youtube!! When Gitmo is closed it will not mean an influx of terrorists onto our soil, it means that most of the suspects will be moved to sites in other countries where we have much more secretive black op prisons that will never be plastered on television. They wont come here and hang out making the prisons targets!! Childish conclusions!

Way to use a sweeping generalizations to throw all the countries of the world together in one bunch!! They torture, beat their wives, oppress their people!!! Now that is some funny shit!! Until about a week ago the world was saying that about us!!! We torture - Waterboarding, bomb civilians!! We beat our women consistently in this country(where do you think the rule of thumb comes from?)!! Women only make up 1% of the upper management of fortune 500 companies here but are 64% of the country! And last I checked we oppress our own with the best of them. I still cant get on many of the golf courses in this county based on my skin - unless it is to clean up! I get profiled at the airport and just driving a car!! Look at our own indigenous Indian populations, immigrants, and even own citizen's!

Now lets look at the good ole boys running their mouth's here. Only one race in my country has ever chained a black man to a truck and drove down a county road until he had disintegrated across a 4 mile stretch! Only one group has hung people from trees to show how superior they were! The same group that made laws to acknowledge I was not more than a 1/4 human being until about 30 years ago, tried to stop me from getting that degree cause us niggers dont need no education to shine shoes boss!!! Those same people are here now trying to convince us that we voted for the wrong guy because he hasn't changed the world in 4 days!!! We know you dont care about his policies you are just enraged that a Black man is runnin the show!! Just like we didnt buy it from McPalin we will not be buying your tired old bush league rhetoric a few days after the guy hit office??!! Your time has come and gone racist white guys! It is over and the one thing you thought would never happen just did!! The same people you brought over here to build your Lincoln memorials and White House now run it!! Now it may take some time to get used to but I can guarantee you this. You will never have to worry about cops screwing with you for being White, be hung from a tree cause you looked at a woman, or have crosses burned in your yards for being Caucasoid!!! And last just because it is the net and we cant physically see you doesn't mean we cant read and see who is a pointy head on ICMAG!

Oh!! I voted for the Black guy that was beholden to me.
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breathe deep
right on rainman. So many fools here calling people names. If they are to be taken seriously, name calling is not the path.

I voted for Ron Paul, but i still have hope Obama will improve this world. Hope. Thats all. Give the man a chance. Such a short sighted view that our medical MJ laws are more important than shuttin g down Guant. Bay is ridiculous. If this gov. is tortuing people then and YOU are a US citizen, then YOU are torturing them.

Give the man a chance. And act out what you want to see. Take action, dont just bitch on an internet forum. Lazy...

mr noodles

im not white and i critic obama for a few verifiable facts and i am called a 'racist' . pure comedy .

media are on xtasy and obamamania follower are blind and uninformed of is politics and real intention . peoples believe what they want obama to do. not what he told he is going to do . big difference . people wake up ...obama is a politician not a messiah .

moving the troops from iraq to Afghanistan is ridiculous . attacking Pakistan might be the thing to do but its not really what i can call change at all from bush politics .

do you think obama will condemn israel for is brutal use of white phosphorus over civil population ? hell no ! not with rahm Emanuel on is right...

so im waiting to see a change ?

im racist, lmao !!!!!!!!


The revolution will not be televised.....
What verifiable facts? He has been in office for 4 days! What has he gone back on his word on? Blind followers and uninformed to his politics? Dude!! You are torpedoing his politics after 4 days and after he overwhelmingly won office? What do you know that the rest of us have somehow blindly overlooked? Troops from Iraq to Afghanistan makes great sense! We shoulda never been there to begin with so why not move the troops activated to hunt down the mastermind of 911 to do just that? In the part of the world everyone knows he is hiding! Attack Pakistan? Humm? Another nuclear superpower that also happens to be one of two Muslim countries to defy the rest of the Muslim world and outwardly help us? The same nuclear power that periodically shoots off nuclear bombs to show its neighbor India not to mess with them? Also! By the way, they have been attacked by radicals for years for being a democratic Muslim country. Makes perfect sense! Who do think gave Israel the technology and the final go ahead to use White Phosphorous? We gave the approval for the county to even be born so you dont think we knew? You dont think Bush knew that was gonna happen? You are not a racists Mr Noodles you just are not very well informed on the subject. Next!

mr noodles

White House Press Secretary won't discuss alleged US strikes in Pakistan

David Edwards and Ron Brynaert
Published: Friday January 23, 2009

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs' second White House press briefing started with a series of questions on economics and the stimulus package, but it wasn't long before a reporter asked about alleged US missile strikes in Pakistan which reportedly killed 15 early Friday morning.

But Gibbs refused to answer the question More.. by NBC News' Chuck Todd, saying, "I'm not going to get into this matter."

After Fox News' Major Garrett joined the slight fray that erupted over the non-answer, asking if he considered whether there was "justifiable curiosity about the president's first military actions."

"There are many things that you should be justifiably curious about," Gibbs responded, perhaps taking a knock at Fox News in general, "but I'm not gonna get into talking about this."

"If other members of the US government are confirming this, why is it that you can't?" Todd wanted to know.

"I'm not going to get into these matters," Gibbs said with a smile.

Afterward, other reporters went back to the economy and didn't press Gibbs for more details about what could be the first military operation conducted during the Obama Administration.

At least seven people were killed, most of them foreigners, in a suspected US missile strike in northwest Pakistan, bringing to 15 the number killed in such attacks on Friday, officials said.

"Two missiles fired by a suspected US drone hit a house in Wana," a senior security official told AFP, referring to the main town in South Waziristan district and a known hub of Taliban and Al-Qaeda extremists.

It was the second suspected US missile attack in northwest Pakistan on Friday, just hours after eight people were killed in North Waziristan.

Friday's suspected US missile strikes were the first since US President Barack Obama took office in Washington and came one day after he appointed veteran diplomat Richard Holbrooke special envoy for Afghanist


Active member
Rainman - You need to listen to Rush Limbaugh once in awhile - as painful as that may be. Referring to Obama as "Messiah" comes straight from Limbaugh. I don't think you are seeing racism here as much as you are right-wing ideology.

Much more important than how one might feel is what they teach their kids for the children are our future. Well into my adult life I came to learn that my parents were very racist. I never knew this because, when I was a child, my parents never uttered a racist word and always taught us equality, even back in the 1950's before the civil rights movement started. If I had ever said the word "nigger" when I was a kid, my mother would have washed my mouth out with soap, literally.

Tuesday I was watching the inauguration with my seven-year-old son and I was trying to explain historical significance of it to him and he just couldn't get it. You see, he has no concept of prejudice. When he first asked me why some of the kids on our street are darker than others, I explained to him that, just as different people have different colored hair, so too people have different colored skin. Now, in his mind, skin color is no more significant than hair color. I can't change the past, but I can have an affect on the future.

Just my $.02

why not move the troops activated to hunt down the mastermind of 911 to do just that? In the part of the world everyone knows he is hiding!

Because just like local cops, the US military 'strategists' couldn't find their asses with both hands and a MAP.

My hat is off to you, PC. If only more people regardless of race, color, creed, nationality or religion would show and express such values, this world could be truly changed in but a few generations. It's a wonderful thing to not stain our children with such hatred over something so trivial.

Breed cannabis... not hatred
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Active member
Paitence is a virtue people......smoke a bowl and chill out.....Obama isnt Merlin the Magician...give this man some time....if the DEA is targeting cats that are going all out and growing jungles....then shit...u roll dice...and sometimes u crap out.....


The revolution will not be televised.....
What White house Press Sec. has ever discussed "alleged strikes" during any kind of operational exercises we may be involved in? Why would we telecast anything about anything if we are in fact the ones who are bombing and not say the Taliban and controlled press from inside the country? Why would I ever listen to the guy referring to Barak as 'Messiah' then complaining about it? I haven't heard that phrase uttered anywhere but on Fox's editorial news shows. And listen - if I didn't listen to these guys(Rush, O'reilly, and everybody in-between) how would I know how to recognize new politico speech as anything but 2009 right wing, intolerent, ultra-conservative religious psedo 2009 speek for "Why is this nigga runnin our country?" People were in love with Bush when he stole all the votes from his brother's state realizing it was the only way to win but Obama has been in office 4 days and stole nothing!! Yet he is gettin crucified on here because "Let me get this straight" We have a President that the country overwhelmingly loves and admires? He has yet to come out and do away with all the MJ laws thus making it legal in all 50 states and saving 1500 people today from diabetes, He wants to close a prison that stands for everything Un-American, Move troops to an area and hunt for the guy they have been dying in the supposed hunt for all along, cut thru the regular politics and work outside party lines already, make friends with the rest of the world and not bully them around as we throw our power and bombs around? Yeah! We picked the wrong guy for sure!

Pharma - I am optimistic in people like yourself but how extraordinary a person you must be to have been raised in a racists home and not subscribe to its doctrines. Now imagine how many of my fellow Americans even at this point in time cant even bear the thought that I am their equal let alone want to think of me as someone who actually succeed. It is a great thing to know your children will never have to deal with race as you and I have. It must be a very peaceful feeling as a parent. I wish I could be so lucky as you. I simply pray that my child encounters a child raised like yours will be when he has to face race in this country and not the child of one of my fellow "citizens"


The revolution will not be televised.....
Organic - I havent mentioned Whites at all but rather the people on this forum attacking a guy without giving him a chance. I would hope someone such as yourself could see that I was speaking in recent historical terms and not as a personal experience. I will get to that since you brought it up tho. Although I have been to the remote and tiny speck in Northern California that you speak of I unfortunately for me dont have to go that far nor does it have to be a few select weeks in Sept and Oct to get my daily dose of how much we have progressed. Crosses being burned, nueses being hidden by whites all over college campuses, cops sodomizing blacks while in handcuffs with billy clubs in my own country that I went to war for friend so dont act like you know anything about my life. But I have hope for you just like I do for the guy you are all on here downtalking. I guess I am a freaking Hypocrite! I am such a Douche!


Rainman-My bad bro,I must have interpreted your words the wrong way. I thought you were just generalizing all white people to be that way. The point I was trying to get across is that nobodys perfect and life is tuff for all of us. I agree there are some ignorant,uneducated and racist white people but every race has that type of person. Sorry for calling ya a hypocrite,I got nothin but love for ya.

PC-Much respect.
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