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Colorado Growers Thread

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if you go out and get a gun for safety and to protect your home, business and do it the legal way.. i dont see the big deal.
its not even about being a tough guy its about the right to bear arms and the right to protect yourself from all the ugly people! :smoker:
If you are following the letter of the law to a T and have ZERO discrepancies/gray areas, there is no way they can fuck with you for having a firearm where you grow. However, if you are 1 plant or 1 gram over (ANY usable material), or have any illegal drugs then having a firearm could be the difference between probation and prison time.
So where did your transplant ass come from???

Sorry I am so skeptical of you MHD, but all your post are "good job dude" or "looking great". Otherwise the rest are "this person wasn't doing it right" or "I'm thinking of putting TWO of those cargo containers on my property".

You are just another GOLDDIGGER that came to my state!

#1. I was born and raised in Littleton...idiot.
#2. Since when are you the 'Thread Police"? determing whether someone's posts are long/short enough?
#3. Last i checked...I didn't verbally assault you.
#4. Whether I write a book here or not is none of your business, I try to keep my posts fairly positive...and an "attaboy" is always appreciated by most folks.
#5. As a Disabled Veteran that, literally, broke my back so you can have your "constitutional" rights, I am disappointed that you aren't making better use of the rights so many in this country take for granted.

If you want to have a civil discussion/debate, I am all for it. Just becuase someone doesn't agree with you, it doesn't mean it gives you a right to call them names. Then again, you were probably raised by parents that didn't give a fuck.

I would gladly debate with you all day in a civil manner. Until that point and time, I will just ignore your dumbass. You go on out there and prove the old saying "better to keep your mouth shut and have people think of you as a fool, than to open it and prove em right". I have been nothing but civil on these boards and will continue to be so...I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else.

If you wanna have a civil discussion, kewl...if not FUCK OFF!!! I don't come here to argue, I come here to enjoy myself with folks that have something in common with me. To share and to learn...and until now, it was a fun place to be...99% of the folks here are friendly and kind...those are the peeps I try to communicate with...but there always some asshole that has to bring negative vibes in.

I don't know, but I have always tried to live by the "Golden Rule" - Treat Others As You Would Like Them To Treat You. :tiphat:
I read that each of his licenses were for edibles and that if you add up the Dr.'s plant recommendations it totaled over 500. I also read that over half of the "plants" the DEA seized were unrooted clones in rapid rooter trays.

Idiot for going on the news? Hell yes. In violation of the law? Maybe, maybe not. There IS an affirmative defense in this state. But, this is a really bad case to be establishing federal precedence with.

Anybody know who is defending him? Is it Corry?

Hey Hoss, I cannot find the story and I am looking for it, but the "affirmative defense" didn't work for a guy already. The jury didn't convict on the cultivation charge, but the did convict the guy on possession charges. There was something about how much a person can consume and how much each plant is capable of producing, which is very subjective as we ll know. If I can find the story on it I will post it.

FOUND IT: http://www.chieftain.com/news/local/article_9cb204fe-6699-5f1d-ad97-e42133758819.html
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Hoss...here's a quote from a previous story regarding the same case:

The administrator of Colorado's medicinal marijuana program testified Thursday to what everybody in the courtroom already knew about nuances of the state's medical pot law: "It's subject to interpretation," both by law enforcement and patients who possess a medical marijuana card.

Specifically, Debra Tuenge, of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, was addressing a provision in the medicinal marijuana amendment to the state constitution that gives possessors of pot licenses legal footing to fight criminal charges when they possess more pot than the six-plant limit imposed by the amendment.

Tuenge's testimony did little to affirm or to dash Tameler's contention that permission for additional plants can be granted by doctors.

"It does state in the law that a patient and a caregiver can go into court and explain why they have more than is medically allowed," Tuenge said. "Some physicians might put an increased plant count on (prescriptions), but that doesn't allow our office to say that's OK."

Got that here: http://www.chieftain.com/news/local/article_97b52fa3-8437-5220-95d3-76e2e48cfaba.html


Uh-oh, he's fucked. It's ALWAYS bad when your lawyer wants you to change your plea to guilty! He should fire that ass clown and hire Rob Corry, STAT!

He was fucked when they decided to prosecute him.

How on earth do you think someone, who was in fact growing marijuana, is going to be found not guilty of cultivating marijuana in a federal court?

The difference between pleading guilty/taking a plea bargain and pleading not-guilty/going to court is about three years in prison.

Dumb fuck should have listened to his lawyer.
No shit...now he faces mandatory minimums if found guilty. With a plea he mighta been able to stay outta jail...even with his prior felony drug convictions!


One day you will have to answer to the children of
If you wanna have a civil discussion, kewl...if not FUCK OFF!!!

Okay, I do like you, now I know you are on my side, thanks.

I am still going to disagree with you on him breaking State Law.

Sorry to think you were a transplant, I am sure I have plenty of personal issues to deal with.


One day you will have to answer to the children of


Hey Hoss, I cannot find the story and I am looking for it, but the "affirmative defense" didn't work for a guy already. The jury didn't convict on the cultivation charge, but the did convict the guy on possession charges. There was something about how much a person can consume and how much each plant is capable of producing, which is very subjective as we ll know. If I can find the story on it I will post it.

FOUND IT: http://www.chieftain.com/news/local/article_9cb204fe-6699-5f1d-ad97-e42133758819.html




All mine...I know it needs to be trimmed better, but my buddy was leaving....



One day you will have to answer to the children of
So do you know if the trail date was set, or when?

This is getting Juicy.
would a 3g inside s 5g work also?
i have used 7g buckets for fermenting beer, i will have to check those out. only thing i would be worried about is them over growing my tent.

i may also try 4g square buckets.

I'm sorry, I didn't answer becuase I did not know...


One day you will have to answer to the children of
would a 3g inside s 5g work also?
i have used 7g buckets for fermenting beer, i will have to check those out. only thing i would be worried about is them over growing my tent.

i may also try 4g square buckets.

A 3 1/2 gal bucket uses the same lid as a 5 gal bucket, or at least mine do.
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