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Coco Hempy style.



If no one ever experimented we wouldnt be where we are today, I appreciate your work on this daliahempy, and please dont take offense to me trying to alter this design.

I am simply trying to supply more o2 to the root zone, as this WILL increase growth rates, and yield.

Call it what you want, but you please don't get upset with people for attempting to innovate, its just not a progressive thing to do.

Learn how to spell before you start calling people dumb, ok champ?

I have grown in hempy buckets before, my last cr0p was grown in hempy's with coco/perlite, and I felt that o2 levels could be improved upon.

Coco holds 30% oxygen, that leaves MUCH room for improvement.

the reason the hempy bucket exists in the first place is because some "so and sos" tried something different and came up with something great.

anyway, hempy, you state additional o2 added to the rootzone will have little to no effect on plant growth, I just can't agree with this as oxygen levels have a direct correlation to growth rates in plants.

I will experiment myself and contribute those findings towards the supposedly progressive movement of this community, have a good one y'all :wave:

Mate i could not give a rats honestly but i had a guy say the same exact things as you are the first time i posted my method in 2002 this same guy was saying it would cause root rot and would not work until i posted plant pics of them growing in the hempy buckets then the larfing stopped.

This same guy then went on how he will improve it out grow me and the rest added air stones and did his thing one of my plants branches had more yield on it than his complete plant point is i have had people lay claim to improve this before and i am at a loss to understand what people really want from a bucket is big yields with little effort not inuf for most ?.

Post some pics of your plant or plants mate growing in the hempy buckets be interested to see how you did.

Doobie Nyce

upsetting the setup
ICMag Donor
cool, cant wait to see the final pics!
I'd like to hear more about your fan leaf removal theories too... Im removing about 30 percent of leaf right now to aid ariflow and light penetration... girls seem to like it


Active member
Mate i could not give a rats honestly but i had a guy say the same exact things as you are the first time i posted my method in 2002 this same guy was saying it would cause root rot and would not work until i posted plant pics of them growing in the hempy buckets then the larfing stopped.

I NEVER SAID HEMPY'S CAUSED ROOT ROT, IN FACT, I SAID I CURRENTLY GROW WITH THEM BUT FEEL THEY LACKED FOR OXYGEN. (however, root rot can occur if anaerobic conditions are allowed to flourish, as with any grow style)

I agree that they work, and work well, I just want to get the best possible growth rates I can, and I KNOW for a fact that adding an air stone won't kill my plants, it can only help with the possibility working really well.

not bashing "your design" here, I even use it myself.

This same guy then went on how he will improve it out grow me and the rest added air stones and did his thing one of my plants branches had more yield on it than his complete plant point is i have had people lay claim to improve this before and i am at a loss to understand what people really want from a bucket is big yields with little effort not inuf for most ?.

That was one guy, I am not him, please don't generalize.

Post some pics of your plant or plants mate growing in the hempy buckets be interested to see how you did.

Sure, here's some recent harvest shots, grown in 4 gal hempy buckets, vegged 4 weeks, flowered under vert 600w hps, 4 zips per. coco/perlite 70/30, chunky perlite in bottom 2-3"

I felt the buds couldv'e been larger as I've been working with the same bubblegum pheno for a few years now in hydro/soil/coco, more o2 would have helped, this I know.

i got a grip and i can spell too! and i have unsoggy coco hempy buckets that do not need any altering at all...:tiphat:
Yeah, a grip on my c*ck apparently :tiphat:

id love to see them, how well are you yielding? watering schedule? I'm always open to new things, prove to me that I cant make hempy's yield better and ill mail you a certified check, hows that?

Hey good for you man, I never said they needed altering, I am choosing to alter them. Not because I don't think they work, but because I want to try and improve the yield/growth rates out of them, OKAY?! God damn its getting rediculous around here, guy cant even make a simple suggestion without getting ridiculed..


New member
Instead of tryin to change the entire setup.....with adding air and all that....
why not try and change your water,nutes, and all that.....play with it and dial it in....
then if growth or whatever isnt what ya want....then maybe change it....

Thats my 2 cents...

I too grow in Coco/perilite hempys....with Sunleaves rocks in the rez(added silica)
Gonna try just perilite in the rez next....i dont like havin to rinse and wash rocks ever round...the silica from the rocks really put some nice stems on them though..
Just read this whole thread and glad to see Hempy and see he uses Coco now!!!
I have grown in 2.5 liter Coco hempys,5-liter coco Hempys, and 2 gallon coco hempys....
really can grow any size plant ya want...
Have been growing around 5 years....and 1 in hempys and best yeilds i have had!!

Gonna give DWC a try and compare to Coco hempys next!!


i dont grab on cocks mate so keep that shit to yourself! how many square foot are you flowering your plants in with the six hunge??? i flower in a 3x3 with a 6oo in a cool tube under an adjusta shade large. 2x 6inch inline fans one pulling through an odoursok goin down through the cool tube then the other pulling from the other side of the tube venting at the top of the tent. i have a 12inch pedistal fan moving the air around the tent. i flower in square 5gal buckets. last run i flowered three plants with only a two week veg using dutchfest hydro nutes,pk13-14,canna boost and au60 root repair. yeild was only 10 oz because i chopped about a week or 2 too early but had no choice. this run im flowering one plant thats had four week veg anhas been trained to fill the tent like a sea of green and i have changed to vitalink 1part coir nutes,and am adding pk13-14 and au60. and the plant seems healthier this time round aswell as bud sites and size are bigger and better than last time.


New member
hello all...i am going to attempt a smaller 150 wt scrog grow ...i know there is a 150 forum but i would like to know with what i have available...6.5 " high and 1.5 gal buckets for about 3 or 4 plants total 1 in each buckets... if so what would the height and size of the hole be roughly scaled down to these smaller containers ? anyone plez comment,thx


Sure, here's some recent harvest shots, grown in 4 gal hempy buckets, vegged 4 weeks, flowered under vert 600w hps, 4 zips per. coco/perlite 70/30, chunky perlite in bottom 2-3"

I felt the buds couldv'e been larger as I've been working with the same bubblegum pheno for a few years now in hydro/soil/coco, more o2 would have helped, this I know.

Yeah, a grip on my c*ck apparently :tiphat:

id love to see them, how well are you yielding? watering schedule? I'm always open to new things, prove to me that I cant make hempy's yield better and ill mail you a certified check, hows that?

Hey good for you man, I never said they needed altering, I am choosing to alter them. Not because I don't think they work, but because I want to try and improve the yield/growth rates out of them, OKAY?! God damn its getting rediculous around here, guy cant even make a simple suggestion without getting ridiculed..

You know there's nothing wrong in trying to improve your yields mate and 4 oz cured a plant in 20 lt plus buckets is not that much i would of thort 8 oz and up i am going to do bubble gum in the next few months from seed for the first time i have not run his line i don't know much about it but will let you know how i go as for yield.

Think your counting your eggs before there layed and why would you go into the other post and say im arguing with you im not im stating facts as i sed others have sed the same as you yet why is it i get over a pund per plant cured in 10 lt buckets from one plant yet those that say they can improve it are not even comeing close to that there's nothing different to my buckets to what i have posted we have a saying here don't fix it if its not broke lol like i sed others have sed the same about air stones to this method and made no difference your choice to but don't feel your doing something new your not .


I'm a "hempy" newbie and have a few questions. Anyone using straight perlite please feel free to add in!

Instead of coco I'm running straight perlite in 2 gal buckets with no bottom dressing. Watering/feeding every 2 days using the Head/Rez-ipe. Every 2 weeks I flush each bucket with 1 gal water and Flora Kleen to flush out salt build, ect. I do this usually a day or two before the KoolBloom feedings to maximize the effect.

I've read somewhere that using straight perlite can lead to buildup, lockout and pH problems. Any known issues with this problem? Will the flush every 2 weeks keep this at bay or will I eventually have to take the coco plunge?

So far I've seen excellent results, but I have a sensitive BOG BMR pheno and I'm kinda tenative to run her with my current hempy setup.


Active member
You know there's nothing wrong in trying to improve your yields mate and 4 oz cured a plant in 20 lt plus buckets is not that much i would of thort 8 oz and up i am going to do bubble gum in the next few months from seed for the first time i have not run his line i don't know much about it but will let you know how i go as for yield.

Think your counting your eggs before there layed and why would you go into the other post and say im arguing with you im not im stating facts as i sed others have sed the same as you yet why is it i get over a pund per plant cured in 10 lt buckets from one plant yet those that say they can improve it are not even comeing close to that there's nothing different to my buckets to what i have posted we have a saying here don't fix it if its not broke lol like i sed others have sed the same about air stones to this method and made no difference your choice to but don't feel your doing something new your not .

OK enough already. Your right, my fault brother, now lets move on.

Pink skunk, my bad about the c*ck joke hahah im sure you love females very much :)

4 zips per was VERY disappointing for me, I thought I was going to yield much more as well, but a lot of shit went down in my defense.

it was my first run in a new location with a completely new style of growing. (never touched coco b4) was on a drip system, i think I overwatered them a bit (6x per day!) when they werent ready for it. 600's with old bulbs that were 2 far away, no training, and may have cut them a week early also.

also lost power for a few days at the beginning of flower which didn't help either.

I'm no pro at this, not claiming to be, just trying to do the best I can like everyone else here, and I like to throw ideas around and play devils advocate what can i say?

"why is it i get over a pund per plant cured in 10 lt buckets from one plant"

I don't know, please share with us?!

Also, i flowered a plant for 9 weeks, not 17-18 weeks, don't forget that, and lighting (600s or 1000s, and how many per plant) when talking about your pound per plant yield, as all these factors play a part in the final result.

that's 16+ ounces in a 2.64 gallon bucket. some more details on how you achieved this would be cool man, I'm sure everyone here would love to replicate that. (veg time? lighting? co2?)

take care y'all, my bad if I caused any drama, my intentions are always good but my emotions sometimes get the best of me. :wave:


Active member
Hempy, could You please give us some more detailed description of Your method removing the fan-leaves?


no worries turbo~ i do love the ladies! with my 5 gal hempy i justflush it with 2gal of fresh nutes whenever the plant sucks everything up usualy every three days for the first three weeks then about every two days week 4-5 then daily there after,though im sure as i use this method more and veg my plants a bit longer il prob be feeding a bit more frequently as they will be a bit bigger. feeding like this iv had no probs withsalt build up,i guess cause im flushing a little extra fresh nutes through and gettin like two-three ltrs run off.

one Q

Can we get info on your leaf trimming Hempy??

Also, would putting a cover on the buckets to avoid algae be a bad thing? A lid would also help if youre running Hempys outdoors to prevent rain from flushing out Nutes.



Can we get info on your leaf trimming Hempy??

Also, would putting a cover on the buckets to avoid algae be a bad thing? A lid would also help if youre running Hempys outdoors to prevent rain from flushing out Nutes.


A cover is a good idea for outdoors. If you check out the Earth Box's....available for order online.....the come with a cover. They a basically the same thing...passive hydro buckets....but very expensive, and the container has a tray inserted in the bottom that keeps the major amount of medium above the rez.

I have never needed a cover for indoors...but I use coco not perlite.

Carl Carlson

actually a cover for indoors isn't such a bad idea either.

The idea is to use the rez on the bottom of the container and a cover helps to prevent some evapotranspiration of water through the top of the container.

Also can be useful when plants are small to reflect light.


actually a cover for indoors isn't such a bad idea either.

The idea is to use the rez on the bottom of the container and a cover helps to prevent some evapotranspiration of water through the top of the container.

Also can be useful when plants are small to reflect light.

Mmmmmmm. You got me thinkin. Do I smell wood burning?

Seriously....maybe I should look into a hempy container that comes with a lid...and when the plant is tall enough....just cut a hole in the center...and slice it from the edge to the center hole and slide around the baby and snap in place. I'm not thinkin of a 5G bucket either. 5G is way more that you need for a hempy.


Hi all here is an update shes about to be harvested will let the pics do the talking all you need has been posted by me and pics a long the way to show the different stages and results pictures don't bull shit people do take care.


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New member
this is a very cool thread, thanks Hempy, I just finished my first Coco Vertical tree grow and had ok results with pure cana coco, but I am sure I overwatered. I watered my 15 gallon smartpots for 1 minute 3 times a day with 4) 1/8"drippers per plant in 15 gal smartpots with 1 bag of coco in each. I am a RDWC guy, in the past and am looking to simplify. this is why your system is so attractive. I am using 2K-3K watts per plant to grow Trees. I am trying to keep my plants short and fat and yielding over 1 pound each. here is a pic of my last grow. My question is what size bucket would you recomend for growing Trees with multiple vert lights per plant? 10gal? 20gal? does yield increase with pot size universally? thanks