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Chronos bag-seed coco grow


automatic shoes
I was thinking I'd get another bulb in there somehow maybe but 800w is kinda pushing it. You think 600w is too much?


automatic shoes
1.0ec .... 1.2ec ...

1.0ec .... 1.2ec ...

Currently feeding,
100ppm RO/tap
500-600ppm cocotek bloom a&b
5.8-6.0 pH




Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Whoever posted FEMS can't Hermie is incorrect. Reg or fem can display intersex traits just the same.

Nice bushes you have there! They should yield well for you!

Vibes Les


automatic shoes
Thanks Lester, I'm hoping!

I'm guessing the seeds are XX but have inherited the intersex trait from whatever spawned them. Hopefully in varying degrees so I end up with at least one that is not likely to harambre and gives me some goodness.


automatic shoes
!Oi! Here's another clue for you all...

!Oi! Here's another clue for you all...

Weeded was right it did mutate

What other plants do this?




Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
The mutation looks a lot like some of the plants Chunkypigs have found in GSC genetics. His thread has lots of pics of odd leaves like that and buds growing on fan leaves.

Sucks things hermied on you!


automatic shoes
Yea Lester, I was trying to remember where I saw that you're right. Cool! I'll take a cookie boi trait any day. Who dat pointed out a similar similarity before and I've noticed some other more subtle but equally strange things like the tall cuts want to throw their leaves straight the fuck up in the airvand the shorties try but their leaves are too broad it seems. They are all getting frosty tho :)


automatic shoes
Stress test #etc, da fuck I burned my plants up with cap. Jacks

Stress test #etc, da fuck I burned my plants up with cap. Jacks







automatic shoes
they're all flushed out and the worst appears to be over.

I applied cap. Jacks deadbug as a spinosad root drench. Apparently I over did it. One application, not two or three or.....I thought I could add it to their feed. But, at least, on the bright side my gnats are gone......


I went out and bought mosquito dunks and sticky traps like a normal pot grower does, and I have sm-90 in the mail. So live and learn right? I'm not upset.


automatic shoes
Don't worry I kind of anticipated renaming this thread in the end. Something fucked up to go with the gonzo growing style.

Chronos crazy mutant tester crash course in cocoponics


Active member
Yea, they look like they will recover. I did similar my last try at a log.
Sprayed with something to kill bugs, thru them right under the lights.
most all Leaves went translucent then fell off. The Buds lived, and turned out ok but I thought all was lost.

What a bad feeling in the stomach.


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