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Cheeseberry Haze Grow

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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thanks for looking in folks :smile:

Finally a CHEESEBERRY update (woohoo eh, Frank :wink:)

well after me making a serious error in planning, the cheeseberries spent almost 2 weeks longer in the veg box than they should've. This resulted in some awful things happening (for which I'm entirely to blame). Firstly they got mildew... too cramped together meant humidity was too high. Then they all out grew their old pots 2 weeks ago and have been stunted ever since.. and if that wasn't all bad enough, they grew to nearly 24 inches and some were pressed right up against the CFL (125w) and got burnt.

At this point you could be forgiven for thinking I dont deserve these plants, however I can tell you it played on my mind constantly over the last 2 weeks.

So anyway, their new home finally arrived on Saturday and they've all been moved to much better conditions... They've all been potted on (hope its not too late to get some growth out of them) and are now sitting comfortably in their own shiney new tent. They're still under the big CFL for the time being, as sadly, the fan I ordered didnt arrive (the CFL doesnt need cooling) so I can't hook up the sodiums in there until it arrives (hopefully Wednesday, if there's no more hold ups), all being well, I'll flip them then.

the hardest thing for me is. I had room for just one of them in my other flowering tent and it got potted on and flipped 2 weeks ago. it's huge in comparisson, I can really see how well they should ALL be doing.. :mad:

I'll grab some pics tomorrow, it's lights out at the moment... fingers crossed they'll recover now they have the space to do so. :smile:

p.s the PP Scrog is looking pretty cool (even if I do say so).. I'm holding off on the pics as the impact is really starting to be noticable when I take the pics a few days apart. Did a lot of trimming both below and above the screen this weekend. Will take some clones tomorrow and then its just a matter of keeping them fed nicely until harvest (I hope)
Shit Jaime, you're doing great so far! Nothing goes perfect, just chalk this up as a learning experience.

Also, the plant you flipped 2 weeks ago is so much bigger because it is transitioning into flowering mode and is stretching, so don't be too hard on yourself!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thanks guys.. to be fair, I sound like I'm being harsh on myself, but then, I always am :wink: it just makes me try harder. looking at the PPs, it does seem like the work is paying off though.

Just as well really as I can't stop long enough to dwell on the cheeseberry issue. The one thats already flipped is big and healthy and a girl (woohoo) so she's getting cloned for the next run of CBH. The PP have 5 weeks left to go, which means I need rooted PP clones in 1 weeks time ready for their next run. oh and I just popped 20 lowryder seeds (LR2 and masterlow)..so I kinda got my hands full :smile:

Hey smokesalot, I keep telling myself that :wink:



Sorry to hear about the powder mildew situation jamie, but at least you have the healthy one to take cuts off of. Good luck with those lowryder and master low's as well.

Take Care:joint:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thanks for the nice grow vibes, Seismic. I'm sending some your way too - I did actually tackle the pesky PM with a product called "Exact" from Bayer.. one time treatment, never came back (thanks to the members here for puting me on to it) :smile:

here's a quick piccy update...day 17 of 12/12

First shot is the Cheeseberries in their new home (CBH Towers) - their fan was sent out today. all being well these'll be getting flipped under sodium on Tuesday/Wednesday
Second is a group shot of the PP
Third shot's a profile "across the canopy" (PP)
and number 4... well heres the thing about number 4... you'll notice the 2 plants nearest are big fat indy doms... one of them is a cheeseberry and so thats no small wonder... but the other is a PP (mostly sativa - 85%)... so I called my mate (the lad who sourced them for me) and he said..."oh yeah...looks like one of my K2's got in there... nice one" :smile:

it's a nice surprise as I like having variety in the garden and K2 is reportedly a little stronger in THC content....I think we'll keep from renaming the thread over it just yet though :wink:


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Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Wow, looking all nice and cozy in the tent there JS! Anyone got a marshmallow?


Hey Jamie, you'll definately like k2, that was the strain I started off with. It seems like the potency is pretty good with it, though with the phenotype I had smell and taste were very mild. Overall though some good meds.


Wow, your gonna have some MONSTERS on your hands soon, congratulations. Can't wait to see what happens when you get those HPS rays flowin. :yes:
I would say you have done very well at creating a full canopy. Looks awesome, and with a bit more variety to spice things up too. They are going to really take off now, have fun.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Thanks all... it was good fun before... but now its really good fun...

Just trying to keep an eye on things til the end... I nearly made a major f*ck up yesterday. I have 2 products from H&G one is called bud XL and one is called "Top Booster". I bought the top booster thinking it was the same as cannaboost or b'cuzz boost, and was about to use BOTH products... but then I got to thinking.. hang on.. whats the difference between them?

A little further delving revealed that Top Boost is in fact H&Gs version of PK13/14 (which I was going to use AS WELL at week 5). Glad I found this out before feeding time though as now I know Bud XL to be the alternative to cannaboost and NOT top boost as I'd previously "assumed" (assumption eh... don't do that, Jamie)..

So, what I very nearly did was give them a massive dose of potassium and phosphate in week 3 of flower... durrrr.

Anyways, in conclusion - I tossed my (4 year out of date) pk 13/14 and will use the top booster from H&G in week 4-5 (as prescribed) and will continue to use bud xl on a (bi) daily basis... close call... that'll be complacency as well as assumption then...

In other news, I'm trying my hand at cloning. nothing fancy, snipped, shaved, dumped in clonex for 45 mins and then straight to (pre soaked) grodan cubes.

I took 6 from the cheeseberry that I have in flower and know to be big, branchy, smelly and FEMALE (eh Frank, eh? :wink:) 3 from the fattest, smelliest PP and 3 from the fattest, smelliest K2...

I need to start vegging my next round in about 14 days time (veg after rooting for 4 weeks = 6 weeks = PP harvest and room in tent - BINGO!) if these don't take, then I still have time to source already rooted clones from a friend :smile:


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Good luck with the cuts, hope they root ok for ya. I think I'm going to be a little scared when I have to chop lumps from my babies!


Hey Jamie looking good man.. Looks like we are on the same schedule across the board.. Though I have to admit to a bit of scrog envy :) popped seeds and taking clones for the next show as well...


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
your envy is immensly flattering bro... nice one on the foward planning. according to the moon growers thread, today was as good as it gets for new plants..:smile:

hehe I was a bit shy at first McSnapply.. but the branches I took from were all lower, spindly limbs that were never going to realise anything much... In fact, I've been told you should hack those little uns off anyway, so as to redirect energy to the bigger tops.. (I kept telling myself that, and it all seemed ok :wink: )


Gr8 work jamie, well done for checking up on top boost and bud xl.
Cant wait to see how the clones go for u, i will be rooting for ya clones and u (get it lol) continued good luck with everythin m8


Active member
In fact, I've been told you should hack those little uns off anyway, so as to redirect energy to the bigger tops..

Yeah, it's a good idea. I had always left the suckers in place, and they only produce tiny popcorn buds that are hardly worth the trouble of trimming most of the time in my experience. This time they will all be coming off. May as well make good use of them!

Good luck with the cuts. Are you keeping them covered, to keep the humidity high?
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