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Castle Guerrilla: 5000w G-13 & ATF in DWCs

That looks bad ass. I would be concerned with how complex all that looks though. Light leaks, water leaks and difficult to switch out if it goes down. Imagine that thing dies around Day 30 of flowering. Fuck that.

I need to research more into oxygenating reservoirs. There's got to be an economical way to create an insane amount of air pressure in a DWC.

One of my favorite ideas I've ever read on here was a guy who wanted to turn a 8 person Jacuzzi into one huge DWC. I freaking love that and might pursue something like that someday in the long term. In the short term my next thing is to buy a industrial slurpee machine so I can have THC slurpees anytime. :D
Going to go to the hydro store tomorrow and pick up some Hydroguard and SM-90 to add tomorrow for root health. That Big Time Enzyme stuff was pretty great but I think it wore off. I tried to pick some up nutes tonight but it seems it's a sin for hydro shops to actually operate during their posted hours. :rolleyes:

I stopped dosing h202 for about ten days just because I wondered if it actually did anything and I think paid for it. I was just going with a simple tap plus lucas to try to reduce stress on the plants. The root health has decreased in quite a few buckets. Definitely will include h202 in every feeding from now on.

I also used to use Hydroguard, Aquashield in the past. Due to the size of this grow, I was looking to cut corners and save dollars so I didn't use a hydro conditioner. I will use one for every grow from here on out.

I'm not sure how much or what the Kool Bloom Powder is doing exactly. But I have to say, despite all the fucks up the buds are absolutely exploding and the plants are growing into christmas trees. I may harvest one early and use it as my Christmas tree. :D


One idea

One idea

That looks bad ass. I would be concerned with how complex all that looks though. Light leaks, water leaks and difficult to switch out if it goes down. Imagine that thing dies around Day 30 of flowering. Fuck that.

I need to research more into oxygenating reservoirs. There's got to be an economical way to create an insane amount of air pressure in a DWC.

One of my favorite ideas I've ever read on here was a guy who wanted to turn a 8 person Jacuzzi into one huge DWC. I freaking love that and might pursue something like that someday in the long term. In the short term my next thing is to buy a industrial slurpee machine so I can have THC slurpees anytime. :D

OK I might have found the answer... Check out this concept


basically it's the same gadget in its simplest form and no moving parts to break



Finally picked up some Hydroguard and SM-90. Had to drive a hour to an open hydro store because all the local hydro stores are posted closed today. Called around to the local stores this morning to see if they were open and no one answered. Driving back, saw the local hydro store open. :cuss: At least pretend like you're a real business.

Anyway, I'm excited to see what this mix of Hydroguard and SM-90 does. I am kicking myself for not using a hydro conditioner all the way through outside of h202. I think this mix of Hydroguard and SM-90 will be a good mix after a lot of research. SM-90 should kill any funky stuff in the reservoirs while the Hydroguard should kill off any root rot while providing beneficial bacteria to the res. Really grossed out that I'm about to introduce chicken shit to my reservoir (wooo organics) but if it makes the plants happy, it makes me happy.

I may switch out Hydroguard for something like DM Zone as a hydro conditioner in the future. Really depends how well it does in these final few weeks. I remember being grossed out by it in the past but I remember thinking I may have gotten a bad batch.

I think learning from this grow, my concoction in the future is going to be

GH Bloom
GH Micro
DM Liquid Light
DM Saturator
Powder Kool Bloom
3% h202
Jaz Rose Foliar Spray
Blackstrap Molasses in final two weeks
Plants are getting so big now, I'm having to spend a lot of time tying them up. They're so big and strong they're literally trying to pull themselves out of their buckets. It's unbelievable watching the life in there.

I remember the first plant I ever grew in a DWC, a beautiful ATF plant in a 3 gallon cooler. I grew that plant HUGE. I remember coming home day to find the plant had literally jumped out of it's cooler and was laying on the ground one day when I came home. The plant literally pulled itself over trying to get better light. Incredible.

Here's the runner ATF. I loved that plant. :D

I'm glad the G-13 only had about two-three weeks left. These are some finicky plants. They're beautiful and they've been fun to grow. But they're kind of diva'ish. I hope the yield is worth it.

Meanwhile, the ATFs are just bad motherfuckers. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this strain. One of the hardiest, heaviest and easiest to grow plants I've ever come across.

Hope the SM-90 and Hydroguard kicks some ass with the roots. I'm noticing a direct correlation between the buckets getting more air are getting bigger buds.


Basic vacuum

Basic vacuum

I'm greatly intrigued, what is a venturi pump?

It's a fitting of sorts, not a pump really, but the effect of creating a vacuum with water flow, all you need is a reducer fitting with a snorkel for air. All you have to do is put one on the end of your water pumps return line. As seen on YouTube... Lol there are lots of DIY vids that explain the concept probably better than I have. I intend to use one on the end of each return top feed line in the new system I am building. Decided on a four pod rdwc with the 20 gallon brute Garbage cans.
Just put down $40 on a bottle of Jaz Rose Spray. Really interested to see what this stuff does. It sounds like a miracle nute with people claiming they're seeing 40%+ trichs after a single spraying. It sounds too good to be true but it won't hurt to give the kids a few sprayings. :D
It's a fitting of sorts, not a pump really, but the effect of creating a vacuum with water flow, all you need is a reducer fitting with a snorkel for air. All you have to do is put one on the end of your water pumps return line. As seen on YouTube... Lol there are lots of DIY vids that explain the concept probably better than I have. I intend to use one on the end of each return top feed line in the new system I am building. Decided on a four pod rdwc with the 20 gallon brute Garbage cans.

Give me a few days to read and research about this. It's a little above my head at the moment but I'm very intrigued.

One thing to note, that guy earlier in the thread had a point. These lids are kind of a bitch in that they bend in under the weight of the plant. I grew smaller plants with these lids. Now that I'm growing monsters, these lids are being pushed their limits. I'm not concerned about them caving in or failing. But I think the reason I'm having root rot issues in a few buckets is because of the lids bending letting in light leaks.

I definitely want to improve on lid design and air flow in the future.
Holy poop, just walked out to the castle. Man the buds seem to have noticeably jumped in size over night, roots are looking much happier and the coolest thing is that the plants are beginning to produce a massive amount of resin. I was getting to become concerned because I wasn't seeing a lot of trich production. It's a like a fucking snow storm fell in there over night. :D :woohoo: I definitely think that Hydroguard and SM-90 had an immediate positive effect.

This is definitely some of the most fun I've ever had growing.


Give me a few days to read and research about this. It's a little above my head at the moment but I'm very intrigued.

One thing to note, that guy earlier in the thread had a point. These lids are kind of a bitch in that they bend in under the weight of the plant. I grew smaller plants with these lids. Now that I'm growing monsters, these lids are being pushed their limits. I'm not concerned about them caving in or failing. But I think the reason I'm having root rot issues in a few buckets is because of the lids bending letting in light leaks.

I definitely want to improve on lid design and air flow in the future.

You may not have to do much research I am working on building a small scale model this week to use as veg system. If it works I'll post a small construction tutorial... And if it fails lol I'll post why.
Awesome, I would appreciate that. I kind of feel there's a weird... I don't know if elitest is the right word but people don't talk about mistakes or experiments in these online communities as much as there should be. I'm really interested to read about your experiments with airflow and venturi flow.

Day 36 since flip. This is so fun right now! I feel like the buds are doubling in size almost every day. I'm really excited to see how much more weight they can pack on. :D




Man... life is good. There are some gorgeous colas developing in there. I just spent a few hours refilling reservoirs, spraying the plants and plucking used up leaves to improve airflow. I keep having grower's paranoia like you do in mid-flowering that the colas weren't getting big enough but I think this is going to be a good grow. I don't think I'm going to break records like I had been aspiring to but this is going to be some great weed and I learned a ton from this grow.

I'm really kicking myself for not being more aggressive pruning early on. There's a lot of lower branches that I now feel like are pointless to have on the plants. Lots of popcorny buds. But meh, that'll probably wind up as bubble hash. :D

I'm having something of an odd thing occurring. One half of the room seems to be noticeably growing bigger and producing more trichs. I've witnessed this for the last week or so and wasn't sure why. Then I realized today the side that's doing better is closer to the garage door and gets dosed with a ton of fresh air a couple times a day. This grow has really taught me the importance of air flow and ventilation.

The SM-90 and Hydroguard did a pretty good job cleaning up and promoting root growth. I've noticed every plant's root system seems to be doing better and had a lot of growth since using those two products. Quite a nice change because I was beginning to get concerned that some of them wouldn't make it the next few weeks.

The trich production on the plants closet to the garage door is goddamn ridiculous. I'm not all that impressed yet with the plants on the other side of the room's trich production. But fresh air really seems to make these plants frost up. I'm really excited to get the plants a dose or two of Jaz Rose Spray. If that stuff works as advertised, these buds are going to be a snow resort.

It's amazing how much plants move around. My kids are starting to sag under the weight of the buds and are constantly re-positioning themselves. It's really fascinating.

Anyway, I'll take pics in a few days when hopefully the buds are much bigger. :woohoo:
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Debating when to start introducing Black Strap to the reservoirs. I love Molasses, it's always been my secret weapon. Some of the best stuff I've ever grown/smoked I attribute to using molasses. I remember I once grew out some bag seed that I called "Captain Jack Sparrow." Settle in because I'm about to drop an old stoner cliche. But seriously, stickiest stuff I've ever seen. You could throw it at the wall and it'd stick for a few moments. I attribute that to using molasses.

I'm thinking I'll introduce it in the last two weeks, so around Day 44 for the G-13s? I've liked the resin production of the G-13 so far, I think a massive dose of Molasses will really make this batch scandalous.

It'll be interesting to see how much it stresses the plants to use Molasses and Jaz Rose Spray at the same time? This harvest could be some crazy Frankenstein shit. I'm about to unleash a monster. :D




I hope so man! There was a lot of theory in this grow. But the whole point of this was to get the most out of limited resources. I'm really interested to see what the final harvest is. :biggrin:

I know the feeling. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Looking forward to seeing what the finish looks like. I am close to testing the venturi system... Got it almost assembled. Maybe tomorrow. Keep kicking ass dude.