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Castle Guerrilla: 5000w G-13 & ATF in DWCs






Alaskan Thunderfuck (this is by far the frostiest shit I've ever grown. It's so frosty you can't even see the buds!)



Venturi looks like the way to go

Venturi looks like the way to go

I think I will be able to test mine this weekend. I just need a new pump so funds should allow after Friday... I'll post pics and if I can make it work, a yt video.
Awesome man, look forward to it.

I'm glad I'm just a few days away, virtually all the plants are leaning over heavily due to the weight of the buds. It's a little disconcerting but hopefully a good disconcerting. One of the plants burned through all it's nutes and has already bought. I've been debating whether to chop it early but I don't think there will any harm waiting two more days and chopping it with the rest of them.

I poured quite a bit of blackstrap molasses into each bucket in an effort to OD the plants on sugar and bring out the resin. We'll see how that turns out. I also did an intensive spraying of Jaz Rose Spray and H202 trying to condition and coax more snow in the buds before chop. It'll be interesting to see what effect another heavy round of Jaz will do since the first round was so dramatically awesome.

Hoping for an average of 160 grams a plant, it'll be real interesting to see what the final yield is.
Just turned off the lights for the last time. Have to say it's always a little emotional at the end of a grow. This has been a wonderful educational experience.

The plants will get a day of darkness before chopping on Monday. It's going to make me sad to chop the girls, they've been a pleasure to grow. They dealt with a lot of fuckups and were absolute soldiers all the way through.

I pulled a couple of hippie buds. The amount bud matures is ridiculous. I am so pleased with the early returns. I also think forcing myself to wait a full 9 weeks was a smart move. The taste and resin production absolutely rocks! I think the high is going to be pretty great. I would guess that last round of Jaz added another 10% more trichs. Hope this stuff rips your head off once I get it properly dried and cured. :D

The only real question now is what's the yield going to be?
About two hours into the harvest. Took a break to smoke a bowl and watch World Juniors Hockey tournament. :D

Man... I don't think I comprehended just how big these plants became. I'm only about half way through chopping them and cleaning out the grow room. Trimming these up in a week looks like it's going to take a few days.

I keep panicking thinking I'm going to have a small yield but I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of these plants produce half a pound or more.


Right on

Right on

About two hours into the harvest. Took a break to smoke a bowl and watch World Juniors Hockey tournament. :D

Man... I don't think I comprehended just how big these plants became. I'm only about half way through chopping them and cleaning out the grow room. Trimming these up in a week looks like it's going to take a few days.

I keep panicking thinking I'm going to have a small yield but I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of these plants produce half a pound or more.

I hope the yields are as good as expected. Can't wait to see harvest pictures. And I know what you mean about yield paranoia I always think it's going to be less... Lol
Well, it took about six hours to finish the chop and start the drying process.

A couple of conclusions at the end of this grow...

I really think I'm going to scale back to 10 gallon buckets. Examining the roots, they barely made it about a third down the bucket. There was good vigorous growth in the roots but I think these big buckets are too big to properly aerate, take too many resources for not much of a gain I think. I believe I could do much better work in 10 gallon buckets. It will be extremely interesting to compare yields between the two sizes.

The Jorge Cervantez method of sterilizing buds really did nothing for me. I had a little PM on a very leafs and it just sat there on the leafs while I dunked the buds. After a few tries and really not appreciating the results, I just hung everything and did one last foliar spray with water and h202. In my mind, that's the exact same thing that Jorge was advocating but the foliar spray does a better job.

The humidity jumped up to around 70% while cleaning out the castle and getting rid of all the buckets. Really hope this is just an annoying spike otherwise the next few days are going to be worrying.

I barely had enough room to hang everything, it was like tetris trying to get everybody a good spot, keeping the ATF and G-13 apart and trying to get the air flow correct but I think I did an efficient job of it.

I decided to hang the entire plants since I plan to dry trim and hanging the whole plant just makes the process easier. Hope I don't come to regret that. I'm very interested in my product having an awesome smell but truthfully if I was just growing for myself, I don't think I'd go through the trouble of this.

Hope this all turns out well. It's been a lot of work and a lot of faith. :D

Twisted pleasur

Active member
Sorry to hesar about your health man Im glad your better. Hey any shot of the biggest leaves on the G? She have any fat fans? Im just curious.

Looks like you did well man Congrats
Sorry, didn't really get any pics of the fans. In my opinion the G-13 is not a very dense plant. For instance the ATFs were popping some noticeably huge fans but I don't remember seeing any fans of notable size on the G-13s.

Just got home after a short trip, was only gone three or four days. Holy crap, drying with a dehumidifer is ridiculous. I left with a garage full of Christmas trees and came home four days later to find they had shrunk by about half the size. I think they're ready to process now and will probably start tomorrow. If I knew it would be this fast, I wouldn't have left for few days. A little uncomfortable with how quickly everything dried and how dry everything is now but I think a good cure will make this some top shelf.

The weed is just goddamn ridiculous. The buds are just ridiculously covered in trichs now and the resin production is extremely promising. One toke of the ATF and it went straight to the dome. I think this is going to be a winner.

I'll report in with more info tomorrow with pics but the initial returns are great.


Active member
Congrats on the harvest i am making 13 gallon DWC under current buckets i think it will work perfect 6 site system 13 gallon 8 " net pots and another 6 site right beside them but little bigger then 4 gallon for starter plants 4" net pots running through same system for one room




I just set mine up today to dry out the bud room a bit extra. Two weeks left till cut still. Also dropping the temp another 10 - 15f for the next couple weeks. Want to get the natural colors going. Congrats on what looks like a great harvest... Hopefully I can get it dialed in better next run
I feel the same way man. I think the quality of this run is pretty mediocre due to this being a dialing in grow and wanting to experiment. But the quality of the smoke is some of my best due to a lot of the tricks I've learned and laid out in this thread.

I decided to wait another day or two to begin processing. I think I was jumping the gun due to leafs being crunchy and being shocked at how my christmas trees turned into shrubs haha. But I'm not getting a pronounced snap yet from the branches yet. I generally don't mind pulling a little wet has I think it improves the smoke. But with so much bud to cure, I don't want to take any chances with mold developing in the jars.

I also got some Boveda packs coming soon, really interested to give them a try. Curing has always been a bitch for me. I'm interested to see if these things live up to the hype.
My next grow is going to be a lot more regimented and together. This grow was pretty haphazard admittedly but truthfully I haven't had such a decent space before. I learned in closets and sheds haha. But I'm excited to dive into my next grow using 10 gallon coolers, it will be very interesting to compare the yields between these two.
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Man, I was just out there beginning a preliminary trim taking off fans and what not. The ATF is by far the best stuff I've ever grown. It's so frosty you can't see the buds and it's definitely the heaviest punching one I've grown. As dumb as it sounds I never really examined the ATF up close until now because of where it was in the garden. One bowl threw this OG for a loop. Also one of the neatest things, I rarely ever notice a distinctive taste with weed. But I'll be damned if this stuff doesn't have a lemony/citrusy taste. It blew my mind when I couldn't figure out why I suddenly had a sensation like I had just eaten some lemon candy before I realized it was the ATF. I'm definitely going to try to enter this ATF into the frostiest bud thread.

The yield kind of sucked with the ATFs compared to the G-13. But I only had 3 much younger ATF plants compared to 11 ready to flower G-13s. Outside of that, I could not be happier with it. I think ATF needs to be a staple in my garden, it really seems to be my strain.

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