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Cannaholikers Guerilla Gardens 2012

Denmark 55°N

Hey cannalovers around the world,

Ive already been at it for a while in other forums but i thought i would share my journey with you all also.

So lots of pics will be posted of these older updates, will try to post a little a day and we can get up to speed when new updates will come.

Plz be aware of that most of the text and pics of these first waves of updates can be up to 5 weeks old so the text might not be in present time since since most of it is copied from another forum..

The pics on this first update will be 4-5 old.

Ill be all alone this year on the grow, but so far i kinda liked it its hard work tho.

This year many of my spots are very humid so will mostly be growing early mold resistant
strains and try to keep less diffrent strains on each spot. as in 2010 i had seeds in most my stuff.

Im still hunting and running around to find even more spots, would like to find a great place for some later strains.

Strains i will be growing so far on the regular spots, more will properly be added.

Nepal x Hindu kush
Early Wonder skunk
Early Durban
Royal Nepal
att. these 2 will be called strain 1 and strain 2 and is from 2 small seed grows we did in 2011 but the one that should label them didnt and we dont know what is what now but they were kept seperate.
Northern sun sf edition or Danish passion
Danish passion or Northern sun sf edition

Seedspots i will have 3-6 of and i will be using these strains so far for seeds, some of them will only be a few females that will be put out to get pollinated along with the main seedgrow.

Danish passion x uk08 x Early Dane
Early Dane
Ultimate Passion
B3n7 x Erdpurt x Royal dane

more will be added.

Solid Bottom
Hindu kush

enough talk more porn

City Spot

First i wanted to grow royal nepal and strain 1 here, but didnt have enough royal nepals to fill half of it up with those so now it will be:

Strain 1 and Strain 2 that will be growing here.

This spot is in a small bog/marsh, The soil here holds on alot of water every time i dig the ground say swup swup,
but there were nettles growing there before and they were doing almost as good as those in higher grounds was the only thing making me keep digging.
Have no idea if they are going to survive here, but i will for sure be trying, if they die i must plant some new and give them some 10L pots or something with holes in pots swaptube thingy

Before anything was done.

Then i put up a fence to hide them a little left a small area of nettles on both sides to make it look green again after the fence starts to die,
theres a path 130meter from the spot and can see their heads when people are walking up there.
The opening in the marsh is V shaped and my spot is in the very bottom of the V so they will be lead right down there if they walk all the way down not that they have a reason at all to do that

Looking over the fence to the spot

Looking from the inside out

Tried to dig about 2½ spade blade down but didnt see any water after a while it was half filled tho.
And about 3 hours after kickoff i got the upper layer removed and loosened the ground up at bit to make it drain a little hopefully and throwed out the lime i had with me.
around 2 kg went for every m2 will be around 54kg total couldnt carry all that at once still missing to spread out a few kg.
The Reeds.

Here i will be growing mainly strain 2 and a few nepal might some others too dno yet.

from past 2 years

500L of fresh soil, already carried out 30 bags for now.

and that gives 12 pots with around 36-40 strain 2 seedlings.

Lots of ants in the old pots, pored the old soil out on some plastic cover as i needed the pots for the fresh soil.
might do something with the old soil too, made 1 pot with the ants to see how they survive also


5-6 weeks old pic of the tent but even more full at this time now still. and have been full soon 3 times now.

After that i drove out to make the drop of the cardbox at a seedspot that will be planted in the dirt sometime tomorrow,
it contains 12 (b3n7 x Erdpurt) x Royal Dane, 4 nepal and 4 Early Dane, more Early dane might go out there later on, forgot the camera so no pics of the dropoff


Allright, nice to see yet an other confident grower, doing his thing.
Bet you sleep good these days, after hauling them loads of lime and soil.

Will be following you.
Good luck.
this is gonna be a fun show, tagged.

Thanks bro, I hope you will enjoy it :)

Allright, nice to see yet an other confident grower, doing his thing.
Bet you sleep good these days, after hauling them loads of lime and soil.

Will be following you.
Good luck.

Hey minister, thanks for stopping by. Not sleeping too well.. Days are long with alot of work to be done still so max 7 hours :shucks:

I can see car lights in the background. wsup with that.

Parking lot i think or maybe a summerhouse :)
This update is about 30 days old.

Dog park/forrest seed spot. - b3n7 x Erdpurt x RD - Nepal - Early Dane

Then i got the plants in the moving box in the dirt. plan here is to let b3n7xerdpurtxrd spread some pollen on some nepal and early dane females.

for the spot i used 300l of soil some animix 10-2-7, 5 kg of lime and some snail poison to deal with those fuckers too.

2 of'em wanted water real bad, but they will be happy again soon... atleast i hope

b3n7 x Erdpurt x Royal Dane
This update will be about 19 days old.

What a nice weather its been and will be the next week plants will love it. been very busy today.

City Spot - Strain1&Strain2 Danish passion or Nothern sun SF edition

In the sunny weather i started out with this spot to see how the plants were doing, loosen the soil for drainage and cut some of the high trees that takes much of the light, normaly dont cut trees but since theyre this tight it will only give space for new life.
Found a single male here too.




Lol m8 your driving fast ..I take a seat and follow the show here also :)
Lets hope brother!


Pics and text is still 19-20 days old here.

Then i drove out to Water The reeds spot 1 and then found 5 males and 1 or 2 females hope they'll start revegging and others wont go into flower.

I then carried 350l of soil out to The reeds spot 2. then prepared 7 pots more.. When it got dark i drove out there again at night to drop off 20 nepals going out tuesday,

Rest of the bags that need to be hauled out the spot 1 and 2.


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