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outdoor 2010 + guerillia


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Ver y nice

I didn't know slugs ate stems?

My guerillia frisian doesn't get much sun , there is a big tree in front , ,wanted to kill the tree but it is too noisy


Active member
thx , yeah all is a- ok apart from losing one guerillia plant

Here are the first Lowryder3x auto al seeds

the plant had been harvested 6 days ago



i had lots of immature seeds cuz i removed her a bit too early , but she was suffering from the heat

i stopped counting at 376 but i have like 2-3000 seeds at least and she gave me 2.5 grams of kief , not the purest cuz i ground up all plant material in a kitchen sieve so that only the seeds remained in the sieve , i did this over a hash screen

I might have to remove the lowryder 2's also a bit earlier , the big lowryder 2 plants have been going since end of april so almost 3 months

they have lots of ripe seeds already from the first pollinations , i wanted to remove those by hand and let the rest ripe , but , the problem is that my manitoba medicien male might start flowering soon , and in tht case , they have to go earlier

I repotted the manitobas tonight

When removing a few lowryder 2's i noticed the top 15 cm of the soil was nice and moist , the rest was bone dry, i only kept one lowryder 2 (from the new batch) to cross with manitoba meds

so i gave all plants a gooood watering

Normally i use the sprinkler system , but not whn plants are flowering , with this heat they needed a lot more


I had one dark purple candy one, then one lighter one with many colors also sweet and candy vanilla like and then i had one that had a forestfruits aroma.

The 7 other phenos where more like purple star and i didn't particulary like those, cuz they weren't sweet.

I also wanted to take cuts to keep as a mother, but i simply don't have the space right now, got too many mothers.

There is one pheno that is finished september 30th, that almost is 100% immune against mold that makes big ass nugs that has a good taste and a good high, ... it is the forest fruits pheno

Nice work on the pheno descriptions!

And good work on your seed too! Some nice healthy ones there! I made some beans once ... it's a bummer waiting for them all to ripen. I'm kinda guessing you've produced seed before so you know what you're doing eh?


Active member
I have made beans before , but only once , that was last year.

I just wanted to count six weeks from the moment i pulled the male

But the ripe seeds from the early pollinations(i had an oscillating fan blowing in front of the male) are already falling out , so i wanted to pick those by hand

Tomorrow morning i'm going to spray my plants before the sun rises , and i'lltake pics of them including the danish gold with the stem

I'm wondering if she still looks half dead


Yeah, about that stem. I was having a little conversation with Ol' Smokey in the UK Outdoor thread about this. It seems he's had the same problem as myself where something had been 'ringbarking' as he puts it, the stem .... basically eating all the outer green 'bark' right around the base of the stem.

A quote from him:
Oh BTW, make sure no other plants touch yours, they can climb up and cross over onto your preciouses. Snail do this more, slugs are fat and lazy and just like to ringbark everything.
I didn't know slugs would do this. Thought they would go for soft leaf, but I caught the bugger doing it!

And i also caught a big fat slug in the act of doing this. Someone suggested it might be a rabbit but there are mutch more succulent bits well within their reach, so i'm convinced it's big fat lazy slugs.

... need a patrol hedgehog, or duck, or toad or something ... but apparently the copper works well enough. It holds a tiny electrical charge they don't like. :Bolt:


Active member
thx 4 the info , i'm gonna buy me some anti snail pellets and throw them in a wide circle around my plant so they don't get onto the hole with good soil my plant is in :thank you:

the stores open monday so tomorrow i'll just put ducktape around the stems so the buggers cant eat through it



Hey my ringbarked plant is fine. I wish i had a pic to show you but the green bark had been eaten away all around leaving the woody inner bit exposed. It was thinner and weaker though so i cut a bamboo stake about 20 inches long drove it into the ground and secured the base of the plant to it with plastic electrical tape and wound more tape around the eaten bit just to make sure the slugs can't get to that same bit again. Then i wound my copper strips right around the very bottom of the stem which should keep the slugs off.

Here you can just see the bamboo cane to the left of the stem along with tape, copper ect. The worse damage is covered up but you can see some damage still above, but the plant itself looks perfectly healthy:


I also added copper strips and wire to the bottom of all 5 plants:


The copper strips are actually these things ... copper plant labels, they're very soft and bendy and i'm sure will expand as the stem expands. The wire is just stripped electrical cable:



Active member
garden update

i think the lowryders need 3 more weeks to be ready

I am gonna start partially harvesting the ripe seeds from the earliest pollinations before they fall on the ground



the mantioba medicines will all be transplanted today from 6 to full ground

i transplanted a few other mm's yesterday as they had been in small pots





the tomatoes are getting friggin huge , they are a pain in the ass and 2 tomatoes fell under their own weight and i had to throw away many branches

the veggies need to be fertilised asap , should have been 2 weeks ago but i always postphoned :D



the auto field


a new LR2 f2 , i culled the other ones cuz i am gonna do a mantioba seedgrow , i only saved the best one



auto ak , the onlky plant that suffered from the heat , leaves are all brown and crispy the other autos are just fine!,

Also has small popcorn buds

Really wondering what the f2 will bring with this lousy plant as only mother , the father ak was good but this plant...... she does smell nice though

And here the lowryder 2 plants , still my favorites





short indica pheno , is also faster





the tall 100cm pheno, all sativa buds





Active member
medium tall pheno





tall pheno 120 cm




medium tall pheno , has almost no sunlight cuz of the others

the lowryder 2 are all very sticky and frosty and smell sweet fruity and just dank


damn wow! love the od ventilator! that tomato looks pretty wild, dont you trim it? looking forward to your guerilla expedition!

lrs are the best i saw, if i select from my eyes!


Active member
Thx DarwinB

@ Esben

Yeah i trim them but i haven't done it for 2 weeks , plus that is a special tomatoe plant i can't explain it in english but it has been topped many times and they are 2 tomatoe plants grafted together , so they get 4 times as big as a normal tomato plant

looking forward to your guerilla expedition!

I really wanna go but i am too high right now i HAVE to wait a bit :D
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Active member
guerillia update

the danish gold died of unknown causes , replaced her with my amnesia/whatever mom

have one backup and took 6 clones



katsu bubba x arne





timewarp 99


guerillia gold 2



poor danish gold , she had been flowering for a week and a half


sssdh x b3


manitoba meds

all plants are back on track:dance013: the manesia flowers later so will have time to grow

Hopefully I won't lose any other plants , weird shit!
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Active member
Wow, nice grow log bro!
Can't wait to see them flower.
Your Lowryders #2 are so nice!!!
I probably did a mistake buying Lowryder F1 ... But anyway I hope we're gonna have some good early smoke!

Keep us updated, that's exciting!

Peace :rasta:


Well-known member
wow wow they looken kick ass. I wish tomatos were that lealthy looking.
try stopen by the sick plant hang out maybe u can tell me wats wrong wit em.


Well-known member
Nice Grow THC123,
I like how the Low Rider #2 looks, Might have to pick up a pack of seeds for next years Outdoor grow.I am currently got 8 Sour 60's outdoor this year, my first true auto flower strain. It would be so nice to just pick a few of those nice big mature seeds of the computer screen. Keep up the nice grow man.