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California does NOT need any more GROWERS!

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DC gov't paying for poor people's medicine

yea cause all the other states with meds for the poor the gov pays for LOL watch your taxes and school cuts


Never use the words growhouse and explosion in the same sentence!Hell no it sucks down here man


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Screw Cali, You fuckas aren't even allowed to own a blowgun. A piece of fucking pipe is illegal but you can grow all the weed you want. LMAO @ u people.
Kaotic can say anthing with a free pass because that is the best looking dog on the Avatar pic I've ever seen!

And I say it all the time


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
SCS thanks man. Damn switchblades are even illegal round here. I can open my front door and shoot whatever moves or go hunting from my bedroom window but a knife's illegal. Fukked laws everywhere.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Dont Blat!!
Im just sayin 40k is alot to have at yer disposal,I hope ya do.

I may or may not, but 30-40k can be saved over a period months. Maybe a year. If you have a job, save your money. If you grow illegal, but want to be legal, save your money. 40k is not hard to acquire if you are growing illegally in many states.

It's not so much pulling money out of your ass. It's more of, do you have what it takes to save and manage your fiances properly. I never said getting your hands on 40k is easy. I said I wouldn't ever move and start up a business with anything less.


You can make 40 grand flowering 24 large plants under 3 1K parabolics.One excellent seedgrow and then the best cuts of course.If you cant pull 5 lbs from 3 1K's and get 4K apiece you havent been studying grasshopper


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Kaotic can say anthing with a free pass because that is the best looking dog on the Avatar pic I've ever seen!
Hey now! :elf:

I could probably move to Cali and do the ground up thing, but I have connections down there to help hook me up, and I know places in more rural parts of the state where I could live nearly as cheep as I do here. It would be scary to actually try to jump into this feet first and eyes closed.

I actually think we are going to see more exporting from California soon, and a serious drop in price if any of he legalization measures go through there.

I'd say that there are better potential markets for bud in other parts of the country, where the people won't stick up their nose at your bud cuz its not the latest Tutti-fruity purkle catpiss clone or whatever, where people will pay good market prices consistantly.

At any rate, I'd never advise anyone to get into commercial growing, get a education, and keep your ass out of jail.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
SCS thanks man. Damn switchblades are even illegal round here. I can open my front door and shoot whatever moves or go hunting from my bedroom window but a knife's illegal. Fukked laws everywhere.

I love being able to walk out my door and squeeze off a few rounds if I so feel inclined. We have a bunch of snakes out here and I hate snakes. They loose. I hate not being able to keep guns where I grow though.

Disclaimer: I, like I'm sure Katoic does, live in BFE where this is perfectly acceptable, if not encouraged behavior.

Safety! Safety! Safety! when dealing with weapons. I don't think I could bring half my stuff with me to Cali. I just thought about that. I know y'all have some weird guns laws. That's another big X for me personally.


I lost my rights to own a gun at 19 over two ounces of erb no boom boom for me.I can hit you with a big stick or throw rocks at you like a disgruntled Palestinian


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
sparkjumper said:
I can hit you with a big stick or throw rocks at you like a disgruntled Palestinian

Fukking priceless.


Active member
5K a pound is dead. That was 2006 prices.

If you break it down, you could get $1,250 a quarter pound for the SUPER, DUPER, KILLER DANK, but even that is considered rape.

If someone claims they're getting $5,000 a pound they're flat out lying. Or you have some suckers that you sell too, and even they will find another plug after awhile. The economy is just too down for those days again...

5K...forget even 4k.

yea back in 2003-4 i heard stories all the time of people getting Ps here in oakland/SF for 3600 and driving down to LA and offing them for 5k

now that socal has rapidly caught up in terms of grows, clubs, prices down there have tanked. if you got someone who pays 4500 consider yourself lucky.

here up north, be lucky if you even have a local knock that pays 36. Be prepared to fight it out with other dealers for your 40 an 8th knocks. If you are customer here most of them have multiple people they can buy off and the leveraging does wonders in terms of price drops....making a living off selling bud is very hard but it is good supplemental income if you have a legit profession.

right now its just super flooded. the only logical thing to do is buy weight here in california and "move" it somewhere else where people still pay 400 a zip.

but if you are still dead set on moving to cali and growing pounds, you need at least 10k and a few grows under your belt.
Just as long as you didn't just squeeze your fat ass into the club and then say nobody else around why you act like an OG and built the god damn club!

Honestly, I am sick of shit of California sending pot to very east Midwest states...while these chicken shits don't learn how to grow and think they are cool...for buying the pot NOBODY in California wants and paying $200 and ounce which is a deal here..but I'm sure you can grow better.

California doesn't seem all it's cracked up to be, unless you are actually connected and have property (and can maintain that!). I meet some real air heads that think they must of been born in California, a place apparently easy to lose yourself and the truth!
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