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C- Banana aka Banana Kush

This sweet tooth #4 male too I found I'd really like to try an outcross with as well. Breeder Steve nailed that cross, and I found a particularity strong smelling blueberry grapefruit candy male, that would match well also, and imo is a superior line to the grapefruit by itself. Idk how the traits will combine but I'm in no hurry so I'd rather take the time to know I made the best choice through just good old fashioned testing.
You're waiting like all of us here.... That have been growing for some time if you're lucky enough maybe you'll get some s1's by HammerHead as that's more than likely the only way anyone outta that small circle will be able to get
Your best bet would either be getting a pack from jaws or anyone else with banana kush which is what cb is

I have the banana kush cut, totally different high and smell and look. The original banana og though is spot on this description wise, looks though the cb has a more ghost look, which is where the high thc numbers come into play I'd imagine and strong effect. My cut hits big numbers in thc but effects wise it's very euphoric and happy and tranquil. It gets stony in the late windows but it's so fickle to grow I rarely run it anymore. If I do it's outside, or for hash.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You should prob make a thread so you can discus all your work..I'm interested in Chiquita Banana or her out crossings.
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You should prob make a thread so you can discus all your work..I'm interested in Chiquita Banana or her out crossings.

I'm not here to self promote even or try to dull your shine bra. Just to explain the differences, obviously there's a lot of confusion in the banana lines. I've ran a bunch, and was told of this thread so as one of the few people who know the lineage well I'm just enlightening everyone with what I know. I was asked to explain things by a member and did now, :huggg: so on to the cb.


I'm not here to self promote even or try to dull your shine bra. Just to explain the differences, obviously there's a lot of confusion in the banana lines. I've ran a bunch, and was told of this thread so as one of the few people who know the lineage well I'm just enlightening everyone with what I know. I was asked to explain things by a member and did now, :huggg: so on to the cb.

lol bra


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I'm not here to self promote even or try to dull your shine bra. Just to explain the differences, obviously there's a lot of confusion in the banana lines. I've ran a bunch, and was told of this thread so as one of the few people who know the lineage well I'm just enlightening everyone with what I know. I was asked to explain things by a member and did now, :huggg: so on to the cb.

lol, I was just stating the obvious. :tiphat:


ICMag Donor
Welcome to ICmag

Welcome to ICmag

Well I've selfed it, crossed it to a few other line breeds and made some polyhybrid crosses as well and a few fem crosses and have worked with it now about 7 years. Every single cross she has dominated.

It seems like all you have done is used the cut to make many different F1 or single generation pairings. In which case, it's simply genetics at play and naturally, you're going to see very clear and strong indications of either parent at various percentages. That is just the nature of a first generation hybrid...regardless of the parents.

The 1989 nl5 noof cross was the most even split I've seen, or the goji cross and numbers wise idk maybe 4-6k seeds total. The traits it breeds true towards are it's banana runts candy smell and flavor, and her structure especially, and that odd look she carries in flower structure. I've not bottlenecked anything yet.

If there is any degree of stability achieved, then you have bottle-necked the plant. In cannabis such terminology has been deemed evil but in every other field of agriculture "bottlenecking" is exactly the end goal. If you haven't reduced the genetic information in a hybrid to be representative of exactly what you want, you haven't bred anything to stability and it most certainly will not bred "true".

You're telling me, based on the above statement, the alleles responsible for terpene profile, meristem growth and flower structure are all uniquely tied together in this particular plant which allows all of these traits to surface in the resulting filial generations.

It is impossible to know such a thing without utilizing the tools of molecular breeding.

I'm still debating which route to take, the pure route, or an improved outcross. Sales wise people want the goods pure, but personally I think one of the outcrosses is a better starting point towards an fgen line. Particularly the grapefruit cross, I knew the two would match up well, but it really stayed similar phenotypically in the f1 gen.

This is precisely the nature of any and every F1. I'm not sure what you mean by an Fgen line, but I am assuming you are thinking about it from the nature of what is often called an IBL, or a single line carried out 7-12 generations.

Truth is, depending on where you start stabilizing a plant, a BC2 (Bx2) is still an F1 generation in that it is the first generation of that particular genetic pairing. The BC2 only gives significance to the parental makeup and is not a measure of stability.

I'm not a bx fan so I'd rather try an ibl route but I'm working my urkle cross with stardawg and my collab with jaws on the forum cut gsc bx1 f2 pollen I slammed back into the forum cut.

There is nothing wrong with a backcross. I think you misunderstand it's purpose and usage in breeding. You say you are not a fan of backcrossing and in the very same sentence you state your plans to further backcross GSC. I hope you realize the purpose of backcrossing is actually to restore variation. Not reduce it.

The white x stardawg is next, and maybe starfighter pure or huckleberry kush ibl. The urkle dawg and white stardawg were my best two crosses imo, and I really like the forum cut, so my priority lies elsewhere. But for example when I made stardawg crosses, it was to f2 my phenos. The crosses were fill in spots open. And I took like 4 years to do a round robin f2 but kept the different males separate to see which was best. And did now, and did my f2s and have a few more crosses still and I'll kill him off and move on. I prefer to run some numbers and try to be within my numbers still so it's a slower process than I'm used to being legal now.

None of this was relevant to the questions I asked but it was a nice little blurb about your future breeding plans.

In the end, you didn't really answer my questions as much as you talked circles around them with a few cannabis sounding vocabulary words tossed in for good measure. I had a hard time following any of the above.

You could have just said - "I've pollinated everything I possibly could and for the most part I like what I've seen."

I actually had a post about 10x longer than this. I deleted it and decided to keep it short and sweet.

What you didn't answer was 100x more revealing than what you did answer; Considering what you did answer showed the same generic cannabis "breeder" rhetoric.

The ICmag community has grown and learned. Our understanding of cannabis is much more vast than it was even 5 years ago. Those who remain on this site do so for the knowledge. The years of embracing every shill slinging beans has past.

The end result of that has been a filtering of the sites membership. Most the capitalist seed hacks have moved on to other boards or sites, like Instagram, where there still exists an uneducated market from which to take advantage of with the same rhetoric that worked here a decade ago.

Sorry. It's not my intent to bash you. Quite the opposite. I hope rather than get offended you humble yourself and just simply drop the marketing 101 shtick and admit the truth. (not publicly, but to yourself) If you are able to do that you'll open yourself to the possibility of learning a whole new world of knowledge.

I miss TomHill. He tried to steer us this direction years ago and it fell on deaf ears. It took me about 4 years of serious study to grasp what he was saying then. Now I get it. He was right.

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In the end, you didn't really answer my questions as much as you talked circles around them with a few cannabis sounding vocabulary words tossed in for good measure. I had a hard time following any of the above.

You could have just said - "I've pollinated everything I possibly could and for the most part I like what I've seen."

I actually had a post about 10x longer than this. I deleted it and decided to keep it short and sweet.

What you didn't answer was 100x more revealing than what you did answer; Considering what you did answer showed the same generic cannabis "breeder" rhetoric.

Scientific terms don't make a shit of difference when the final result is found through testing in the end. Now you want to talk alleles and zygosity, so we can both sound smart. Lol, like only scientists with degrees can be breeders, like your implying. I think the world has managed without the fancy scientific language for years. As far as zygosity of the alleles, technically to be a true breeding plant or animal it will be very line bred before it's considered homozygous. Which is impossible without line breeding for years for specific alleles. Which almost no breeder anymore does and it's not my fault either. See when you buy a English mastiff you already know what to expect basically because it's homozygous, and has been for years. But variations and mutations still pop out like the English bulldog and the pug both did. Just admit to yourself you think I'm underneath you, and we can both be content then ;).

The ICmag community has grown and learned. Our understanding of cannabis is much more vast than it was even 5 years ago. Those who remain on this site do so for the knowledge. The years of embracing every shill slinging beans has past.

The end result of that has been a filtering of the sites membership. Most the capitalist seed hacks have moved on to other boards or sites, like Instagram, where there still exists an uneducated market from which to take advantage of with the same rhetoric that worked here a decade ago.

What is the purpose of this thread then? If it's not about capitalism? Showing off a cut you won't give out? Come on man, I didn't just get off the banana boat lol.

Sorry. It's not my intent to bash you. Quite the opposite. I hope rather than get offended you humble yourself and just simply drop the marketing 101 shtick and admit the truth. (not publicly, but to yourself) If you are able to do that you'll open yourself to the possibility of learning a whole new world of knowledge.

I miss TomHill. He tried to steer us this direction years ago and it fell on deaf ears. It took me about 4 years of serious study to grasp what he was saying then. Now I get it. He was right.


I'm out of seeds so why would I need to market them? And my company at every site basically on the web, and they do the advertisimg for me lol. No offense taken, I could tell by your tone your intentions right away ;). I breed dogs as well as other plants so I'm not as uneducated as I may seem to you. But the scientist lingo is only to stroke egos imo, like you have to even know any of it to be relevant type spin doctoring. That's why I didn't even get into it with you about alleles zygosity and how homozygous a line is, just to see how you react because your tone wasn't one of questioning but one of a superiority complex. Adios, I spit my .02 and I thought that's why the thread was open to discuss, not a witch hunt on my knowledge or college education, or whether I comprehend the science behind breeding or terminology used. And fwiw Chiquita banana sounds like the banana Og grown well. I can't wait til Adam Dunn does a banana DNA genome project to see who's keeping it real and who's not lol:laughing:


Andinismo Hierbatero
It seems like all you have done is used the cut to make many different F1 or single generation pairings. In which case, it's simply genetics at play and naturally, you're going to see very clear and strong indications of either parent at various percentages. That is just the nature of a first generation hybrid...regardless of the parents.

That's not correct.

Specially considering that the poster you are responding to is using polyhybrids to begin with. So parents do matter in regards what can be expected in the resulting generation.

If you look at it from Independent Assortment point of view, you'd see that once a polyhybrid x polyhybrid are crossed, the resulting offspring is all over the place.

If you have messed around making seed for a while, it's easy to see how some crosses' offspring will not resemble the parents in most individuals. If it were that simple and clear cut as "simply genetics at play", breeding desireable stable varieties would be way easier than it actually is.


ICMag Donor
If you had the knowledge you would have shared the information that was asked. These days, with such large, corporate outfits being formed with vast financial resources, you never know what kind of lab someone is working with.

As you say, DNA work is being done constantly. I simply assumed, given your extensive use of layman terms, that perhaps you had decided to dumb down for us simple common folk and you were speaking factually about your work. When you stated the traits bred true, I assumed it was because you had carried several sibling lines to at least F7 or F8 across populations of a the very bare minimum of 100 plants each and had looked at the percentage of the populations expressing the said traits.

I assumed you were speaking from the perspective of someone with access to something DNA testing where you stated that not only did it breed true but bred true for multiple traits.

I didn't "trick" you nor did I "bait" you nor did I "troll" you. I asked you direct and fair questions. I assumed I would get a direct and factual response.

I didn't assume you were uneducated. Nearly the exact opposite. If your accusation were true, I would not have asked you a question about quantitative genetics - but perhaps instead, something about tootsie rolls or mowing the lawn.

The thread is open for discussion. I don't see where a moderator has locked it or closed it. Even after you derailed it by trying to talk up your banana work while simultaneously down playing your underlying purpose for being on IC - which I don't think anyone actually brought to question, you just sort of volunteered that.

I actually wouldn't have known you were a breeder had you not submitted your unsolicited disclaimer of intent. Sort of ironic when you think about it.

I'm even more convinced of what a sincere person you are now... since you just had to throw shade at RB26 randomly at the end of your message. I'll just assume it's personal and really none of my business. Either that or he's another person you've never met that you up and assume you know and have decided you just don't like him either.

Is that how your mind works? You just sit there and plot these scenarios out?

Pretty lame, brah!

PS - Everything I know about cannabis and about plants I learned from reading forums and listening to people who suggested I read some books. It's not about ego. It's about proper usage of terminology to prime and prepare the cannabis community for what's coming in the next few years when pharmaceutical companies begin research and when people publish DNA results and when people get called out for being hacks...everyone should know and understand why. Just a matter of taking the grow room from the closet to the laboratory. I want to see progress. Only so many ways you can discuss soil or hydro or extracting or any of the rest of it.

If you had the relevant information to answer my questions and you consciously chose not to share it, and instead decide to take this...route...to verbally accost and spit unsubstantiated non-sense...well, that just makes you bad at customer service. Quite horrible, actually. Really. Not your strong suit. I see completely why you have other people handle your distribution. Good call on your part. You at least have the money making side of it down.

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
cherry cookies x Chiquita Banana, I have about 20 of these to look through. This is the 1st I have flowered of this cross..


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Active member
Rb26 my 22 in my s13 would smash you.. lol jus kiddin. Anything new going on with the Nana? Im also just wondering, if Hammer upped the N and the leaves turned Dark Lush green, wouldnt that resemble your cut alot? mI know its just a pic but it reminds me alot of the pics I saw from you earlier in this thread...

Hammer are you looking for something different or specific? Just asking since you now crossed Cb with C Cookies.. Also how long has she been flowering for? IT only looks A couple weeks at most after the pistils really started to show. But the frost on her makes her seem A little older.. Sugar trim looks like its gonna be straight White, I wonder what that means for the flowers...

Man you guys make me jealous... Hopefully one day im at the point where the knowledge ive gained from help, and through Trial and Error. Help me to finally be able to bring out the maximum potential of the strains im currently growing, so they look and grow just as good as the plants you guys grow.
I just hope ill be able to keep these strains for that long.. Most likely it'll take years of growing, in order for me to get even near that level...

I cant even say that A certain strain /plant has bad genes, so I should cull it and buy better genetics.. I cant even give it the chance to show me what it can even do...
(really want cereal thats why)

BUT I can say that the plants you guys grow look damn good!!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I take my pics in the dark so the leaves look darker then they are. My soil mix of HF & SS#4 works great for me.. Im sure the extra N is from HF. I have used SS#4 alone witch gave me some deficiency's. All my girls are very healthy using the mix so I will continue. I posted that in the wrong order its CC X CB. No I'm not looking for anything other than High quality with excellent flav/aroma's.. She is 30 days, She looks normal to me at this age.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
CBS1 coming. Waiting for the seed plant to have large enough flowers to pollinate. I have made Triangle Kush, Purple Pantera, Motherloaded all crossed to Cbanana. Depending on how much pollen I get will determing what else gets made. Most of it will get used making S1. I plan on doing a whole plant this will take a lot of pollen to do.

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Active member
Hey Hammer!

Is there any specific reasons to why you chose to grow some plants out in SS#4? I was planning to use that and make A 1/2 and 1/2 mix with FFOF, since ive been having toxicity issues recently. Its weird cause even when I would use just FFOF for veg/flower with other strains awhile back I would get deficiency problems. I've been trying out A 1/2 and 1/2 mix with FFOF and lightwarrior with some extra perlite, but im not feelin this mix for some reason..

With that cut you used being Relentless' clone, is that the reason you wouldnt ever release it? Or is the cross you've made just not up to certain standards of yours? It looks pretty damn good imho. But my opinion also probably doesnt matter to most in this Cannabis World lol..
The reason why I said that girl in the picture you posted looks older. Is because of how frosty she is, and how she looks ALOT more filled out then my plants look at the same age that girl is in flowering.. I wasnt intending to say anything bad or negative about the way your girls looks lol. The purpose of my last post was to tell you how fricken good your plants look, and that I hope one day ill be able to grow flowers that I'd be able to even bring up atleast in my mind to compare to your Grade A flowers.

Is there A certain method to storing pollen for A longer time for later use, that you have found to work better then others? Also any method for storing seeds for a long perioid of time that you like to use? Sorry to ask if you didnt want to let the whole world know lol..

Cant wait to see the variation of those S1s. About how long into flower do you usually wait? I've seen guys pollinate 3-4 weeks into flower, when theres hardly any calyx formation and mostly just pistils. I thought thats A little to early, but they told me its so they dont waste any space and have immature seeds when its time to chop..


Well-known member
thinking about hitting my 60/40 with some fem pollen from my reversed fruity pebble og f1 cereal cut.

already made some BANANA PEBBLES but these would be of the fem kind..

humm may be :biggrin: