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Hey guys,just wanted to show you some BHO I buddered up ,it came out very blonde and flaky kind of like Comphashion's Rosin.Oh yeah ,after I buddered it up I let it sit in a dark place for a few days.It hits very smooth and hard.



Active member
some bho paste

some bho paste

here is some fresh budder but it is already bone dry...thanx tug!...this is my first post on icmag but im an old og boy



Great thread!

SWIM's first batch using ISO turned out super potent and it is much easier to handle than oil.

So this is more potent than plain oil because it evaporates the terpenes off?
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High all, anyone ever try using a water filter(brita type charcoal filter)to filter the iso bud mix ? Works like a charm, just rince the filter with some iso before you start and use it just like you would filter water. Of course, first filter through cheese cloth or canning filter. Peace. RR.


Active member
Thanks Tug fore sharing - :wave:

tug said:
Of course I don't have a HPLC, or GC, or even a proper laboratory, that quote about the Cannabinoids being bred out of much of the pot in BC came from Dr. Paul Hornby, who does have this equipment......

Here is what sam_Skunkman had to say abouth that topic

When you said this were you just joking or do you really believe that most Cannabis has a significant proportion of CBD? If you do believe that most Cannabis has significant CBD then you are certainly not up to date on Cannabis science and should not be giving advice to anyone else. I bet that almost all of the serious posters on this site know that CBD is not found in large amounts in most western grown Cannabis, why don't you?

-SamS (he also have that type of gear )

It's from this post http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=39661&page=4&pp=15 It's funny and informativ
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Cannabrex Formulator
I was making "budder" like that since I started making BHO, back in 2001....never thought it was something special, just easier to handle.


When you said this were you just joking or do you really believe that most Cannabis has a significant proportion of CBD? If you do believe that most Cannabis has significant CBD then you are certainly not up to date on Cannabis science and should not be giving advice to anyone else. I bet that almost all of the serious posters on this site know that CBD is not found in large amounts in most western grown Cannabis, why don't you?

I think he means that theres enough CBD to alter the high, there will never be more CBD than THC in any plant so a huge ammount would be like 3%.


My little pony.. my little pony
genkisan said:
I was making "budder" like that since I started making BHO, back in 1901....never thought it was something special, just easier to handle.




Shit Vertie you cracked the Budder Kings secret method, awesome job man. You've outed the secret, WAHOOOO!!!!!!
Instead of bicking over BS you should have spent your time outlining why people would want to make budder in the first place because this thread is more or less worthles as a information resource. Take some example from wiki on how to present a quick and concise write up. That's how you inform people and spread information.

Drawling out your point just to keep people listening to you longer is stupid and it wastes everyones time because these posts are supposed to be informative first and useless BS a distant second.

Yea this is why you see more and more of the best information on PDF and video now instead of on these forums because you don't have to interact with all the BS. You just post your shit and you're done and everyone gets a concise and to the point write up. If you want fame than put your name in big font.

Don't you have it when weed dealers force you to listen to their stupid ass stories over and over again when all you really want to do is get a bag and go smoke with you're real friends. That's kind of what this reminds me off. It's because many of them have no real friends I think. Being paranoid for decades takes it toll on your personality.

Anyway I've been researching resin making methods and happened upon this thread, but of all the ones I've read this is by far the most hyped and least organized. I've read a couple pages of it and I still don't even see why I'd want my resin to look like paste. Because it's slightly less harsh ?? I mean why not just do a good write up to start the thread with.

Saying you're on a lot of forums is just a BS excuse. So go to one of the other forums where you didn't start your thread out like a jackass and then copy and paste it. How hard is that to do?

You're telling us that you'd rather waste your time phishing for interest than just copy and pasting good info. That doesn't make any bit of sense dude. You spent more of your time playing head games than you would have if you just did one good write up and pasted to all the popular forums. It would take all of 15 minutes to distribute it once you made it up and by your own account none of this information is secret or proprietary or even your own original ideas. Rationalize that.

It's not like you found the secret to fusion through cannabis just spill the beans and let us refine you're work. All too often idiots come on here with their BS ideas and they all have THIS SAME EXACT APPROACH. So if you're looking for respect for doing a how to or such you're going about it entirely the wrong way. You appear more of a con than someone looking to offer information to the community. That is probably why you were ready for all the people who would dislike you, because this happens to you every time.

So.. get a better attitude and you will resolve that problem. Anyway the method looks interesting, but personally I was under the impression that ISO washing was kind of a dying method anyway and commonly viewed as inferior in quality to BHO from most threads I've read. Of course it seems many people have motivations to support their own methods rather than the best method as a means to game personal fame. So most people are going BHO or bubble these days aren't they ? Either they want the pure power of BHO or they want the all natural process of bubble because they fear chemical residue. Kind of leaves ISO as a odd man out since it's the process is just that much slower, harder and less effective than BHO and obviously those who want bubble for it's none chemical nature will not want anything done in ISO or BHO. So is the only advantage of budder that it just tastes better or burns better? That doesn't seem like a big enough deal to chose it over well done BHO. I mean check out the pics on good BHO, the shit looks awesome and certainly more like traditional honey oil and everyone says it's the more potent way to go.

I assume the flakeyness of this shit makes it last longer or something ? I'm really not impressed at all. It seems like extra work for nothing and on top of that it's harder to do with BHO which is easier to work with than ISO. If the dude just did a decent write up I wouldn't be left with a bunch of questions or getting a headache from trying to read this long winded shitty thread.

This forums are becoming more and more about marketing and ego and less and less about honestly sharing information and cooperation. Check out the awesome how to gro vids on file shares (utorrent and emule are decent clients)... where information is actually uncensored and free and doesn't come with bunch of drama and BS. You'll learn a lot more, a lot faster with video anyway. Most threads are badly organized (like this one) and lack the proper step by step instructional feel. Good educational material is made for ease of use on purpose not as a hook to draw in people for personal satisfaction. You can't rely on information from people who present their data like that. They potentially have bias like bubbleman that makes their posts nothing but misinformation. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy would stand behind budder no matter what even if we found it it was like highly unhealthy to smoke (not that it is), just that his goal is not to spread information, but to feed his ego. You can tell not just from his actions, but with how he handled the critics of his actions saying that if we don't like it to get off the thread.

How about if we don't like it...you get off our forum. That's how it works. The only reason you're hear and any of this is hear is because WE are here. And, you can bet we'll get every bit of info you'll ever have in you're brain and a lot more assimilated into this forum. So get a grip on who is who here. YOU are nobody... and THIS is a community of people looking for educational material on cultivation and related activities. We aren't here to play games with you.
You don't come to someone else's community and dictate the rules to them. You're information isn't even remotely that good to come out with an attitude like that. The real question is how you can not realize that you're being an ass and that nothing you have to say will be worth your attitude. Some people may deal with it, but ultimately do you think they will want to credit you with having taught them, probably not. Anyway.. some people can be teachers and some people suck at it. You have to have patience and a good resolve and not potentially insult your audience. You only hurt yourself by having a bad attitude ultimately because like it or not you're a social creature and living with an inability to communicate well is a massive disadvantage.

You know you came on here with the intent to tease us with you're recipe. You knew that people on here would wait it out if the info seemed tantilizing enough. These are not the coincidences of your lazyness. You knew ICmag was one of the most popular forums up right now. You didn't just happen upon it not knowing if this information would be useful. It wouldn't be so bad if you weren't just lying to our faces about it. Like.. oh no man.. that didn't just happen.

Notice he posted RIGHT after someone else started to release the information he had. He saw his edge vanishing and instantly caved. This dude is a chump. Don't let his second hand knowledge fool you. We are better off without people like this. We can copy and paste his thread without actually having to interact with him anyway and since he isn't very cooperative he isn't much use as an individual.