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bobblehead v5.0 1800w flip pods. Time to get serious.


Active member
okey dokey, I'm back! It's been a long long day of work. I developed some high-tech modifications to keep the coco in the pot once it's tilted...

I started off by cutting out a slit in a foam plate, and placing it on the top of the pot. If you're prone to stabbing yourself, I suggest safety scissors.

Zip-tied the bags shut with their handles and some more "breast cancer awareness" zip-ties... I love boobies! :D

and then place in a 13 gallon trash bag. It's no pond liner, but it should do the job.

Now that the pots have been modified to work with the bobbleracks, we can move forward...


Active member
This took a really really long time... loading up 64 plants...




Gonna veg for a few more days, maybe a week, at least till I get the water sorted, and we're gonna flip em!


Active member
After spending a good amount of time with these plants... I can guarantee purple buds in a couple weeks. Some of these plants are dead ringers for their purp mom, except not as ridiculously bushy. The growth has been completely straightened out, at least for now... These plants can use some extra veg... Neither parents were crazy stretchers.


excellent progress dude :D bet your pleased to have them in.... if Neither parents were crazy stretchers then them girls are going to want some vegging if yor wantin 3 zips a plant...

whats the plan to open the coliseum up as the plants get bigger spacing them further and further apart to give adequate space for them to get nice and big?

keep on keepin on man :D


Dude, that is sweet! Been waitin for you to throw those plants in. Very nice man! I love this setup, cant wait to see it in a couple weeks!


Active member
excellent progress dude :D bet your pleased to have them in.... if Neither parents were crazy stretchers then them girls are going to want some vegging if yor wantin 3 zips a plant...

whats the plan to open the coliseum up as the plants get bigger spacing them further and further apart to give adequate space for them to get nice and big?

keep on keepin on man :D

I was so happy to finally get some plants in there... This has been a long time coming!

I'm thinking about just flipping the plants after a few days and calling it good. 1/2 of them are males, that's how I'm going to make room. :) The plants leaning toward the skunk side will definitely stretch a good amount, but the purp side hardly stretches at all. I ran 2 separate water lines, so that I can pull 8 rack out in 4 weeks, after all the males have shown, and I'm ready to start the other room with pre-vegged Strawberry Diesel x Chem bx1 clones.


really dude a few days... just had another look if your going to loose half of them as there males your going to have bundles of room and dude if you get 3 zips from them girls i wil rip my shit down and copy everything you do forever lol:biglaugh:

honestly all the hard work you have put in so far... you want to get the best out of this you can and learn what you can for a first run huh?...:2cents:

defo a bit more veg if it was me also give them roots time to thicken up :shucks:

good luck with whatever you choose dude am here for the ride :canabis:


Active member
yeah, basically that's the other thing I was thinking... I've come this far, what's another 1.5-2 weeks to let the plants thicken up...


space gardener
Lookin real good, love how clean everything looks. I don't think you would regret some extra veg time, looks like you have a decent amount of room to work with there.


Active member
Thanks Aero... Really what I need to do is veg for 2 more weeks getting everything dialed, and then after 4 weeks, leave the racks in place, and build 16 more... ha ha... I don't wanna move a single one. It's perfect how it is.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Wow in MO today andjust saw your NEW pics ..excellant Bobble, that room is gunna rock! I think you have so much reflectix it is gonna glow like nothing else. I am definately going to look at trying to mimic your design, but maybe I can send you a token of my appreciation (wink).

Great Job now on the road to Fresno and home.


What an inspiring grow. A+++ I can't wait too see the flip!

Thanks so much for posting clear pics of your racks and the way you hang your lights. I'm setting up a stadium right now and was trying to figure out a good way to hang my 4 lights vertically. :tiphat: tip of the hat sir

Thanks to DHF too. just for being around. seems every time you post I learn something useful haha

Bobblehead, Are you planning on setting up another set of racks in another room on a flipflop system? or just keeping one large flower room with 2 colloseums?


Active member
Wow in MO today andjust saw your NEW pics ..excellant Bobble, that room is gunna rock! I think you have so much reflectix it is gonna glow like nothing else. I am definately going to look at trying to mimic your design, but maybe I can send you a token of my appreciation (wink).

Great Job now on the road to Fresno and home.

Yeah man the whole room is a big reflectix circle. I just lined up all the racks to make sure they were even. I'm not losing any light. 100% usage. There's a reason why this system has so much yield potential... Safe travels.

What an inspiring grow. A+++ I can't wait too see the flip!

Thanks so much for posting clear pics of your racks and the way you hang your lights. I'm setting up a stadium right now and was trying to figure out a good way to hang my 4 lights vertically. :tiphat: tip of the hat sir

Thanks to DHF too. just for being around. seems every time you post I learn something useful haha

Bobblehead, Are you planning on setting up another set of racks in another room on a flipflop system? or just keeping one large flower room with 2 colloseums?

Happy to help. Here's my situation... I'm a licensed caregiver, legally allowed to have 72 plants. I even feel comfortable taking it to 99 using someone else script.... but this is a rental property, so in the event someone does come in and the police get involved, I don't want to risk a felony... For safety sake, I'm going to do 32 plants a room. 2 rooms on a flip, and the veg tent. I won't be building new racks for this location. It won't take me many runs though before I can buy a house...


Active member
I've figured out how I'm going to afford another 2 weeks of veg time... no big deal. Ran the water today. That was fun. I made a bit of a mess, but I guess that's why I put down the pond liner... 1 500gph pump does the job with the water dripping out the valves for all 64 plant sites. Having the individual shut-off valves was a brilliant idea for me however, as I killed 2 or 3 plants while I was over there... They'll be replaced with clones. ha ha...

Here we go full blast!

but we're dialed down to a drip.


Just couldn`t stand it huh Bro....Hadta fill the fucker up....Ahhhh , the impatience of youth.....LOL.....and....

Yessir.....gotta fill them bags with some rootmass my buddy.....plenty of room for the size plants you`re after once vegged couple more weeks , or rather how ever long it takes NEXT run under T-5`s or whatever yas veg under to save the big lights just fer bloomage....

Then you`ll know exactly how long it takes ta veg and fill up tha racks for maximum sq ft coverage....

Gotta luv how yas improvise and make shit work in your situation......Booby zipties and plastic plates on top......:dance013:...

Over here on my bucket waitin fer thisun ta go VIRAL.....

Peace Bro.....DHF....:ying:.....

Edit: Missed the pics on feed dialage.....killer job.....just takes a lil time.....lettin rootzone`s dry out will speed up rootmass building.....


Active member
Just couldn`t stand it huh Bro....Hadta fill the fucker up....Ahhhh , the impatience of youth.....LOL.....and....

Yessir.....gotta fill them bags with some rootmass my buddy.....plenty of room for the size plants you`re after once vegged couple more weeks , or rather how ever long it takes NEXT run under T-5`s or whatever yas veg under to save the big lights just fer bloomage....

Then you`ll know exactly how long it takes ta veg and fill up tha racks for maximum sq ft coverage....

Gotta luv how yas improvise and make shit work in your situation......Booby zipties and plastic plates on top......:dance013:...

Over here on my bucket waitin fer thisun ta go VIRAL.....

Peace Bro.....DHF....:ying:.....

Edit: Missed the pics on feed dialage.....killer job.....just takes a lil time.....lettin rootzone`s dry out will speed up rootmass building.....

yeah... well they were already in the #5's... :D Next run will be different.

Looking back, I probably would have had the veg tent up first... but I was so excited about building the racks I jumped way ahead of myself. Live and learn...

It's only gonna get better from here my man. Thanks for all your help so far.


Probably missed it during hiatus, but did you ever upgrade to 6' or is your coli still at 4'??

Can't wait to see her filled and blooming :tiphat: