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Blue Sat 2.2 (freebies) grow

Dunno if anyone else has brought it up,but the auto trait could be coming from the SWT. It appearently likes to auto if root bound. What size pots are they in? Don't know if you can revert them to veg by up potting or if you'd even want that. But it's something to look out for with the clones...

Space Ghost

Dunno if anyone else has brought it up,but the auto trait could be coming from the SWT. It appearently likes to auto if root bound. What size pots are they in? Don't know if you can revert them to veg by up potting or if you'd even want that. But it's something to look out for with the clones...

The two big ones are in 5gal buckets but they have been in there for quite some time, but I wouldn't call them root bound. But I'll be sure to have plenty of "leg-room" for the clones.

Thanks a lot for the heads up!

Space Ghost

roots on 4 of 7 clones, will flip em sometime this weekend.... so 15 days to root in peat pellets... not too bad, not too good either though...

Space Ghost

I like to have a couple sets of leaves, IME it acts as a nutrient buffer and helps during the process of colonizing the new medium with roots while maintaining proper turger pressure...

Always good to see you around hank...

Also, one clone was getting so rooty I had to throw it in some dirt... So off it goes...
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Space Ghost



First some mutated leaves from our little friend... the auto mutant...



The whole thing:


Closer, note the deep purple stems:


And A shot of the trunk on one of the other females...


Space Ghost

Some shots of the other females...



And some "bud" shots



Note the extremely long calyxes (some with a slight purple hue)


What a bizarre plant!

Space Ghost

well, considering that plant has been under 24/0 for it's entire life, I'm anxious to see what it will do under 12/12...

Not to mention the other two fems...

Space Ghost

They have officially been flipped! The first lights on will be tomorrow morning!

Space Ghost

UPDATE: day 1 flowering....

UPDATE: day 1 flowering....

Individual plants: The ones with orange pots are in five gallons of soil and the mutant is in 3 or maybe 2.5 (not quite sure)



and the auto-mutant....


And a couple more close shots of the mutant....



NOW the fun begins...



you mentioned only running 60-70 watts, is this for flower too? increasing the watts per sq ft might have helped stop from auto flowering

Space Ghost

I am running 4 68w (actual consumption) bulbs, as close to the plants a heat allows most are < 1" from the plant.

I think I will use these bulbs for flowering, I've got 1k's laying around gathering dust, but if I ran even one 1k, I'd have to run AC. I had considered buying a 150w hps but even If I bought it a component level (transformer, igniter, bulb, socket, wires ect.) it's going to run me ~$55 and money is very tight right now... so I'll just flower with the cfl's I have... For various reasons.

The main reason is that I don't want to run that much juice for unproven genes... I have no idea what I have right now, and I don't want to invest that much money on potential herms or just a bullcrap pheno... After I have a mother I really like, then I will step it up.

Also, cfls have produced some of the frostiest buds I've ever had the pleasure of working with, like this one


Space Ghost

They are really stretching now... Not too bad so far though... and the clones are vegging nicely...