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Black Geisha


ICMag Donor
First batch will be at the bay by the weekend.

Packs of 15+ carefully selected for the server auction.


Packs of 10 equally viable for use as freebies.


Plenty of manageable phenos , all good lookers and a nice selection of C99 and Geisha flavours to be found in the mix.

Plenty more if people want them.


ICMag Donor
Thanks PrinSeshJasmine , they reached the bay i think by monday , should be OK to ask for them as specific freebies , let me know if no luck.


ICMag Donor
Next three to finish are all well coloured , BG54 has the preferred bud formation and a promiseing smell at 58 days flowertime , about a week to go.

This one stayed compact at 18 inches and has a soft wet look to the buds that seems to go with the best flavours.

At nine plants per square foot in a 0.8 litre pot on basic soil they seem happy enougth , the taller Thai influenced plants are less amused but stand the stress with no hermies seen.


Keeping five females and three males as clones so far and getting harder to choose keepers as memories fade , would have been infinately better to have been able to run 100+ together but will get there in the end.

Have realised it is pointless to judge a cross on the basis of a limited number of plants , the true distribution of phenotypes is only revealed past 50 and a sample of 10 is statistically invalid.

Every plant has been documented and photographed in the same way and the data should eventually prove interesting , have not yet found two exactly the same based on on visual criteria and there are many flavours to be found and two distinct highs.

Not seen an extreme freak yet , they are the ones i really want to find and play with , total selection will be around 200 eventually which may produce something of interest.

Hopefully includeing a compact fast black male that smells like a sweetshop and is covered in trichs and stable .........

Small test crosses with two other males are starting , a Hidoll from Annac and a Cherrychunk from Mountainhigh used in F2,s for something completely different from a C99 based male for a change.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
They are looking great, Have they already been listed? Did i miss them? I will have to order just to request the freebies if i missed them


ICMag Donor
Freebies are going out , server fund not listed yet as $20 BIN,s.

This one at 70 days has sweet fat buds and very weak stems , one original C99 x Blackberry was similar , fresh citrus odour uncommon.


Survived being watered with pH 10 from a contaminated water butt and a dose of mites so looks a bit tatty , mites have not fed from coloured areas and seem to avoid them.


To Have More ... Desire Less
i'm hooked ......I'll take sum of that pronto.........reallly.....dont keep us waiting ....those look stellar......


Active member
ICMag Donor
this shit has made me look at seedbay twice now, list them ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, anyways, great shit man, total respect for you man. peace and smoke.

herbal essences

Looks amazing foomar really is a jaw dropper, requested the freebie with my seedboutique order, doubt ill get it but who knows!


ICMag Donor
Thanks for the encouragement , looking forward to seeing what others find in them good or bad.

Trying to speed up selection by trying very short veg times and stupidly small pots to run better numbers.
This one has some branching after 7/59 days from seed , just over a metre high and just dropped fans after some toxic watering.
Also has a few mites and several different moulds on the leaves but they have all been tougth plants.

First green one after several purps in a row , might still turn as some do so very fast and late in the cycle but not temp induced.

More than average trichome coverage and a very Geisha smell to this one ,let down a bit by quite floppy stems but has better than average yield so workable.


The trichomes on this one are capitate with resinous heads , have found one plant very similar to this one which looked equally frosty but on close inspection had only stalks , fine flavour but lower potency as expected.


ICMag Donor
Great show!!

Hey Foomar, just wanted to let you know, I received your Black Geisha as a freebie with my last order from the Bay! Looking forward to growing this one out....the pictures are worth a 1000 words!



Active member
ICMag Donor
are they going up as bins anytime soon? wanted to grab a pack of these before i sent my order in?


ICMag Donor
Have yet to sort these and a similar amount in the fridge and will send in by next friday at latest.
Small test grows of this lot and others are in early veg and good so far , will give details later of exactly what the genetics are when available.


The Geisha F2,s , Hidoll , Black Geisha and hopefully Cherrychunk will have some $20 BIN,s for server fund and freebies , all the rest just as freebies.

The Hidoll and Cherrychunk might be of particular interest to fellow pollen chuckers for the males alone , some unique traits to be found and worth exploreing in both lines and seem stable.

On the origin of mix packs ....
Seconds after i packed this lot away the cat jumped in through the window scared by next doors dog , landed right where this was set up .
So close to becomeing 100 packs of " Foomar,s Folly " , would have been fun working out the phenos from this eclectic mixture.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
i will grab a pack of the mixed for sure
Thanks for posting foomar the wife and i have been waiting for these to hit the bay
Thanks bro
Big harvests to you


ICMag Donor
Thanks shaun , have grown out enougth now to have confidence in the quality and am sure you will find something of interest amongst them.

Another green one that stands out from the run , this is at 7/59 days from seed which is particularly fast as nearly done.


Buds are denser than average and the smell is exotic and of my preferred type.


This seedplant has been through hell and is starting to drop , bud that is left late is a fine narcotic smoke and nothing like unseeded , another growers treat that more than compensates for any reduction in overall room yield due to excessive pollen chucking.


Small plant takes little space up on a shelf sidelit in an 0.8 litre pot yet gives around 200 - 250 fat viable seed if done properly.


Will start an incross soon and see how far i can push this in the selected direction.
Deeply coloured males of compact habit and good trichome coverage are seemingly rare and might not find another within the 200 , will try a test on the BG49 clone which is my personal favourite to date to get things moveing and satisfy my curiosity.
A small test of a high yielding C99xBlackberry clone with the Geisha male produced much larger plants with similar good odour profiles but none had any colour so was not continued , solid plants and very sticky run 65 - 80 days , will send them in for freebies.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Of course I fucking missed these. Was holding out for black geishas and even missed them camping out on the iPhone. Son of a bitch. Guess I'll send my order in and hope for some black geishas as freebies. Peace smoke.


so its done? man I missed them 2! If anybody f2s these thing let me know

foomar got anymore?