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bitchhitsbongs GROW DIARY

anima- thank you they did grow a lot didn't they, I'll be transplanting this time at beginning of flowering cause on my last grow I transplanted during flowering, didn't hurt them though but from what everyone else says you shouldn't cause it's stressful, test run sounds like a good thing to look into

update later today w/ pics!!!

thanks again, much love & respect

Day 2/Flower

Finally switched them to 12/12 yesterday :jump: the flowering room is a 4.5' X 5.5', I transplanted to 4 gals containers, and will be using a 400w HPS and a 400w MH to flower with, there are 2 box fans- one is 20in and the other is 18in, the temp. got up to around 72 F today

the group......................................Mikado x NL#5...............................WR..................................JH................................................

thanks again, much love & respect :joint:
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Day 7/Flower

threw the reflector on the MH and it's up and running

notice this leaf on my White Rhino how it slips down the middle:

and the girls (L-R) White Rhino, Jock Horror, Mikado x NL#5:

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thank you rkrone, and brainthor for the complements

i just notice my pictures are ****ing up again so this diary isn't very accurate
day 9/Flower

some pics of sex:
both Mikado x NL#5

White Rhino

sorry again for the diary being inaccurate, please just go along with the last posts as they seem to stay accurate, also any help would be appreciated, thank you
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Active member
heya bhb :wave:
I spy with my little eye some male parts on that 2nd NL5XMikado

Can't really make out anything on the other 2...
Time for the HPS?
Did ya get that fire extinguisher yet?

I like your 4 gal square buckets. I think my kitty needs some new litter... :smoke:
:laughing: I like them too Anima. My fire safety is all up to date thanks to you. :smile: Right now they are under both the MH and HPS.

Well, I got some news, looks like we got a 50/50 ratio one of each sex, each strain. :chin: So I'm thinking about making seeds. Then also germ some more out, and just starting from 12/12 with them. :canabis:

Any thoughts about ozone generator?


dank dank dank! As you said before on my thread BHB, 12/12 now the fun begins!
cali- I'm hoping for some of the dank dank dank, lol. Thanks for stopping by again.

day 11/Flower

Today I down sized all the males to about one gal containers, and they are now back in the cab. Also transplanted the mother that I was planning on making clones from (but never bought the supplies), so she is now going to be flowering. Now for the seeds I'm germing, there are three Bubblelicious and five Hindu Kush.

the boys- JH, M x NL#5, WR:

the girls- starting w/top left going clockwise Papaya, WR, M x NL#5, JH:
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day 14/Flower

First off the beans seem to be having trouble again(4 days), so we decided to put them in the dirt.

my girls- starting w/top left going clockwise Papaya, WR, M x NL#5, JH:

look how big this fan leaf is, it's bigger then my hand, Mikado x NL#5:
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white lighters=bad luck! haha just kidding it's an old superstition. Big as your hand eh? That is a great sign of good growing! haha, so you said you will be keeping the males? Are you trying to make seeds? Spread the wealth! haha PEACE BHB!
That lighter thing is funny, but over here it's red. Yup, I'm planning on making seeds and hopefully I'll be able to give back to the community. On the other hand I think I'm gonna have to find a new method of germing, paper towel way isn't doing it for me anymore.
day 19/Flower

First to start off with my girls from the top:
Papaya, Jock Horror.........................Mikado x NL#5, White Rhino.............

Now from the side:
Papaya.............................JH...................................Mikado x NL#5...................WR.................................

Last but not least the males:

Hope you like it even though my photos aren't as good as Anima's, sad to say, but it gets the job done. I'm starting to get excited now, wishing for some big buds.

thanks again, much love & respect
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Eugene Oregon
Beautiful plants they look all really healthy and i bet you will get a decent yeild mate =D.
Nice strains.. Potent and Yeilders for sure.


That lighter thing is funny, but over here it's red. Yup, I'm planning on making seeds and hopefully I'll be able to give back to the community. On the other hand I think I'm gonna have to find a new method of germing, paper towel way isn't doing it for me anymore.

Over here? europe? Anyway, the lighter thing is red there huh, that is weird! I'll take some of those crosses, we can trade for some sour D crosses I will make soon enough if you'd like ;) well see... The girls are looking lovely BHB, taking great care of them and I can't wait to see the breeding process it can be fun for sure! On the germinating note, if you want try my method, or not my method but just what I do I'm sure others have to be doing this. It's the paper towel method, but wait! haha don't deny it yet, it all depends on what you do with the paper towel. I take a paper towel, put seeds in it with just regular tap water EVERY TIME it works with tap water...I take the moistened paper towel and put it in a zip lock bag, after its in the bag so the seeds are touching the paper towel snuggly, put more water in the bag. Overfill it more than you need, not overfill spill everywhere just put too much water where you would think it'll drown the seeds. Leave this much water in the bag for the first day, then dump excess water out after a day leaving the paper towel really moist. Check in a couple days and you should have some dankin roots. Also I put my bag ontop of something warm, a tv or play station. Something that's stays warm all the time, a internet modem ;). I don't know just a thought.

Sooo 19 days? DANK! Great work again BHB, PEACE


Active member
Not as good as mine?
Those look pretty good to me..you have a good eye for this stuff.
and :yes: to the breeding, if you find a nice male it can be very rewarding!
Good luck with your endeavors! They are looking top notch so far!!!

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