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bitchhitsbongs GROW DIARY


Active member
Hey there BHB! :wave:
Your garden is looking quite sweet!
Superb job on the macros!
The hairs changing color early indicates a successful breeding has occurred. Good going you should have a bunch of seeds to explore what the cross has to offer!

Just make sure you give the seeds long enough to mature. Since you pollinated a bit into flowering, and not right off the bat, I would suggest that you let your seed plant go until it is TOTALLY done to ensure the seeds have had time to mature fully.
Thanks for the comments and advice my fellow IC friends. Just so you know I plan on chopping my girls from seed when they're seeds are popping through.


daaaayuuum BHB, Papya on fiiiyaaa hahahaha. Seriously thick hairs on that girl, and the first the jock, seeded right? Woo hoo some dank seeds huh?? Great work BHB
day 46/Flower

Here are some more updates for everyone lurking around. Lately there has been some leaf discoloration going on. And you can see the purple showing on that M x NL#5 leaves.

First off the Mikado x NL#5

next is the White Rhino

now the Jock Horror

and last is my reveged Papaya

Old Soul

Active member
Your plants are looking great bhb! I love the cola on that Jock Horror. You got an update?

Thank you, Old Soul. I can't wait for these girls to finsh up. They smell potent even with my vapotronic going. Update it's coming soon.......


day 54/Flower

Mikado x NL#5

White Rhino

Jock Horror


EDIT- Sorry for the blurry pictures, and photos being replace again :puppydoge
Last edited:


looks dank BHB!!! Gosh I wish we could get you a better camera or something I want to see those trichomes more! That papaya looks like it pushed out a lot more buds than the others huh? I hear when you re-veg a plant it can produce more bud than the first time you flower it. Anyway nice job, PEACE!
Thanks Cali. I wish I could get a better camera too, I tried my best to get the pictures to come out well. But it obviously doesn't when you enlarge the pic, it's all blurry. What I did notice though is on a couple of the girls they have a seed popping out at a node. Oh and the papaya did basiclly doubled from the first run but I don't think I'm gonna be getting fat nugs this time.
day 62/Flower

As I was looking at the girls today notice all have a seed popping from a lonely node. But my Mikado x Northern Lights #5 looks like she is ready to coming down today, seeds popping on almost all buds. Then I'll have to give the WR and JH a week or so. The Papaya at least three more weeks.

Now some Papaya for a ya...

and some Mikado x NL#5...
Howdy :wave:
Man thats weird how your pics are gettin switched around, oh well. The Mikado almost looks purple, be sure to post a smoke report.
Hi Rolling Stoned. :wave: Yeah I know what the problem is, it's my camera. So I can't wait to buy a good camera, and the smash this piece of shit. :jump: Also yes the mikado is purple, but I would also say the JH and the WR to be a little bit purple also. Sure will once it cures. :joint:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
:wave: hi BHB,
i havent been around in a while. you have done a great job. a dream girl with a bunch of dreamy girls. just think. the next round not seeded will be much better than this time. can put that energy into trichs. i'll smoke a blunt in honor of your success. any takers? its kush... good job girly!
Grow Safe!
SIR :joint:
Thank you Sir Smokalot. Yup I can't wait to start my next grow. Also I would like to hit that kush blunt and let's also make it a birthday blunt too as we are at it.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
your birthday? happy birthday BHB!!! i celebrate my 25th this dec. too! i shall roll another!!! congradulations on making it another year!