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Best frankincense smelling strain you can buy now?



I have 2 times that smell in sensi's skunk kush, and white label white widow seeds. Both phenos in both seed packs where haze like and 77-90 days finishers,on first sight the were different from others but they are very rear phenos. And that's true what have u been wright before if you lit that shit on party or shomvere in crowd people are starti asking you what are you smoking. also seen that trait in Nevilles haze form mns but right way will be about 120 days in fl. Now im growing 2 packs of Moonshine Haze also very citrusy more orange side then lemon,incense hazy funk in most phenos really satisfied I am. Also one of unique incense funk comes from somas amnesia haze its incense but with rosemary oregano muskiness and amnesia turpentine at the end really special smell but 93 days on best phenos.


Cannabis ****
Blue heron by dinasty (strong incense with hint of roses)
Hindu kush x blue satellite by Pisces (typical incense and wood)
Sin city kush by alphakronik (incense with a hint of lavender)
London city diesel by lady sativa (only one pheno of 4 females but very good: incense and cola)
Medical glue acdc pheno by sin city seeds (incense and diesel)
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I have 2 times that smell in sensi's skunk kush, and white label white widow seeds. Both phenos in both seed packs where haze like and 77-90 days finishers,on first sight the were different from others but they are very rear phenos. And that's true what have u been wright before if you lit that shit on party or shomvere in crowd people are starti asking you what are you smoking. also seen that trait in Nevilles haze form mns but right way will be about 120 days in fl. Now im growing 2 packs of Moonshine Haze also very citrusy more orange side then lemon,incense hazy funk in most phenos really satisfied I am. Also one of unique incense funk comes from somas amnesia haze its incense but with rosemary oregano muskiness and amnesia turpentine at the end really special smell but 93 days on best phenos.

I have the Amnesia core cut. I just got it so I asked in the thread on it if it was incensey and I got conflicting responses. One said yes one said no..! other opinions on this would help


Blue heron by dinasty (strong incense with hint of roses)
Hindu kush x blue satellite by Pisces (typical incense and wood)
Sin city kush by alphakronik (incense with a hint of lavender)
London city diesel by lady sativa (only one pheno of 4 females but very good: incense and cola)
Medical glue acdc pheno by sin city seeds (incense and diesel)

Oh man now Im going to have to grow them out - thats me for the next like 2 years right there lol

Sin city may be special to me - I had an 11 week 4 way polyhybrid called KrissKross until a couple of years ago.. I loved her and she WAS incense and Lavender man... this could get emotional!

KK was SilverHazexSkunk#1xOranjebudxHawaiianSativa, bred by a guy my friend knew, in Brixton. A handful of us kept her going for over 25 years. Its still a very sore subject for my friend.

Happy Times

Well-known member
I have 2 times that smell in sensi's skunk kush, and white label white widow seeds. Both phenos in both seed packs where haze like and 77-90 days finishers,on first sight the were different from others but they are very rear phenos. And that's true what have u been wright before if you lit that shit on party or shomvere in crowd people are starti asking you what are you smoking. also seen that trait in Nevilles haze form mns but right way will be about 120 days in fl. Now im growing 2 packs of Moonshine Haze also very citrusy more orange side then lemon,incense hazy funk in most phenos really satisfied I am. Also one of unique incense funk comes from somas amnesia haze its incense but with rosemary oregano muskiness and amnesia turpentine at the end really special smell but 93 days on best phenos.

Good luck! I like that Moonshine Haze


Core when unburned smells of silicone sweet strawberry/bubblegum with lemon turpuntinee smell. when burned it smells like orangeish incense bro. if u have real deal core cut. it must be like that big resin cristals,small yild,and christmas three open structure while growing.And high is very potent in lung when grown properly make yu feel thc.


ive been readn old reports of sams thai/hazexskunk and ppl were findn the incense smell. maybe try lookn there and ther really cheap too.. gypsy said, sam said, that if ur lookn for haze thats the place to look.


Maliali - Pictures of my cut have been posted here by others and the reaction from others is that it is legit, genuine Amnesia Core cut. Quite a few longtime members have my cut.

here - View Image

HazeOil - Sam Skunkman keeps coming up so ill have to look into that, thanks


I am growing ACE panama for the first time and, no idea why, but 6 weeks into flower and my Panama 3 has a total frankincense smell. I could not believe it! It's my holy grail terp! Hopefully it stays that way! Anyone else find this with Panama?


I am growing ACE panama for the first time and, no idea why, but 6 weeks into flower and my Panama 3 has a total frankincense smell. I could not believe it! It's my holy grail terp! Hopefully it stays that way! Anyone else find this with Panama?

I did ACE Panama Haze but only one. It had some incense but not as much as I like. I will run the rest of the seeds at some point because I believe there may be a better phenotype. Same with Purple Haze x Malawi - I only did 2 and again, some but not much of what I wanted so I will run the rest at some point and see if I get luckier with the rest. I believe in ACE, don't get me wrong - I loved Tikal back in 2015 and have a pack of the new version in my stash.

My CG 90s Haze is drying. I got a real purple phenotype complete with purple calyxes and blood red trichomes. It went 13 weeks and smells like musky sweet dark berries. The musky smell I hope will translate to incense. Smoke report coming soon :dance013:


I am growing ACE panama for the first time and, no idea why, but 6 weeks into flower and my Panama 3 has a total frankincense smell. I could not believe it! It's my holy grail terp! Hopefully it stays that way! Anyone else find this with Panama?

I have the Amnesia core cut. I just got it so I asked in the thread on it if it was incensey and I got conflicting responses. One said yes one said no..! other opinions on this would help

If you get conflicting responses then it cannot be very incensey. That Haze incense smell is so strong, that it is impossible to have doubts about it when it is there.

Amnesia has never been one of the strongest incense tasting Haze hybrids. So I doubt that it will be today.

I also don't understand how people can say that they smell frankincense during flowering.

I never have smelled it on a living female plant and also never experienced these incense smells when vaporizing buds.
Always just when smoking.

I have grown ACE's Panana's , OTHs and Purple Hazes in the past and did not find anything with the strong incensey Haze smells of the 90's. Most of them had some kind of incense smells, some are really nice and worth to grow (panama is one of my all-time favorites), but totally different from what we are searching for. The smells also are by far not so penetrating.

On my own incense scale i would rate:

Panama and the Oltimers Hazes at 2/10
Amnesia Haze (from the 90/00s) 5/10
SSH (90/00s) 5/10
A5 (90/00s) 9/10
Kali Mist (90/00s) 7-10/10 depending on the phenotype


ICMag Donor
If you get conflicting responses then it cannot be very incensey. That Haze incense smell is so strong, that it is impossible to have doubts about it when it is there.

Problem is that not everybody has an equal pallete. While some get incense, some get sandalwood & some get aromas completely off the wall.
A lot of folks don't have the experience or the olfactory senses to distinguish one from another.


atomizing haze essence
nope, there is frankincense pheno in mango haze and neville´s haze for sure.. its when dried, stinks through bag.. it has also such wet basement funk in it. this is confirmed by many haze growers i respect. for example tom hill haze can be crazy pungent sandalwoody, but no frankincense there... tom hill haze: after burning its nice incense in the air, but more of oriental incense, not dark catholic wet cathedral frankincense. i agree with Jhonny. edit: i grew thaihazeksunk, its churchy peppery for sure, also rose oily incensy. but no franks :D i will not comment amnesia core and flo LOL


The problem is that the "Incense" trait is so diluted nowadays, that most of the time, when it's there, you can smell it in the room but not in the mouth and if you can taste it, that incense flavor is not strong enough. That's probably why it so difficult for some people to identify that kind of haze smell.

Another problem is that many people are not able to distinguish the Haze A and Haze C type of incense aromas, which are mix up in almost all the haze hybrids these days.

But the main problem is that the dominating "Haze" scent seems as good as extincted in modern MJ and no one of the breeders seems to be really willing to bring it back. The few that I know are just working with a single seed, they found in frankincense smelling buds.

Regarding Sam's Haze crosses: they have been done with his Haze mother and are more on the peppery side of the things, like his Original Haze line. Very incensey in the air and in the mouth, different from Haze A and Haze C, but the incense trait is by far more pronounced that in all the Haze C only hybrids I have ever tried.

I'm not good at decribing aromas, but for me:

  • Haze A hybrids had the frankincense haze type of aromas and were more piney
  • Haze C hybrids have the lemony type of incense aromas
  • Sam's Haze crosses, very strong oldschool peppery incense aromas. In his crosses you will find the biggest variation of incense smells. Most will be peppery, but you will find some that are more floral, piney, lemony, earthy, churchy etc
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A5 (90/00s) 9/10
Kali Mist (90/00s) 7-10/10 depending on the phenotype

Ive got a pack of 10 regular Western Winds in my fridge. You suppose theres anything in there?

Someone I know in Amsterdam is trying to get me the A5 cut so you saying that about it is making me even more hopeful and eager!
Using a cut called Church that was making a lot of noise in North London for over a decade it was one of Connoisseur Genetics favourites. Tight nugs of Indica with a very special taste and smell, once the smells hits it's like church on a Sunday hence the name. Hit with a reversed Girl Scout Cookies cut creating one flavour orgasm and a great GSC hybrid.
Nice 50/50 on this girl making her perfect for all occasions.

Connoisseur Genetics North London Church Cookies


Me and ojd got into a back and forth from a misunderstanding
And i still ran his 90s cross
And i have to tip my hat to the man because my keeper pheno is one of the loudest plants i have
Straigh pine and church mixed with cat Piss
Its even better than the old school haZe i have that im running from him
Ojd your an animal for this cross
If you dig through this line i bet you find the one


Ive got a pack of 10 regular Western Winds in my fridge. You suppose theres anything in there?

Someone I know in Amsterdam is trying to get me the A5 cut so you saying that about it is making me even more hopeful and eager!

I don't think the A5 cut is still the original. I have sampled buds from different sources that were supposed to be from the A5 cut, and they were completely different from the A5 we had in the 90/00s, that looked like pure sativa, had dark green buds and had zero bag appeal compared to all the other haze hybrids of that time. It was like smoking pure "Haze A".

The A5 samples I tried recently, were to good looking, were very incensey, but more like C5 or SSH. Still very nice for sure, but by far not so tasty and full incense in the mouth feeling like the A5 I have known.

With seeds actually it's like playing lottery. I have spent to much time (and money) on this search with seeds. I probably would try Chimeras SI first, but since I lost a year of time on his NO Incense Incense Haze Im no more motivated to grow seeds of hyped incense strains.
Ojd's 90s Haze sounds good, but the Haze C lemony incense flavors seem to be dominating there like in all the crosses done with Haze A + C hybrids.

What we would need is something like S1 seeds Ojd's Nl5haze that if it's a true NL5haze should carry just Haze A genes.

To respond to your question: I wouln't start a Western Wind project, but if I had the seeds in the fridge, I would for sure grow them in very small pots along with other strains.
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Well-known member

I appreciate Your insight and you sharing all your experiences, as you may know Frankincense is my most treasured trait I've experienced.

As for ojd's NL5 Haze , if I recall it was old seed bank Stock . Nevil never sold HzA hybrids commercially . The NL5Hz he sold was /is 5HzC

From what I Recall Unc Ys has mentioned the HzA has no soft or sweet notes about it no lemon or pine straight leather basement Incense

IME Nevils Haze from if I recall 08/09 mns stock was/is Dark spicy Incense sandlewood definitely leaves that church smell in the room with a very long cure I've noticed a heavier sandlewood pine smell

NH is the closest I've tasted to our NYC Haze , none of the Adam CS Haze holds a candle or comes close to the Haze I know

Much Respect
