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Bangi Haze

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Any info on the high of this pheno?

Wouldn't mind a rose smelling cannabis plant... šŸ˜
I kick myself for not keeping a clone of her. She was also very happy and blissful feeling.

I didnā€™t get to smoke the oniony smelling ones from last year as a friend was growing them. Iā€™ll see if he still has some.
This year I had 2 like that in my garden, 1 unfortunately died from some sort of fungus, but it and the one that is still flowering looked just like yours and have the onion smell.
3 of my Super Congo also have the same look and stink of chives.

How does yours smell?


learning and laughing
Her smell is a little "fresh" and dill + slight bubblegum undertones

But less pronounced then the OrientExpress next to her.
Also less sticky then the OE when I feel the buds (even though in the pictures she looks plenty resinous...)

Too bad about your rose lady.
I'm sure we will discover other new and interesting phenos when we continue to grow these interesting cultivars...
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Well-known member
I kick myself for not keeping a clone of her. She was also very happy and blissful feeling.
Was it from reg oder fem seed ?
Have grown Bangi 2 times if i remember right, is some years back, remember i liked the regs better from the high, really liked it, blissful uplifting like you said. But can just be coincidence.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Was it from reg oder fem seed ?
Have grown Bangi 2 times if i remember right, is some years back, remember i liked the regs better from the high, really liked it, blissful uplifting like you said. But can just be coincidence. from Fem freebie packs. I havenā€™t ever bought Bangi Haze but ended up with about 20 freebies of the fems.

She was from the Fem packs I got as Freebies from both Real Gorilla and Mandela. Iā€™ve ended up with about 20 Bangi Haze freebies over the last few years and love it. Bangi and crosses with it have been some of my favorites to watch grow and I usually really love the effects. Iā€™ve given several to friends as well.


learning and laughing
This being week 6-7 of flowering

Due to my growing conditions the rh goes up to 72% at night. šŸ˜³

With those Colas thickening up I'm getting anxious because of Botrytis etc.
I think I will cut a Cola today...


How much longer would you let her mature?

Edit Saturday, 21 October:

Ups, my mistake, above pictures are of the OrientExpress
Sorry šŸ˜¬
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Those are some great looking colas @Hasch ;) she is loving the feeding and your good cares! I estimate she just needs 1-2 weeks more. Inspect frequently inside the colas upcoming days just in case.


Well-known member
lovely resins on those yummy buds @early_hominid :yummy: should be done soon, better harvest before rains come. She did fairly well and quality is there for sure despite not having much direct light :yes:

Thanks dubi, I took her down with the congo and OE last weekend. The aroma is lemon, flowers, and spicy hot musk.. she has just the right balance of clean and (slightly) offensive notes for me. Potency is a lot higher than I expected, she got me up out of my seat while trimming to dance with my buddy's dog :D

she grew more impressively than the photos I shared so far..

Initial sweat really brought out the spice and musk, it also made the lemon aroma more pithy


ACE Seeds Breeder
Congrats on your Bangi Haze harvest @early_hominid :) glad you got a potent, lemony girl of uplifting-energetic effects, should be in its peak after 2-3 months of curing, enjoy!

Simply gorgeous :yummy: @Hasch especially the 2 plants in the right side, impressive colas they are shaping.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Gorgeous towers @Hasch :D Tops are still with strong reflowerings, so colas still need a bit more of time (approx 2 weeks) to sweat last resins and terps.