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Australian Landrace's?


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Admin/Mod should this be in this thread, it is relative to the thread

Not sure what you mean by that but looking at your plant its indica dom when its older it will be easier to identify...


getting older


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Landrace Lover
hey all i'm really interested in collecting as many aussie strains as possible, i'm trying to get my hands on these aussie genetics in order to preserve and maintain them for the future as i'm going to be moving to holland in the future with a few friends in order to start up a seed bank or the like. am making heaps of connections at the moment and have some interest from others which is great. anyway i would love to be able to keep these strains pure and unadulterated to one day be able to return them to those old timers and new timers who haven't seen these beasts in a long while, or never have but would love to! anyway it'll be a bit of a journey, and i'll probably start a thread when i start getting my hands on a few to keep all you guys posted! so please if you know anything about the subject at all and can point me in the right direction or help me personally i'd be much appreciative and if needs be can hopefully make it worth your while. thanks for your time everyone!


High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
hey all i'm really interested in collecting as many aussie strains as possible, i'm trying to get my hands on these aussie genetics in order to preserve and maintain them for the future as i'm going to be moving to holland in the future with a few friends in order to start up a seed bank or the like. am making heaps of connections at the moment and have some interest from others which is great. anyway i would love to be able to keep these strains pure and unadulterated to one day be able to return them to those old timers and new timers who haven't seen these beasts in a long while, or never have but would love to! anyway it'll be a bit of a journey, and i'll probably start a thread when i start getting my hands on a few to keep all you guys posted! so please if you know anything about the subject at all and can point me in the right direction or help me personally i'd be much appreciative and if needs be can hopefully make it worth your while. thanks for your time everyone!


Hey Darwin, aren't you you jumping in over your head a bit? Cannabis does not originate in this country. Most of the early strains would have been of Asian, Indian, Afghan origin. Many crosses and hybrids may have come from these, sativas from equatorial regions of Asia and Afghan indicas.

Most of the shit grown here today comes from bagseed and seedbanks in Europe. I wouldn't call the shit from here aussie genetics, they are just hybrids of other countries plants.

As for starting a seedbank in Holland of all places have you considered what is involved. You need a solid understanding of horticulture, propagation, breeding, genetics, pest and disease control. The costs involved can be huge. A climate controlled propagation hothouse can cost many big dollars, like 100's of 1000's.

It took me 3 years to do Cert 4 Horticulture at TAFE. That is just a start. I don't grow commercially so am not interested in running 40 or so 1000W globes. Start small and refine it Darwin, show us what you can do.

Good to have dreams though.


Landrace Lover
yeah well it's an aim for the future, without trying to sound like an arrogant twat lol i did my undergrad in science - evolutionary biology/genetics and am doing masters in the same area, so have a fair grasp on it all. i'm not planning on showing up in holland tomorrow, buying a propagation hothouse on the weekend and selling trillions of seeds the following week and retiring after a month on 100 billion dollars. another mate from france is currently finishing his dendrology/engineering masters course and will do his phd before we move over. it's a long term plan to move to europe and work for ourselves, alongside others or even for others when it comes to this topic. for me i'm not worried about being rich, i just want to be immersed in this hobby/business and make a living off it, however long it takes to set up. in the time being i thought it would be interesting to get my hands on as many australian strains as possible as there are many here in aus that have resided her for 10s if not 100s of years, which is dramatically sufficient time for said strains to have diverged a huge amount genetically from other strains overseas, assuming they haven't been crossed too much, if at all. i know they haven't originated here in aus. as our continent is been isolated much longer than others since the gondwanan split it hasn't received any of those more recently evolved plants such as cannabis, we have no landraces i know, however we have camels, donkeys, foxes, rabbits, countless birds and insects as well as cane toads etc that are all now vastly genetically different from their original populations and research into the fact is very beneficial. after reading up on it, there're a fair few mutant marijuana strains that originated here, i believe ducksfoot is an example and another one named dizzy. both barely resemble the standard marijuana natural type, and yet originated her in australia in the past 200 yrs max (most likely much more recently than that).

i see potential to in that no seed banks seem to really offer any of these strains and it would be nice to be able to get them back in the spot light and have them available to people in australia or the rest of the world instead of in the hands of a few secretive breeders. whether or not things happen with opening a business etc it would still be useful for me to find out more about this topic and to collect as many seeds as i can from those more original and unique australian strains. i wouldn't mind breeding these individual strains myself to get seed numbers up and simply giving them away to decent people who had a genuine interest. anyway until we have the cash saved for moving overseas and starting up a business we're planning on refining our skills, learning as much as we can and asking shit loads of questions in the mean time. anyway sorry if i'm coming across a little stiff, i don't mean to show any disrespect to anyone, i'm just a bit over being spoken down to (not specifically by you high country, but in general) because i don't have the yrs under my belt or the post numbers under my name. i respect it takes many many years of hard work and patience to get anywhere when it comes to this stuff but i'm willing to put it in and hopefully i'll get there. aus laws are bullshit and i want to do this until the day i die so moving to europe seems to be the only option when it comes to growing a large scale legally in order to tinker with genetics etc.

cheers mate.



Landrace Lover
here's a small list i've accrued in the last few days.

Australian Strains

ABC (Hills around Canberra)
Mullumbimby madness
PNG Gold (Papua New Guinea)
Aussie Blue
Old Mother Sativa
Maggie madness (from maggie island mid 90's)
Aussie IBL
Mango Sativas
Aussie Bush
Elephant Killer
Bushman (nimbin cup winner)
Bushman x blueberry
The Zoid or Zoidfuel
Zoid x c99
Aussie Indica (a strain called chocolate diesel x aussie indica)
(some of the above listed may be listed twice as i've listed a few slang names too)

the only ones i can find available for purchase via the net are aussie blue, 303 and ducksfoot. definitely interested in getting them when i have enough cash.


Hello, :wave: first time poster, long time lurker.

I first started smoking in Melbourne about 15 years ago, back then there were some VERY interesting strains going round, but I didn't get to enjoy them for long because as soon as 'skunk' burst on the scene, they disappeared, so did all the putty hash. :wallbash:

When I was a kid, a gram of skunk used to stink out a whole classroom and could be smelled miles down the hall, but now, the 'skunk' has turned to shit IMO, now you have to chop it up and put your nose right in the bowl to even get a hint of the old funk and quite frankly... I'm bored with it... Bring back the old stuff!!!

I know their probably not landrace strains but, does anyone here remember 'Mango Buds'? Craziest shit I've ever smelled in my life, smelled EXACTLY like mango's. KC Brains and some other more reputable breeders such as Soma breed strains that are supposed to smell like mango's but at risk of sounding arrogant.. I don't believe anything would come even close to the old school Ausie mango buds and I just wouldn't waste my time.

And what about all the old varieties of "sinse"? I remember buds that just looked like clumps of light coloured leaves with crystals on them that smelled like black pepper.. Not much to look at but what I wouldn't do for some of that now.. gimme that over skunk anyday.

IMO Someone needs to bring all these old gems back to replace the played out "skunk" that we are stuck with today, and while ur at it, bring back the hash :nanana:

A friend of mine got some seeds from his dads mate who has been growing the same strain for over 20 years, he is currently vegging it under CFL's, it looks like a PURE sativa with low light requirements and the prettiest, most shapely leaves I have ever seen, when I gently rub my fingers on the stem it smells so nice, can't quite put my finger on it but I know I have smelled it somewhere before, and it actually makes my fingers sticky.. from rubbing the stem of a still vegging plant, needless to say I have high hopes.

Another foaf has seeds that he has kept in a tin for what he thinks is about 24 years and they are still viable, he decided to germinate some last year and they became out of control and turned into enormous bushes that produced some very nice herb that apparently shits on the generic commercial "skunk" of today, so much so that his wife wont let him part with any seeds and has taken control of the tin, perhaps she can be bribed tho..

I wonder what would happen if someone crossed the two.. Hmm... food for thought :sasmokin:

i have mango buds man full sativa mango,been in my fam forever. they can grow absolutely massive if you put in the work.:gday:

Gert Lush

Active member
the only ones i can find available for purchase via the net are aussie blue, 303 and ducksfoot. definitely interested in getting them when i have enough cash.
Where on earth did you see 303 for sale on the net?
AFAIK only SpiceBros were selling it, and they are now no more...

If you can get it, do so, it's a very special plant. (But only after you tell me where you got it from LOL)


Landrace Lover
yeah landrace suggests it's evolved here over many 1000s of years and is a natural part of the countries flora, unfortunately having broken off from gondwana before the cannabis genus evolved we had none on our continent and haven't had any landbridges during glaxial maxima in times since cannabis had evolved overseas in asia etc. sucks but yeah we've IBLs from what i know, since the early settlers people have had weed in aus and in bred their own lines/strains for whatever traits they were selecting for.

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