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Australian Landrace's?

Mr Stinkfist, I was around during the early mid nineties, melbourne scene and those 'mango buds' were everywhere. I distinctly remember that they had a hell of a lot more red hairs than your average stuff an almost orange apperance. Funny I was just thinking about those very buds the other day when going through my old high school photo's. Fun stuff the early nineties, heaps of good bud around IMO, or maybe I was just younger and enjoying life more, don't know.

hard rain

:yeahthats I forgot about the zoid i mean its not a true landrace but it would hafto be the closest thing to being an aussie landrace,,,correct me if im wrong...?

the zoids don't remotely qualify as landrace. landrace by definition is not bread and moonunit clearly said he's been breeding this stuff for years.

There is nothing here that qualifies as landrace.


Hi everyone. This is a touchy subject lol. It really comes down to the definition of a landrace, and quite honestly, its hard to say there to many places and lines that qualify as a landrace. I would call what we have here in australia , "australian Varieties".
One thing also that alot of pll forget or dont realise is that our genepool here in oz also has chinese indica genetics in it, and a fair whack of it too.
Lets take a real basic look at it.
First known cannabis into australia comes with european settlers, lets say 150 -200 years ago. As stated above the likely source of the genetics was india, and was known to be pyscoactive aswell as fibrous.
There is our base of genetics, no doubt crops of it got left to go wild, and survived.
The next genetic influence is the chinese indica brought over by imigrent workers( as well as some great vegetable varieties that are still here today aswell). The culture amongst these workers was to throw any extra seed into rivers, seed would be washed up on banks down river with an excelent silt layer of soil, hence our river side wild stands of cannabis, although mostly chinese indica genetics( thin bladed tall indicas, i know its againgst all the norm but its an indica still). My family on my fathers side lived in the exact area of some of said wild river side ppulations in the hunter valley, between raymond terrace and maitland, so i have extremely relaible info on them and their existance, till they where eradicated in the 60s.
Around the same time we also had afghan camel traders here aswell, as stated above by don, who brought more taller , longer flowering indica genetics from afghanistan, not the mountain regions containing most of the kush building blocks.
We also had genetics trickling down from south east asia, but it wasnt untill surfers from australia started to bring back south east asian seed and eventualy imported herbs, that the south east asian genetics hit our shores with a vengence, and merged into the already diverse genepool here.
Once the surfers pioneered the off the beaten tracks, the hippies of the 60s then took up the torch, and start at first bringing south east asian genetics into autralia, but ended up bringing things back from all the old school hippie trails around the world.
From about the 80s on the dutch genetics started to come into australia, and alot of dutch indica in the late 80s, that was dubbed by the old timers as " short termers".
Everyone marveled at the new fast maturing varieties, 8-10 week flowering was almost unheard of here. All the indica we did have here was either longer flowering varieties, or had been very quickly hybridized with the local genepool due to the low yield obtained with them in our enviroment.
Thats just my opinion obviously on the basic structure and time line of our wonderful genepool here in oz.
The major prob with our genepool is there is still alot of rope and garbage amongst it, and the herm issues that have been bred int the genepool unconiously by most growers back then, i call it the sly herm trait, and its amongst alot of the native genepool here, as the genepool has been as pointed out, mostly maintained by man and not nature.
Growers here for the most part never used to grow a seperate crop for next years seed, what they did was just collect the seeds from their best plants that just seemed to magicaly appear every year. Back then most bud had a few seeds, not many, but a few. This was due to the fact that even though the pulled their males, at least one of their fems would always throw a few sly , hard to detect nannas, lightly pollenating the crop. So by using the seed derived essentialy of this trait, they have perpetuated it, almost ingrained into some parts of the genepool. Granted it doesnt happen to much now, but back then it was he norm for a long long time.
On the zoid subject, no it could not be classified a landrace, but it has certainly be bred of australian native genetics, sourced from oldschool growers old stocks up and down the east coast.
I will post more on the subject when i have abit more time
much respect


hey all,hey moonunit,thanks for your post,i really enjoyed reading it,it think you hit the nail on the head,regarding the land race status of aus varieties!
I have heard some talk regarding the a.b.d strain,some experts beleive there night be grounds for taxanomic reognition regarding the strain,they beleive there might be ground establishing it as"cannabis australis"!
Intresting topic i think,and definatly well worth discusion.
regarding the old mother sativa,i have done much research regarding the strain,talked to old timers,it is beleived the strain originated in south east asia,however there has also been talk that it may have originated from the "hunter valley wild crops,and they are beleived to be have brought over by early settlers many ,any years ago.
i can definatly see why strains left to go wild in aus,over hundred years,may take on the charectoristics of the typicle south east asian sat,and if so,and the old mother really is a decendent of the settlers crops,basicly the old mother could be considerd for taxanomic reognition as an aussie strain? what are peoples thoughts on this matter?
anyway guys,take care,and great topic!..sensient


some old mother pics

some old mother pics

here they are,not all mine,but nice pics


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New member
maggie madness

maggie madness

hey guys saw the conversation and thought i might be able to help.By definition there are NO australian landraces,a true landrace is an indigenous species of which there are none in australia.i read one of the earlier posts about maggie madness and thought i could shed some light on it for you all,i grew up on maggie island i lived there for over a decade...maggie madness is sure as shit nothing even representing a landrace,it was an accidental breeding by a woman named gretyl melvin(a school mates mum),the strain only survived for about 3-4 seasons but was and still is famous for being some of the best dank i ever had in oz for sure


hey all,hey brain candy,thai bag seed? where are you getting your info from?
Please let me know.
I have worked with the old mother for over ten years,and have freinds who have had her for over twenty.
The true origins of old mother are not known,so please inform me of where this info came from,and how valid it is,thanks...sensient


well i have just acquired 20 year old bag seeds from around the time of mango haze, thai budda days all germinated ok we will see what they turn out like but should i post the pics here for someone to identify what they are ?


Old strain back (but what is it)

Old strain back (but what is it)

Not much to look at yet


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image two

image two

15 odd days in anyone got any ideas (bit early i know)


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hey all,anyway....................,hey autopotking,those seed sound intresting!
You never know what you might come accross,should be some real intresting plants in amongst those genetics!
i still remember the stuff that was around in my teenage years,was some truely kick ass smoko!
I really miss those days,scoring a $20 bag(none of this $25 stix?!?),an sittin around with my mates,sparkin up,takin a toke,everything startin to move in slow motion,everything buzzing,everythings really weird and i,m startin to really freak out,and fuck i,m never going to touch this shit again i swaer,please stop now..faaaarrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you find some of that..lol
but seriuosly man,i hope you find some really kick-ass old sat lines,there was some awsome sats around in the day,would love to see some of these resurected!
anyway m8,good luck in the search through those genetics,i hope you find some real gems,def keep us posted on that baby you got going,will be very intresting to see how it turns out! take care m8 and good luck..k+..sensient