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Australian Landrace's?


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Hello, :wave: first time poster, long time lurker.

I first started smoking in Melbourne about 15 years ago, back then there were some VERY interesting strains going round, but I didn't get to enjoy them for long because as soon as 'skunk' burst on the scene, they disappeared, so did all the putty hash. :wallbash:

When I was a kid, a gram of skunk used to stink out a whole classroom and could be smelled miles down the hall, but now, the 'skunk' has turned to shit IMO, now you have to chop it up and put your nose right in the bowl to even get a hint of the old funk and quite frankly... I'm bored with it... Bring back the old stuff!!!

I know their probably not landrace strains but, does anyone here remember 'Mango Buds'? Craziest shit I've ever smelled in my life, smelled EXACTLY like mango's. KC Brains and some other more reputable breeders such as Soma breed strains that are supposed to smell like mango's but at risk of sounding arrogant.. I don't believe anything would come even close to the old school Ausie mango buds and I just wouldn't waste my time.

And what about all the old varieties of "sinse"? I remember buds that just looked like clumps of light coloured leaves with crystals on them that smelled like black pepper.. Not much to look at but what I wouldn't do for some of that now.. gimme that over skunk anyday.

IMO Someone needs to bring all these old gems back to replace the played out "skunk" that we are stuck with today, and while ur at it, bring back the hash :nanana:

A friend of mine got some seeds from his dads mate who has been growing the same strain for over 20 years, he is currently vegging it under CFL's, it looks like a PURE sativa with low light requirements and the prettiest, most shapely leaves I have ever seen, when I gently rub my fingers on the stem it smells so nice, can't quite put my finger on it but I know I have smelled it somewhere before, and it actually makes my fingers sticky.. from rubbing the stem of a still vegging plant, needless to say I have high hopes.

Another foaf has seeds that he has kept in a tin for what he thinks is about 24 years and they are still viable, he decided to germinate some last year and they became out of control and turned into enormous bushes that produced some very nice herb that apparently shits on the generic commercial "skunk" of today, so much so that his wife wont let him part with any seeds and has taken control of the tin, perhaps she can be bribed tho..

I wonder what would happen if someone crossed the two.. Hmm... food for thought :sasmokin:

Hi Mr Stinkfist interesting first post welcome to IC, aahhh the good old days i remember the aussie mango buds my elder brother used to get it off his boss back in 91-92 crasiest tasting weed ive ever smoked and i loved it to bits, bad thing is most of all these killer old strains have been lost for good like the skunk you mentioned my thoughts exactly the way i look at it is SKUNK was called SKUNK for a reason because of its stink now its just watered down sweet dutch generic crap hence the reason i started growing super skunk to remind me of that old school stuff..As for aussie landraces well the old mother sativa could be classed as one but i havent heard much about it so cant be sure ...
bad thing is most of all these killer old strains have been lost for good

Hi Benji, thanks for the warm welcome, but I hope your wrong about that.. I'm gonna chase up as many old farts as possible to see if these strains can be resurrected. Will keep you updated too about the strain my friend is growing (with pics), that well and truly predates the Dutch invasion, whatever it is it looks very promising. There was another strain of 'sinse' that used to remind me of the fragrance they used in red mortein, I still see it around from time to time but that's the only one. I can only pray that someone is still growing the original mango bud, I can't contemplate the loss of those genetics forever, I reckon it would take the international seed market by storm now.

Agreed about the 'skunk', dunno what happened, whether it just lost it's initial hybrid qualities or what but it's genetics over here have certainly degenerated a lot since then.

There's also the other seeds from the dude I mentioned above, I will convince his missus to part with some and keep you posted.

Edit: A mate of mine goes to Bali regularly and he reckons that sometimes he gets a strain of sativa native to Sumatra that's shit because it's full of seeds but I've always wondered what would happen if it was grown properly? Anyone know anything about that??


In the 70's im quessing that most weed in Oz was south asian in influence,there was a lot of second rate seedy shit around, somtimes it was good.sinse started to hit the market probally later in the 70's. it wasnt uncomon to grow 3-4 metre tall plants from bag seed at all, Mullimbimby Madness was sort after ,also durban,
outside of these 2 strains i dont remember much dope been sold with a name attached to it,thai budda sticks and hash oil was were you went for quality. also hash from afganastan/turky was common ,a can of hash used to cost about 200 dollars ,had about 4 oz in it, budda stick 6-12 depending on where you got them,I scored some weed grow in the griffith area that was remanisant of thai ,that was 15 + year ago i didnt ask to many question but i understood that it was from seed stock that this family had perpetuated for some time( good weed)as to lande race,well that wild hemp that was mentioned ,but i think that it was more a case of growing and selecting from the seed stock you could get your hands on(no internet seed ordering in them days)grower selecting for what worked in their area ,stabilized yes landrace no .Dali hempy has posted about this i recall he would be a good one to chime in .
Have a happy day all .Oldman


Active member
Aussie Mango Sativa

Aussie Mango Sativa

I know their probably not landrace strains but, does anyone here remember 'Mango Buds'? Craziest shit I've ever smelled in my life, smelled EXACTLY like mango's. KC Brains and some other more reputable breeders such as Soma breed strains that are supposed to smell like mango's but at risk of sounding arrogant.. I don't believe anything would come even close to the old school Ausie mango buds and I just wouldn't waste my time.

I wonder what would happen if someone crossed the two.. Hmm... food for thought :sasmokin:

I certainly do remember the Mango Sativa's that were being grown in the late 70's -early 80's from up in the sticks of North Queensland. It was better than the imported brick weed from Asia too.
I have a Mango Sativa in seed form, apparently an 'extreme' sativa, 16+ weeks flower. I'll be sending them off to a breeder with more room than me soon....
I also have KC Brains Mango & Soma's Somango but I have yet to grow them out, so I can't really compare them.
I really miss pure sativa's....
moonunit....where are you man ?


Mango seeds are still all over NQ.
I got on the Bus to Uni in Lismore once and this really really Cute redhead with corkscrew long hair smelled so skunky. Everyone could smell her as she got on the bus and she was bent and smiling at everyone.That was the stinkiest skunk ever.


Well-known member
What about the wild stuff that was growing in the Hunter Valley back in the day? Wasn't that planted by Joseph Banks or some other grinder from the first fleet?

Some of the boys around here that used to live down that way have been telling stories about big buds down that way, growing along the river, self seeding Kilometers of river banks with lovely tall buds.... started a few of the old beasts off on their smoking journey and so on....

What classifies a landrace anyway? most of the stuff around the islands got brought there by slaves on the ships or whatever.... back in the 1700s or so... (so i've read...)

Like Jamaica.....


1964:Cannabis found growing wild in the Hunter Valley, survivors from early Australian crops. Enormous newspaper publicity arouses public interest. Eradication program begun.

Hemp embasy has this snippit in the history of MJ ,google coundnt provide much info!
Mango seeds are still all over NQ.

Thanks, that's a relief.. I'll keep that in mind next time I am up there, I just hope ur talking about the same stuff that Benji and I remember.

So perhaps all the mango buds used to come from up north? Wonder if it would even grow well down here?.. could be like some of Wally's strains that are better suited to Queensland. I've never seen mango buds growing.. I've always been curious what it would look like, I always pictured it as a monster sativa.

So just to reiterate.. Has anyone ever grown out the Sumatran sativa sinsamilla style? I'm curious as to it's worth..


hey guys,yeah i ahve come acrros just about all the strains mentioned,there was a guy selling the old mother seeds a few years ago,he,s been groing it for around 25-7 years now,he even wrote a book an released a grow d.v.d here in aus!
i aquired old mother from him,and a grower when overgrow was still happenin,also got some from mullum madman,but hey weren,t old mother,they were ment to be mullum maddness,everyone said they were old mother,but not so!
i have grwon the elephant killer,auusie bush,and aussie bastard,a candian seedbank i wont mention had them ,the aussie bastard that is,it,s a mutant type,was called mutant around the place when i was a kid,and it was also called bhindi,some types are very potent,others not so much,fet from fet seeds tryed to release it,but there wasn,t much intrest!
the mullum madness,elephant killer,and the aussie bush was released through seedsdirect(now the boo),but i heard there were quality complaints,i eneded up snappin up about 10 packs of each for $20 a peice off the bay years ago,and have been happy with em all,still work with old mother,elephant killer,and still have abc seed,aussie bush seed,and mullum m seed.but i,m looking for the strain called the bushman,it won the nimbin cup a few years running,and a x with blueberry of it keeps placing just about every year,really want to get hold of that one,anyway,hope that helps
p.s,i have many diffent sources of o.m.s seed!



Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
I really miss pure sativa's....
moonunit....where are you man ?

:yeahthats I forgot about the zoid i mean its not a true landrace but it would hafto be the closest thing to being an aussie landrace,,,correct me if im wrong...?

Donald Mallard

el duck
I guess png isnt too far from down under , seems we have had quite a dosage of png strains into our local seedbank during the last 20 yrs , my first indoor crop was png gold over 20 yrs ago .

The bummer with some and id expect many of the landrace sativa varieties is the searching through rope and hermies to end up with something decent ,, i know mr moon and other friends have seen their share of those traits .

I remember well the good sativa days in australia , im pretty sure the first generation or so of newly introduced genetics thrived in their new environment , after all australia is well known for its blasting sunshine and newly introduced varieties would have been very happy in the new home ...
Ive known plenty of folks travel to get seeds back in those days , particularly to india , i have smoked plenty of it , nice brownish golden herb ,, we smoked it through chillums as it was sposed to be done ..
i can recall having to sit on the floor as the chair seemed well too high for where i was ,, i could well fall off ...
I did ask about the seed , even as a youngster i had an interest in genetics , they told me they had to replenish the seed stock constantly as hermies were prevelant in following generations , i guess they just needed to keep a closer eye on things and do a little breeding rather than just collect seeds from """""seedless crops"""" was my thoughts back then ..
i do know of quite a few gardeners that were able to keep their imported seeds intact and breed good strains from them , so youll find a nice mish mash of thai , columbian , png , hawaiin and quite a number of indicas that have made it to our shores ..

Does anyone remember the afghani camel traders ?? I m told there are still a few strains around that are from those days .


hey all,hey benji,just wondering what the zoid is? never ehard of it,i grew up around the hunter valley region in n.n.s.w,lots of awsome old time sats!
really intrested in the zoid,you got any pics?
thanks mate
d.m,yeah gotta love the p.n.g gold
got a line ive had for years,it has the redest stem i have evr seen in my life,simular to the o.g african sats,but the high is truely amazing,i have done many x,s with it,my x with old mother sat would have to be may fav,very airy buds,but the smoke is phenominal!
i,ve workd with many sats from the region for many years,am currently doing a project with the old mother,looking for an awsome indica to x to her,the deep chunk seems to be my choice,also intrested in workng the mazari into it that were the freebies,got some intresting times ahead,peace all...sensient

Donald Mallard

el duck
heres a bit of zoidfuel from last season.

and some z99 (zoid x c99) ...

i believe there is a dose of indica in the zoid line ,, youd have to ask moon to be sure of what where and how .. though i am postive it is not a line available via the internet .
i did flower png gold successfully indoors as i mentioned , it did well considering , it was the old days of metal halide and im sure the sativas appreciated that more than the current lighting .

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