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As The World's collapsing, jane is to thrive...


Active member
as the matter of fact debt ceiling gets raised on almost quarterly basis if not more often... It's just that this time they made all this drama out of it...
that is due to the fact that there are so many republican freshmen from the tea party who are having a totally different view of the US. They just don't agree with that debt ceiling infinite rise.

woops edited this post by accident :) silly me


there politic's might be bearable....but come on!! ...where do you think the avian flu came from...there's somthing wrong over there.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Gramps, I've read your comments in the past and I'm just curious what you think about the future of the EURO as a currency.

I think it's headed for the crapper, but that's just me.


Much of the Eurozone is insolvent so naturally I believe the Euro is finished. The EUR/USD is the race to the bottom trade IMO.

Moody's :)biglaugh) just placed Spain's Aa2 rating on downgrade review. Next week is huge on economic news alone never mind the freakshow going on in DC.

Probably looks a lot like this.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Dear HB, don't take it personally.
I just don't see any explanations in your weird statements. All you are saying is this and that and not answering any direct questions.

If you would take some time to go more indepth on your statements - it would be a much more constructive conversation.

Obviously you have either made some mistakes in dates and now are just trying to get you way out with "read this and that" and spilling some dates, or you indeed do have some very interesting ideas and are just lazy to explain them :) I just can't decide which. I honestly hope it's the second, otherwise I am just wasting a lot of time :p
Again take no offence and rather understand my view on your posts.

Hate to tell you, but I haven't made any mistakes in any of the dates I've posted and calling factual statements that you don't understand "weird" is a cop-out, imho. I don't think I'm the lazy one here....

History can be a great guide and is never irrelevant, imho. I understand why some might think it doesn't matter, but it really helps to understand why and how the US accumulated so much debt over such a relatively short period of time.

There were/are pros and cons to all that debt creation. The simple answer you are looking for with this "debt crisis" doesn't exist and never will. Cutting spending is just the first step in a long, slow process of getting this country back on track, imho.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
there politic's might be bearable....but come on!! ...where do you think the avian flu came from...there's somthing wrong over there.

The United States of America has an incarceration rate of 743 per 100,000 of national population (as of 2009), the highest in the world.[2] In comparison, Russia has the second highest 577 per 100,000, Canada has 117 per 100,000, and China has 120 per 100,000.[2] While Americans only represent about 5 percent of the world's population, one-quarter of the entire world's inmates are incarcerated in the United States.

We have more people in jail than China does and they have three times + the population. And we have the audacity to call them the barbarians.


barbarians?maybe their misguided...but i mean come on man....don't talk down on them.....is'nt reserved for us ?

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
We have more people in jail than China does and they have three times + the population. And we have the audacity to call them the barbarians.

Barbarians? No. Dictators? Yes. Do you really believe anything the Chinese government says? We all know you can't trust the US government to tell the truth. Of course, the Chinese government never lies about anything, right? LOL.

I wonder how many people were executed in China last year? I wonder how many people they said they executed last year?



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Let me clarify that for you. We have the audacity to sit on the UN and chastise them about human rights when we lock the people up for business. If you know anything about Chinese culture and losing face you would know that doing such in public is tantamount to calling them barbarians. Saving face is everything.

At least China is honest about their tyranny. Ours is much crueler.


I guess headies is gonna stick to stackin' paper.. good luck with that...
to each their own I guess..haha

Gold and Silver is a store of wealth..a hedge against inflation. It is money..not a note promising payment, but proof that you have been paid in full.

In a doomsday senario it may not have immediate value...but WILL as history always has proved.. remain a store of wealth.

The argument that nobody is gonna take our gold and silver in exchange for food or ammo in a shtf scenario always cracks me up... Precious metal stackers wont be needing to trade their gold for food as they are also the same people stacking their pantries, gun racks, and ammo shelves.. Its not like someone can only be prepared in one single way.

- -

Precious metals are not a bubble. The USD is the bubble.

If anyone wants to be a part of the greatest wealth transfer in the history of mankind hold as much gold and silver as you can get your hands on...and dont let anyone scare you out of it.

Our fiat currency will ultimately fail.. what happens next nobody knows..


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The illusion of prosperity meets the bulldozer.

BofA Donates Then Demolishes Houses to Cut Glut of Foreclosures Bloomberg
Bank of America Corp. (BAC), faced with a glut of foreclosed and abandoned houses it can’t sell, has a new tool to get rid of the most decrepit ones: a bulldozer.

The biggest U.S. mortgage servicer will donate 100 foreclosed houses in the Cleveland area and in some cases contribute to their demolition in partnership with a local agency that manages blighted property. The bank has similar plans in Detroit and Chicago, with more cities to come, and Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC), Citigroup Inc. (C), JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) and Fannie Mae are conducting or considering their own programs.

Disposing of repossessed homes is one of the biggest headaches for lenders in the U.S., where 1,679,125 houses, or one in every 77, were in some stage of foreclosure as of June, according to research firm RealtyTrac Inc. of Irvine, California. The prospect of those properties flooding the market has depressed prices and driven off buyers concerned that housing values will keep dropping.


the shit spoon
While shit is def. going down economically, this post reminds me of hydro-soil who bounced when the Japan nuclear event went down. He swore that by June everyone in the western part of the USA would be fucked. Laughed at people who called his bluff. Then he moved to some mountain in Colorado, invited others to come. To my knowledge he hasn't posted since leaving.

I bet it was just a clever serial killer attempting to lure gullible victims.


Active member
Go look it up, dude. It's not that hard.


ok this is getting irratating.

fiscal strain of federal expenditures for the Vietnam War and persistent balance of payments deficits, led President Richard Nixon to end the direct convertibility of the dollar to gold on August 15th 1971, resulting in the system's breakdown



Well, we disagree then. I see Ron Paul's investments as a conflict of interest. Of course, it's not currently illegal for congressmen to have conflicts of interest...not yet at least.

Not to start shit but. Is it worse to make money on our demise or to Create our demise?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Good job pointing out that bad eggs have come from ivy league schools. Cookies for you. Bad people are found everywhere.

Your missing my point. I don't have a problem with the eggs. I have a problem with the groupthink theory that these institutions espouse. We've reached the Keynesian endpoint mathematically speaking. When your revenues can longer service your debt load or the interest on your debt you are finished. You should really watch the movie Inside Job put out by Soros. It shows the audience how pathetically corrupt our institutions of higher learning are, specifically economics. Nothing but servants for their Wall Street masters.
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Active member
Not to start shit but. Is it worse to make money on our demise or to Create our demise?

a very good point.

It's the mentality of the masses: You see he is making money - he is bad. Only poor and frugal people can be our heroes.

I wonder who put that mentality in our heads?(not really... clear as a morning buzz to me)


Back to the topic.

Why else will the MJ market thrive

It has a lot to do with government expenditures and budgeting. Many case scenarios are possible, but one is clear to me:
Lack of entitlement programs, lack of good medical care, lack of good economy will change most people's mentalities forever.
No government will care too much about existance of black market, due to the fact that the police budgeting in that department will be cut significantly.
Take WW1,2 and great depression for examples. Black markets thrived back then, and they will do so again.

Followed from that there will be much more supply of the product. The market will be having total equilibrium price of supply and demand because no government interferes. That means that the quality of the product will rise significantly, since the market will be trained for taste.

A trained market can do many things to the culture of cannabis. Training a market will only put more connoisseur consumers, which will have a significant change on the demand of taste organic quality highgrade herb after the crisis is over.
Chemy will become more like an inferior good, thus the demand for it will fall after the crisis is gone for good.

Ok, all this might look too thorough, but it is just my personal point of view. Peace.

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