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Any gym rats or bodybuilders in the house?


This being the kinda forum it is, does that mean we can not discuss Drugs? Bodybuilding isnt just about being Happy & Healthy for Most of Us Real Men its about Having Ken.F.Huge Muscularity. Or you think there is enough Forums covering that.


No, no, no, It's all about genetics, yes there is a great deal of performance enhancement drug use going on, but take away all the drugs and the same people will still be winning the contests, just not as big and hard as with the drugs.

Well this WAS true. Back in the 70`s 80`s But Mid Nineties things started to change BIG TIME. Nothing about the same people winning without drugs now.You got Shawn Rays etc juicing since 14 man c`mon.
Some of these Beasts Don`t get Much in the Way of Sleep(know any Pro`s)
Well i can tell you a thing or two and if you wanna know about how Insulin Makes the Stars of today totalee Massive then believe that Without the drugs the same guys would still be winning these Competitions.

Now there`s MS Olympia competitors that ARE bigger Then Anyone I know with Muscles that Jolt when Flexed and they DO NOT lift 300-500lbs.No way in the world. Huge weights build huge muscles we all know that.Its NOT the only way to do it.

This Chick has something almost as big as yours in her knickers.
More then ONE WAY to skin a Cat. More then One Way to Build Muscle.
The amount of gear being pumped into some Male competitors would Blow you away if you knew how many grammes total taken and these Men look healthy and strong. Its not the Drugs that will kill you. Its the extra`s taken in the final weeks to get Shredded that cause all the problems.
How do i know this stuff? well I used to be Mr Olympia.
In my own Bathroom Mirror.


Active member
Well this WAS true. Back in the 70`s 80`s But Mid Nineties things started to change BIG TIME. Nothing about the same people winning without drugs now.You got Shawn Rays etc juicing since 14 man c`mon.

It's still true.
Why does the fact that they take more nowadays then they did in the past have any bearing on a persons genetics?
Everyone competing is taking more then 30 years ago, and there are more things to chose from now then there were 30 years ago, but you still need the genetics to advance to the elite level.

There are guys at struggling to win at the state level that take just as much if not more then many of the guys winning at the pro level.
Drugs will not change your bone structure.
Drugs will not change your muscle insertions and tie downs.
That stuff you have to be born with.(and Shawn Ray has great both)

There has always been guys that have advanced to a level that they would not reach if no one was taking anything, Markus Ruhl, Dennis James, both have bone structure and muscle insertion issues, but they still have advanced despite having them by sheer massive drug induced size.
But for the most part you still see the guys with the great X frames and muscle shapes consistently winning


Active member
But I agree that there are way more people that have boatloaded there way to the advanced levels today then there were 30 years ago.
I also think there is a degree of politics involved today that didn't exist 30-40 years ago due in large part to the explosion of the supplement industry.
The subculture worships that giant freak size, and wants to be like it, so the freaks are popular, and get the big supplement endorsement contracts instead of the skip lacour's and the other natural guys, no one wants to see some medium sized guy on their bottle of Noexplode, or muscletech product, they want to see the freak, and be like the freak, and believe the freak got that way with the muscletech(or whatever) product.
A lot of the contest promoters own the magazines and supplement companies and I think they influence who wins and this accounts for some of the people advancing on sheer size and popularity and so so genetics.


ICMag Donor
Yeah you sound ectomorph like me.
Do you know what the ancient Greek standard for physical perfection/balanced development was?
It was having the same size neck, upper arms, and calves.
So you bring those arms up a couple inches and you will have the Greek balance.
At least you don't have to worry about taking off a bunch of fat first, and can focus on just building.

As far as posting specs, I wouldn't worry to much, but if you see a cop coming up to you with a tape measure, RUN!!!!!!

HAHAHAHAH....yeah, fear the cop with a tape measure...hahahaha....love it!!

Interesting about the ancient Greeks....perhaps I am closer to perfection than I thought...hehehehe. :woohoo:




ICMag Donor
are you trying to get ripped or get big frank?

At this particular time, I am working towards getting bigger...

I really am NOT trying to achieve behemoth status...just trying to improve my size a bit. I am just coming off of a 2 month cycle of getting more cut and fine tuned. Was doing all exercises with up to 50 reps of fairly light weight. Was focusing a lot on drop sets and isometrics as well for the last rep in every set....really pushing the muscle groups to exhaustion.

I will be keeping on a 4 day split...mostly because of time restraints...but also because it gives me more of a chance to isolate and focus on each muscle group...

Now I am shifting back to 2 sets of 15 in incremental (increasing) weight each set. To really benefit from this, I will be using heavy weight...and roughly 4 to 6 different exercises per muscle group....

My pairing was Chest/Shoulders, Triceps/Calves/Abs, Hamstrings/Gluts/Thighs, Biceps/Forearms/Back....but I might change this around a bit and also change what day I work out each specific pairing....gotta incorporate a bit of muscle confusion as well....don't want my body becoming stagnant and too familiar with the routine...which I THINK it has a bit....so, changing this around a bit will be more than likely necessary...



ICMag Donor
Have to say I am loving this thread...hahaha...I mean, here we are...the cannabis growers of America...the "pot heads"...and here we are, in better shape than 85% of the general populace....

Just goes to show that de-motivational syndrome is a bunch of CRAP. IN FACT...I will be using a heavy hunger inducing indica to help me eat as much calories/protein as I will need in order to make the gains I hope to achieve...hahaha.

It blows all the mans' little stoner theories RIGHT out of the water...hahaha....



Active member
I will be keeping on a 4 day split...mostly because of time restraints...but also because it gives me more of a chance to isolate and focus on each muscle group...
So you train 4 on and 3 off, or that 4 day just keeps repeating with no off days?


ICMag Donor
So you train 4 on and 3 off, or that 4 day just keeps repeating with no off days?

I train Mon, Tue, Wed is off day (technically a cardio day...I jog 3-5 miles and shadow box for an hour). Then train on Thrus,Friday...with Sat being a complete off day and then Sunday I do Yoga for about an hour give or take and then go for a 20mi bike ride....


Active member
Yeah, this thread is great! I have to agree that the top pros of today would be still be the top pros without the drugs, assuming everyone didn't have the drugs. Even with the juice, you have to eat right, lift heavy, sleep, etc...
Most guys juicing work even harder than natural guys. Of course there's always going to be the guys who juice to get big, and then shrink back down to exactly where they were before because they didn't have the proper diet and training.
There's nothing wrong with lifting to be fit Frank! Personally, after I do a show in March, I'm going to be taking a break from lifting heavy. All of my joints seem to snap crackle and pop lately...
I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to be talking about other drugs in these forums, but it's in the appropriate thread. Steroids are undeniably a part of bodybuilding. Most of the talk is to stay away from them too, so I don't think there's a problem. Steroids can cause serious health problems, along with many other legal supplements.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Dank: I respect the fact that you're trying to maximize your natural potential before (possibly) moving on to AAS. That's the way it should be done.
Also not trying to imply that you want to or should want to move on to AAS. I personally don't consider it a bad thing if done responsibly and intelligently.

Ddrew: A+ on the hypocritical supp industry and their lies. Flipped through a BB mag last week: filled with ads promoting 'protein this' and 'NO that', all accompanied by pics of guys who clearly are juicing (and make no mistake, every IFBB pro is juicing).

BTW, anyone watching the Olympia this year? Ive watched it streamed live online. Is it Gustavo's year? Which company's (Celltech, Muscletech, EAS etc) posterboy is going to 'win' this year?


Active member
BTW, anyone watching the Olympia this year? Ive watched it streamed live online. Is it Gustavo's year? Which company's (Celltech, Muscletech, EAS etc) posterboy is going to 'win' this year?

End of October isn't it? I would like to watch, it's always fun to check out the monsters.
I haven't really been keeping up with it that much the last few years.
Who won last year? Dexter?
Isn't coleman making a comeback? I thought I heard that, I'm out of touch with the pro scene, I used to follow it fairly closely.
I'll have to plop down at the barnes and noble with a bunch of the magazines and catch up, lol.

Gustavo? Has he even finished in the top 3 before? I can't remember.


Horse-toothed Jackass
The Olympia website says it's set for the end of September. I only watched one one streaming webtv two years ago, the '07 one where Jay Cutler repeated. I missed last year's, where Jackson won. Was kind of surprised at that. I mean, we know Cutler's basically a refrigerator with arms, but at least he had a size advantage over Jackson. Jackson's got pretty good symmetry though...
I'm not a fanatic about watching it, theyre interesting but the whole thing gets grotesque after a while (oiled up musclebound dudes in g-strings, I can only take so much of that). Still, it's always nice to see who wins the title of most effective steroid-HGH stack :rasta:
I just googled Ronnie Coleman comeback and supposedly he said on a radio show he was going to compete in the 2010 Mr. Olympia. I don't think he expects to win, says he's only doing it for the love. While he may not be top dawg any more (unless that nerve injury got healed) I think he can have a top 20 physique once he gets training. In my opinion he was the greatest of all time.
I just threw Gustavo's name out there. Saw him in a lot of ads when I flipped through that bodybuilding mag last week, so I thought he might be the next one the companies are grooming to be the next Mr. Olympia. You think that goes on, that the sponsors pick who wins? Cause honestly they all look pretty much the same to me, then again maybe i don't know what to look for.


Active member
Well I don't know if they outright decide before the contest who's going to win.
But there have been some very controversial Olympias, 1980 comes to mind, when Schwarzenegger jumped in late, and won first when he shouldn't even have cracked the top five.

I like Dennis Wolf and Victor Martinez(sp?)
Dennis is bottom left and Victor is top left.


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Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, I heard about Ah-nold's dubious Mr. Olympia comeback. Guess if you're a famous actor you can always come back and get a Sandow (was that pre or post Conan the Barbarian? I know it was certainly pre-Terminator...)
BTW, Ah-nold in Pumping Iron: best non-mass monster physique ever.

Geez, look at those guys. Unreal. They're like straight out of an anatomy book.
You're right about Wolf and Martinez, people said they should have been #2 and #1 respectively in 2007, when Cutler repeated.
Martinez missed the Olympia last year with an injury. If he's back to form, he probably should win, but I don't know if the supp companies would let him, since he has a criminal record for steroid (and ecstasy) dealing. Wouldn't want all their customers to know that Mr. Olympia got his physique by injecting a dozen different steroids and hormones into his butt...
BTW, anyone ever see MTV True Life's "I want a perfect body" and "I'm on steroids"? Pretty interesting shows...


Active member
I hated that I'm on steroids show... lol.. a guy who never works out, a male model "if I can lift all this weight, they have to build me a new machine", and wasn't the other guy a fighter or something? idk, I forget...


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, those guys were definitely douchebags. Well, except for the mma guy, he seemed to be a hard working guy who had a passion for fighting.
That male model was kind of a douche and definitely could have used more knowledge about bodybuilding. The guy who barely worked out knew as much about bodybuilding as the average 14 year old who works out to get big 'bicepts' [sic].


When I was in HS I was all anti drug (yeah, weed too) anyway...would NEVER touch the juice. Then all of the sudden, dudes starting walking on with 34 inch quads and pressing 400 and shit...like that, the roids found my sleepy little town and our athletes got huge overnight. Ifr you wanted to play, you had to play.

All the guys that messed with that shit back then had no idea what they were taking, I took a handful of pills here and there and made the decision to go all natural. The star RB on our team is now a bouncer at the local bar, got some sort of skin infection that ravaged his body, scars everywhere and he's bald, it looks like he has cancer. When the gear ran out, he developed manboobs...still has the Cavariccis too (member those?) But he did manage to bang 55% of his graduating class--so it's all relative I suppose.

I have a buddy that took some shit for years, he's got bitchtits and can't get his wife pregnant. Won't go the Doctor, just keeps ordering more net hormones to cure the problem. (We call him 'pecker farts' around the locker room, yanno...nothing comes out, your pecker just makes farts.) I know, mean but men's locker rooms always are.

Then there's the rock hard shit kicker in my gym that's 68 and looks like he's 28. He's on HRT under Doctor's orders and I wish I had his body at half his age.

The right combo, done sensibly--all good. The wrong shit, done by amateurs or ordering shit on the internet--all bad. Know what your taking all, no matter what your drug of choice is please, don't be pecker farts or bitch tits.


Horse-toothed Jackass

You think those guys didnt do proper post cycle therapy? Sounds like their body chemistries are out of whack, and 'pecker farts' lost his ability to generate testosterone naturally...