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Any Good Stuff on Netflix or Prime


ICMag Donor
I don't know if it was mentioned or not, yet, but the Ted Bundy doc. on Netflix is really, really well done.

Checking it out.

Edit: Add on;

Binged through most of it and will finish tomorrow. You were right, very well done.

Great recommend. Thanks.

Edit: Add on;

Finished it, Very well done.

St. Phatty

Active member

When Gus had the 2 assassins sitting in his chicken restaurant, why didn't he serve them chicken ?

It would have been a way to occupy them, and to keep them from being disruptive.

Obviously they aren't there for the chicken.

But if you have assassins sitting in your restaurant, there's sort of a time-killing aspect to the situation. Plus there's the organized crime aspect of showing respect. There's nothing wrong with Gus showing respect for the assassin's boss.

I've only known one organized crime type person in my life so maybe I'm a little naive. But from knowing him from the gym, I know that showing respect by giving someone food is not a bad idea when you're dealing with a cave-man leg-breaker mentality.


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Vanilla Phoenix

Super Lurker
ICMag Donor
Finally decided to check out The Wire. It’s pretty awesome I will say. Just started season 4. A lot of ppl on reviews said season 4 is some of the best tv ever made.

What have all you couch potatoes been watching?


ICMag Donor
Watching Band of Brothers now.

Good series on the Invasion of Normandy.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Watching Band of Brothers now.

Good series on the Invasion of Normandy.

One of my all time favorite Mini-Series and I just finished rewatching it.
I even ordered the book "Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters".

If you enjoy the it, you also need to check out "The Pacific".


ICMag Donor
One of my all time favorite Mini-Series and I just finished rewatching it.
I even ordered the book "Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters".

If you enjoy the it, you also need to check out "The Pacific".

Cool, I will definitely check that out. Thanks.

St. Phatty

Active member
A question for the Breaking Bad-ologists -

After Walt kills Gus & they are re-grouping & looking for a new retail outlet, when Walt was negotiating with Declan over percentages, Walt offers Declan "35%".


They never get specific. 35% of what ?

It seemed bogus - for a show that's done a pretty good job of seeming realistic.

Walt was selling his product for about $2000 an ounce.

He needed a Reliable business partner.

Given how much Walt & Jesse were making as manufacturers, they could have offered Declan 50%.

They could have offered Walt's Blue to Declan for $1000 an ounce - $16K a pound.

For a first meeting with a new business partner, offering the guy (Declan) a 35% "share" just seemed un-realistically chintzy.


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I think the offer was 35% of the sales that Lydia arranged and she was getting a piece of the pie too. So 35% seems generous. Walt had made the change to Heisenberg having killed Gus Walt was on a huge Power trip. Walt was making something no one else had, especially in the Czech Republic. Delcan's lab with Todd cooking could not produce the trademark blue.

St. Phatty

Active member
St Phatty are you watching BB for the first time?
It's awesome I re watch it every few years.

Nope, definitely not the first time.

I've been living with Blood Poisoning & no medical help for it since October.

I knew I needed something to help me pass the time, so I subscribed to Netflix streaming. I've probably streamed Breaking Bad 10 times now. Good thing they charge by the month & not the episode.

3 weeks ago I got an email from another patient, who had a severe allergic reaction to a root canal.

I had the suspect tooth (which got the root canal in October) removed yesterday.

I have asked dozens of people to recommend a dentist. 2 weeks ago, standing on line at the bank, I asked a woman and we got to talking and I told her I might have had a bad reaction to a root canal.

She said, "Yes, I hear that happens". Since it's been a 100% brick wall on the subject at all 9 medical facilities I've been to, I said,

She elaborated, her brother is a dentist and he told her, lots of people have bad reactions to root canals, especially upper jaw root canals.


A/ Watching lots of Netflix.

B/ after one day, I experienced more energy when I woke up. Pain levels in the teeth jaw nose were about the same.

Tinnitus - hissing ringing sound/sensation in the ears - is substantially less, not as loud. That onset after the root canal but I never put the pieces together.

The cerebral cortex, which has the many pain centers you might find the names of if you do a websearch, is right up there behind your forehead.

4 inches from the tooth that may have been poisoning me.

It is a very strange situation, an awful lot like directing one's own appendectomy.

I just ejected the DVD "Venom" - not much plot, sci-fi - and am now watching Bones, Season 12, Disc 1. :)
We had a case here where dozens of children were infected by a contaminated water source at a kids dental clinic. Maybe improperly sanitized implements. If root canals are 100% safe then it is a reasonable assumption that errors were made by the practitioner, or contamination in the office.