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Another Crappy Day in Paradise..... Do it Again.


Well-known member
See If I Remember How To Do This.....

See If I Remember How To Do This.....

It's been a year. A little more since I disappeared. Some of you have been asking what the hell happened. Before this point I really haven't wanted to talk about it, and maybe I still don't, but what the hell.... I did leave you all hanging.

I can't tell you the whole story. Doing so would basically out me. But for those of you that care, I'm still here, on the hill, doing what I always did.... and that is one of the problems. I can do another Another Crappy Day and it would sound almost identically to the last four or five. Point is I've rode this horse for a long fuckin time. The horse still goes, but the trip is the same, and it is beyond getting old.

Don't get me wrong. Do you have any idea how lucky I am? I'll be the first person to admit that skill played no part in the production. But in a war of attrition, I do seem to be the last one standing.... go figure.....


The garden is still there. Out in the gulch.... no change. A small change in the front garden though. There I put up a tarp so the plants don't get rained on. On the front deck we did the same thing so my starts can't be seen from the air.

The genetics are all the same. Skunkdog, Chem D, GG4, Valley, If it ain't broke, don't fix it. There are some new flavors in the wings, but until they prove themselves....

The last few Winters have been wet. This one is dry. The last year was a good one as far as weather went. Green Harvest flew, but without a ground crew. So, nobody here got visited. Dispensaries went and opened, with great fanfare, but within a month reality set in with the weed buying public. You got half as high for twice the money. Oh well.

So, it's kinda like everything has changed, yet nothing has changed. I sit here and do the same crap I've done for twenty years. If anything though, as time passed it has gotten easier, a niche, once built, is not easily abandoned. I've built myself a nice comfortable trap. And it's not like I don't have eyes. I have seen others expand. Little empires being built. Fact of the matter is if your not advancing, your declining. And I'm in decline, but I really don't care.

What is happening on the mainland is ugly. And it's gonna get uglier. A dinosaur like myself would stand no chance there. Yet, here, in the land that time forgot, that shit just doesn't affect us.

Other than the malaise, everything and everyone is good. The dogs send their love.



Active member
glad your ok and the gg4 found you, I know what you mean about the decline and the riding the same old horse along with the not caring, seems I don't really give a fuck about much anymore,


passing the gas
welcome back OH, you didn't miss much. let's see what's in yur gultch.

did the dogs finish off them rippers?
It's been a year. A little more since I disappeared. Some of you have been asking what the hell happened. Before this point I really haven't wanted to talk about it, and maybe I still don't, but what the hell.... I did leave you all hanging.

I can't tell you the whole story. Doing so would basically out me. But for those of you that care, I'm still here, on the hill, doing what I always did.... and that is one of the problems. I can do another Another Crappy Day and it would sound almost identically to the last four or five. Point is I've rode this horse for a long fuckin time. The horse still goes, but the trip is the same, and it is beyond getting old.

Don't get me wrong. Do you have any idea how lucky I am? I'll be the first person to admit that skill played no part in the production. But in a war of attrition, I do seem to be the last one standing.... go figure.....


The garden is still there. Out in the gulch.... no change. A small change in the front garden though. There I put up a tarp so the plants don't get rained on. On the front deck we did the same thing so my starts can't be seen from the air.

The genetics are all the same. Skunkdog, Chem D, GG4, Valley, If it ain't broke, don't fix it. There are some new flavors in the wings, but until they prove themselves....

The last few Winters have been wet. This one is dry. The last year was a good one as far as weather went. Green Harvest flew, but without a ground crew. So, nobody here got visited. Dispensaries went and opened, with great fanfare, but within a month reality set in with the weed buying public. You got half as high for twice the money. Oh well.

So, it's kinda like everything has changed, yet nothing has changed. I sit here and do the same crap I've done for twenty years. If anything though, as time passed it has gotten easier, a niche, once built, is not easily abandoned. I've built myself a nice comfortable trap. And it's not like I don't have eyes. I have seen others expand. Little empires being built. Fact of the matter is if your not advancing, your declining. And I'm in decline, but I really don't care.

What is happening on the mainland is ugly. And it's gonna get uglier. A dinosaur like myself would stand no chance there. Yet, here, in the land that time forgot, that shit just doesn't affect us.

Other than the malaise, everything and everyone is good. The dogs send their love.


Your threads from 2010 till now inspired me to grow monster outdoor plants and it's finally coming true.

I already got seeds started for the season - hoping to grow some true monsters and stay under my 10 plant limit!

Have some kc brains kc33, kc45, brains choice, nevilles haze, Colombian gold, MK ultra, various other indica dom freebies I got for paying with bitcoin :dance013:

Gonna make some sick hybrids...

Wish we could grow more plants - breeding weed here would be a dream.


hey buddy!!!!

glad to see u posting again...

i hear you about doing the same thing forever, but theres also a certain satisfaction that comes with that, is there not? seeing so many people styles and things come and go, and youre still here... plugging along.
im glad that you are, its certainly satisfying to me... you ever keep any rodney around?
Glad to hear you're doing well. Heard rumors, was in hopes they were wrong. Apparently they were, lol.
Same crap here in Nevada. Patients all excited about the dispensaries... Till they realized a couple months later, that tripple-taxed (and PM infested) buds are not a long-term solution. Upon return... Most of 'em were broke and asking for fronts.
Anyway, glad you're surviving unharmed. I had many hours/days/months following your diaries. Sad to see' em go.
I' m back indoors, doing DWC with CYCO nutes. Working (growmaster assistant) for a local grow op contracted with 3aLight. Loving it. Still here near Death Valley.
Hopefully this upload works...
Outdoor girls last year. In front, Twisted Gold, Pokerface, Sour Diesel...back of photo, GDP, Blueberry Kush, Grand Daddy Confidential...
4x4 tent, 600w HPS. Sour Diesel girl:
Despite the fact we've never met, I consider you a mentor, and friend. Best of luck to you in this new reality. :tiphat:
It's been a year. A little more since I disappeared. Some of you have been asking what the hell happened. Before this point I really haven't wanted to talk about it, and maybe I still don't, but what the hell.... I did leave you all hanging.

I can't tell you the whole story. Doing so would basically out me. But for those of you that care, I'm still here, on the hill, doing what I always did.... and that is one of the problems. I can do another Another Crappy Day and it would sound almost identically to the last four or five. Point is I've rode this horse for a long fuckin time. The horse still goes, but the trip is the same, and it is beyond getting old.

Don't get me wrong. Do you have any idea how lucky I am? I'll be the first person to admit that skill played no part in the production. But in a war of attrition, I do seem to be the last one standing.... go figure.....


The garden is still there. Out in the gulch.... no change. A small change in the front garden though. There I put up a tarp so the plants don't get rained on. On the front deck we did the same thing so my starts can't be seen from the air.

The genetics are all the same. Skunkdog, Chem D, GG4, Valley, If it ain't broke, don't fix it. There are some new flavors in the wings, but until they prove themselves....

The last few Winters have been wet. This one is dry. The last year was a good one as far as weather went. Green Harvest flew, but without a ground crew. So, nobody here got visited. Dispensaries went and opened, with great fanfare, but within a month reality set in with the weed buying public. You got half as high for twice the money. Oh well.

So, it's kinda like everything has changed, yet nothing has changed. I sit here and do the same crap I've done for twenty years. If anything though, as time passed it has gotten easier, a niche, once built, is not easily abandoned. I've built myself a nice comfortable trap. And it's not like I don't have eyes. I have seen others expand. Little empires being built. Fact of the matter is if your not advancing, your declining. And I'm in decline, but I really don't care.

What is happening on the mainland is ugly. And it's gonna get uglier. A dinosaur like myself would stand no chance there. Yet, here, in the land that time forgot, that shit just doesn't affect us.

Other than the malaise, everything and everyone is good. The dogs send their love.


Ah old haole you always were a lazy old bastard, I don't blame you for not trying new genetics, not building your own empire, and just chilling in your lil slice of paradise.. nothing will turn a man lazy like Hawaii I know it. but DAMN do I wish you'd do more!!! Go for another round, heres some farmin' music for inspiration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrj9yhOsmzIthrow (Take note: wake up before the dawn with a thermos full of coffee, take the tractor another round, another round.. pull the plow across the ground..PLEASE DON'T let MA DREAMS A RUN DRY! ;))

Grow some some more monster sativa hybrids; get some new sativas in there and invigorate those genetics! Veg the shit out of them with halides, grow giant fucking plants and show leo whos boss, grow em so tall their helis crashes into it FFS. You know it can be done. You've been doing it for years, lazy man style - throwing sativas on top on a pile o' dog poo and watching them grow into monsters I mean most people spend hours and thousands preparing their shit but you just, well shit, throw shit on it!!
Well then hell, add more dog shit, add more bat shit, horse shit all that shit, throw more shit on it! bigger holes, more shit, bigger plants its really easy!!!:woohoo:

I got a medical grow going now. I have been waiting (and training) for this moment for over a decade, I am in the prime of my life and nothings been better. Soon I will have 25 foot tall monsters growing in my backyard and they can fly over and count em all day, one two.. three, TEN.. nothing to see here!:peacock:

So I am pretty stoked and oldhaole you truly inspired me, all you did was throw some plants on shit in paradise but damn did it work did it not/ Not everybody has the BALLS to do what you do and i'm glad you had to cajones to actually do it and then post pics for the world to see. you don't realize it but you're a fucking HERO! No doubt the DEA has a case file on old fart on maui growing tens of lbs of weed., but they leave you alone - for now. I fear Trump and Sessions are gonna pull some wild shit with the MMJ here soon, moreso sessions than trump - whom I think supports mmj/weed in general but understands its implications in society as well and needs to keep protocol with the few republicans who support him.

Anyway that's my lil wall of text I dont expect anyone to read any of it but there it is. :tiphat:

Thanks again for the amazing photos oldhaole and I (and everyone else here) hopes you do it again! (and again and again and again)
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Active member
Glad to see you still alive and kicking OH. You have been getting pounded last couple of days, is the gulch running? Lighting strikes around me a bunch, lucky no hits on me.
You do wright way better then me.


Active member
Hey guys. I haven't posted in a while. Health issues and all. I wanted to see if you all had tips for maximizing the size of some plants I plan to put outside. The last time I grew and moved stuff outside most of it started flowering within 2 weeks of being put out. Some of you have some monsters going and I haven't been on the island or growing here long enough to figure this out.

On the mainland I'd get plants to about 3 foot tall before doing a guerilla grow and sticking them outside. Then they'd veg until early fall and finish by early to late october. Are there certain months of the year on the Big Island where it's best to put them out so they veg instead of go into flower? I'll be searching through threads but I could really use some help here since this is all medical for me and I need results or I'm gonna be stuck with out any bud for a while. I can't afford to buy it.

I'm running SSSDH IX x (one of 3 other males. Surprise grow...), CAT Venomdog x (same as first), my own C99 f4 or f5 x (same as other two) and lastly Peak's C99 F1's that I plan to use for back crossing my C99.

Thanks for feedback on the veg/flowering issue in advance.


Active member
tell dat old fart to get back in here and entertain us.
watching that gulch all these years inspired me to try it myself this year.:tiphat:

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I know this is an old post but I'm back trying to learn more about the nuances of outdoor growing on the islands. Those are nice healthy looking plants.

For any of you guys growing out doors can you answer this for me...My grows on the mainland were usually in silty soil (northeast). I'd always pick spots in advance and reuse them unless it wasn't safe, but I'd dig holes and lug out prepped soil for the holes. It doesn't take long to figure out that digging holes on these islands ain't exactly easy, especially with arthritic issues and the fact that top soil is non-existent...so are you actually clearing out holes full of rocks to put in good premixes or are you using oversized grow bags? I don't like them too much due to the drying out issue (not in mountain view any more...) and I don't like containers for guerilla grows...they can catch peoples attention.

I tried clearing a hole in my yard to throw a kratom plant in it and it took over an hour to get just 5 cubic feet of rock, gravel, and cinder moved, and with my arthritis it wrecked me for over a week after and I haven't bothered to mess with it since. Oh and of course the hole isn't big enough for my small tree of a Kratom, so it sits, wasting time growth checked in the biggest container I can manage to still potentially get moved into that hole when it's bigger. Just gonna hire contractors to clear that shit for my cripple ass when I get the money.

I gotta get this figured out soon as I have some ladies that need to be put out soon.


Active member
Around the middle of May at this latitude.


Cool thanks! Looks like I have 2 months to figure things out with locations and grow containers vs ground. I want to stick em in the ground personally. I prefer containers for indoor and ground for outdoor. Things just go better that way in my experience.


Active member
Cool thanks! Looks like I have 2 months to figure things out with locations and grow containers vs ground. I want to stick em in the ground personally. I prefer containers for indoor and ground for outdoor. Things just go better that way in my experience.

If you put out cutting ( unless pure sat ) this summer they will start to bud. Pop seeds in May is better. Clones are great, quicker and less chance of bugs. Big plants can get bore beetle in the lower elevations and mites are everywhere these days. Aloha DB

Hi OH we hijacked your thread. lol
Sfv x Tres


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Well-known member
It's another day in the salt mines.....where to start.....

First off....Militia....DB is right. As you know i USED to grow big plants. No more. For many reasons. Stick to clones. If you are having trouble digging a hole, raise the bed. Ya got rocks? Build a wall and backfill.

What you should be doing is networking with Weezer and DB and others. You should be figuring out what you bring to the table and then pick those guys brains.... they have done this before. Make yourself usefull. The way it works if you scratch their backs, they will scratch yours.

Big sativas are over rated. They take time, in that time you can harvest twice if you are growing clones. With 10 big plants as DB pointed out any problems can cost you. Lose a couple to anything and the numbers don't work. Also market wise they won't sell for what the clones do, so you trim twice as much for half the money.
Add to that you can't move'em, and GH loves to hastle guys with big plants.....I'd pass if I were you.....

Don't put the cart before the horse. You need a good veg room. That way they count what they see, but you always have the next wave waiting in the wings. There is no reason to flower things inside.

Even if you live on the dry side....you need cover. See what has worked for others and shamelessly copy the fuck out of them.

Now... Let's see what the Peanut Gallery has to say....

welcome back OH, you didn't miss much. let's see what's in yur gultch.

did the dogs finish off them rippers?

Ahhh no. The gulch is currently occupied by 10 small plants. One of the penalties of not giving a fuck. They'll be gone in a month. I'm scrounging stuff up for a cover for the gulch. Gonna do the same thing there that I did in front. Put a cover on with no sides to stop the rain.

As for the rippers.... both have gone to jail. I was but one in a long string of thefts.

Glad to hear you're doing well. Heard rumors, was in hopes they were wrong. Apparently they were, lol.
Same crap here in Nevada. Patients all excited about the dispensaries... Till they realized a couple months later, that tripple-taxed (and PM infested) buds are not a long-term solution. Upon return... Most of 'em were broke and asking for fronts.
Anyway, glad you're surviving unharmed. I had many hours/days/months following your diaries. Sad to see' em go.
I' m back indoors, doing DWC with CYCO nutes. Working (growmaster assistant) for a local grow op contracted with 3aLight. Loving it. Still here near Death Valley.

Rumors huh? who knows, maybe some small part of those was accurate. Maybe not. I'm glad you're doing what your doing. Looks like you found your niche. I may have to come to NV this summer or fall. If I do I'll look you up. As for the diaries, who said they're gonna go? They may, they may not, depends on the amount of enthusiasm I can gin up for the year.

As for the dispensaries, I just don't see how they survive unless Hawaii goes Recreational. Will that happen here? Possible. I wouldn't put it past the legislature, if just to deliver a poke in the eye to our joke of a president.

Glad to see you still alive and kicking OH. You have been getting pounded last couple of days, is the gulch running? Lighting strikes around me a bunch, lucky no hits on me.
You do wright way better then me.

This has been the tale of two Winters. The first chapter was dry and sunny. This was good, because the Kona Storms we had in August destroyed the cover on the bottom garden. They were back ordered on the Mainland so I didn't get it up until late January. The wet Chapter began February. We had like 10 inches of rain in 24 hours one day, and a week later another 5. The plants in the gulch were just put in, and the front is covered, so no damage was done. Now I just have to figure out how to cover the gulch with a set-up strong enough to survive a storm.

The roof leaked, but the gulch didn't run. Today it's overcast with more rain forecast for later this week.

I want to thank everybody for the good wishes. Later on I'll steal wifey's camera and put a few pics up.


Active member
If you put out cutting ( unless pure sat ) this summer they will start to bud. Pop seeds in May is better. Clones are great, quicker and less chance of bugs. Big plants can get bore beetle in the lower elevations and mites are everywhere these days. Aloha DB

Hi OH we hijacked your thread. lol
Sfv x Tres

The Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze IX was one of the purest sats I've grown. It had a delicious flavor and super happy high. The yield was miserable but good enough head stash. Plus I grew for seeds :). So I saved male pollen and have it frozen, along with a few other strains of pollen. The one Female I had died before coming back into veg. But she has a ton of mixed seeds that I will grow out and select for the best female to polinate and back cross to get as close to the orig. SSSDH IX I had. Same thing with my C99. But it isn't quite as sativiaish as the SSSDH IX. I grew out some mexican swag years back and one of those plants was a ridiculous sativa. My brother had a deer lay on it and crush it. He gave up growing that summer because he got ripped the year before (some c99 clones I gave him as a gift. Still pisses me off.). Any way, on a whim he went back to the field a month later and this sativa had grown at 2 90 degree angles from where the deer laid on it and it was 6ft tall. Buuut then close to harvest time the lot tender to that abandoned house took a john deere tractor to the field including the plant. You can't make this shit up. Bud ad plant every where. I'm pretty sure that was the last time he grew any bud.

I have clones and mothers waiting in the wings. Working on some more seedlings for variety and to do this back cross project.

Those bore beetles are monsters. They ate the hell out of some of my last grow. Neem oil helps but they're voracious and attracted to the bud. NEver saw them on any other of my plants. I was up in mountain view so they even make it up there. I'm just glad I noticed them because of how much damage they do and how fast. I actually harvested some bud a few weeks early and decided to just cook it all. So it went in the freezer to kill the catepillars and keep the bud fresh.I pick out what I could see but they're well camoflauged.

Listen, I appreciate the feedback and I can try to reciprocate. I'm cripple so my mind is my best asset. Those lightening strikes you mentioned happening near your grow can be managed. You don't have to risk getting your grow zapped (I imagine some poor stoners have had this happen already). If you find a few of the highest areas with a bit of distance, like 50ft from the grow you can make concealed lightening rods that will attract the lightening away from your grow.

First thing is to dig holes. Get them at least 2 feet into the ground. Then if you have access to CLEAN old radiators from cars or what ever, or even metal screen, you stick it in the hole, attach thin gauge wire to it, use a multimeter to check for continuity between the wire tip and the metal grounding you choose (aluminum flashing is at lowe's for like $10 for a roll. You can cut it up into a few foot long stripes. Then attach the wire, with solder if possible or better tack a cheap home made tack welder.) So once that's ready you take some lye plus sand/cinder and scatter it in the hole, put your metal grounding in, put more lye on top, mixed with sand or cinder if possible. The lye will improve conductivity between the metal ground and the actual ground. Then that wire needs to be put up in a tree. Magnet wire is super thin so it'll cost little, be easy to move, and easy to conceal. Some yarn will keep it in place on the tree. If and when lightening potentials come through they'll be more inclined to zap that line, which will get vaporized, but your grow will be safe.

Here's some cool stuff you can do too if you're artistic and can conceal it to prevent people from realizing humans are in the area. Under no circumstances should you set this up when there's stormy weather or calls for storms, or major changes in storm fronts. In fact, you can leave 2 feet of wire coming out of the ground separate from the main length of wire until the last moment when you're ready to connect the lightening rod circuit. It's worth making that connection easily removable so when you visit the site the first thing you do is disconnect it and move the connections at least a few feet apart. No strikes while you're there. Look up aluminum flashing, magnet wire, and see these reference videos to help. Thanks again for the tips on growing. And I apologize to Old Haole if this is thread jacking. I thought general grow talk for Hawai'i was what the thread was about. It's been a few years since I read through it because I've had bad lead poisoning and I've forgotten a lot.

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Active member
It's another day in the salt mines.....where to start.....

First off....Militia....DB is right. As you know i USED to grow big plants. No more. For many reasons. Stick to clones. If you are having trouble digging a hole, raise the bed. Ya got rocks? Build a wall and backfill.

Sounds like I'll probably do half and half with digging and wall building. All the more reason to find some good isolated spots for reuse. Should have thought about the raised beds but it will be a first with bud.

What you should be doing is networking with Weezer and DB and others. You should be figuring out what you bring to the table and then pick those guys brains.... they have done this before. Make yourself usefull. The way it works if you scratch their backs, they will scratch yours.

I need to spend more time on here reading and re-reading what I've forgotten from lead poisoning. I can chime in where it sounds like they might benefit from something I know. God knows I'm worthless for labor related things. I had to stop growing from 2010 to 2015 because of my bad tendons. But I made that 2010 grow big and I dried and vacuum sealed stuff. Keep it cool and you still have bud for those years where you can't grow.

Big sativas are over rated. They take time, in that time you can harvest twice if you are growing clones. With 10 big plants as DB pointed out any problems can cost you. Lose a couple to anything and the numbers don't work. Also market wise they won't sell for what the clones do, so you trim twice as much for half the money.
Add to that you can't move'em, and GH loves to hastle guys with big plants.....I'd pass if I were you.....

If I ever try big sativas it will be likely for a one time experience to see a monster in real life. I prefer guerrilla grows so I keep my plots to 3-4 plants and top em and tie down with tan yarn. I also try to take advantage of tree locations so minimize some of the potential view from air. Right smack in the middle of a field might yield a lot but it sticks out like a sore thumb. The sativa trimming is a pain. I settle for selecting the easiest bud to work with, the rest goes into the freezer for butter. My arthritis won't manage the amount of work that big sativas will throw at me.

Don't put the cart before the horse. You need a good veg room. That way they count what they see, but you always have the next wave waiting in the wings. There is no reason to flower things inside.

That's a work in progress. I've got about 25 clones right now. 2 mothers, ~14 clones, and newly sprouted seed stock. Gotta work on cooling, venting, and expanding. Not worried about inspections because they can take the thought of licensing what I do and shove it. I've grown since 2000 without any licenses and I'll keep going. Plus I don't trust these people. I already read about Trump's administration talking about starting to prosecute those with licenses in states. It's like gun registration lists. They know exactly where to go when you sign up. To each his own. But I trust myself to keep my mouth shut to strangers, those who can't be trusted, and to put up proper security to avoid problems. I appreciate you mentioning this though. A good veg room is at the heart of so many possible projects.

Even if you live on the dry side....you need cover. See what has worked for others and shamelessly copy the fuck out of them.

This I'll definitely have to do some searches on. I really really prefer to find places off the beaten path that no one is likely to go to, then keep my plants topped and spread low, plus the issue with visualizing what my spot looks like from the air at different feet. That helps the most I think. Never been busted or ripped personally. Only had to deal with deer, skunks, and cursed ticks. I wanna keep it that way. Hogs could be a disaster though. So I'll read up on whether many put out hog wire or scents to keep them away.

As for the rippers.... both have gone to jail. I was but one in a long string of thefts.

Screw rippers. I hope karma gives them time to think. They're stealing some one elses labor and possibly medicine. Don't mess with sick people. It's just wrong on every level. We've got enough on our plate to have to deal with our medicine being thieved. One of the guys who ripped my brother's swamp grow wound up doing a face plant off his dirt bike. He messed his face up and became some sort of christian after that. So karma got him on a different path there. My brother holds a grudge though because he never got an apology. We know this dumbass was one of the rippers too because it was drought time in Maryland and our swamp was one of the few wet muddy places around and my brother went on a tip from me to visit the guy the day it happened and there were 2 sets of muddy boots with the same mud that you'd see at our swamp. My brother shouldn't have shown the one guy his plants. I always kept it between me, him, and one other honorable friend that I could trust with any thing and I never personally got ripped. Gotta know any one you talk to about it in person real well otherwise you risk greed and envy and desire. Good motivations to avoid in any one.

This has been the tale of two Winters. The first chapter was dry and sunny. This was good, because the Kona Storms we had in August destroyed the cover on the bottom garden. They were back ordered on the Mainland so I didn't get it up until late January. The wet Chapter began February. We had like 10 inches of rain in 24 hours one day, and a week later another 5. The plants in the gulch were just put in, and the front is covered, so no damage was done. Now I just have to figure out how to cover the gulch with a set-up strong enough to survive a storm.

Those military camo screens seem like good cover. I was looking at them for mountain view when I realized the frequent intense downpours would still destroy the plants. Maybe you could try that for general concealment but when a storm comes have something heavier to put up like old military canvas tents that have been modified to act like a tarp. Just some thoughts.

Good luck with that. And if any branches snap on you I have repeatedly saved such branches by taking neosporin, applying it to the entire fresh split, then tie the split together with yarn, apply vaseline to the cracks, then wrap with duck tape. Baby them with less light and totally avoid more rain, and the plant will grow back together. It'll be lumpy and scared but can be the difference between a plant or no plant.

Hope your growing goes well. The colder weather and thicker clouds Kona side are killing me and the thought of laboring out in that sucks. But the thought of no bud sucks even more. So onward...